News Aug 15, 2018

News Aug 15, 2018

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Turkey's, president, threatened. Tuesday. To, boycott, us. Electronic. Goods, because. Of what, he calls an. Economic. War against. Turkey, by, the, United, States. President. Aired on told. Political. Supporters. In Ankara, that. He would start a boycott. Against. America's. Electronic. Goods, he. Urged Turks. To buy local, or, Korean. Mobile, phones, instead. Of American. IPhones. Err Dewan however, did, not announce. Any government. Action, towards. A boycott. The. President's, comments came, after, diplomats. From both sides, met. Monday, to, calm tensions. The. Call for a boycott, appears. To be aired ones answer, to the u.s. decision. To, double, tariffs. On Turkish. Steel, and aluminum. Imports. In. Addition, the, US has placed sanctions. On two, turkish, ministers. Over the, arrest of an, American. Pastor. Who, is charged. With having, links, to, terrorism. Aired. On also, has, called on people, to exchange, their. US, dollars. For Turkish lira, to, help strengthen, the, exchange, value of the, country's, currency. If. We. Divert, our money, to foreign currency, then. We will be in the position, of having surrendered. To. The devil, aired once, said. The. Dispute, between the, US and Turkey has, started, an economic. Crisis, in Turkey that, has pushed its currency, to, historic. Lows. The, exchange. Value of valeera, has fallen about 40, percent. Against. The US dollar since. January. Last. Week it dropped, 16. Percent, in one, day. However. Severe, changes in, the value, of the currency. Calmed. Tuesday. After. News that, US, national, security advisor, John, Bolton. Had, met with the Turkish, ambassador to. Washington, Monday. International. Investors. Are worried, about turkeys, high amount, of debt held. In foreign, currencies. Especially. The, dollar. Most. Economists. Say. Err Duan should raise interest. Rates to, support, the Turkish lira, but, air duan wants, to keep rates low to. Support growth. Investors. Are also worried. About the effects, of the dispute, between, two NATO. Allies. In. A. Statement released, Tuesday. Turkish, business, groups called, unaired, one to let the turkish central, bank raise, interest, rates to.

Stop The currency, crisis. They, also called. On Turkey, to work with the United, States to, improve, relations. The, Turkish central, bank has, promised, that Turkish, banks, will have all, the money they need, but. Foreign, investors, are concerned. That the central, bank may, not act, because. Of political, interference. Central. Banks try to ignore, politics. When, making economic decisions, in. The. Case of the American, pastor, the, lawyer, representing. Andrew, Brunson, again, asked, a Turkish, court to, release him from house arrest. The. 50 year old pastor, is charged, with terrorism. Links, and spying. He. Denies, the, charges. Brunson. Faces. A possible, prison sentence. Of 35. Years. I'm. Susan. Shand, one. American. University. Is putting. Electronic. Voice, controlled. Assistance. In, every. Student. Housing, room on campus. St.. Louis University. Recently. Announced. It will equip every student. Living space with. Amazon's, Alexa. System. The. School in, st., Louis Missouri, will. Place about. 2,300. Echo. Dot, smart. Devices, in, all. Student, dorms, and other. University. Housing. Officials. Said, the University, will, be the first in the world to. Put the devices in every. Student. Living, space. The. Devices, and the Alexa. Service, are being. Provided, at, no costs. To, students. The. Amazon, echo is a speaker. With. The ability, to listen, and talk. To, users and, can. Perform, some, operations. The. Alexa, assistant. Competes. With similar. Systems, made. By Google and Apple. Devices. Linked. To the systems have become increasingly. Popular in, homes. In, recent. Years. They. Can be used for, things like looking. Up information. Playing. Music. Ordering. Food or, buying, things, on the internet. The. Devices, can, also complete. Actions, in the home. These. Include, turning, lights on and off and. Controlling. Systems, for, heating and cooling, and. Security. Amazon. Calls, these, different, tasks, Alexa, can perform. Skills. Amazon. Said, in a website post that. Saint Louis University, chose. The, Alexa, system, after. Carrying out a test program. The. Program involved. The echo dot and a, device from, a competing company.

