NIGHTLIFE in China is WILD! | Zhangjiajie Knows HOW TO PARTY

NIGHTLIFE in China is WILD! | Zhangjiajie Knows HOW TO PARTY

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China knows how to party!!! welcome to Zhangjiajie at night what's happening here? let's show you guys the nightlife here in Zhangjiajie some action straight away!! my guy is doing something as well this is amazing what did we just stumble on? that's one guy up there one here there's one here I was not expecting this wow wow kicks and everything this is so cool you're ready for a surprise when you come here night wow yeah this was epic that was insane and people think Zhangjiajie is all about nature and scenery yeah there you go so we've come down to the 72 wonder tower area you would have seen it I'm sure it's all lit up it looks beautiful it's bright it's bustling we've just been welcomed in by a lovely performance so we couldn't have timed this better we could not it was perfect timing but let's go check it out see what it's like I think this area is called 72 wonder towers ah I think I might be wrong completely and entirely this feels like stepping back in time all together this is like ancient China massive gate and you're about to enter a little town a village a kingdom oh there's something else going on here oh there's something else going on how do we get in oh there's some local people coming all right let's try and get close to the action do you have to buy a ticket to get in I don't ah I'm going to go with yes I can see there's a sign up there okay let's go all right I think you have to buy a ticket what's happening day ticket and evening ticket 60 day ticket 20 can we buy one in here? I would like to think so oh there's a QR code oh we can go to a desk there we are okay we're going to go and get a ticket just here in these queues here for 72 Wonder Tower here we go we can see the price just up here 20 is for the daytime 80 Yuan is for the evening and 60 is like a discount I hope it's good inside you know I'm hungry I want some good food it is us our turn that was quick okay we're going to buy a ticket and then we'll see you guys outside okay this is actually what it looks like as well from the outside from afar this is what it looks like and it's all lit up when we're here right now at night so we will go over the road and go and see a bigger version of Hongyadong in Chongqing I think this is quite new they built this like a few years ago if I'm not wrong the Queue Now oh my goodness me this is group Lane so we need to go the other side past this yeah all right just cut through thank you one second we made it through we're outside there's a lot a of people here I wonder if as many people go inside I don't know can I redeem this inside for food yeah I hope so that would be nice but I don't think we will be able to but that's okay we've purchased our ticket now we're going to go around to the entrance and head in let's go do this Zhangjiajie let's see what you are like at night we got some of the local outfits in the window there that looks beautiful wow very nice okay let's queue up here go scan our ticket ladies first let's do this is that it? done? finished? okay I don't know seems like we've got another performance going on ah look at this on the stage over here oh wow look at that amazing wow this looks stunning look at this you've got the back drop all lit up and then a performance we're just watching some kind of performance it looks very much like an Opera I don't know if it is but they're doing all dances they're all dressed up it's so cool I love it I think this place is Halal well I think this is beef it looks really good but it's so loud in here I can't hear myself think wow are these real? no they're not can you hear anything? I feel deaf we got some bulls here and a kid trying to climb one bull that performance is finished which is cool but that was really good but I was not expecting this from Zhangjiajie we saw this on our way when we arrived here and we were going to our hotel when we took a taxi from Wulingyuan to our hotel we saw this place which is that building back there 72 ancient something something and that looks beautiful all right let's see what else is happening around here because I am hungry I'm out here to eat this guy here looks too animated hello my friend this looks really good as well I think Libby might want to go for this would you like some spiral potatoes oh I could do there's like some spiral potatoes or these potatoes I could do these ones actually what is these ones these ones okay lovely I hope they put some nice spices or something on it it looks good the spiral chips have been really good here in China I've tested a few out they've been very nice so we'll start off with skewers, some potatoes great yes my brother we got some meatballs going on here right now there we go he's piing some in 15 yuan yes look at the spicy potatoes getting ready they look like they will be very spicy there we go thank you yummy yours cooked as well? yes oh yes he is putting lots of spice you got some more there we go go on turn up turn up all of that seasoning on that thank you it kind of looks like how a hot dog meat would look oh it smells spicy are you excited to try this? there's a lot of halal food here though I am intrigued to know another one yeah there's more it feels like I'm in Xi'an right or Urumqi is this a Zhangjiajie thing? is it more Halal? you guys can let us know yeah comment below let us know I thought Zhangjiajie was not a Muslim place but this just looks like there's too much halal food everywhere here look at that view up there that looks stunning wow I think it's big it tastes a little bit like a meatball it's kind of like mince meat rolled up and made into little balls it's quite spicy actually my lips are on stinging it's very nice though this is a full beef sausage I've not seen these anywhere me neither but these I've seen everywhere spicy Street potatoes seems to be a real thing here in China I hear you say yes Libby but it's not very traditional yes but they were