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oooh y'all when i tell you this bitch is stressed, this bitch is mother fucking stressed ummm but i am finally packed and we're heading off to sydney in a few hours ummm let me tell you, the packing process was crazy but it is done ummm the girls are literally on their way now to pick me up ummm my bag is overweight but - fingers crossed they won't say anything but ugh just want to get to the airport uugghhh i'm so stressed :( so here we made it to the airport just here with Mollika- ummm we're so tired ... um so we got on.. we parked at the long term parking and then we pretty much got on the bus and AK, turns out AK forgot her phone in a car so she has stayed on the bus to do the whole loop again back to the carpark we just weighed our bags we just weighed our bags! we just weighed our bags, and my bag is definitley over the weight i think i scaled in at 8.2? and i mean, we've only got 7 kilos Mollika has 8 kilos but it's good, we all good we're all good, it's fine :) welcome to dubai :) stop it! welcome to dubai :) see you in newcastle! wow look at the sky! so we're about to board our flight jetstar to ... ummm newcastle! imma turn you off just in case i get in trouble cucumber :) we're in newcastle or whateva waiting for my friend waiting for {grandma} {grandma} ... {grandma} Mollika hello! where's your {friend}? oh hello {grandma} is that your {husband}? {australian husband} {my australian husband} {came to welcome me at ... } waiting for the rental woo-hoo so we've landed here in port stephens and we are waiting outside the car rental ...

fml we're waiting outside the car rental booth AK's in there is that ours?! that one! so we've made it to our airbnb in cardiff so this is the entry living room area and you walk through this way we have a toilet here aka Liyah's bedroom um we have our kitchen, follow me upstairs i haven't been upstairs yet! you've got the first bedroom that's me another bedroom the bathroom, wow beautiful such good lighting in here a bath tub and shower in here, nice and private and then we have ... a locked door so it is our first morning here in newcastle of cardiff actually it's gonna be a warm day but we're sort of just cruising two days we never wanted to but the order of the things that we want to do we're not sure yet but everyone's just getting ready and we're gonna head off to to brunch in newcastle in newcastle enjoy the weather and the beach and the beach oh what about oh friends don't worry if we just have a look over to the right over here you'll see that there's quite a few remote servers sowers um and that's due to proven 19. how i love we are here in arabic so right now where are we this is what i've been waiting for can't wait check it out hey guys oh baby i'm so foreign you singing me way i'm gonna attempt to go downstairs oh um okay tonight we are having lasagna you also have garden salads and wine and garlic bread and garlic bread which is on the way and that is is good morning everybody it is our second and final night here in cardiff um we're just packing up and reorganizing the place after you before the best we'll head out i want you around just jumping over to my boat for a morning brunch our girl's boat that's my baddies boats i'm so excited my body always treats me alright accommodation um and we've just checked into our airbnb it's so big um but i will give you guys a tour so when you walk in this is the little entry lobby way it is double story but you're coming here is the first bedroom and the freshly used toilet in there here is the view from the first bedroom into the courtyard following me upstairs we got this side and that side you follow me this side is the is the kitchen lounge this little lounge and then exits here into our balcony this is our view i think we're close to central station as well so that's handy this is a washer and dryer no seconds bathroom and our second bedroom and that is our apartment right now and apparently they closed i think you know aka is just holding them to make sure that she can actually drop the car off otherwise for the weekend so we finally actually managed to return the keys back to perth back to her this is how i feel about you hers is so right now angelica's taking us to a drug deal i'm so scared but so excited like this bye babes good morning it is a late one this morning but malika and i are on our way to the fish market um we're catching public transport so fingers crossed we get there um but it's very windy today even though it's sunny um but this should be good yes now so we just had we just ordered to shame you i'm so excited she's cutting out the shaping down i also went to get some wasabi and they gave me a whole truce i don't know what we're doing i me all right now we're on our way to dinner uh we are having all-you-can-eat korean back here um malia found this place not sure if it's good it should be good knows how to eat fish knows how to eat so it should be good right right is guys welcome to our tutorial of how to take photos in our photo booth so it's quite easy all you need is a 5 000 photo it's not hard all you have to do is get one from japan it's really easy and if you're especially bougie you should get the green screen now you see me no you don't one two three good morning everybody checking in on the roads we have checks out of the hotel and we're on our way to central station to drop off our bags and then we head out for the day it's a gorgeous day today going to stay for good just stays oh she really said that call me baby i mean he doesn't need and it breaks my heart yeah it breaks my heart and it breaks my heart hi welcome to not hyde park so currently we are not in hyde park so we wandered around sydney and we finally made it to secular keys next week when she flies down again bye can you um me and as well as from emperors gardens cakes and bakery all righty be gone don't give it a shot oh oh yes yes is we actually came here last night two nights ago and we have to come back it was so cheap you get five of these ones for like two dollars oh bye oh this station is she said baby is but right now marie is trying how are you feeling i'm actually really excited yeah so so excited it's really good so right now i'm going to introduce cherie to my ultimate favorite drink from hotel the green tea yogurt what is this it's called green tea yogurt green tea yogurt yeah it tastes like gekko yes this is like straight yakult green tea yogurt yeah i love it she don't like it wow uh we thought you were sitting for two nights it's a beautiful day little baby damn things cause i loved you most when you loved me the hey like my life

2021-08-14 04:55

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