Nobody heard of this place in SAUDI ARABIA | S8, EP42

Nobody heard of this place in SAUDI ARABIA  | S8, EP42

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No Oh man, look at this Unbelievable Al Ula, Saudi Arabia Season 8 - Eps. 42 Good morning Internet it is 8:20 in the morning and welcome back to the channel Welcome here in Al Ula Saudi Arabia It is time to leave my awesome caravan Uh, I really had a good time here But it's time to move on. Today I am riding to a place called Wadi Al Disah which is about 250 km to the north from here But I also still need to fuel up so I think the total riding distance for today is about 300 km I've already laid out my stuff I only need to get it to Frankie Okay, so where I am heading? I'm heading just a little bit more north here in Saudi Arabia That will be kind of my final point in Saudi and then I'm going to head down south So where I'm going today it is somewhere.. around this area All right, let's go I did fix up Frankie a little bit while I was here So I have a little problem So it looks like I'm just missing..

Some screws Holding it up there And also over there That's a lot better Because I noticed that um.. Well Frankie's rear was hanging a little bit loose And quite frankly that didn't really surprise me because I've had a lot of washboard Like a lot and of course, in the video you only see a fraction of it But Ah It was dozens and dozens of kilometers of washboard so Corrugated ahhhh The beginning is always so corrugated Corrugations Oh man Oh Poor Frankie Only corrugated It's a shame that the track is so.. Corrugated You lose some screws here and there again but anyway fixed it And I've also tightened and lubed the chain and you know did some little maintenance so That's all done In case you were wondering like these pillars they're not real They're artificial They have like a mast inside I'm thinking for either internet or phone reception And they tried to hide the masts in the landscape So they made them look like a rock Now the thing is last night it actually rained here You wouldn't say so now but it did rain And now I really wonder if it also rained where I'm going now Because I am going to another wadi Possibly the most beautiful wadi in Saudi Arabia But if you remember my last adventure in a wadi Which was a much smaller one Uh, didn't end so well because of all the water that was there Okay, let's quickly fill up Good morning Uh full please Full up? - Yeah Uh uh.. cash

Cash Thank you Let's go Somebody walking.. ah two people Two people, two camels Hi! Where are you going to? Uh Medina To Medina Yeah we're walking north to south Saudi Arabia That's amazing Thank you How old? This one around 5 years Uh huh And this one also Oh hi This is a new thing for her, so she is checking Hi Juicy loves you! She is very curious Juicy and Lulu, our camels Oh I love them They're so cute How long did it take you to walk from Wadi Al Disah to here I think we did it in about a week.. a week? A week And then how long until you reach? Uh, we're going to reach Medina hopefully 3 weeks 3 weeks So there is one place. I have friend there, his name is Faisal Oh yes, good idea for you to stay Shaya got this.. it's an amazing hospedaje to stay in If you're looking for somewhere to stay Oh yeah It's really nice, it's Faisals friend Faisal, sorry, Faisal is Shaya's friend He'll message him and tell him you are coming Okay Very nice, his wife is adorable Yeah, sorry, she loves you Hi If you scratch this here Juicy and Lulu So adorable I know Okay so I'll note down where it is I'll tell you what. You can't have that camera We have like too many It's okay. I don't mind

That's his number and that's his.. You want to take a photo? - Yeah It's so amazing what you're doing, how did you get that idea? Because I've walked across countries before and I speak Arabic So Saudi Arabia for me is like a a bit of a dream - Ah Because I studied Arabic since I was 18 and Saudi used to be closed And now it's open and I wondered what it was like and what the people were like Yeah Really nice to meet you Nice to meet you We're hoping.. so I want to be the first person to walk across Saudi Arabia, north to south Which is possible..

