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But. You know his name the one the only Charles. Payne host of making, money on to the Fox a possum. Hello. Still. Here the marathon rolls on, is. The Fed gonna get involved in slowing down this economy yes the Federal Reserve the big wah everyone's, anxious on Wall Street today because the Federal Reserve will raise interest, rates well, they, will today there's and no absolutely no doubt about it now here's a good thing about it they they're only doing it because the economy, is growing, so, fast right, now and they want to sort of tap the brakes I have no problem, with that as long as that's why they do it in the past that's not always been the case and I think Wall Street's so far doesn't have a problem with it but there's, gonna be a huge, huge conference, after this meeting is over and everyone's. Gonna go back to my trading days now Charlie Charles because now you're, your what you're telling me is we've, gotten to a point where the economy's heated up so much that the Fed might, be willing to raise rates which would, tell one oh no we've got to change our investment strategy but on the other hand if they're willing to do that the economy's good enough that they're willing to do that they're showing. Optimism. In the US economy so it's how do you balance that out the markets, can't, get a read on it because we're an hour into trading and they're doing nothing like. Them but they've done a lot in, the last three or four weeks in fact we've been on an amazing tear stealth, rally hidden by all the news all the headlines Nasdaq set a record high the Russell 2000, set a record high we, have made a huge amount of gain so the, market has been inching higher and higher on anticipating. This to your point it depends, on what they say they've got a new person in charge and and, that. The betting is that this guy's smart he came from Wall Street he worked at Carlisle for a long time one of the huge most powerful firms in Wall Street so, he understands, the implications of the Federal Reserve to your point miss, handling this but let's talk about what's happening yesterday we got a small business report out the, second, highest number in history, some, of the components, of it were phenomenal, for instance expansion, plans the, most robust, in history, when I'm saying please Federal Reserve don't, snuff that out just yet let, it grow let it start to really get to the point where everyone in this country is enjoying this kind of growth and I think. That. We're, cooking with gas so a quarter point today you believe watch the language in summary absolutely. That's a California. Apparently. Is too big for itself, well what is what is the idea about dividing, California. Into three there's a lot of ideas behind, it we should let the audience know there have been 200, attempts to split California, up over the years the most recent, actually, passed a ballot so there to be on a November ballot next next, next this, is November I'm. More worried about this one now this particular plan would break California, up into three separate, states. California. North, Carolina California, and South California what. Makes me anxious about it is that Donald. Trump lost. In all three of these the configurations. Down south California he got 46% into votes so we're, talking potentially. Four more democratic.

Senators, I think, that would tilt the balance and, in, Washington, DC to a point where we, couldn't even get pure, good, divided, government our, how. We're looking at California potentially. Being broken up north, California, South. California. And then sort, of the Gold Coast which would be Los. Angeles, area and as. Far as the geographic, this particular planner because there have been so many planets, right you go all the way back to, into. President Jefferson right and he's sponsored, Lewis and Clark his idea was that you guys go out there and. You go out there and form an independent country so, this, idea has been lingering for a long long time but again this plan by. The way being, proposed by a guy named Tim Draper something. Of an eccentric billionaire, he, was down with Tesla PayPal, he's very wealthy he says bitcoins gonna go to 250,000. Per coin. That's. A friend, of right-wing. Politics. Let's put it that way he's put up five million dollars for this to go through he, actually put up a proposal two years ago for six separate. States out of this one state we, know California, is bifurcated but I, don't. Know that will happen I think it's intriguing though that people are really, considering. This in a lot of states and it's not just happening in States is happening at country per gate at a time where a lot of Californians. Are talking about leaving, the state imagine left in the last ten years, so why wouldn't it nothing since they yeah but listen taxes. Hey Idaho, looks great man from here i don'ts been rocking Utah's were rockin Thank You Texas has been rocking a. Moment, a major global announcement. The headline 24/7. Cruise in the house to tell you about that come on back get ready for them. Big. News for the US and the world of sports 2026. World Cup will come to North America, the president tweeting, earlier today the, u.s. together with Mexico and Canada just got the World Cup congratulations. A great deal of hard work that's cool here's, the 27. 24/7. Crew, Carli, Shimkus, Brett. Larson Jared. Max working, guys. You. Guys are actually friends. Like. A nod rock band we all get along. We. Do spend a lot of time together at work of course with fox news headlines 24/7, which is on Sirius XM little plug channel, 115, World, Cups coming, we're. Gonna sound like it's coming here but it's like in Mexico City and it's Toronto and everywhere else Team USA is not going to be involved in this World Cup which begins tomorrow and a big time for Fox as well as of course leading into the US Open but 2026. The announcement, was made today times, all change because remember us figure to get it in 2022. It, went to Qatar and, then as a result of that we have all these corruption and bribery scandals, so now everybody, gets a public vote u.s. easily beats out Morocco for this and it's, going to bring a lot of revenue for the United States for FIFA and, because we have so many structures, already their football, stadiums, 60. Of the 80 matches will be played in the United States the others north and south but. We're gonna do pretty well cuz everything is already in place and a lot of money to be made and you know I want to talk about the money aspect of this for a little bit it's not really a good idea for a developing, nation to host, the, world's Cup because then these countries are forced to build these million-dollar, stadiums. That nobody. Uses, afterwards, so like. You said it that's, not a problem with the US hosting the World Cup because we already have the stadiums that the infrastructure, the hotels the, public transportation but. The reason, the number, one reason Team USA. Canada, Mexico won this bid is because. They promised, FIFA eleven, billion, dollars. They. Make a lot of you know the the video, games the FIFA video games I looked into that huge, it's like the biggest selling, sports video, game around. The world which is comes as no surprise and, also I'm curious to see in 2026. How are we going to be watching, these, games now we watch it on TV maybe we watch it on our phone right here but it's all changing, so drastically that eight years from now you can imagine there's going to be some interesting ways diseases, MLS. Is growing down here in the US.

