Next with Kyle Clark full show (1/3/2019)

Next with Kyle Clark full show (1/3/2019)

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Colorado's. Republican, senator Cory Gardner is breaking with President Trump on the government, shutdown Gardner. Wants the government to reopen without. Funding, for president, Trump's border wall this. Is a helpful headline, for Gardner as he faces a tough reelection, but, he told me today that he hasn't actually discussed, his stance with other Republicans and it's, not clear if he has the clout to convince, them to end the shutdown. Well. To be clear I support, border security funding, that was in the legislation, that passed the. Senate, last Congress, it's I believe in the continuing resolution that Nancy Pelosi is going to be proposing, or has proposed, and. I've supported along with Democrats and, Republicans 25, billion dollars for border security and I think if you look at where the Democrats were just seven eight months ago they supported, twenty five billion dollars in funding for, border security the real question is why, the change, right now I hope that we can continue to fight for additional, border security dollars that's what we need to do but, I don't think shutting down the government is the right way to do it we have recently, seen a number of your. Priorities. From marijuana, banking, reforms, to the public lands bill blocked. By fellow Republicans. What makes you think that you'll have any kind of pull or traction with them this time the. Marijuana initiative I think we've got to continued, support from the President to get this done I think that's something no other Republican has been able to do and I, also think when it comes to the public lands measures we've been guaranteed a vote coming up at the beginning of this Congress so I'm excited about these initiatives and look forward to their, successful, passage, our. Full interview with center gardener is posted on the next Facebook page there I asked him whether he thinks that the president's, wall the actual physical, wall is the, right strategy, I've. Been curious what, the government shutdown means, for the Denver federal center because, my daily travels don't take me past that complex, off of six Avenue so, is it a ghost town or business. As usual, our. Steve stager found a federal employee who is still working and the, guy offered him a tour. If. There ever was a place to see evidence of a government, shutdown its, here says so right in the name the Denver federal center has, about 28 different agencies, here employing about 6,000, different. Workers, rich Stebbins, is a federal, employee he is the local spokesman, for the General Services Administration during. This lapse, and government funding the, buildings are still open, GSA, is responsible, for keeping all these buildings, up and running we still have the, majority are of our folks that, are still working, so his building, is full you, could tell it from the parking lot travel, around a little bit and you'll see this place certainly isn't a ghost town there are people walking around employees. That the Bureau of Reclamation.

Are Here because Congress already, approved their budget it's not a total, shutdown so. We're. Keeping everything wide open for those, folks that are coming to work here they're even keeping this building open the Bureau of Land Management even. Though the agency is part of the shutdown in the parking lot is practically, empty perhaps. The best visual, example, of the partial, government shutdown is, the, parking lot of the USGS. Ice core, labs the government, is partially, shutdown and the parking lot is partially. Full because, there is limited staffing around, it. Is a little bit quieter bottom, line the Denver federal center certainly, isn't bustling. It probably just looks like your office does the week surround a holiday and hey just, because the agency's managing, wildlife are closed, it doesn't. Mean wildlife, isn't doing its thing like. This bird of prey in the federal Center parking lot perhaps it's a metaphor, too, bad it wasn't a bald eagle. Extra. Points if you can tweet me and tell me what kind of bird that was now if you were watching last night you remember folks we're asking about federal, contact, contractors. And what happens to them during a shutdown Kyle. I talked to a few of them today who emailed. Us last night who say they're. Not going to get paid back. Pay for the time that they're off they had to file for unemployment benefits, and so we. Tried to talk to some of them today it just was kind of difficult then none of them really wanted to talk to a camera and tell them that story because they're afraid of losing their job that's understandable, that's absolutely understandable hey good to have you back around these parts good to be back we, are getting some feedback tonight from, you were named Tony Gauss who thinks that we got it wrong last night so, we, called out Democratic Senator Michael Bennet for starting, a misleading, claim about the impact, of the National Park shutdowns, in Colorado a claim that has now gone viral bennett, tweeted that Colorado's, economy, was losing 1.9 million, dollars a day because, of the parks closure his. Team admitted to us they just divided, the annual visitor spending, due to park visitor ship by 365. Days they, ignored the obvious that our national parks are packed in the summer in the fall and they're largely empty this time of year Tony, emailed, me to say that we failed to consider the losses in places like Estes Park the shopping, and the hotels and the tours and etc so actually, Tony I went back and looked at this again the inflated, number that was used by Senator Bennet steam that, comes from, the National Park Service's, estimate for all visitor. Spending, at the, park near, the park all the ancillary spending. And we, understand, dollars no matter the amount Estes, Park would like to see those again and soon, a. Congressman. From Colorado, kept his word on his first day in Congress, today Democrat. Jason crow of Aurora did not vote for Nancy Pelosi for speaker crow, voted for Senator, Tammy, Duckworth it's, a reminder that while every speaker in American history has come out of the house there's, nothing in the Constitution, that says the speaker must serve there another. Colorado, Democrat, who had pledged to oppose Nancy, Pelosi flipped, as expected, congressman. Ed Perlmutter, had cut a deal to guarantee, Pelosi, the votes that she needed to be speaker in return. Perlmutter, got a promise that Pelosi, won't serve more than four more years, at. That point though Pelosi would be 82, years old four years older than the oldest House Speaker in history so, who, knows if she's gonna run in 2023, or even if Democrats would still hold the house at that point the. Deal with Perlmutter lets him claim that he got something, in return for. Going back on his pledge to oppose, Pelosi, and speaker. Pelosi is a master, of these deals that's how she got where she is today, there. Is no shame in being dunked on by the LeBron James of modern politics, but, suggesting, that getting dunked on was your strategy might. Be a stretch, Hicks. Packing, up his governor's office so we can hit the presidential, campaign. Tre laughter his days in office here he's visiting Iowa and New Hampshire in, the next two months now. A president. Hickenlooper. Would have a say in a government shutdown governor. Hickenlooper, inserted. Himself along, with the state's money in a pretty unusual way during the last shutdown our marshals. Eleanor asked him today why. Not do it this time, in. September, 2013 Rocky Mountain National Park had to close because of historic, flooding one month later it closed again because, of a federal government shutdown.

