New Tourist Traps in Tsukiji Market, Travel Tokyo

New Tourist Traps in Tsukiji Market, Travel Tokyo

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today I'm taking a tour of Tsukiji fish  market in Tokyo Japan other than Seafood   there's so many things that you do not want to M  today's leader is a Kurogin a high quality tuna place they might look a little bit too pricey but   you will never regret stopping by  the sprs they dedicated to exent tuna look at this line they also have a  location in Saka which is as crowded as   dis place you cannot avoid waiting in line. Japan is easy to travel by Bullet train.  if you want to enjoy Real Su quality they   only use the homra bloing tuna the king of tuna  kinds plate of six Sushi of lean medium fatty   and super fatty tuna is only 2600 Yen which is  actually a great deal the experience is pricess   because it's quality that you can't have it at  any other place this place is a standing bar   still people won't stop coming  here it's a m try when you come to Tsukiji if I walk you in a fish market this is most expensive skew on the planet  if I Wy be Sal long on Stick cost you 70 usd I   mean just one stick 10,000 yen is a lot of money  in Japan with that money you can have a nice   sushi lunch at the M stad Restaurant if5 war is so  delicate it's something that you should enjoy at   the fancy restaurant people say the pricey be from  stick is overpriced or you can't fully appre The   Taste one good thing about that is you can enjoy  the best Japanese beef right away without making   any annoying research reservation or anything  super expensive topping are already price beef   people in Japan have never heard of the habit  of eating Wagyu and seron ra oversea origin at   the same time time this type of stall is a new  business that came out after the co a business   run by Chinese people only for foreign tourists  Tsukiji changed a lot since the pandemic shop   staff have learned to speak some English at most  places the majority of visiting suku foreigners   it smell so good here this V is named kit more  popular than any other Yos location in the world   it's not just about the taste the value is  so richal from the 50s it's a typical food   saw for people working in the fish market truck  drivers Transporters tuna auction dealers they   need hearty meals between the busy schedules  beginning Before Dawn in Japan 99.9% of beef b   stands have become chain locations they came down  here to feel nostalgic I think this place is new   performance on the street this place is not a food  store at The Night Market he gring pricey Stakes it looks odd he cooks outside  and then serves dishes to the   customers inside must be a  super expensive wagy beef A5 Wagyu sirloin on Stick sea urchin on A5  Wagyu the king of livestock and the Emperor   of seafood if you eat a steak inside it's  120 USD. Booking a hotel in Tsukiji Tokyo can be difficult on weekends. I think the customer here are 100% foreigners this is a TR classic style a minii  e stick is only 2 USD it's an expensive River   fish we have a h one at the restaurant it  can be a 35 USD I can taste better than A5   wagu I think this stall is a good chance  to know what the most expensive eel is like sharpen your cooking knife on the street I  think he's working for the customers the knife has   an a name on it there separate cooking knife  stores in the small area filled with hundred   of sushi and seafood restaurants they're  so busy working on their customer knives these 150 USD hoto knives only for cutting  fish they're way different from regular ones what is going on there  this is the longest line in Tsukiji the place is tamagaki omelet shop it's  not just an omelette it makees The Omelette   suck up a lot of broth so that the taste  is super delicate small stick is only 1.5

USD making Japanese brass armed takes time and  effort needs to flip them up multiple times so   that they can suck up the traditional Japanese  broth with Bonito Flakes and combo seaweed each   shop has its own unique taste and texture why  omelet shops in the fish market back in those   days of Samurai period when this Tsukiji Market  was built egg was an expensive ingredient just   like pricey fish so the fish market was the right  price to handle it more importantly omelet is   essential part of sushi Cuisine it's a tradition  that people order egg first when they enter sushi   restaurant it says that the omorate represent  everything about the restaurant service quality   and The Taste pricey sushi restaurant look for  the best omelet to keep the reputation and high quality this