News Pepah = March 23, 2021 = Visitors from Beyond, Welcome #tourism

News Pepah = March 23, 2021 = Visitors from Beyond, Welcome #tourism

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[Music] thank thank you you how's it hey liz welcome to marvel's quest hawaii channel this day going off in the night all right man load your weapons i think i broke them [Music] oh no [Music] some type of interference [Music] okay okay there you go hey hi there hey there again there's like weird little interferences now i don't know the paranormal theory you know the paranormal theory has something to do with the electronical information and stuff like that wrote there in the emps and ef [Music] possibly i haven't done spook 101 for i don't know he wasn't dating but you know what the one upstairs you know she got some i say which no let me clarify this which thing okay i don't mean weaken you know or people that hold that their theistic center of belief is nature no i've known people like that i still know someone like that yeah but i'm talking about satan [Music] i mean not even like satanists who are like selfish and doing their own thing i've met people like that before too and now they're my own business almost like whatever yeah i'm not telling you what to believe but you know the jesus thing that follow christ in christ's prayer is our father and our father has thy will as in god's will be done earth has in heaven that's like really god's will what's god's will maybe the seven virtues is a guide there's a compass seven virtues well take that and freaking flip it what's that the devil's will so what's the best way to worship your best way to worship god is doing god's will doing god's work you're doing god's word charity or whatever nice deed doing god's work what's the best way to worship the devil doing the devil's word so now basically she's just on our malignant narcissistic personality disorder all the um symptoms of the personality complex and the dark triad take too long to get into it anyways that's the bench i do believe there's like a hexing thing i've just done that stuff with the exorcism and um yeah i believe it i mean they're mostly it's very rare as they say and uh a lot of psychosis can be oh here we go again is this interference with that it's going [Music] sorry sorry please let's speak to the devil and it's after it's after it's doing it [Music] i think negative energies can be targeted i mean you can go the string theory to scrap it with the string theory and energy it's the same thing with focused energy that one hates my guts with the mpd you have to have a target to hate if it wasn't me it'd be somebody else so somebody owes me i used to be your stepfather she's 40 years old that's talking about accountability anyways so there's lots in the news today and i'm gonna chop too much time because i saw the letters to the editorial glance oh my god in my poor microphone are you working today or are you going to be weird and buzzy and fuzzy yeah okay so what's in the news today mostly kind of like people being i don't know well one is the colorado shooting that's a psycho but the psycho was um developed by these generalized sociological society uh thingies that spark the mentally fragile to mentally fragile with a gun get the hell away from me what's in the news because you know what this is newspaper [Music] yeah this is where i look at what's in the newspaper yeah this is from this people [Music] birds are singing it's going to be a hot day today yesterday dry today a humid but what's in the newspaper well oh what's the headliner today's headline is you ready so excuse me thank you that's enough of that thank you for your indulgence of my uh well your patience to my indulgence of weaknesses i heard them fall someplace great got soups okay another thing going wrong that's my bad it wasn't it okay oh no where they went they're kind of gone well anyways today's headline reads on how tourism gains momentum so they're all really happy that tourism is coming back and a whole bunch of people are going oh boy no more masks the vaccine vaccine come on vaccine vaccine potty time come on vaccine dude okay so they're just happy that a bunch of tourists come in but that's all that is okay let's look at the numbers 48 new cases uh for honolulu uh for the state 79 new cases it's still up there 1.6 contagiousness rate because i don't like positivity rate now 43 per day on the average last week 1.6 contagiousness well that's not looking good and where are my glasses okay this is gonna be one of those things ain't it is it they better get scratched where i'm going to be freaking there okay [Music] okay come on now i'm all off my off my rocker back in the day oops back in the day 1958. this before was this was a state of hawaii so festooningly in [Music] of the resort staff oh she had the big long hawaiian neighbor she's putting flowers yeah this looks like a basically kind of like the uh oh i see it's like a garage it looks like someone's house that's what it looks like that's what i'm saying [Music] 10 kills at colorado supermarket outrageous the guy just went in stop shooting uh i'm sure you'll catch lots of that if you want to look at these guys they look like freaking swati man holy crap winter storm exposes gaps and see you're leaving this is what we're going to need later this is uh most terrifying thing i ever experienced i don't know oh we're going outside i don't know we saw bigfoot or something although freaking all the kids going to school with this big guy giant guy these little kids are like okay we'll go to the classroom hey imagine not that big in your high schoolers yeah man you have no idea no one do you hurting herding cats is nothing it's like hurting velociraptors it can be not always blah blah blah blah blah blah blah birth certificate who cares um saudi arabia office let's get by okay now somewhere um i lost the rest of the paper wow this is fantastic something is like what the heck [Music] is this it my gosh i think it's over there okay that's the dough let's do the sports march madness basketball done and over here i'll fiscal forecast rosie billions and eight cents a roll yeah because they got all this billion six billion dollars to uh hawaii so it's like ah the future is rosy and this guy this is a typical tourist thing they're like oh there's a safety factor and scale of thought it's a blowhole right the guys is down here i just think it's funny but it's serious because people don't know about the the ocean and they get maki die dead no longer live this is the you're so stupid and uh oh here we go ah the big q what is what's contraction your reaction to the new 12.5 billion dollar estimate for oahu's

