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Hey guys an, official. Welcome to my very very first, vlog, so, as I promised, I will. Be vlogging, since. I am on a trip and I am in New York City which, I figured, would be the greatest place to start a vlog so. I'm super excited we, have a lot of stuff to do today so of. Course I'm gonna bring you along but I just wanted to do a quick intro, prior. To, actually. Doing it so. Really. Quickly hit, like subscribe and. Post notifications turn, them on and. Comment. Down below so you can give me ideas of, what to do cuz you know stay interesting, all right. Over. At, the subway station, this. Is Sheila, hi. My. Hair is up right now because. When. I want to be super cute I put it down and then when I don't can't put it up so it stays like curly. And stuff so it's it's. My way of doing stuff you know um. So. We're in the bronx and. Yeah. Just at the subway station. You. Know. Waiting. For a ride. That's. What we're doing all weekend. Should. We get then. It's. A real vibe but, yeah. Hey Chester Avenue here we are all. Right ttyl outline. For. The month yeah, Lily. She. Said 87th, Monday we're just gonna have to keep our ears open. I. Think, she said anything. You. We'll, know we're stopped. So where we going we. Need kind of minute. Look. Hmm. So. Can. You pull it up on the maps. Are. You ready. Oh that's, so cute look at them. Whose. Room is being a kid. Are you excited. Super. Excited, about, me. I am in my master's, program for motor. And, I'm a fashion lover. And. They, have a fashion, exhibit. I've. Been here before but, you. Know. Exhibit. Is. Egyptian. Are and then Kingdom, Egypt. And. My, vouchers of art degree. In my concentration, one of them was Egyptian, art so, I absolutely love, it and I get super excited over time I see it. So. I'm just gonna give. You guys a little tour. I'm just so beautiful. So every time you see a, sculpture, or, painting of, Egyptian, pharaohs, anytime. They have one. Leg out in front of the other like that that means that they are over.

So Just. A fun fact about Egyptian, art one of the best dynasties. And. One of the best kingdoms, that ever ruled. Love it look at this huh coffee good. I. Thought. We would see something but nope, but. Look at these. I mean. Seriously. One of the best people. To ever do it in the world, super. Excited it's night absolutely, love it yes. They. Were the greatest people ever. Look, at this this is absolutely. Beautiful. Look, at back Corinthian. Column. Let, me just get these right here. This, is super exciting guys I. Hope. You all are excited just, as much as I am. So. This is the female pharaoh hash tips I'm. Sorry. Well, I got tongue-tied. She. Was, a female pharaoh who. Just, yourself as a meal. So she. And she, did an amazing job. Shout-out, to her. They. Might take it. Yeah. So. I didn't. Take too many more videos at the met because. A. Couple. Of those security guards have some real bad attitudes, okay. About. Like. This one lady was like delete. That and, I didn't delete it so joke's. On you later. Like. Who got some food. And. Look who's almost. All. Right so, we are done eating. Say. Hi Samia. She's. So sweet for, letting us stay with her. The. Heart of it, time. Yes. Yeah, okay. Parrot. Officially, is. I. Always. Gotta have fun. Probably. Just do this. I don't, know but she is saying she's on fire. I. Think. It's good. She's. On fire. Neckla. Formats my. Face back. That where, we at. Hey. Guys, it. Is 9:00 a.m. and, I. Didn't. Get to finish out the vlog yesterday because, it, was just too, much a lot. Of stuff happened a lot of stuff happened it, was just crazy um we, lost Jayla. And. Our, phones were like on. 3%, so. It. Was. A little too hectic, and. I just couldn't find the time to just film everything, just. Because we're trying to be safe, mainly. So. That. Happened. It, was great we ended up coming home we got a home at like we got to Camille's house at, like. Midnight. 12:30. And, by, that time I was so tired we, hadn't been up since like 9:00 a.m. so. I just like ate, some McDonald's and, took. A shower and then right. To sleep but. It is 9 a.m. and. It's the next day, so. We are going to brunch I believe about 1:00 so. I'm gonna start getting ready because it's gonna be a long train, and bus ride we're. All the way in the Bronx, so. Yeah. But. It'll be fun so. Let, me show you guys make you. Haven't. Even brush my teeth yeah. But. Here. Is my view. Of. The Bronx, you're, right by White Castle. But. You can't see what castle anyways. This. Is this. It's. Gonna take an hour 30 minutes at that side so. Back. Again here. We are. Kids. The. Questions. Alright, guys we finally made it to gold. Okay. Mariam, Eri. But. Anyways we're. In Chinatown, which, we. Someone's, got a little in a. That'll. Be cool. Like. A stray yeah. Hurry. Okay that's great 35. So. We're coming. Back. Uh Toto, with. Goofy, what. Do you have I have. The. Cherries forever. Fancy. No. Not Donald Trump let's see. Okay. Thank you. Where. Are we going is it, around here. Okay. This. Is cute. Okay. Great. Do. You love New York.

Maybe. You are the star of my youtube right now just, the back of your head is just great. Because. We all need a little bit of love in our lives and in this world here, we are. Girls, just like a serious attraction. Everyone, else's like I don't care I see this every day. I'm. Still in New York and I, am actually for Clinton now so. Yeah, super. Cold we are walking by the lot. So. I will, show you the view in front of me we're, trying to get to the Brooklyn Bridge to take some really cool pictures for Instagram obviously. And you, know just have some fun it's our last day. Light, leaves at 7:55. P.m. and. It, currently is 1019, a.m. so it's my, last day this beautiful, day so, I'm trying to enjoy it as much as I can, that's. Jayla. There's. The water. Here's, the pathway, that's the Brooklyn Bridge, all. Right. By. The blood. Pretty, we, were just taking pictures. Because. It looks so nice but we're still going to go under the bridge, so. This. Is a great, place, for a picture. Because. The background is great, and. I'm getting in people's pictures I'm. Gonna walk away now because. I'm, all the people's pictures. We're. Going up like. 20. Flights of stairs to get here and I'm not sure what we're getting to but we're. Gonna find out it's. Like having an orgasm. Financial. Migraine, yeah. Those. Of you who don't know me let me just let you know right now that I absolutely love, to take pictures so, you're. Going to hear me say it time. It's, closed, okay. Because, it's so early like. The hours you, can tell with these smart right but I guess not. The. Atrium. Yeah. Sushi. Okay. Let's go to the atrium let's see what this is about. Are. You I'm a look here part of my video. Oh. To disappear. And yeah thank, you. Sure. Thank you. It's, almost too pretty to eat. No, it's a poached egg action. My. Date so cute guys. I'm. Just like all in people's business I'm just gonna record all this, stuff that's happening oh this. Is the proposal, right here. With, the little red carpet. Yes. Guys. I. Can't. Even talk about it, it's okay. It's, not it wasn't funny but nowadays okay like first, of all let's. Not forget my biases. And BTS. He. Forgets his password, all the time okay. So it's perfect, like we might not need to be together because like. We. Would lose everything. Okay. I thought. My camera gotten stolen but. I actually hid it for myself because there's so many pockets in my backpack. That like I couldn't, find my own camera so, that, means a box good. You're. Like it's an anti-theft so. Like it's supposed to good, God. Like. She has to be like. Rich. Thank you thank you. Thank, you. The sky priority. Alright. Guys made. It back to the field if, you don't know what that means that means Jacksonville. Which, means that, I. Am. At the conclusion, of this vlog you, thank you guys so much for watching as. Always the subscribe, button the, like button and the post notification, bells and. Write. Down some comments, give me suggestions ideas, and, opinions and, what you guys think, alright. You.

2018-12-19 03:14

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