[Applause] [Music] br [Music] just putting them together bu building up the lights they with Y I was uh I was telling them uh with you guys in your uh your lord cook up you should have been like hey by the way there's probably going to be like 60 people buying wipers from you tonight you want to do a group disc exactly yeah where where's the code this weather sucks a this weather is ruthless but it's very authentic for the PMW part of PMW new yeah it's not great it's very wet and very dark already but uh we'll see I mean who knows let let's be positive maybe it'll maybe it'll die down probably won't but uh we'll just work around it and we're going to see a lot of cool cars driving in the rain [ __ ] them Fu them that's we say mother nature yeah mother Mother Nature what [ __ ] [Music] w [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] world [Music] should [Applause] [Music] [Music] he [Music] Chicago simulator [Music] e [Music] [Music] I [Music] let [Music] do [Music] and yeah we'll just have a slow Cruise out there the weather's kind of [ __ ] so we got to be careful and uh yeah we'll make our way over there so um we'll see when okay they're here so yeah 5 minutes we'll we'll be out of here [Music] get [Music] [Music] [Music] that's [Music] you know I [Music] baby [Music] [Music] TR [Applause] [Music] [Music] watch my [Music] [Music] he [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I know [Music] [Music] happy birthday to you W all right I've got Brooke and Sandra with me and they've put together these two cars behind us here so yeah tell us a little bit about your cars and what you've done for the new specs for this year's New Year's trip so my GLC uh I got it this year and I wanted to have a little kit so I was inspired by helping Keith out with building the vixon and wanted to do it on a micro scale just build a little side step and a Depo that's cute I know I was like I could do that a little welding a little gluing a little drilling I don't know um and it has a spoiler and a tiny baby one pipe tari and uh yeah she was trying really hard to keep up with all that steel added steel it's it's bogged out a little she's not a very fast car yeah I was like [ __ ] flooring it the whole not a very fast car and then of course the last time we saw the X7 it was in like the summer touring spec that you had been absolutely slaving away at to get like The Works fenders on and get the car painted black and now it looks like unreal and a bit of a new spec so what have you changed for touring this this winter so yeah the first spec was like the car's debut and it was like super hardcore bad boy look um and then for New Year's touring um I didn't have a ton of time so I just kind of kept it simple but I was really inspired by like the early 80s kaido Racers and they're super like fun and playful so that's what I was going for um painted the flares pink and then I modified the old takari and I painted them yellow and I cut them super sharp to look like the you know true bamboo sphere and yeah I just thought that it looked uh looked yeah before we started doing this we uh mocked up some sketches designed it out first tell us a little about the inspiration in that that XX in Japan okay so that XX that XX in Japan was a rusty uh piece of [ __ ] silica and they were they restored it and made it look really cool with the trust slivery our inspiration was that because this car is also white it was Rusty as hell and it came from Russia adding some color to a white car creates a lot of uh prom out of it totally yeah it looks it looks unreal I'm really impressed with thank you I couldn't have done it without everyone like our team is called studio lab studio lab so where did that come from uh started with me Brian Alex so it's like Lance Alex Bryan Love Game lab and Studio because like we're just deciding to do crazy re for cars yeah how how's it been putting this car together compared to like some of the other event cars you've done and maybe just tell us about some of the the features and and details on the car like the wheels or the arrow and stuff I've had this body for about eight years I bought it uh rolling chassis and Idaho seeing Brian Z and then he he letting me drive it that was really kind of like oh this is actually really fun so I found one and then kind of sat on it for a while and it wasn't until this last summer touring where it was kind of like if I don't get this car put together and running and driving um I should probably just s with the help from a lot of people and a lot of time and a lot of money into it but it's been awesome uh super cool car um I'm super proud of it but yeah a 1977 280Z I've kind of backdated a couple things on it uh most notably the the rear lights or 240Z tail lights and then of course I've got the full Works body kit and the the gos uh the the wheels um I ended up getting from a a friend in Seattle a couple years ago um and they were original 3piece Hayashi racing techn Phantoms a little rough but they were the wheel that I really wanted for this car the time I was kind of dragging my feet on what I wanted to do as far as wheel specs and versioning and I ended up just pulling the trigger eventually and doing the full Works flare and committing to the 12j 10j rebuild by by Reed at rud boy Customs you're still he did a phenomenal job it's so cool to see it's definitely one of the most aggressive looking cars that comes out and uh yeah it's just got tons of presents it looks fantastic yeah it's been fun to bring it out here and when is your birthday it's uh probably in like 50 minutes no way well happy birthday man that's super sick yeah both yeah brought one nice fancy one for will to eat and wait am I get out [Music] of holy [ __ ] it's Smokey that's got to be a rotary [Music] [Music] [Music] 1 [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] tell me e me show [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's four New Year touring that's crazy to think about it's been four years kind of wild tonight was great like it was a smallish turnout but it was perfect it was like not stressful um horrible weather weather no cops no breakdowns yeah if you want to join and you want to build a car message one of us and uh we'll give you the lowdown can join the touring with the rest of us all right well yeah guys that's a wrap for uh New Year's touring 2025 five I can't believe it's already been four years of these events like and uh yeah thank you guys for watching the videos you know this is uh the fourth New Year's touring event but the seventh touring total so we've got a huge back catalog of these videos if you want to go check those out all you got to do is search them up in our library and uh of course we got a ton of other videos as well I think at this point we've passed the 200 video Mark so there's tons of stuff that you can go back and enjoy if you haven't already watched it and uh thank you guys so much for supporting checkpoint I mean we're out here it's like what time is it is it 1: in the morning yeah it's it's like 1 1:00 a.m. right now and it is cold and it is pouring rain we are completely soaked and uh but we wouldn't have it any other way this has been a total blast awesome awesome event but yeah thank you guys so much for watching the video and we actually just a couple days ago did a new drop with uh this line which is our Expressway Champions line of products we've got a hat a T-shirt and some slaps you should definitely go and check out yeah thank you guys for watching the video we'll see you next week [Music] the last thing you ever see before your [ __ ] refrigerator full of [ __ ] meatballs and spaghetti there and then next thing it ain't you know what I'm saying got a [ __ ] I'm telling you if you ever got a [ __ ] spaghetti and meatball problem I'm your [ __ ] guy all right that's we
2025-01-15 14:55