Colorado. Paid the federal government, 362. Thousand, dollars to reopen it yeah 2013, we just had the massive flood, Estes. Park was closed down by the flood and right, when they reopened, and it was when the leaves were turning color, right. Right at that moment all of a sudden there was a shutdown it. Would have decimated, the economy of Estes Park luckily. We're not at that point Governor John Hickenlooper is. Not ready to make the same offer yet. When the leaves are changing in Estes Park and. In Rocky Mountain National Park that's. Part, of the best sale system, or sales, period for. All those small businesses, I, think, now after the holidays would shut, down it's, not as dire but still these. Are people's lives right, but if you only saw senator michael bennett stweet you'd think the national park shutdown was dire costing, 1.9, million dollars a day a dollar, amount Bennet's office admits, is not that high even, if it's only a hundred, thousand, dollars oh wee that's. Real money right that's that's the. Difference, in a small business, between. Success, and failure. So. Where did the state have that money to pay in 2013. It actually, came from the Colorado tourism. Office the, state requested. Reimbursement. After the fact but in a statement from the tourism office I was told it wasn't a stipulation, of the money and there was no expectation of, reimbursement, fancy. Words for we never got our money back Kyle hey can you cover lunch today there's, no expectation. Of reimbursement, I need to borrow some money by the way yeah exactly all right Thank You Marshall so, Denver will not be adding any more red light cameras, at intersections across, the city at least not for now instead, city engineers, and the police are going to test whether making yellow, lights longer, might also improve safety City, Council rejected a contract, this week to expand the red-light camera system one problem with this contract it listed, the wrong intersections. Councilman. Kevin Flynn convinced, the city that they should re-evaluate yellow. Light timing first Flynn, says he went out and tested this himself and found that at two of the three intersections where they were gonna stick the cameras 13th, and Lincoln and 18th. And Lincoln Flynn says the yellow lights there were shorter, than they should be according to the city's own standard. Denver. Historically, for decades used. The legal three-second. Minimum. Yeah, yellow, time whether you were on a little side street in a neighborhood approaching, a little light in the middle of a neighborhood or out on Colorado Boulevard where, people are going 40 or 45 miles an hour the, laws of physics will always trump the laws of traffic so, you have to engineer for each intersection. Like. That do it on the left was like a little visual reminder, of what yellow looks like this, could take up to nine months for engineers, to complete their study if at, that point they decide they still want to go with the red light cameras councilman Flinn told us well you know at that point they can tell citizens hey at least we tried, we. Shared a bit of a laugh right, here last night about Longmont. Time traveling, New Year's baby the, local newspapers, proclamation, of the first, baby of. 21:09. Oops. Hey, it's a reminder that all of us in this business make mistakes, publicly. Some, more prominent, and more humorous than others but. Then I heard from an ex viewer named Kent Muller he's a long mountain native he's a Lutheran minister and also full disclosure Kent, says his daughter works at the place that puts out the paper but it wasn't her typo anyway. I invited. Kent on next, for his own commentary, which, is way more thoughtful than anything I had to say I wonder. What kind of world the first baby of 21:09. Will be born into it's. Humbling to realize that nearly everyone, watching. Won't be walking this earth 90, years from now hopefully. Taylor, birch born, in Longmont, on New Year's Day will. Be 90 years old and make a big, deal of the newspaper, headline, when that year rolls around.

