Notre Dame Mauritius. It really is a nice place

Notre Dame Mauritius. It really is a nice place

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hi everyone welcome to  Notre Dame start the montage wow anyway we're at Notre Dame no no we're not  in France we're actually in a town called Notre   Dame a village a village called Notre Dame with  the church of Notre Dame the main reason why   the village is called Notre Dame which means  our lady it's there let's go have a look at it   no no churches are still closed but not today we  get to meet our good friend father Laval again   because he spends a lot of his time here   as with most of the churches in Mauritius  he actually assisted with its building and   design father Laval actually had a a cross that he  carried around all over Mauritius with him that he   actually bought from from France oh you mean that  might be it yes so we actually can't maybe we can   get him but he left his cross here now he carried  it all around France i thought it was small but   it might be i thought it was like just a chain  cross but yeah apparently it's an actual cross   wow so at the the church there's like  a garden of remembrance i suppose   really nice some benches and palm trees the  original church was actually made in 1848   with the the hexagonal bell tower  added about 20 years later 1860 but wow wow it is it is grand it's hard to see i'm going to try and  get you guys a better look at the stone oh i mean it is it is a fantastically made church   and i love the hexagonal thing but this is the  original the original part of the church over here   and beautiful grounds all around it  we'll have a bit of a look around yep it's difficult to get the  whole church and it's huge on some of the churches that we see the stones  are all square cut whereas this they just took   a stone and and shaped the two sides and then just  found a place to slot it in so each stone here is   unique and you you have to get an exact replica  of that stone to replace any that were damaged   which is not gonna happen let's face it but  you can even see the smaller stones actually   filling in so up there you got  these two tiny little stones they were just filling in so  each stone is actually individual   wow apart from the buttresses which are nice  and square i think they're called buttresses   and isn't it so nice to be out again and  the weather look at the sky it is just so   cooperating freedom freedom yeah yeah now we have  been in lockdown and now we're allowed out so   we're gonna enjoy it as much as we can we just  can't go in so what's inside will remain a mystery well in all my excitement i forgot to  mention while this place is called Notre Dame   this is our lady of deliverance so  this church our lady of deliverance   the town Notre Dame walking for the wait wait walking for the montage that's a community center behind  us and a pre-primary school   but we're gonna have a look quickly what this is i  think this behind me is the presbytery but i'm not   100 sure but it is a beautiful old building  look at the stairs wow and then square cut   so slightly modern here and proof again that a  lintel is held up a roof is held up by its little holders i'm really gonna have to find what what  those things are called so that i don't just   keep calling them roof holders maybe that's  their name they roof holders from now on   those are roof holders and then up there slightly   older so i don't know how you put the  old on top of the new but there you go it's quite pretty yes love to be able to stand on the  top there yeah well the rest of the   village of Notre Dame is in that direction  church here village there let's go explore it   because it's got some surprises something for you  liverpool fans yeah yeah you'll never walk alone we're now in downtown Notre Dame that's why i  got the face mask on and they've got a vegetable   market let's just call it a market because it's  not just there it's everywhere in this region   all around us so across the road  there we've got some vegetables   and then here as well when sticky up the  road too much but here as well so all over   wow and we are quite close to Congomah huh so those could be Congomah pineapples lots of people on the road we've got to be a  little bit careful oh the thing we've missed most   look at those samosas and that  chicken sandwich wow wow more um we're not sure what to call them we don't  know what those ones are so we'll we'll have   we'll have two of those and then we might as  well get the potato take one potato and one   chili one chili or one over there and  one aubergine no that doesn't make sense   uh how many do we have we've got too many now   this whole bag of food from here in Notre Dame  20 rupees oh i can't wait i'm going to try some   i don't know just randomly pick one the unnamed  one so this one is unnamed oh they're hot they   weren't even sure what they were look at  what is that it's like coriander and hmm let's get focused i've never  had these in Mauritius before okay and then focus onto me that was a real treat really really yummy  thing if you're coming to mauritius get one   of those for sure we don't know  what they're called but get one trying to cross the road this is how you clean fish look at that such skill but they look like lots of fresh fish all types of fish the type that they were scaling earlier but i think maybe Notre Dame is the place to come and  get some fresh fish they look really great and the   guy cleans them right here for you wow yeah we  just got to go around this person fresh fish i   still got some of my treats so we'll get back to  that in a minute and then all these vegetables yay we got a new subscriber thank  you awesome wow sweet potatoes pineapples we've got a new subscriber   really she called me back so she  could find out what our channel was look at those potatoes well now we've moved on  the potato one Riki's already scoffed half of it   but i've never actually had one of the potato ones i got splashed i came too close a little bit  of a traffic jam but let's try the potato one they're actually really nice i don't eat  quite a lot of it but there is potato in