Nijmegen Live Street Walk & Music!

Nijmegen Live Street Walk & Music!

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good afternoon welcome to naime netherlands  this is murat we are in front of steven's kirk steve stevens church is from 16th  century as i read on wikipedia this entrance is free to enter  a price it's not like a museum   unlike the other shorts  usually the big churches are wait some payments enter peace but not this one let me show you first if i can do in the beginning  i don't know if they allowed because i didn't ask   hello leo hartman it's a beautiful  day in nijmegen by the way oops hello it's the mini versions of the church those are great i think right because beautiful soon we will go out  and i'm gonna show you the local market   and some shopping streets we have exactly  one hour the maximum i think because after   that i have to go somewhere else to meet  my friends let's take a selfie with this george organ hello coding  hello welcome hope you are well it's the sailing so hello quinton joshua sunny sa hello malta network resources it's also sunny here we are just having a quick tour and then  we will go out and check the local market   and shopping streets look at the  door it must be prison in the past all right hello element 99 i saw a big organ  here let me show you in stavin's clark here it is all right let's go out and  check the wipes on the streets indonesia this might be an event room special room  is here hello paolo melo hello leslie   we have so many friends here today and one punk from california all right this is the end of our quick tour  quick church tour now i go out look at this building dave silver hello this backyard so it says it was a school  latin school it's built in 1545 and restarted in 1975. i think i think it looks gorgeous and this passage open to the marketplace directly what a great entrance to the church  and the warehouse is over there this is the marketplace the previous time i had visited nightmare   the local market was here but now they  moved it on the street the side street some people are having some bats  from the sun chairs on 16 celsius hello elizabeth hello my food for the people who doesn't who don't know  about anything about nijmegen this is a city   in the province of herderland in the netherlands  we are very close to the german border   should be only 60 or 80 kilometers from here so we are very close to the germany alright i'll try to show you let me try to show you the map which i took today alright it seems i can't do that oh okay i don't know if you can see that this is the red red point is where we are as  you see it's very close to the german border   and it's pretty far away from amsterdam century hello publicity yes we have a great weather  today 16 celsius it might be the last sunny day in nijmegen until may i mean because we are in october and it's almost like a  spring weather it's 16 celsius here's a fist stall   there's a long queue here i think  it's a famous one five harding fish   for 10 euro if you buy only  one 2 euro and 20 cents also kibbe link kabalyao and lacquer back  other popular fish in the netherlands fish hand chips 8 euro 50 cents muslim  50 euro 5 euro i mean about 50 shrimps   with garlic five year and fifty cents  and some salmon farmer fish eight euro is some vegetables cheaper than amsterdam prices avocados two for two euro pretty cheap banana peas fresh this is the marketplace this is the square where   people get together next to waking  house and the stevens church also there are bars and  restaurants doors to the square   bakery gorgeous 2 euro 50 cents produce  this package is 250 cents it's pretty cheap   it's half baked so you warm it in your oven  cisco coco's cookies five of them six euro have some clothes oops no no exit here this looks good how much is that 38 38 euro this tiger tiger crotch it's india it seems or pakistan i don't know 38 and there's a bodyguard version that's one of the main  shopping streets of naimaihan and that way goes to the riverside the  wall it's an extension of rhine river so the downsides there are  many other restaurants also   at the riversides riverbank keyboard thanks so  much for your super chat for my team thank you such a beautiful weather today and it looks pretty costly  after local market i'm gonna   explore that shopping streets i will use  that money for my espresso later thank you look at the gorgeous view in my american center that's the church we visited at the beginning  of the video and yes this is waking girls to be honest i don't remember that but it was  such a great weather again on my last visit i   remember that actually today i saw a musical band  and they told us they will be in the city center   the whole afternoon maybe we can see them our  roots i think wide angle is better for your view 30 year old woman clothes 15 euro top this looks a bit turkish so we see that  also in the netherlands it's possible i'll try to find that spans watch battery 5 euro they say so watch  and bags this is something fetish i think this is kind of fetish we found a fetish stall in the local markets thank you yes another gorgeous historic building is here i forgot to mention for the new cars this  is the oldest city in the netherlands   according to the current recourse is the oldest in the netherlands and next  to the german border it was built by romans there are some roman ruins from 11th century in a park like 50 minutes from here the riverside is beautiful but  today i don't have time to go there in our previous video we already visited riverside   so today i was just walking around the sand  room and around the local micro shopping streets this is this looks like a muslim muslim shop  i think yes multicultural nymerian stalls   could be indian pakistan and the prices are quite cheaper 10 euro 10 euro mustang plus being muslim is cheap you see 50 cents winter warmers whoa look at that   blocks the heat in the iconic thermal  soap i think those are more expensive that's what you need in the netherlands the municipality house i see olympia place again vietnam olympia lastly i think i must have to visit this town  love the store thanks so much there's the   special meaning per meter three euros and this is the lumpia pretty special  mini lumpia 3 year old 90 cent it's so crowded so let's go further of course there is a strip  waffle place that's true one package well it's 10 euro crocodile crocodile   bax 15 year old 17 going back to europe okay i'm running away  because of copyright problems okay first time i see a pokemon stall  in a locomotive in the netherlands yes hi okay if you live in the netherlands and if you  have a bicycle you need that kind of strong chains especially in amsterdam if you don't use a strong  chain it will be stolen but actually it doesn't   matter how strong it is