Meanwhile. As our government, reorganizes. For 2019, we. Need to make decisions for the benefit, not of ourselves but. On behalf of the first baby born, in. 2109, I mean. This man was like. My father a. Father, figure to me we might not all know his name his, story, and his Congressional, Gold Medal suggest, that we should he, was my hero and he. Was why I joined the Marine Corps and so it was uh it. Was tough, it towers five stories, over a busy street and it's coming down it's just a really good example of, a, type. Of architecture just doesn't. Really exist too much in Denver they did try to save this thing that's. Nice. People. Are outside people. Are active, in this state it I think by osmosis, people. Like sports, people, like athletics. Nothing, bonds a community, like the sports team and when, you go around the, country like I do with sports when you're on a plane and you tell them you're from Denver, there's a lot of pride you understand. How special, the. Denver market is even. In the bad times this. Is a great sports market, it's just a cool place, to be. Of. All the comforts we provided plumb line services, the most important, one is trust, and we do whatever it takes to, earn it save, up to two thousand dollars on a carrier heating and cooling system, turn to the experts you trust at plumb line services. Nabina, for me means family, it means being part of a community where you're never alone. Being strong and independent being, Latino is really, everything, to me it's Who I am being, Latino means, celebrating. Life in a unique way. Next. Is a conversation, about what's happening in Colorado your views and mine we can be honest real what's on your mind get our attention with the hashtag hey next or email next at 9:00 news calm. With, our laser measured, Floor Liners. No, drill mud flaps, cargo. Liner a bump. Step and even seat protectors. WeatherTech. Has everything you need to keep winter, out of your vehicle, order, today at WeatherTech, comm maid right in America. We. Start to the new year things are starting to warm up around here, how about sixty, degrees on top tomorrow, yeah, it's gonna be just gorgeous, we have stormy skies out to the northwest and also to the southeast, into parts of Texas and Oklahoma where, they're dealing with snow none of that around here it actually looks relatively mild tonight we're down to 25, mostly, clear those, higher mountain valleys though Gunnison Alamosa I'm looking at you you're going sub-zero, but not quite as chilly as early, this morning, high pressure sets up across the state this is gonna bring us all that sunshine and the heat to we're talking six degrees on tap tomorrow with, all that sunshine light, winds around 50s. Across the eastern plains with some 40s up in the mountains a nice little warm-up on the way for you folks to 62.