It. Said the students, had a better reaction, to. The Alexa system. The. Echo, dots, will, include, a special, skill, developed. Especially for st., Louis University. It. Will provide, information, and. Answer. Questions, about local. School, activities, and, campus. Life. Next. Year the university, plans to, add more personalized. Skills, such. As providing. Information. About, classes, and. Grades. The. University, said, it did not increase, student. Tuition to. Pay for. The project. Instead. Officials. Said, it was financed, through the school's general. Fund as well. As partners. Ships with Amazon, and. Unpowered. The. Company, based. In Los Angeles California. Helped. Develop, the parts of the system that. Are related, to st., Louis University. David, hakonsen. Is st., Louis University's. Vice president. And chief. Information. Officer. In. Announcing, the project, he, said it will fit well with, students, who, are highly driven to, achieve success, in. And out of the classroom. He. Added every. Minute we can save our students, from having to search for the information they need online is, another. Minute, that, they can spend focused, on what, matters most, their. Education. While. The devices. Are being placed in, every University. Housing. Space. Students. Do not have to use them. For. Those wishing, not to take part, the. School suggests. Students, just remove, the devices, from their rooms and put. Them away in, a, safe place. Other. Universities. Have also. Experimented. With voice, controlled, assistance, in student. Living areas, a. Year. Ago Arizona. State University. Announced. A program, that, provided, echo, dot devices. To. A special, housing area, for. Engineering. Students, in. The. Program all. Engineering. Students, moving into the special housing, community. Were. Given the choice of receiving. An echo dot if they, wanted one as. Is. The case at Saint Louis University. Arizona. State students. Are able to use the system to, get the latest information, on, University. Programs, and events. However. The Arizona, students, also have. The a chance to sign up for classes that. Teach subjects. Related, specifically. To, creating. New uses, for, Alexa. Devices. Octavio. Heredia. Is a, director. With Arizona, State's Fulton. Schools of, engineering. He. Said he, thinks it is a good idea for. Students, to get as much experience, as, possible. With. The voice assistance. To. Improve, their, development, skills, and prepare. For. Future jobs. Once. They are familiar with, the devices, they. Are going to want to further develop. Their own skills and. Begin. Integrating, that, technology.

The. Hardware, and the, skills, into. Other projects. He. Said i, am. Brian lin. Yosemite. National Park, reopened. On Tuesday. After. Being closed for 20 days, because. Of severe, wildfires. The. Park is in the western. State, of California. And has. Been suffering from some of the worst forest. Fires in its history the fires, have burned. 389. Square, kilometers, of land and, killed. Two firefighters, since. They started on July, 13th. The. Fires did not reach the center of Yosemite. Valley but. They still, burned far, away, areas, of the park and filled. Popular, places with, smoke. The. Reopening, of Yosemite. National Park. Cannot. Come soon enough for Douglas Shaw, he. Estimates, that the closure cost, him two, hundred thousand. Dollars in lost, profits, at his hotel near Yosemite that. Is, because, the summer months are the busiest part of the tourist season there, in, recent. Weeks Shaw. Used, all the money he had saved he. Had to let go of eight, of his 43. Employees. Now. He, is considering. Retiring, early, to, avoid a possible future, with, similar, damaging, wildfires if. I. Hadn't, had savings, which. Is depleted, I'd. Be scrambling, for money or I. Wouldn't, have a business Shaw, said, Monday. Shaw is among hundreds. Of business, owners in small communities, surrounding. Yosemite, who, depend on tourist money, tens. Of thousands. Of visitors from, around the world cancelled, trips because of the parks closure, which. Began, on July 25th. Fires. In, several, areas in California, have killed at least a dozen people. The. Most recent. Victim was, a firefighter, from Utah, who. Died Monday, while, battling, the largest, fire north, of San Francisco in. Yosemite. The wildfires. Were most severe. During, the busiest month for tourism. The. National, Park Service says Yosemite. Usually. Gets more than. 600,000, visitors during. The month of August. Steve. Montalto. Is creative. Director, at visit, Yosemite Madera. County. He. Says visitor, centers, in the area and the park are estimating. They have lost about fifty. Million, dollars, in combined. Tourism, income. Hotel. Owners and other businesses. Are happy, about the reopening but. It will likely be weeks, before their business, recovers. Shaw. Said rooms, in his hotel probably. Will, not be more than 45, percent reserved, this week usually. He said the hotel is completely reserved. For weeks there. Were just 10 people staying, there Monday night he added. Tom, Lambert, rents, an apartment within, the park he. Said he and his wife have, lost about. $20,000. In profits, because, of the closure. He. Said his next, reservation. Is not until the end of August that, is, because, the apartment is near the only entrance to cemani, Valley that, will remain closed, for at least another, week, the. Summer is pretty much lost he said. Officials, are trying to spread the message that, the park is open again, they. Have posted, pictures of themselves, and visitors, holding, red paddle, boards that say hashtag. Yosemite. Now, online. They. Have asked, visitors, to do the same. Scott. Gediman, is a park, ranger, he, said the loss in visitor money will, affect, park improvements such. As fixing.