there   and it's surprisingly nice because the potatoes  soft and gooey like like a mashed potato   but it's held its shape with the the batter  which has a nice flavor to it i can't believe   i've been in Mauritius for four years and this  is the first time i've eaten the potato one   and we only got one now i'm definitely  going to try the brinjal one   is that for me that's right cheers everyone  so cool you actually just pull up on the side   of the road and get your veggies through  the window i love it that is really cool   drive through drive through veggies  Notre Dame has a drive-through   and done brilliant well done look at  that he must be a pillar of the community   oh wow wow that that's the worst joke of the day  so far please let it be the only joke of the day   look at all the pillars i hope you can see them  through the sun there's something over here i've   got to go and have a look at i'm really surprised  he didn't go on again about his roman ruins i am sure there's a story behind it why park it i mean there's plenty of space so  now he's going to park it on top of that one   some sort of story there for sure right  so practicalities in Notre Dame sidewalks   yep mostly check parking actually quite a lot   for a small place loads of places to buy  fruits and vegetables pretty convenient town there's also a lot of these cold storage places  where you get your meats from so you get your veg   at the market and then you get your fish and your  chicken and all that from the cold storage shop   i know it's like yeah this is that's supposed to  crossroads downtown all right we found someone who   sells briyani look wow steamy oh my word that  looks so perfect look at the rice standing up   this lady knows how to make briyani okay you can  cover it back up thank you so yeah you can see and 100 rupees for chicken biryani very good   well there is a pedestrian crossing so we will  try our luck lots of cars let's see how it works   thank you so it does work there  we go pedestrian crossing working what is it called in creole what  do you call it what's the name okay i'll find out what rub is okay i love it   they look amazing it must be a veggie day  because there's so many of them all over good thank you wow it's a bitter cucumber or something like this   mangoes you need to know how to  cook those properly and this is you make the fried things from them it's  quite sweet i'll figure it out i'll remember   will you look at that they do free cutting  nice machine i wonder if they have one inside wow so we're in the cold storage shop okay right so owner run very clean and  neat shop and in that room they cut up the   pieces however you want amazing that's so cool  thank you look at that so skilled butcher and look at that so you buy your whole chicken and  then you cut some pieces for you   oh and there's also the big machine if necessary oh merci very nice shop what a fantastic  shop it's got everything frozen okay so here we have a  gorgeous converted container   that is where they sell biryani and i'm  sure that briyani looks quite good as   well maybe this nice young man will  show me what his biryani looks like yeah yeah i just want to have a look yeah yeah oh  with the bread on the look at that chicken biryani   the best so if you need a chicken biryani come  to Notre Dame on a saturday 100 rupees only wow great thank you so much the biryani   might be great but i love the container wow in the back there there's a sign okay  wait wait wait wait wait we're gonna move   the side we gotta move the side because  they convert these containers into offices   restaurants like this or houses even not only do  they do biryani i'm rearranging your whole life okay so there's the phone numbers   uh Jaumeer and sons perfect really brilliant  converted containers wow excellent thank you   you can convert a container to whatever you want  train station put them put a lot together and make   a mansion so you saw that you've seen this one  but they've also at the apollo uh hospital in   near maca they've actually done a covert center  so you're driving past and you see it these guys   made it who knew you could have a container  converted by looking at a biryani yes biryani's   they bring containers you don't know who does  what and this is the pillars from the other side with a wreck at the end this really is a great little area people are so  friendly they really are you if you're coming to   Notre Dame you have to come and stop at this area  where you got the veggies and the really nice   friendly people but inside yeah you're gonna need  it it's really really cool we just popped in for   a quick five minutes of shooting some video of the  of the fruit and veg and uh turns out it turns out   we've got like tons of new friends what a great  place moving on doesn't look like the thorny one   but i think it is the thorny one i'll be okay  so this is the old train station for Notre Dame   uh just around the corner here and there it's  probably the light is better that way look at it   it is relatively modern for a train station  this would probably be in the platform i   assume that came down the road here uh the  train that is and uh very very short-lived   very very short-lived trained uh railway line  it came from Terre Rouge and went to long mountain   and from 1905 to 1928 only 25 years that's  all it lasted there is some more down here but what a great building i mean like i  said it was it was completed in about 1905   so that building is quite new but it looks like it  was built next to an older building which is this   one here now we unfortunately can't get to it but  i will just show you a little bit of it from here hopefully you can see some of it there now that is   an old building you can tell by  the cornerstones beautiful trees like i said it was it was completed in about 1905.  