But Shaya is one of my guides, well, my guide actually And, now we're hoping that we will become the first people So it won't just be me, it will be one Scotand one Saudi That's even cooler, no? That we're gonna become the first people so Shaya is gonna walk it with me the whole way, insjallah That's amazing - We hope Yeah - Yes Yeah you'll do it All right it was lovely meeting you It was lovely meeting you Good luck! Good luck Okay bye! Wow, that was so lovely What an amazing lady right? It is so quiet on this road There really is barely anyone going in this direction How are you? Thank god I'm well, hello Came from Al Ula Al Ula? - Yeah Al Ula - Yeah Huh? You go to Tabuk? To Tabuk, no Wadi al disah.. And then, Jeddah One tea, please Egyptian, egyptian How are you? [Egyptian] Goodbye What an amazing wadi right? It's easier to ride this with a 4x4 than on a motorbike But Frankie and I just going to plow through Okay Frankie Oh! Woo! Come on Rocks! Wow So beautiful! Oh Oeh Almost lost it there Very deep,very soft! Come on Come on! Well, if you have to struggle on a motorbike What an awesome place to struggle right? It is so beautiful here Um, I'm a little bit worried about my clutch though That I'm burning it a little bit It's really tough to get through this soft gravel ruts And yeah, sometimes I can get my speed up, I can stand on the pegs And then it goes better obviously, but then some stretches I just cannot get enough speed to stand up And then you're just kind of plowing through Which uh.. yeah, it's not so good for Frankie Nothing gained without a little bit suffering right? 'Cause yeah, you probably can't really see it on the GoPro footage But.. This is the.. Type of stuff I'm riding through Really soft and then you get these ruts You see them.. here

Which is really, really tricky It's actually really nice to just stop and be quiet 'Cause there's a lot of birds I see a lot of birds in those palm trees It almost sounds as there is also a woodpecker It's like, oh you see them? There's lots of them Tiny little birds Let's go Frankie Hey, it's getting wet here I hope it's not going to get deep again Oh it's nicer in the shade though Oh Oh, there's quite a lot of water here Maybe it's better to go around this one 'Cause I don't know how deep it is Come on Oh no Leads straight back into here Okay, I did bypass that big puddle Wow. Ha ha ha It's stunning here! This way What a route Come on This is incredible Ooh Very deep suddenly It's really unpredictable Sometimes it's really quite firm and then suddenly there's like this soft spot And you just kind of sink No Oh man, look at this Unbelievable Wow Oh It is getting so narrow It's like I'm in the jungle Right? Yeah Wow! I just can't believe my eyes This place is real It's like a fairy tale Look at this I wonder what like the maximum water level would be here You know if there's some rainfall It might be impassable I'm not sure If you can always come here Wow Wow wow wow Oh Every time I'm thinking I've never seen anything this beautiful and then.. The next view opens Wow Incredible Nice, some kiddies Hi! Yes I found Faisal's place Easy, easy Yeah Oh So this is where I'll be staying tonight It's really cute Look how nice, it is really cute So what a day, oh I absolutely loved today It was amazing! What a place, what a paradise And I already thought the last place where I was Al Ula that was one of the most beautiful places I've ever been to But today I was like I can't remember another place that I thought was this beautiful, it was so stunning And yeah, in the beginning it was quite hard work But in the end totally worth it and later it became a lot easier It was not so like, it wasn't so deep anymore, it was more compacted I suppose So then I could enjoy it more as well, but um yeah, it was fantastic I'm really blown away by the scenery in Saudi Arabia And now I am kind of heading towards the Red Sea coast And it's all mountains, it will all be mountains So I am super happy With that, also with what's to come and yeah, now I'm just staying in this really lovely place Under the palm trees, the weather is amazing, it's just perfect Yeah, this is really a good time of the year to be here I think It's just so nice and yeah, of course when I'm struggling in a wadi or in like deep sand or something I'll still get overheated a little bit but other than that it's absolutely perfect riding weather So super happy, so yeah I'm going to end this video That was it for today. I really hope you like this video If you did please give a big thumbs up, subscribe down below and then I'll see you in the next video

2025-03-06 21:44

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