Roads And updating. Buildings. Because. Those projects, are planned years, ahead all. Improvements. For, this year will be covered but, projects, in the future will be affected. Gediman. Said that in Yosemite, visitors. Likely, will see some smoke and even. Fire as they come to the park, however. The, fire is almost completely. Under, control. People. Won't have the crystal clear blue skies there used to he, said but. Added that the smoke, is the best I've seen it in several, weeks I'm. Phil. Dear King. United. States defense. Secretary, Jim, mattis spoke. In Brazil Tuesday, calling. For closer ties, with the, country, in defense, issues, and in, space. Mattis. Urged, military. Students, in Rio de Janeiro to remember, Brazil's, long, tradition, of working, with the US military since. World War two the. Defense. Secretary's. Visit comes, at a time when, unrest, continues. To increase in, Venezuela. And several, of the area's economies. Are struggling. The. U.s. also, is concerned, about the growing influence, of China, and Russia, in South, America. Mattis. Discussed, US, interest. In partnering with Brazil, in space, research. China. Has increased its, influence, in South America's, space, research, efforts, it. Operates, a space center in Argentina's. Patagonia. Area. Mattis. Said we. Choose Brazil, not because it lies along, the equator, in a happy accident of, geography. But. Because we want to work with, Brazilians. Brazil. Has developed, the Alcantara, a Space Center, in the state of, maranhão. The. Center is in a good place, because it is close to the equator. Experts. Say, rockets. Launched, close to the equator gain. Extra, velocity from. The Earth's rotation. Matis. Also, said he wants the United States to, be the partner, of choice in, South, America. After. His speech mattis. Was asked, about the proposal, by the administration. Of President Donald. Trump, to, create a u.s., space, force, a. Civilian. Asked, the defense secretary, whether. Such a force would, risk opening, the door to the militarization. Of space. Matis, answered, we. Don't intend, to militarize, space. However. We. Will defend ourselves in. Space if necessary. The. Defense Secretary will. Continue his. South American, trip with, visits, to Argentina, Chile. And, Colombia. Mattis's. Trip follows, a visit, to the area by, the chief of US, Navy Operations. Admiral, John. Richardson the. US, Navy has worked with Latin, American, allies to. Fight illegal, drug trafficking. Allies. Are also concerned. About other, threats that affect, countries, in the area such. As piracy. Officials. Say there are many other chances, for, cooperation, in the Americas, from, humanitarian. Missions, to. Cybersecurity. I'm. Jonathan. Evans, some. LED interval, of ethical, province, laos, was. Trying to get his family into, a boat when, a building, at his house a. Dam. Had, collapsed, several. Kilometers, away and water, was, speeding, toward at the PIO pulling, down buildings, along. Its path. Floating. In the water in the middle of the night and the long watched, as his house, collapsed. With his grandparents. Trapped, inside. My. Grandparents. Couldn't move they. Died in, the house he, said. He. Spoke at a rescue, center to, which he arrived with, his family, and few. Possessions. Among. Those possessions, was, a photograph, of his grandmother, as. His. House collapsed. In devons. Boat hit, his sister's, house which.