On Saturday loads. Of sunshine all that snow that felt oh it will be long gone would you have another storm system though, that moves in on Sunday I'll bring some snow to the high country maybe, a few flurries late, Sunday, night into early Monday morning a little cool off lower 50s and then look at that Kyle back to the 60s in no time oh wait we go Daniels right thank you I know, tonight. We, pause to honor a man who is not a household, name in our state those who did know him say, that he changed, the course of their lives sergeant. Major Archie, Robinson, passed away the day before Christmas Eve he was 89, he. Started serving in the US Marine Corps one is still segregated later, he would be awarded the Congressional Gold, Medal that's America's highest civilian, honor people. Who knew him for more than three decades help. Us remember his legacy, those. Values of Honor courage and commitment weren't. Just words to him I mean he lived them for 30 plus years in the Marine Corps my, name is Colonel, Scott Stebbins. And I, am here today to talk, to you about my. Teacher, my mentor my hero, SAR. Major archie, robinson. The. First time I met sir major Robinson, was in high school my sophomore year, 1983. I mean. This man was like my, father a, father, figure to me he. Was the reason I joined the Marine Corps I think. From 1942. To 1949. The. Marine Corps was segregated. So. Black Marines went, to Montford Point and white, Marines went to. Parris, Island I mean. He endured you. Know a lot of racism, a lot of segregation he, didn't get all the good jobs or he was a Stewart, and, a wardroom aboard, a ship you know serving serving, officers, but, that's not what he wanted to do that's not why he joined the Marine Corps he wanted to fight he. Would, purposely. Screw. Up pour. Coffee on officers, just. To get out of being a cook or out of a Stewart so, that they would ship him off you know to the frontlines and he, fought in Korea. 1953. With Fox Company 2nd, battalion 5th Marines, and. Then he was also in. Vietnam from. 1968. To 1969. So. He retired from the Marine Corps after 30 years of service and then, he, still wanted to be a Marine and so he became a sistent military instructor at Adam. City High School in Commerce, City he. Would take these at-risk. Kids, and teach them about history. And, about. Leadership. And, about being a good citizen he. Taught us we're, all Marines it doesn't matter what your race color. Creed religion. Or, whatever your marine first. Anyone. Who wants to pay their respects as sergeant major Robinson, is welcome at the memorial, service tomorrow, at Harvey Park Church and afterward. He'll be buried with full military honors at Fort, Logan that's, at 2:15, in the afternoon. Denver. Is losing a very recognizable piece. Of the city just because the building is lost doesn't mean it didn't have significance, the, bridge to the future, will, soon be the past and, what happens, when, the people who put up the signs don't. Bother to read the signs, next. Listen. Up pizza you might only be five dollars on fries but you've got all the makings of a champion. For. Five dollars on Fridays get a large sausage cheese or pepperoni fence we make it you, bake it Papa, Murphy's the. Whole idea, of next, is that, we want you to hear things and say right on that's, what I'm thinking, and we also want you to hear things that make you squirm a little bit make you uncomfortable perspectives. That you might not have considered but are still thoughtful, and it's okay if you hear things that you don't like because you're smart enough to decide whether or not you agree with it let's consider different perspectives, let's give you good information so. That you can make smart choices you. Should expect to see and hear things that you have not seen and heard anywhere, else people. Are outside people. Are active, in this state and I think by osmosis, people. Like sports, people. Like athletics. Nothing, bonds a community, like the sports team and when, you go around the country like I do with sports when you're on a plane and you tell them you're from Denver, there's a lot of pride you understand. How special, the. Denver market is even. In the bad times this. Is a great sports market, it's just a cool place, to be. Nadine. A for me means family, being Latino to me. Having, pride in my heritage. It means being part of the community where you're never alone Latinas being strong and independent being, Latino is really, everything, to me it's Who I am being, latina, to me means that I can achieve whatever I want, what latina means to me is being bold it's being creative, innovative. Resourceful. Being, latina, means celebrating, life in a unique way. I'm. Kind of just on the cusp of making it to that, next level so I just got to stay ready at all times if you can play football you can play the best role you play, tennis, but you can't play fight.

He, Looks beat up and, I'm so concerned, about his well-being that I don't sleep got five stitches in, my eyebrow, this is what Josh wants to do this is what makes him happy I just support him I pray, that when this is all said and done that his mind and his body are, okay to have. A normal life for. Tonight's, what do you say we return, to the mess of city streets that caused mass confusion on, our lips there west of Broadway and one, after another is named after a native, tribe yet a lot of them are not pronounced, the same way that is the case for, this one that starts with the letter U so. We asked our expert dr. Colorado. History professor see you Denver what did you say. Tomatillo. Is the way I've heard a branch of the, Indians. Living on the Umatilla River. Near. The Columbia River in Oregon the. Name refers, to a tribal, village. Where. There were many rocks. I bet spanish-speaking, people would pronounce, it no Mattia all. Right that is one that I have mangled over the years you heard dr. Tom Noel say say, Umatilla. I know I've said you Atilla over the years and obviously he points out that other people, linguistically. Correct would say you Mattia huh that's, interesting, another example of Denverites going, this way in that on pronunciations. What other place names trip you up or maybe we could settle a bet with somebody in your household or at work who says it differently than you do email, next at nine or get our attention anytime with the hashtag hey next it, is a sign that perhaps. The people putting up the signs don't always read the signs next viewer named David saw this please, help protect park trees do, not attach, items to trees, David. Noted the sign itself is attached, to a tree at Mayfair. Park this is on Christmas Eve that's, pretty good send, us the signs that make you smile email next at 9:00 news calm or get our attention with the hashtag hey next an iconic.