crispy potatoes how could I say no you can't say no to potatoes they're so good they've got so many spices on go easy they're little hot still it tastes like chicken sauce so good really nice I love it that food there behind you that's Muslim food as well wow this place probably has more Muslim food than Xi'an and down there as well it's the same okay have we missed something? you guys need to let us know what's happening here with the demographics of Zhangjiajie? yeah tell us because actually we saw a Muslim restaurant a Halal restaurant right near our hotel as well but only one so I don't know is there more of a population here is it more common let me know maybe it's a Hunan province thing I don't know you guys can let us know hi baby hello that was so cute she came over as if to be like what are you guys doing so sweet and then she got camera shy at the end but we are going to eat these finish them up and then let's go check out the rest of what is 72 Towers strange Wonder building thing has to offer that there I don't even think we can go inside we'll find out maybe we can I might be wrong let's go okay so I can see now as well that this is also a Muslim restaurant this is insane it looks like we've got biang biang noodles they look very similar over there some kind of noodles going in that pot looks delicious I think maybe 10 Yuan as well not bad guys what is going on almost every single place here is a muslim restaurant have we missed something here? please share with us because I'm really curious what's this oh something good going on there oh my goodness this looks amazing we've got some kind of skewers that's grilled chicken ooh this is a half chicken this looks good we're going to eat good tonight she is taking these off the grill these are chicken wings oh yummy oh what's this we've got this can I have this one beef yes please one what is this Western Region's fragrant crispy Roast beef flavor it looks like a pastry actually can I have this one spicy beef flavor yes please yes we just spotted this one here and we were like wait a minute this looks good we've got different ones here there's beef, lamb, spicy beef pineapple vanilla ice cream flavor sweet and savory I want to eat savoury first let's do Savory then we go on to desserts because I'm sure there's so much food on offer this place is a very interesting I'm confused about this place I don't know what to make of this it looks amazing it does and you know what I have to say as well if you guys have followed along on the previous Vlog then you'll know that we have been here in Zhangjiajie we've been doing some hiking we have been working hard so we need to fuel up eat some good food tonight I'm very very excited to eat this thank you okay here we go I have one for us this is the spicy beef flavor that Taz has ordered he's just sorting out the payment byebye when you look at the place it feels like you're walking down little Alleyways which could be called hutongs if you're in Beijing we got some more delicious Savory bites here what is this some shrimps oh wow look at that this looks good got some shrimps going on the grill that's a lot of skewers and Grill culture here yeah it's actually kind of a lot of a street food which is really really nice you can just pick it up go along experience this place so cool what's this I think these are meat or tofu no this is beef no tofu I think that looks like tofu yeah okay looks very nice it great it's got Sesame on it oh it kind of looks very similar to like a rou jia mo right oh my god oh look at that it's kind of like a sandwich the rou jia mo it's like a Chinese hamburger but it's like a pastry it's flaky this one is a soft bread it's like a bread one this might be our new favorite oh I'm not joking it is so nice it's got that aftertaste of ground pepper black pepper oh its perfect real good oh my god oh that is spicy guys I'm loving the atmosphere here there's music going on there's different food Street stores all along the sides of the road look at this we've got many many choices look at it wow it looks good here oh very nice many many different kinds and you got those big clay ovens there where they can see they've got little burnt Circles of where they've stuck the naan in or the nang in this is amazing look at this wow this is the main reason why we actually wanted to come here we saw that this beautiful building lights up at night and it just looks like such a spectacle so obviously we had to come check it out and now we are even more pleasantly surprised so we've got different foods to try we've got shops and see we have a mini waterfall over here wow it even feels like we've got a little light show going on over here this is insane I can't believe that this is what it's like I was not expecting this on the inside when I saw this from the outside oh look at these girls dressed up they look beautiful they're dressing up in the traditional outfits they have all the headwear all the jewelry wow oh looks beautiful wow look at that different outfits you can try you can rent them very much like the hanfu I am very very pleasantly surprised by this place like who even knew that Zhangjiajie had all of this going on? we've got some more of the girls dressed up in their traditional outfits there but I think we are going to go and head this way to see if we can grab a drink but I just can't believe all of this this is another stage do you think there might be another performance here soon? yeah did I not tell you did you not get the memo? you're up in 10 minutes they have another performance going on oh my goodness there has to be because I can see a group of people with their phones up which must mean let's go let's go let's not miss the action yeah let's go see it we're going to go check it out it's buzzing here you guys there so much oh my goodness what is this wow love the Sea of mobile phones recording this amazing place that was so surprising was not expecting that whatsoever it's like stepping back time that was probably like the early 1900s something like that wow felt like I was in