As. Brett was touching about kids plant you know watching getting involved with the video games there's, about four million kids who play soccer in the United States and Carlos Cordero is the president of the US soccer who, is largely, responsible for getting all these votes together points. Out that, very much so soccer is the sport of choice for the disenfranchised. In America that, kids can look at this today who were ten years old and say hey why, can't I play in the World Cup eight years from now that, four million he thinks could grow to twelve million yeah, an interesting, cause, you know that is a perk of this the, first, thing that came to my head when I heard this announcement though the, traffic, is gonna be a nightmare, I know that, that's such a cynical, view of this but, in that life stadium is gonna be hosting the finals and all, the tourism, is gonna be great for the economy terrible. For the. Immense. World Cup well United States nineteen ninety-four first-time. Three, countries, are involved, at this great countries that are going through a very interesting political time with the tariff debate up north the border debate down south both President Trump and Justin Trudeau both they tweeted that they were happy that this is happening. We're. Gonna call this NAFTA, yeah. 2.0. Sports. Is where you go when you want to get away from politics, so maybe this will bring everybody back to the table lovely. You three go back to hating each other. Thank, you very much well the war of words turns, ugly, as Attorney General rod Rosen Stein plays, hardball with members of Congress what. He said and why it's got lawmakers. On edge. Half. Of the hour and there's new fallout afterward, the Deputy, Attorney General, threatened. To turn the tables, on House Republicans. In the, Russia investigation. Using subpoena. Power to go after their, records, welcome, to a brand new hour of America's newsroom I'm Sandra Smith and I'm bill hemmer good morning morning to you our three right now Fox, News learning about the subpoena threat after reviewing emails that documented, a closed-door meeting in January, that, meeting with rod Rosenstein. The FBI director, and members. Of the House Intelligence Committee, was described, as tense, apparently. As reported, the deputy AG very critical, the committee's requests for, more documents before, launching into an attack and threatening. To subpoena committee, members calls and emails. It. Is deeply, concerning, that. Instead, of having a cooperative, relationship with. This agency, respectful. Of the importance. Of the, Congress having access, to, documents. Regarding matters that they're investigating, that they have oversight, responsibility. For and. This is not the way to conduct, that so, chairman, Goodlatte from two hours ago catherine herridge with us live now catherine how are you good morning the DOJ, has a different take on this but these, emails, do they put into question the, deputy, AG's actions. Well. Bill good morning the emails review by Fox News were, sent to the House Office of General Counsel, to document, the January, meeting that. Included the Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, FBI, director Christopher ray the, senior advisors, as well as the Republican, House Intelligence Committee Chairman, Devon Nunez and his senior staff the. Account claimed Rosenstein threatened to turn the tables on the committee regarding the Russia probe quote the, Deputy Attorney General rod Rosen Stein criticized, the committee for sending our requests, in writing and was further critical of the committee's request to, have DOJ, FBI do the same when responding, committee investigated, cash patel wrote going, so far as to say that if the Kim he likes being litigators, than we the Justice Department two or litigators, and we will subpoena your records and, your emails, referring. To the House committee and Congress over all the. Emails reviewed by Fox News indicate, a second, committee staffer, at the same meeting backed, up the account writing let, me just add that watching the Deputy Attorney General launch a sustained personal, attack against, a congressional, staffer in retaliation for, vigorous oversight was. Astonishing. And disheartening, also, having the nation's number-one for these matters law enforcement, officer threatened, to subpoena your calls and emails was, downright chilling, in a statement chairman Nunez told Fox News they took the staff concerns seriously and, referred the matter to the speaker's, office a source, close to the speaker said they have encouraged, the committee to work through the Justice Department's, inspector general where.