Building In Denver that for decades has served as a pedestrian bridge over ninth Avenue is being, demolished, developers. Say they could not come up with an affordable way to salvage, the so-called bridge. To, the future before. It becomes the past, we asked a historian, to talk about its significance. We're. Watching, sadly, the demolition, of that great. Architectural. Building, here in Denver. This. The old bridge building is a good example of, mid-century, modern architecture. It makes, me feel sad actually, that there came down something like this. I'm. Auntie Levinsky I'm the executive, director of historic Denver a local, nonprofit advocacy, room. Underneath part, of the old hospital building, at night in Colorado. You know buildings tend to be at their greatest risk when they're between 30 and 50 years old this building is just slightly older, than that it's a great example of, modernist. Design from, the 60s, I would guess it was designed in 1964. By an architecture, firm out of Chicago, and. One of the things that's most unique, about it are the louvered panels, that were placed all across the outside and it's nice clean lines the way it spans. Across the, street so this is certainly reflective, of Denver's post-war, boom when the medical campus and the hospital, were growing, enormous. Lee after World War two. I would have liked to have seen it kept. You. Know I do empathize, with people who are saddened by this demolition we're. Seeing a lot of change in our city and buildings like this helped anchor us and, this building certainly has merit, for its architecture, and also for the story it helps tell about how our city grew and developed and, expanded, our healthcare industry which of course today is one of our major. Activities. In Denver. That. Massive redevelopment of ninth in Colorado is expected, to include so, apartments, condos townhomes, movie, theater restaurants, and shops all these people you, know what that's likely to do to traffic, on an already packed Colorado, Boulevard as an. Old co-worker of my wife used to say and I love to repeat Colorado. Boulevard is, never, the, answer, speaking. Of answers a ton of you wrote in with an answer to Steve stagers, question, tonight and. A woman in the audience suggest, that perhaps, my gender, had something to do with my language tonight we'll discuss next. What. If you could sail into a world where, anything is possible. What, if everyday brought something new. What. If a ship could transport, you in more ways than one. With, Celebrity Cruises there, are no gifts for. A limited time booked during our sail beyond event to receive our biggest offer of the year flicker, call to book today I'm, Kory Rose sharing, Colorado stories 9 news everywhere. Pull. Together all your money with a friend and invest in two Arby's, French dippin's with sandwiches, for just six dollars, it's. The perfect get-rich-quick, on, sandwiches. Scenario. An. Accident, can happen anytime and. The injuries can, last a lifetime that's. Why we're open right now and. On holidays nights and weekends call, us because justice, never sleeps, Bachus. & Schanker our, passion is, justice, make. A new way in the world today it takes you everything, you've got.

And. They're always glad, you came you. Wanna be where everybody, knows your name, innovate. Pace all inclusive care to help seniors stay independent, and, in their own homes, novena, for me means family, being Latino to me means, having. Pride in my heritage, it means being part of the community where you're never alone Latinas being strong and independent being, Latino is really, everything, to me it's Who I am being, latina, to me means that I can achieve whatever, I want, what latina means to me is being bold it's being creative, innovative. Resourceful. Being, latina, means celebrating, life in a unique way. You. Okay. So there's a touch of disagreement. About what, exactly is the bird of prey at the federal center that Steve stager had in his piece he wanted you to identify it most popular pick a Cooper's, hawk Craig and KJ, and others suggested, that Bentley thought it was a marsh. Hawk and well. We got a few more guesses that I'm pretty sure wrong I'm thinking Cooper's Hawk hey great email tonight from Deb in Denver who writes is it, possible, to adjust language. Imagery, metaphors, etc, when discussing the accomplishments, of women she. Says I was struck tonight by Kyle's reference, to Nancy Pelosi as the, LeBron James of. Political, maneuvering might. Have been more fitting to call her the, Serena Deb. I like that it means I have to change up the end of the commentary, though so I will say there, is no shame in getting a Serena. Williams of modern politics, but, for congressman, ed Perlmutter to pretend that getting ace twas his strategy, is, a stretch, Thank. You Deb that is better we'll, see.

2019-01-05 04:28

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