Las Vegas watching the performance so cool and we' also found some drinks what we we got some mango citrus something something that looks good that looks good that looks good as well everything looks really good should we get this whatever this is what is it I have no idea says it is make every cup of tea with my heart or this okay or this this looks good whatever this is it's got strawberries it's got mangoes at the bottom you can't go wrong with that it looks great let's do it okay let's ask if she's got it hello can we have this one do you have this? this yes please yes yes Alipay please I am really loving this place we only just discovered this last night and now we're here this is where the performance was going on and this place was all busy just a second ago now it's cleared up because the performance is done and we're here now the drinks look really good I know we're getting our drinks we've been off to such a good start but I am kind of getting the understanding that is this place is supposed to be set back in time feels like it we've had a few performances we've got all the old Decor it kind of feels like that but I don't know and it feels like every street is a different region of China or different Province so every place here is made to represent different parts of China with different food that you can get that's a great idea you can get food from all over the place I saw this one I got excited I saw it from a distance and I thought this was Mixue it's not it's some red shop selling I don't know bits our drinks on the way I'm bringing to goods I can sing like that as well you're an opera singer I still can't get over the arcitechture here but this building is huge what is this all about? all right try it oh wow that is so fruity I don't know what it is strawberry for sure give it a try it's nice and refreshing it's going to wash down all of the snacks that we've had already right let's give this a go it's super sweet super good oh yeah yeah it is sweet right it's got pulp bits in it as well it's definitely got boba at the bottom it's got the fruit pulp as well it's got Citrus it's got some sort of berries in there as well yeah what else is going on look at this we got some chicken over here oh this is turning roasting away oh it's so hot as well from these heat lamps in the grill looks delicious some more food over here some more chicken looks amazing look at that more outfits to rent over here we are big fans of renting costumes here in China to go and take some beautiful photos look at this some Combs and some other bits and pieces here lots of combs looks it's made from some kind of material I guess that's quite popular in this area this seems to be a different part of China now where are they Beijing? where are they? is this Beijing? look at this lantern and drapes everywhere we've got this beautiful bunting hanging down and these lanterns this is amazing I think that you definitely have to come at night though to feel the full effect with all the lights on the lanterns lit up also the main building is all lit up with lots of Lights lots of music so it's definitely worth coming at night look at this there's even a wooden phone box here with a post box inside feels like we're back in old days in London this is so amazing though I just can't get over these lanterns are so beautiful and then we've got trees down at the end all lit up with those prayer wishes hanging off oh this looks good yum thank you look at this we've got some samples to try this is the best thing about Chinese pedestrian streets is lots of samples is it good oh yeah but every place here is a different theme this is beautiful this looks like cherry blossom very nice what there's a turtle? oh my goodness what is this it looks like he's reading his palm while he's doing something to the turtle it's maybe to make a wish or something and it's like touch the turtle it is a lucky turtle or something like that that would be a pretty cool turtle but I'm loving this place there is something to look at something to do in every single Corner in every single Street in every single alley it's actually little bit of a maze as we walk through here left or right right every spot here is like an insta perfect spot come get your photos we're thinking look at this whoever the designer and the architect of this place is give them a raise we've got the the corn hanging out which I guess is to replicate what it would be like in some older traditional Villages where they hang it yeah exactly where they hang out their produce to dry but let's head through see what it's like look at this WOW we've got string art and now we've got another performance up here this is crazy we're just running from performance to Performance and it's all in different spots around this area right let's see what else is going on here that is definitely a performance oh look yeah straight up on the grand stage and someone's up there too he's telling the story someone's telling the story this is so cool in the ticket you have performances and things wow get ready get ready I see oh that the sound system is really good can I just say that it's impressive wow amazing performance look like a love story We have no idea what's going on but I absolutely love it this is so cool what!! this is so interactive this is great oh no wow I love this oh yes this is a better love story than twilight absolutely get ready is it here yes I knew it I love this so many places to look oh no what's about to happen now oh we got somebody with the flag so interactive oh my god they all started dancing wow no way this is better than the Western performances in London wow so much going on this is the best thing I've seen in a very long time no oh my God it's all happening this is amazing oh it's like being in a movie scene oh that gets me every single time oh no he go shot I thought he was the main man oh no oh what's happening back here now? oh everything's happening everywhere oh this is so good I love it this is so worth the ticket price he was a soldier and now the bride is left on her