really really actually beautiful old building   nice and that would have been the railway line  no national monument so they could fix it up   and put a shop in it and call it the railway or a  restaurant you know we love to put our restaurants   the restaurant of Notre Dame at the old  train station gotta do the obligatory waiting for the train it's my turn to do the Riki it's not coming off to find some tobacco barns Bryan wanted to drive but i'm like no you don't  want to bring Tami down this road will get stuck   it was a bit of a hike through  the mud but so worth it tobacco barns can you believe it and mountains  surrounded by the mountains i'm going to try and   get through because look at what's here so well  come with me as we slash our way to the tobacco   barns i got Riki traipsing through behind me  oh wow i'm gonna spin you guys around because   have i look at that okay that's that's the tobacco  barn but have a look at that that's the mountains   they are so close the tobacco barns  have the best view of the mountains   and here they are there's no way in oh look  there's a little hatch at the top there this   looks like it's been added on on newly but look  at them i it's got a tiny little hatch at the top   but how would you get the tobacco  in here maybe through here i don't know i don't know looks like there was  a little hole there this one looks sealed up   so maybe there's something in that one but  look at these buildings they're beautiful   now we're not going to talk too much about tobacco  here because oh mud they still do tobacco here in   Mauritius and we'd like to actually go and  see where they're actually curing it but wow what great old buildings with  mandatory lizard okay he'd scamp it off okay now the mud here is a bit too  thick i got a little bit excited halfway up my shoe wow it looks like  the top has fallen in on that one   on both of them actually that's looking straight  at the sun but there you go wow what what great   farms in the in the just in the middle of nowhere  they're not heritage sites or anything or maybe   this is the door yes this looks like there was a  door here Riki's just talking about flue curing   and i think maybe that was the flue and there's  one at the top there that i showed you earlier   but what's this it's the door you guys just  can't see but inside there that's the inside   yes and Mauritius when tobacco was actually  introduced really early by the Dutch   but uh mostly when sugar started going  down in price a lot of people started doing   careful they're doing tobacco and it's kind  of weird because Mauritius is really humid but   they use these buildings to cure and dry  the tobacco kind of cool it's still here we got a little bit lucky on this one so i'm just  going to open this up and put the camera in and   we'll be able to see what's inside because i can't  actually get in but there we go so that's up there huh that's one of the flues i wonder  if i can just make out the other one   sorry about tilting you like this ah i  can't actually get that but there we are   hopefully we can make something out of that uh  i will show you what i look like in a second   this is why it's hard to actually get a a good  video in there this is where i am let me bring   you out carefully and then you can see someone's  actually planted a tree here so we can look in   but we can't actually get in it's just just  too narrow but wow what what a great what a   great i've never seen a tobacco barn so well i did  see that one but not like this not just out there it is a little bit raining the mountains  it does it frames the mountains and me   might try to take a selfie there i think i  think this might actually be turning into a   thumbnail yeah that's what i mean where's Riki okay so i'll try my thumbnail first tobacco  barns and things so just swing it around a bit and end point oh you're in video did you get some pictures of it me and Riki Riki doing lots of  selfies we just have one small problem   we got to go back there and  my shoe is already full of mud   we just like believe me look at how much Riki has gathered i can see paw paw trees growing   out of her feet so we're about halfway down  oh wait looking for the montage slipping and   sliding in the mud for the montage this is almena  tower but unfortunately this is as far as we go   so there are some great stories around  almena including why it's called el mina like literally the mine el mina maybe i'm saying it right maybe i'm not great  story you're gonna have to check out Riki's blog   yeah so go have a look at that it's got Rosicrucians Rosicrucians i don't know why that   name is a name you know it's very familiar but  anyway wow the sugarcane is so tall our good   family De Chazal Francois set up a sugar  mill in this exact area in like 1790 something   and this tower won't be his because he would have  had a very primitive mine sugar mine sugar mill   i've got mine's on the brain uh but this  was obviously put here later and it still   stands from almeina no he's not peeing in the  bushes he's trying to find the shady spot so   he can check his camera see if he was filming  the wrong way i must have pushed the button   okay cool so we don't have to redo all that you're not gonna tap me out ah yeah tapping out this is the Tombeau river look at it go  there's been a lot of rain recently but   that's not what the greatest thing about  the Tombeau river is look what i found i am very precariously balance but how awesome is  that bridge let me give you a better view that is   a beautiful bridge over the Tombeau river what a  beautiful i mean i i i wish i was on that side   there's a temple complex here so we can't actually  get any closer on this side but i think i'm going   to go across the road and get down from that side  so i can show you how awesome that bridge is wow well that's the name of the bridge  victoria bridge and it was erected in 1866.   there we go so this beautiful bridge that  i'm standing on is really really old 1866   they built it and they built it so beautifully  really beautiful bridge really beautiful bridge   let's get off the road now yeah traffic  probably also been here since 1868   amazing big chain wow what a great  place Notre Dame turned out to be that bridge will take you to it so come down here  next time you are in Notre Dame it is beautiful here   but visit Notre Dame it is surprisingly  great so from us thanks for watching

2021-05-05 17:55

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