rail project [Music] 18 modify shortened route to downtown area 18 33 plow ahead complete to allah [Music] i'm kind of like there forty nine percent time to stop the project if the people just stop it come here come here talk about that what it is with this giant cement pillars they already made buckaroo all right buddy 3500 we're warming the great lakes here in the bottom team preparing for 3 trillion economic package yeah there's no checking it for me go for it republicans are stopped spending we're going crazy no stop spending over all right some messy glasses are going somewhere all right we're gonna do this anyways blue blue cartoon the u.s border looking down it's a caravan of republicans trying to change this subject he's holding biden shots and arms money in pockets [Music] all these border republican characteristic kind of whatever let's get wrong letters to the editor the smell of spring is in here [Music] individuals not races succumb to racism i am disappointed that you published the viewpoints in the letter white racism march 19th i felt the opinions shared were extremely racist and inappropriate especially as they apply to hawaii i am a white man who has the has had the privilege of living in this beautiful state for 34 years my wife is hawaiian our extended family has all colors of the rainbow including hawaiian ancient black and white we belong just fine i believe it's cultural aloha still rules the day which for most part continues to lead the mutual respect and understanding during my time in hawaii i've been called what i feel are racially offensive names yet i refuse to paint an entire race of people as racist because of the actions of a few agreements i believe for the most part these feelings of hate and superiority exist within the individual since the writer did not cite sources that's what's inflammatory statements i thought i would end this letter by recording dr martin luther king jr esquire quote i have decided to stick with love hate is too great a burden to bear and quote rich gerber coppola well that put to find a point on it but rich you're saying like you're so offended by racism and you're like i'm white my wife's hawaiian you know my family race while i'm going black and white it's like it's like someone's trying to prove they're not racist i have a black friend i'm not a racist hey but i agree with you the actions of a few and it's with the individual like i said change of the heart state government needs to be more responsive have you driven around the island especially kamehameha highway you need to dodge potholes or risk a larger repair bill it's a dangerous and unsafe as you have to weave in and out of your lane to dodge the potholes we are pouring so much money into the rail and are neglecting our roads training to an unsafe level oh it's really raining cool the vegetation also was out of control we need to manage what we have before we try to do more also i cannot believe we still do not have relief for the unemployed are you still go down and talk to someone in person i know this isn't how government should be the state has received so much money that the federal government but where has it gone to deep pockets why can't we use some of the money so the state can run our more efficiently and take care of our basic needs ernie wailaiki well you obviously have nothing you have no knowledge of this thing called government and big money as in federal money comes into this state government to our uh elected officials here and then it stops and then no one knows where it goes from there that's how it works and the governor oh because uh coop is 19 uh we're going to take out the sunshine law so you know don't know what's happening nine gold stars oh and since i didn't i didn't catch this there was a big protest in kabilani park and the police had to break it off they brought this big park over here break it all up there's a freedom freedom for us it was about you know covert restrictions we had no masculine i looked it up all right no mask on me clean up chinatown we're gonna skip that it's about yeah clean up the homeless and the druggies but leave the chinatown chin it down stop making your sushi bar and stuff like that [Music] stimulus check will cost everyone who gets one i would never four take out loan if it would cost me nearly six thousand dollars to pay it off but i'm being forced to do so by the government we are told that stimulus checks are free money but there is no such thing the government will recoup that money through taxes or by borrowing from other countries on our behalf don't think for a second that only rich people have to pay gases and other daily taxes will go up businesses will be taxed more heavily and they will pass those costs to the consumers the government may also print more money which means every dollar you have will buy less enjoy your check don't think for a second it's free money cherie sprague manoa valley i bet you your gop that's the position [Music] it kind of trickled down in reverse except for trickle-down is the fear toxic parts of various parts of economic theory that are pieced together this date should have helped life's bakery it is so sad to hear that so many of our treasured long-time family businesses failing due to the covert 19 situation but we need to ask did the state do its part to prevent this from happening if all of us stayed funded meals included love's bakery on the menu we could have prevented this long-time business from failing schools correctional centers hospitals nursing facilities to name a few advanced products were included in their venues wouldn't this help the situation instead we have a few hundred school residents who are on unemployment and needing retraining to continue to feed their families and pay their rent instead of the government simply handing out money in the form of a stimulus package wouldn't it be wiser if the process had some form of thought involved sadly this is one example could have been a win-win situation jason takara lolo well yeah man i don't know that's the deal with gloves and their you know state government contracts because they didn't oh i think so all right i think that's going on i don't know i guess so oh casey red baron i don't know if it's the alien or the devil someone's messing up stuff all right let's get it prophet letters should always remain private [Music] so i'm dealing with private parts over here private letters remain private so we so value privacy that it is a feral offence to open correspondence that is addressed to someone else yet in the paper i read the new york times article applauding the new setup technique that enables one snoop on old private correspondence since mix of citation march 10th how hypocritical a person who's employed in the letter locking technique intended his or her own words to be read by no one but the addressee no one is entitled to read the private correspondence of another loving or dead period like i said can it down there shut the billy bomb you know where it's about if there are limits remember being hexed there are limits to a pursuit of information we we must respect the privacy rights of others especially those who can no longer defend that right james mets i guess he's talking about dead people [Music] they're snooping on dead people's letters i'm reading i'm reading dead people all right that's it um that was fun i guess um who gets a t-rex reward i don't know this is such a oh gosh okay i don't know there's so much stuff going on [Music] it's a toss-up you all win because you all lose and you all don't get this the tears none of them were feisty that's horrible there wasn't no that wasn't one feistiness in there but that's okay this is hang loose just hang loose it'll be okay [Music] what can go wrong if they hang loose oh [Music] yeah what happened [Music] [Applause] [Music] you

2021-03-27 19:37

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