own she's waiting for the husband to come back he died oh no I think he's dead has anyone told the bride yet? what a performance what a performance this place is really busy right now that performance has made me hungry again yeah me too that took a bit of time while I was letting the rest of the food go down watch that incredible performance that was so good and now let's go get some more food let's go which way are we going down here in the middle there's bits up here as well I think this way so people have stood up there as well watching the performance there's a bridge over there so that's an area that we haven't been down yet there's another Street which I think is the main area here let's go check this one out yeah let's go down here let's go this performance can I just say was 10 out of 10 so cool we loved it so so cool they were coming up everywhere all around all angles so massive as well I felt like I was part of the performance being in the crowd but they were literally popping up everywhere all of these lovely lovely dressed women looking gorgeous beautiful look at that very nice looking beautiful look at that oh look who's coming towards us and who's coming towards us Mr Robot Mr Transformer he is loving life he's Optimus he's ready look at that he is loving love big man get out of the way get out of the way Optimus he's on his way He says I've had enough and I'm hungry too He needs his dinner he's on his way these streets are so cool yeah they've got different animals as lanterns lit up this reminds me of Xi'an when we're on the ancient city wall and they had this huge path they had this huge decorations all lit up decorations and figures all lit up and nice and pretty and how funny is that earlier you were saying you wanted steak today steak and red wine now you even got steaks here there you go you choose whatever you want to have you want to have Xi'an food you want to have Xinjiang food you want to have food from other parts of China you want to have western food something for everyone but look at these bits on the floor here so so colorful wow oh there's another performance going on here I swear this is the best place I've ever been to in my life now there's performances and performances everywhere okay wait one second look at this now this looks like you stepped back in time again this is an old building it looks like it is what have you just seen just looking at the jewelry just taking a look that's all look at that okay there's another performance that's the one that we saw just right when we entered the place right yes but it seems though like there's live performances happening across the entire complex yeah there's hats here we got some sweaters we have a bar we have a bar if you want a drink yes okay so it feels like a saloon yes because I was saying it looks like an old building so it's a bar yeah it's got such a funny feel to it it feels that we stepped back in time so weird I love it love it that's the reason you've got these hats here as well so you can dress up like a cowboy we've got some sweaters as well got a horse this is amazing and made our way through to the saloon yeah I would love that I have to say these are so beautiful nice like colors I bet they're all handmade bright and beautiful nice patterns I really was not expecting this from Zhangjiajie look at these little bags with their tassel so cute got some more food here oh oh there is no shortage of food anywhere so I think what you were saying earlier is right yeah different places have different themes different regions of China hence different food so the first one was definitely Xinjiang I agree okay so I think Xinjiang is that way then and the audience are dancing oh wow come here then yeah look at that even the audience are these all the aunties look at this even the audience is joining in this is super amazing they're performing there and the audience was performing here Brilliant it's all happening here I am loving this place what is this building on its own is it like a hotel or a shopping center what is it? I have no idea it's empty yeah I think it is empty it doesn't look like it's occupied if you know anything about this building and you know if it's occupied or not or what it's used for today let us know I'd be curious to find out but there's some archery in here do you want to try? archery guys we're going to see how much the archery is because why not my friend let's go see how much? 30 yuan 15 arrow for 30? ah so 30 Yuan and you get 15 arrows oh okay okay so we do one for 30 Yuan there we go why not we thought we were just walking past and we saw it and Taz thought why not he's going to have a go okay okay probably 30 for 15 arrows perfect okay I paid 30 okay thank you here we are let's go where are we going this one let's do it so put your arrows down there okay Robin Hood are you ready? let me load up the arrow first check this out he's going and that was better you got it oh close close go on girl show us how it's done line it up it that's it yeah now pull it back all right pull it back down close one eye ready go on you got this wow that was good I think did I miss it? yeah yeah it ricocheted oh no and it came off but you done it this is much harder than it looks I might have one more go and then leave it to you you made it on the wall so that's pretty cool look at that perfect technique I like that go on girl Right Here Comes little baby he's going to show you how it's done okay one more it's stuck good job okay I'm over it it's heavy and then my arm aches I'm not very good I'll show you how it's done yeah show me teach me let's do it loading it up ready and ooh and go it was a lot of fun my friend good byebye that was fun oh my gosh that was a lot of hard work my arms got a real good workout it is really hard anyway good fun though loved it we're back outside now we're on the second floor again on the little balcony level and we're just going to take a little walk it kind of feels like it's actually not finished yet look we've got some building materials something's going on in here