Complaints, Are filed okay get to the other side then what's the FBI ingested Department had to say about this well. Both the FBI Justice Department dispute, the characterization. A Justice Department official, told, Fox News the, Rosen Stein never threatened, a criminal, investigation, reading, the Deputy Attorney General was making the point after being threatened with contempt, that as an American citizen charged, with the offense of contempt of Congress he would have the right to defend himself including. Requesting, production, of relevant emails, and text messages and calling, them as witnesses to demonstrate, that their allegations, are false on, Tucker Carlson, last night the Attorney General who was not at the January meeting said, he backed up Rosen Stein's account. I'm. Confident. That our deputy. Rosenstein. 28, years in the Department, of Justice, did not improperly, threaten, anyone, on that occasion. But. We. Do believe that we have tried. To be cooperative. With them. The. Department official also said Rosenstein, will request that, the house general counsel conduct an internal investigation of. The, congressional, staffers, with, the separation, of powers Law Professor Jonathan Turner surely pardon me told Fox this morning Rosen. Stan Rosen, Stein can make that request but, he cannot, demand, an investigation bill. Okay on, another, matter now Andrew, McCabe former, deputy FBI director, he's. Making headlines against, his former employer, what's his case, well. Bill according to these. Filings, obtained by fox news lawyers, for the fire deputy, director Andrew McCabe are suing. The FBI and, Justice Department for records about, his termination, McCain's. Lawyers claimed the Justice Department has denied access to the records, McCabe's team wants to clear his name as he faces a possible criminal, prosecution, over whether he lied to federal investigators, about, his contacts, with the media in October, of 2016 right, before the presidential election the, suit also names the office of the Justice Department, inspector general and tomorrow. Inspector, general Michael Horowitz. Will deliver his report on the, FBI and Justice Department's, handling of the Clinton email case and it's, important, to note for context, that, was the same investigation, by Horowitz, that uncovered, the evidence that led to McCabe's firing, bill. Thank. You Catherine busy day tomorrow in, Washington you bandra for, more on all this was bring in Byron York Byron good morning to you and so what should all of this a good morning what should all this tell us about the the, relations, between the. Current relations between the house and the Justice, Department it. Tells you they're really really, bad this is the this, is the best evidence that we've had yet of the total, breakdown of relations, between the Justice Department, and some of these committees. In the house as, Catherine. Mentioned the. Justice Department said Rosenstein. Did not threaten a criminal prosecution, but it's pretty clear by their own admission that. He told members of the House or staff of the house that. They ought to preserve their, emails how to preserve their text because he's coming after them if he, has to defend himself in, a. Contempt, of Congress, proceeding. So the. Relations, between the two are really really. Bad, you know those, staffers, talking. About this threat. By rod Rosen signed to subpoena the gop-led House committee they're describing it as a is a form of a personal, attack, on. The part of Rosen Stein we had Jonathan Turley the law professor, on earlier with us and here, was his reaction to, that threat listen I think, the threat, even, one for a civil subpoena was. Really reckless he, shouldn't, have done it he. Is subject, to the oversight of the House and Senate committees, these, committees have a history, of rather poor oversight this is for those of us who have argued for years that, these committees, need, to exercise, real.

Oversight, The man documents. And not back down, this, is actually a refreshing, Trent do you agree with that yeah. That's actually, true, generally. When you have the the. House that controls Congress if it's, the same, party. The party is White House then you don't have a lot. Of oversight but I think if we're talking about all of this yelling, back and forth and this arguing, back and forth we, do tend to lose. Sight of the actual fundamental issue which is the. House has subpoenaed these documents, the Justice Department has not turned them over and if you talk to members of the house they'll. Say well yeah we need to pursue if Rosen Stein threatened we need to pursue that but what we need are the documents we, don't want another meeting. We want the documents and that, is the fundamental conflict. Under this and it's still not resolved, and. You're hinting at this this frustration, at the house from. Coming from the house when it comes to the Justice Department and. In these constant, meetings that. We hear reported, about we heard from Jeff sessions as. Far as getting the response from the DOJ Byron but what is the house position on this, well. The house position is turn over the documents and just. Last, week, speaker, Ryan said, that the that, the Justice, Department should turn over these documents and there's talk among members, now of trying. To pass some sort of sense of the house resolution. To. Get the entire house on on, board for the position. That the Justice Department should. Turn over the. Documents a in, that sense it's just a very very simple, matter the. The house has subpoenaed these documents, the Justice Department will not turn them over they keep wanting to have more meetings they're going to have a meeting tomorrow apparently. With, the gang of eight which is the highest level of. Intelligence. Of, officials. In the house the leader of the House and Senate and the heads, of the two intelligence, committees and some, of them are saying we don't need a gang of eight meeting we need you the Justice Department, to turn over the documents few, seconds left Byron, but Andrew McCabe I got to ask you about this and the irony and that, now he is, going to court and he's suing, to, have documents, turned over in fact from. The Justice card not that hard not to chuckle about that one I mean it could anything be more ironic, than this former FBI official, going. To court to try to get documents, out of the FBI several. Months ago in the late summer and fall of last year when the house was trying, to get documents, from the FBI about, the Trump dossier, the. FBI with Andrew McCabe still on board was completely, stonewalling, them so much so that the Speaker of the House had to come out and accuse, the FBI of stonewalling, so this. Is pretty amusing, I guess for some members of the house for. Just a second until you think about the bigger picture there right Byron Byron New York thanks so much for your time this morning great - Thank You Sandra never Alert right now the president back, to the White House this morning returning.

