Nuggehalli LakshmiNarasimha, Hoysala temple #nuggehalli #hoysalatemple

Nuggehalli LakshmiNarasimha, Hoysala temple #nuggehalli #hoysalatemple

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Today's journey is towards Nuggehalli On Hassan Managalore road near Channarayapatna taking deviation if we travel 19 kms we reach Nuggehalli There is a temple which dates back to 13th century This belongs to Hoysala time amazing architecture Hi Welcome back to my channel I am here in this quiet village Very calm and sleepy village , Nuggehalli There is a temple belongs to 13th century It was built by Hoysalas I have come to visit this temple This temple is inside the village You can see the village around the temple This time we took a taxi We left Bangalore at 6.15 am , Now it is9:30 am This is a live temple under ASI Everyday pooja will happen as per rituals I am at Lakshmi Narasimha temple in Nuggehalli This place is 18 kms from Channarayapatna This was built during Hoysala period in 13th century Then it was an agrahara, a learning center called as Vijaya Somanathapura Here is am inscription stone This temple is built according to Hoysala architecture It is built on a platform called jagati in star shape It is a platform of 4 ft height in stellar shape This is very similar to other Hoysala marvels like Belur, Halebidu and Somanathpur We can see similar intricate work on stones here as well Hoyasala temples have a feature called kuta Like ekakuta, dwikuta, trikuta, chatushkuta and panchakuta depending on the towers in the temple If it is single it is called ekakuta IF two deities and 2 towers conencted in Navaranga called as dwikuta Nuggehalli lakshminarasimha temple is an aexcellent example for trikuta Inside they don't allow photography We can only take pics outside During Vijayanagara period they extended the temple You can see the difference behind me between Hoysala and Vijayanagar period What we see is Krishna's vimana There are 2 elephants in this hall This extension was built during Vijayanagara period This temple is like a family deity to many people Someone has arranged food today so many people here From here we are entering to the navaranga built by Hoysalas Photography not allowed from this point Door is closed as they are performing aarati to the deity inside There are 3 deities inside the sanctum Lakshmi Narasimha, beautiful Krishna with his flute and Keshava Even though there are 3 deities and Keshava is the main deity It is known as Lakshmi Narasimha You can see right side shikhara is different from the left 2 towers are like dravidian style and one is vesara Hoysalas built tower for Keshava temple in stone Later during Vijayanagar time 2 more towers were built in masonary A chieftain called Bommana Nayaka built the temple to fulfill his Guru's Pundarikaksha Somayaji's wish to see a temple in this place If we see from inside the village we can't imagine such a marvellous temple exist I came inside doubting is this is the temple I have come to visit But once you are inside you will be in awe This is the rear view of the temple Here you can see all the 3 shikharas together There is another story for sthalapurana As per the legend , there was a sage called rushabha He penanced for many years Lakshmi Narasimha manifested So the temple was built Here in adhistana there are 6 friezes Starts with Elephant in the first frieze Then horse, then foliage On the 4th level Krishna's story as per Bhagavata is carved 5th is for makara and 6th for swans You can see Bhagavata story here Here Krishna killing Pootana is depicted Krishna's child hood stories churning of butter, butter pots, bringing butter to Krishna are all carved here There is no guide in this temple If we know the story easily we can understand Vihaa - Amma who is this ? Me - You tell me who is this ? Vihaa - Vishnu , me - No Vi - Brahma , Me - in excitement correct how did you recognize him Vi - Because he has other 2 heads Me - Yes, this is Brahma. the 4th head is not seen as it is behind. another way we can recognise him is by his beads - Japamani Me - Can you see japamani ? Show Even Saraswati holds beads, symbol of knowledge Me - Who is this baby ? Vihaa - Saraswati ??? Me - No she isn't Me - What's she holding ? Vihaa - Looks like a bomb Me - (Laughter ) Bomb !!! No they say it is maize Vihaa - and on the other hand it looks like broomstick Me - No that is chamara or hand fan. Though what she is holding is said to be maize for me doesn't look like a maize Me - Who is this ? Vihaa - Vishnu Me - Correct. See here it is written as Narayana Me - Look at this , how beautiful this is ? who is this ? Vihaa - Krishna and Rukmini Me - What are they doing ? Vi - They are swinging , Me - Yes, how beautiful they are Look this looks different It is like what is said in our puranas as shriphala, bahubeeja It looks like custard apple Vi - It's the same. Looks like a bomb for me Me - This is keertimukha Vihaa - That's varaha Me - Not sure Me - This is all Vishnu's statues of different forms He has 24 forms. They have carved all of them here

They have other idols as well. But predominantly it's Vishnu's forms Because inside also it has deities who are other forms of Vishnu Ah !! This Ganesha is so beautiful !! Me - What do you see here ? How's he sitting ! Vihaa - Krishna ?? Me - hmm, Isn't he Vishnu ? shankha , chakra , Look at what is he sitting on ? Vihaa - Snake .. Me - Adishesha , look at the way they have carved him on stone Vi - Hmmm, designs are the most important things Me - Who is he at his foot ? Vihaa - I know Garuda ! Me - correct 'Sriadimurthy devarannu nandiya baichoja madida kanire' is the inscription saying this sculpture was sculpted by Bhichoja of Nandi Southern part of the temple is carved by Bhichoja North part of the temple is carved by Mallitamma we can't see Bhaichoja's sculpture anywhere else other than this temple Me - This is written in halekannada. This is also Vishnu

because Garuda is vehicle is at his base and he is holding shankha, chakra , mace and another weapon He is holding weapon on all 4 hands. abhayahasta is missing Me - Who is this ? Vi - Narasimha Me - Yes. There are many Narasimhas . Yoga narasimha, Ugra narasimha, Lakshminarsimha Inside one is Lakshminarasimha This is yoga narasimha Me - What's this story baby ? Vihaa - Vamana , Me - Very good ME - Look here, Vishnu in the form of Vamana is taking promise from Bali chakravarthy He is asking for 3 steps. What did he do later ? Viha - He grew grew , grew and grew Me - Yes he became trivikrama Vihaa - He put his step on space, then the earth and netherworld. Me - Hey, on whose head he puts his foot