some kind of oh we're shooting there we go oh this looks fun here we go some kind of shooting game yeah I want to go for this one yeah no problem yeah absolutely we didn't make it too far we're into the next one already literally from one shop to the next one why not because it's got to be done this is more my preference how much? how much? 20 for 10 Yuan 30 for 25 Yuan 20 for 10 perfect thank you and what was the next one 20 for 10 so can can we get this one then yeah this one okay I'm going for this one okay so we're going for this one right here you got it one went down well done second one well done you're doing great yes yes woohoo well done okay ready next one yay winner well done your turn I've cleared all of my targets oh it's heavy it is I told you where is it oh my God you're shooting at the wrong one but yeah that's not your target which was mine? that's straight up yes these ones Libby is taking the next ones two well done go on girl well done wow yay that was good fun I liked it thank you bye is there another performance? it sounds like there is do you think they do different ones or do you think they just repeat the same one? let's find out let's see the music sounds like it's the same no it's different oh yeah look it up this place is such a Wonderland performances after performances this is not bad for 80 Yuan per person so much entertainment all right this one I think is done I think we caught the end of it yeah I'm not sure if they're going to go again or maybe somewhere else who knows oh look at that structure behind you the little gate it so beautiful there's a better view of the building from here now wow that is a powering structure wow great this is Hongyadong but 10 times better amazing this is incredible yeah this feels like Xi'an on the city wall I'm just enjoying walking around here after a very busy day out in the Avatar Mountains you guys you can come down here and spend your evening get some good food be entertained China is amazing I actually think there is a 3 hour show here I don't know if it's directly in this building but there is a three-hour show of like culture and all the traditional performances and things like that so if you're interested you can go and check that out we don't have time this time but we'd love to see it this is so cool I love it that's so funny this is a strip show going on here hahaha brilliant China loves to dance China knows how to party how much fun was that? that was the best fun ever I absolutely loved it if you are in Zhangjiajie you cannot come here and not see this !! the 72 Wonder Tower you're going to love it you're going to absolutely love it we are back at the front though because we want a Roger Moore we can't leave without one it's time for some more food I don't know what this is but that looks good whatever that is no problem 6 Yuan okay cool okay so I think that whatever this is I think it's like a Roger Moore similar but it's something that I now can't remember the name the guy told me but now I don't remember yeah I have no idea it's uh called um uh what's the name? this name? I'll I'll type I'll type one second Nu Ro Bi thank you what's inside you reckon I think it's chicken or beef okay I'm going to try first and it is Halal because look oh yeah that is how you tell you guys here in China usually it's written in Arabic but in China it's two symbols and if you look at it it looks like again it's a pastry bake it does right? it's flaky it's nice we Haven't had a flaky one tonight sorry and the packet is like Roger Moore yeah it's very similar to what we had before so let's give it a try oh I heard the crunch on that of the flaky pastry ah okay we got... onion got some form of meat in there which I think most likely it's either beef or lamb yeah good guess some onions some that looks like some shredded cabbage maybe or some lettuce or something like that pastry is to die for yes guys tell us the difference though what's the difference between a Roger Moore and Nou Ro Bi that's nice it's like flaky but soft on the inside the onions are good yum yum all right time to get something to drink again cuz I am thirsty what is this fresh lemon fruit tea my friend hello now I think they got bubble tea as well um what is that a latte some fruit coolers what would you like to have the menu here I think maybe some juices some milk teas bubble teas I'd like juice we might have to translate the menu though so give us a minute and then we'll figure it out got the drink someone is singing karaoke and it's coming from here sounds a bit painful but I think they're having a great time so why not uh do you want to go Karaoke as well? they are absolutely killing it and not in a good way I was going to say not in a melodic way no okay it's not melodious whatsoever there is a note somewhere but not in this one what did you get sorry I forgot you got lemon that is so nice Jasmine lemon tea did you get right yeah I think so we got some lemon in the top that is so fruity so like zingy and just refreshing like I'm so thirsty today a little bit dehydrated from hiking in the mountains and dancing at that Chinese party we needed a last minute drink it's so good very good yes amazing okay guys try this one absolutely thank you're going to love it as well it's not too lemony but it's like the perfect Zing it's got floral Notes to it mmmm that the Jasmine good very nice he's going back in for a third sip we are making our way through this very very quickly this place has been incredible I've had so much fun tonight but I guess we're going to finish it up here you guys if you've enjoyed it just like us then don't forget go ahead check out our second Channel at Taz and Libby you guys are going to love it, it's loads of unseen bits and videos that don't make it on this channel our main one sun kissed bucket list hope you like it but we will see you at some point somewhere in the next one let's go see you guys in the next one we're going to go check this place out a bit more let's go !!!

2024-06-06 17:17

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