Home Before daybreak, out of Singapore, and now he turns, to Congress, where. He will have to ease the concern of a lot of lawmakers Senator. Marco Rubio was with us live just a short time ago and said this about Singapore. I'm, skeptic well kim jungeun and, we should be everyone should be the President as I said is optimistic, and he needs to be he's the guy negotiating. And you, know he needs to make the other side feel like he's serious about getting something done but. For the rest of us who are watching and know the history of North Korea we should be skeptical this, is the country that's made promises, before and is broken. Kevin. Court joins us now from the White House Kevin good morning there boy. West wing's a little more crowded today what's the White House saying about the heavy skepticism. From some on Capitol Hill about what went down well. Frankly build they expected, it and they anticipate, they'll get even more but they remain steadfast, in their belief that the meeting was the beginning, bill of historic. Change in fact the president, took to Twitter as you pointed out to, talk about what he believes really. Is happening he said before taking, office people, were assuming that we were going to war with North Korea President, Obama said that North Korea was our biggest and most dangerous problem. No. Longer sleep. Well tonight of course that was several hours ago before, his arrival back to Joint, Base Andrews this morning the president, also told Fox News the, North is taking steps in the right direction and. So. Are we. We. Made a lot of progress tremendous, amount of progress and one of the things that I'm very happy about we're not going to play the war games anymore which you know how expensive that is we'll end this mess of bombers. In for practice from Guam I said. How far is Guam six and a half hours seriously that's a long way for a big bomber. At times you know 20 yeah and lots of other planes coming in so we're, not going to be doing the wargames as long, as we're negotiating in good faith. There's. The key in good faith but on Capitol Hill as you pointed out at the very top there is a fierce, debate over. Why pyongyang, is really at the bargaining table and at. What cost. President. Trump seems to have given away two or three of the major things, that Kim jong-un wanted, a meeting. The, flags next to each other now, no, delay. Of exercises. With South Korea, without, getting anything in return they, would be talking to Trump unless they believed he was serious, about using military force, President.

Trump Has done more in 500, days to deal with North Korea than every president in the last 30, years. Senator. Lindsey Graham there clearly a debate, topic, that will take. On a great deal of steam in the days and months to go what's, the White House saying about the about. What we're hearing from members of Congress Republican. Democrat Kevin yeah. Well, listen the idea, that they want to consult. With Congress is, something that is important, not necessarily to. Sort, of walk them through every, step of the process but it is important, from a strategic, position because. The White House understands, it unlike what happens say with the, Iran, nuclear deal where, Congress, felt, they were shut out by the executive. This, time they want to engage them fully here's Kelly Anne Conway. How's, the Preseli starting. To bother to consult with Congress unlike, the one sided every, NGO will be gave up so much in feeding pallets of cash and, got very little in return and President, Obama didn't or the courage to bring that to the Senate to ratify this what at, least this president, will be consulting with the Senate affected that just yesterday. Engagement. Being the key there bill he will consult, with members of Congress making, sure that they not only understand, the strategy, of the White House but also that, they offer direction, and advice, and consent. Thank, you Kevin busy day back there at the White House thank you Kevin cork there got some breaking news now. State. Is now, putting. Out a, very firm, message saying that the US. Wants North Korea to take major nuclear. Disarmament. Steps, by, the end, of Trump's, first term. In office Mike, Pompeo, went further to say if North. Korea does, not negotiate, in, good faith, with, the United, States, we will resume, military. Drills, and. This is just coming out now yeah. Word out of Seoul South Korea Associated. Press just a bit more here he says he was there.

2018-06-23 04:19

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