Me- Vamana after growing to become Trivikrama keeps his leg on Bali's head This is incomplete See how Brahma is washing Vishnu's foot When Vishnu keeps his foot on space , Brahma is washing his foot Vihaa - Is it Brhma or Shiva > Me - Look at 3 heads Me - What's in her hand ? Vi - It looks like a bomb Vihaa - Let's take it as corn bomb Me - Corn Vihaa - Corn bomb Me - Look at her dress, so ornate Looks like a serpent Me - This is Bhairava. With him accompanies betala He is wearing a footwear Other gods don't wear footwear Same thing is replicated here as well Me - Vihaa , see here , this corner one Vihaa - 2 monkeys , Me - Look at the teeth carving Me - Who is this ? Vihaa - Narasimha , Hiranyakashipu, Prahlada Me - yes . Wonderful . This ugra narasimha Look at the intestine Vihaa - OMG ! it looks like a springy boar Me - What are you doing ? Vihaa - I am taking out Mr. Web size of the carving has reduced here Vihaa - yes like baby sizes Me - Again it is normal Me - Look at this Krishna your favorite god Look at the intricate carvings . Observe what is there around him

Vihaa - Cows, cows Me - How cute these cows are This is surya, sun. you can see his 7 horses i liked how the carved Krishna and all the other gods Might be so difficult to carve so much Me - Isn't it looks like showing some trophy Vihaa - No amma, this is something else Me - Who is this Vihaa ? Vihaa - Who is she ? Me - Observe it is not she it is he Vihaa - Arjuna Me - Yes Arjuna is aiming at the fish matsyantra, Draupadi's swayamvara Me - Look at this Indra , Vihaa - Indra and Shachi Me - Very good . Me - Why did you tell Indra ? what is in his hand ? vajrayudha is there He is sitting on Airawata elephant But there is only one trunk . There should be 8 right ? They couldnt carve 8 trunks it seems they have done it 800 years ago It is still available to see after 800 years also Look at this garuda beautiful isn't it ? Vihaa - Amma Vishnu is so intelligent me - Why ? Vihaa - Because Vishnu wants Garuda to be his vehicle. Garuda asks to be on top of Vishnu. Vishnu makes him as his flag 200-300 years back people started to paint the stone sculpture they have applied. Otherwise, originally no color is applied to the sculpture

Vihaa, who is this ? Vihaa - Who can he be ? Narasimha ? Me - No no look at his face Vihaa - Boar boar boar Vihaa - Varaaha This is Hiranyaksha , who is this ? Me - some demon Me - Who is on his shoulder ? Vihaa - Mother earth Me - Bhudevi, he is saves Bhudevi from Hiranyaksha Again Krishna , repetitions This is Garuda As this is in the corner and due to dripping water it is wet This is Hari Hara Me - What do you think about her ? Vihaa - Mother of serpents Me - Correct. She is called as Vishakanye She has snakes in her hands, legs everywhere Look at her footwear, heels and so stylish One name that often we hear about sculptors in Hoysala temples is Mallitamma Though we hear many stories about Jakkanachari His name is not found in any inscriptions All north side sculptors are carved by Mallitamma He has written his signature on each one of these sculptures Mallitamma actively worked as a sculptor from his 20th age to 80th age This is one of the few temples which haven't been attacked by invaders No sculptor is broken or deformed. There are minor damages though due to weather or due to some small damages by locals It has survived for 800 years. may be it escaped the fate of attack

Some of these elephants have clothes, ornaments Let's see horses Vihaa - Horses are fighting horses Even horses are decorated This elephant is in playful mood , its laughing The mahout is he hitting the animal ? Vihaa - He is hitting an animal that's against ancient law Me - vihaa which one you liked the most ? Vihaa - Want to know that ? Me - Yes Vihaa - I like this one Kaalinga nartana His wives asking for his life Krishna killing the serpent while his wives are begging for his life Are you proud that such rich heritage is in our country yes do you like to see them more and more yes Above the panel of sculpture , there are these kind of shrines carved there are carvings inside them as well When we start clockwise , first carving in south is Brahma At the end it is Dhanvantari I guess Here we can see Rama's family Hanuman Lakshmana, Rama and Sita Here we can see squirrel on a creeper next to Rama, Even squirrel is his family These are the works of Mallitamma sculptor This is dancing saraswati This maize is broken You can see beads here , symbol of knowledge Me - How was it ? Vihaa - I loved it It is so calm and quiet . No sound except for the bird and the breeze the carvings are so good This is so serene here Not many will visit You should visit this place Must visit place if you are travelling on Hassan Bangalore road Temple is open from 7 am to 12 pm But this main entrance will be open throughout the day If you don't come to go inside then you can visit any time of the day As archakas stay nearby. You can even call them. Evening it opens from 4 pm If you liked the video, please like share and subscribe

2020-12-24 02:24

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