Sat, Next, to his. There. He, his, wife and, his, three children climbed. Onto the roof. But. The floodwaters, kept rising too. More than 10 meters and, then, his sister's, home was, gone -. He. Said at two, o'clock in the morning I was, looking around the neighborhood. People. Were crying and the, water was, over the whole village, all. The houses. Were gone. Some. People were holding on to trees, some. People were holding on to power poles, into. Vong. And his family, moved to the steel structure, and held, on firmly. Violent. Waves crashed. Beneath, them it, was. Hours, before, a rescue boat arrived. 13. Villages were. Flooded, and destroyed in. A, Tokyo province. The. Dam that, broke July. 23rd. Was. Part of the sapien, sonam, Noi hydropower. Complex. The. Water moved, with such force, that it caused, the evacuation. Of a town more. Than 100. Kilometers, away in, Cambodia. Lieutenant. Colonel Tom sook kam luangta, led, the rescue team that saved in, the Von's family. And more. Than. 1500. Other people. The. Officer, said I am. Really upset, about this, and I've, been working, from the beginning, until now without. Stopping. And I'm. Very happy to. Be helping the people. There, are more than. 6500. Survivors. In shelters. At five. Rescue. Bases, the, local, government, says in. Total. Officials. Say. 7095. People. Have, been displaced, in, Laos. State. Media, report. Thirty-five, dead and. 99. Missing. The, survivors, are experiencing. A mix of feelings. Anger. Severe. Shock and extreme. Tiredness. So. Makyo, Sivan is a, 60. Year old man from. Bonn my village. He. Said s ke, NC. Which. Operates. The dam had. Told, the village a large, amount, of water would, be released. But. Chios event said the, South Korean company, did, not warn. Of a, possible, collapse. When, the water came, it, came, quick, like, a tsunami and, people. Were scared. He said. Describing. The first wave, as at, least 1, meter high. He. Said the flood waters destroyed. 95%. Of the homes in, the, village. S. Ke. NC. Which. Is building, the dam jointly, with P NPC. Refused. Several, requests. For, an explanation, or, statement. But. The Liao's government. Said this week s ke. N, C's careless. Construction. Was. Likely the, reason for. The collapse the. Government. Also announced. Inspections. Of about. 50. Hydropower. Projects. Before. Any more, are approved. Conservation. Groups have long criticized. The, Laos and government's, plan to use, hydro, power to. Turn Laos into. The battery, of Asia. Upon my and the village of koh kong are destroyed. Along. The road that connects, them the, fields, are filled with water. This. Year's, harvest, disappeared. With, the flood. Those. Who still have houses, returned. To, look through the wreckage, for, objects. To save. Silvan. Pang a 38. Year old shopkeeper. Was, among the lucky few. She. Said, after. Spending the second night on the roof I moved, to bomba village and somebody. Came to steal, from my shop in the evening, by, entering, from the roof.

Silvan. Pang said she and her husband, felt, they had to, protect the little they had left. So. They returned, to their house in koh kong and slept. On its roof. I'm. Feeling, very sad, as i just bought new supplies, for. My shop and i lost everything, she said. Back. At the rescue center into. Bong and other survivors, wait, to find out what the government, will, do for them. I'm. Jonathan, Evans and, I'm. Katie Weaver.

2018-08-16 19:47

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