is a sweet omelet I think to make  it sweeter for stick It's s between leg omorat   and Portuguese egg tart I love this texture  you can't leave Tsukiji without trying this here's another long queue this place in  or rice bottle stand why so many people   are waiting just rice ball they have  a variety of feelings including lay   items like salmon octopus pickle  Plum beef clam and samur ra they   look like old school staff each  one of them is wrapped in plastic wrap look at that there's some super rare fish  items they can make them only in this fish market Tsukiji is a peculiar Fish Market because  it's located in the middle of downtown Tokyo   not on the outskirts of cities like most other  fish market are that makes easily this area in   international tourist attraction it's only  a few stations away from Ginza to station or aara comu seaw an essential part of Japanese  Cuisine without that there would be no Japanese   food at all this one's from Rishiri Island  Hokkaido the best combo of all kinds people   don't eat it they boil it to make broth whether  you like it or not. Tokyo has a lot of tourist attractions like Tokyo Disneyland. most Japan food items contains Essence this place is looking good three roing  tuna sushi of lean medium F and super FIA only   8 USD the chef Cuts right in front of you meaning  the fish is Super Fresh the three different parts   have unique taste respectively super 4 tuna is  the most expensive prodct which R melt in your   mouth you may not want to have markp of them  at the time because they can be a little bit   too oily in your mouth contrary Lun has a little  fat which is a wak point for people looking for   juicy stuff however you can en the taste of  tuna better than the other two parts the best   bulling tuna has a delicate and complex taste  which buries depending on the seasons as well   as the fishing ports medium fatty tuna is sort  of between the two you can take advantage of the   two good things that is probably why medium fatty  tuna is more appropriate than the others Seafood   barbecue stand it cannot be simpler than this just  tell them what you want on understand and then   they grow them for you before eating inside there  everything oysters snow CL legs squid clams and scallops this place is full of a seafood  ARA that is what they intended to appe to   more customers I think the prices are 20 to  30% overpriced but that is what is happening   after Co and the entire tukiji Market the  place is almost full of customers after   the pandemic tukiji has transformed into an  international tourist attraction customers   and prices are quite different than few blocks  away from Tsukiji area this Seafood barbecue   stand is a new thing that appeared in famous  touristy markets in Japan like kuraman in Osaka   or Nishiki in Kyoto doesn't feel classic  Japanese we see this a lot in the Philippines   and Southeast Asia which stle is it entertains  visitors from all over the world that is what   tourism is for I think 80 to 90% of people in  this market are from foreign countries I heard   maybe 20 or 30 different languages since I arrived  in Tsukiji 1 hour ago Eastern European Southeast   asan West Asia Polynesia Chinese dialects like  Cantonese and Taiwanese and many others that I   don't know it's truly worse visiting this area  whether you like seafood or not the vibe here   is unique or maybe even weird it's a mixture  of international people and a Japanese retro atmosphere Tokyo is a modern city where you  can't find this n town asuki this small alley   has now changed for 50 years now tuna shops  like this place were everywhere until the   2010 the best tuner ball is 7 USD you will be  stand when you first experience a real buing   tuna Sashimi large tuna cuts are between  30 to 60 USD this is a classic Tui fish   shop those customers either small restaurant  chefs or Sashimi cooking enthusiasts there   sep tuna kinds home magura bloing tuna  bachim magura kih mro bin mro and South   tuna they're different in taste and texture  for example B magro and soua have a buttery texture they have rare Parts tuna's Chek doesn't  taste like fish it's like tender beef you can't   find a very often because one tuna only has two  little cheeks eight cut of a Super 40 tuna is only   15 USD if you order at a nice restaurant one Sushi  cost you 7 USD a large cut is only 10 USD which is steel this is a Sugi Moto a famous cooking  knife shop that dates back to the 1800s they   have everything for Japanese and Western  Cuisines these are for cutting beef those   are for removing tendons 400 USD is not too  expensive for