if someone is determined  to steal your bicycle he will get it anyway the big ones per kilo 13 year old most   there are different type of  cheeses i think this one is spicy extra ripe okay that's the actual marketplace  actually and then there is a   construction over there and also there is a park for children that's right they moved the  local market on the street   so i'm gonna return i'm gonna be  returning to the main shopping streets by the way naimahan was chosen uh as  the green capital of europe in 2018 because of their environment friendly projects  bike lanes nature well-preserved nature et cetera okay running away from the music again  because of this copyright things i have to   move faster paula mello i'm just drinking  a double espresso with two different mods   thank you paolo mero me too if i see a  fast quick espresso place i will do that   today i have a limited time again because i  have a meeting this evening with my friends   i don't have much time so i will finish  this video strictly in an hour lately maybe tomorrow i will consume  more and more espressos this is an open-air shopping mall similar to  the one in zanda might think also in rotterdam   i think it's a popular um shopping  mall structure for the netherlands so two floors upstairs and downstairs   unfortunately we are in the opposite  direction of the lights sorry about that soon we will be getting rid of that let's see maybe we should go down by the way today i visited the  worst longest 3d printed bridge   in nijmegen and i made a video i will  share that with you next week as a vlog let's take a look down whoops there's a little part space over there oops another locomotive oh my god they play copyrighted  music everywhere today please do not play the music you don't own  this is more like a book and music markets i will leave the area quickly because  probably they play music everywhere here okay this is a history  restaurant arsenal from 1824 arsenal restaurant also in northern  another historic town in the netherlands look at the disco ball half open  disco ball and a little party children entertainment everything is about the  children in the netherlands okay the guy is so slow i'm not right that's oh my american locals are enjoying the last funny  weather today probably the last one until may   or april and it's 16 celsius even it's sunny  on the next week it will not be warm like this   i guarantee that and in the morning it was  eight celsius now it's 16. what's foreign okay now i go slow down because we arrived to the main shopping street in autumn let's go towards there okay let's find a good espresso place and make tibor and paola happy i don't have my favorite coffee shop in i make him   i know only one the one i visited on my last video  oh another vietnam street food over there in the vietnam street foods everyone goes to the other direction  i think i'm in the wrong way did you see the grandma she's not stink even on the bike lost that flag with prides pride is in august but  maybe there is another prize in nijmegen i don't it's celebrated in august in amsterdam  maybe in helderland province it's difference right looks good fields here okay let's go to the espresso place you like victorian i hear some dutch music we are back to our fish stall which  i showed iron fish in the beginning unfortunately you couldn't see the music bands maybe they finished or maybe they are  resting somewhere i don't know it's pretty   they were good okay i think this is  one of the most beautiful streets   of nijmegen because there are many  interesting shops and cafes restaurants sites no cars just back and walk yeah in this  center in the old town yes it's true and still gorgeous view of steven's kirk well i hear the sounds of the music man  so i will go back and i'm gonna show you   okay we changed the plan i was actually going towards to the coffee place  but i'm hearing the sounds of the music event i found them hello i can't pronounce your name sorry yes definitely i can hear their sounds approximately they are a feminist away from here yes every weekend i'm in a  different city of the netherlands thank you i think they are at the same place  but i saw them before the video   i think all this is so similar  yeah in a way it's correct every shape structure architecture  they are very similar but   always there is something extraordinary or  something important in that place or towns maybe you can hear the sun now they are on  the next corner so we are going to see them can you hear the sound they make so much noise beautiful noise i don't know i is been there yet but i will visit   carnival yes carnival i don't  know what carnival is that normally mostly there's a big festival  here and i made him four days march   it's in july i think oh it's so crowded i'm gonna try to find a place give me evidence so so so so do maybe they are very so so so huh so good so so so so so oh so so so so so so so so i think this goes forever what so what a performance i think you like that this is the end of the performance  and also end of the video actually   because i have 10 minutes left to  start cycling to do training station i have 10 minutes cycling to the train  station and i have to find my bicycle   my foldable bike is with me today in american  i will be heading to amsterdam central   and i will be there in the evening with my  friends wong bong that was a treat thank you   i'm so happy to do to find them actually i was  going to the coffee shop and the riversides   and i was going to show you that some  interesting shops in that street but we   will postpone it for another time because i heard  the sounds we follow them i like them it's great i mean i'm not a professional but i like the sound okay this is a short quick tour thank you so  much for watching see you tomorrow tomorrow i   will have another livestream maybe in amsterdam  i will decide it tomorrow maybe in denmark maybe   in amsterdam i will decide tomorrow or maybe  in amsterdam north you'll see that tomorrow it depends on the weather and my time etc so  that's all for today see you tomorrow hopefully   goodbye regretted by the way because  i reached 10 000 subscribers uh   merchandise option is available for my channel  so now i can sell t-shirts ads etc something   will design some professional things about  amsterdam and the netherlands but for now for now i made two or three samples you  can see that on the below of the video and so you can see that if you wish you can  order it's a partnership with youtube actually moldova you're welcome thank you paolo  see you tomorrow yes tomorrow we will   do that double espresso thanks you so much  for hitting the like button also one phone this festival was in naimei  sahabajesh from india see you bye

2021-10-15 05:26

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