this quality knife Japanese   cooking knife for cutting vegetables. So many good Japanese souvenir shops in Tokyo. iron  BR makes Sharp Cuts whereas stainless are   more durable this business has  restaurant items s tree is the   best Chopstick material if you are using  them you are in three M Restaurant bamboo   chopsticks is also high-end items tourists  get Chopstick rest for interior decorations I think this place was only for restaurant  business until International tourism grew so   big customers here are right now all foreign  tourists why folding fans in restaurant item   shop the chops for souvenirs this is how to is  changing into something that we can never think of   it doesn't have white strawberry at 20 USD it's  not underripe it's new kind The Taste between   strawberry and Peach two white strawberries  are 3.5 USD therefore for tourists Japanese   strawberries have a weird taste no sourness  only tender sweetness and the sugar level is high a 20 USD melon some tourists  from neighboring countries buy them in bulk this fish cake shop is so popular with both  Japanese and foreign customers shrimp and Lotus   root clim and scallion have you ever heard of  deep fried salmon or Min tuna they as great as sashimi and as a seafood barbecue stand it smells   so good in two years barbecue son will  have taken the whole Tsukiji Market that is a big PR this place is a seafood ball  restaurant now they visy with barbecue there is real charcoal really like that  now it looks like a night market in Bangkok this is a famous sea Orin restaurant 70  usd Bowl sea orgin is probably the most expensive   Seafood item in Japan 130 USD Seafood ball they  named it Emperor ball two weeks ago the whole   Japanese players covered the crazy Seafood ball as  a symbol of overpriced Tsukiji it watch the Famous   Seafood YouTubers video that previewed it he said  it's no scam the quality is very high however it's   not worth 130 USD no way people are waiting in  line This is why people called sukui Fish Market Madness why are they selling dried fans of tiger  Blowfish some people are crazy about drinking sck   dipping the fence and remember if you do this  with other kinds of blowfish you will surely die this is the sushi zai the main shop of the  famous middle range sushi restaurant chain it's   quite different PR most affordable chains  like sushiro or kurushi there a bunch of   other mean Sushi chains in Japan what  make them really popular is that they   offer high quality fish at the lowest prices  we can possibly get he is a president of the   sushi on my chain they don't look like  sushi shafts at the chain restaurant I   think the main shop is the first and only  sushi restaurant that is open 24/7 in Japan he's giving fre examples to anyone he Mets super retro Bean shop which  feels like the 50s I saw this   layout in presentation in a black and white movie omelette with shrimp crab clam and  scallop they're all handmade TR pieces of artwork in Tsukijii with s ra and SE Orin. Traveling to Japan is a long flight, but traveling in Japan is easy with Bullet Train. I don't think it's a good combination another one of those barbecue stands Wagyu  beef is everywhere in this fish market you   can try several famous food item in Tsukiji  you have to wait like 30 minutes for each dry that is a popular octopus  cracker so many people   way thing look at that a CL is larger  than her face I think it's a sh press   in batter it smells so good octopus Porco is  not originally from tuii it's from anima Island they make it with a pressing machine  like the one in a laundry shop   shrimp is more expensive in octopus  customers are all Taiwanese I guess this alley is for serious Sushi enthusiasts  this food s like place is actually a high   level sushi restaurant many rare Sushi  items bottom prom is absolutely amazing   F have a chance please try it  excellent mfish liver is next   level the texture is like for GR dark liver  it can be better than this famous French   ingredient great kinky fish is as fluffy as  you can imagine this is a real Japanese sush place you can have this nice s set many only  for 20 USD it's a steel you can always trust   see football at the real sushi restaurants  don't forget the Shop's name zukii kagura   Zushi this alley is amazing just across  alley is another famous Sushi Restaurant   Sushi say is probably wasin the top  three sushi restaurant in Tsukiji   a seafood bowl is only 12 USD people say this  is a place you can enjoys the best quality   at reasonable prices ex Sushi all reasonably  priced this 90 USD Sushi set menu is a great   deal real sushi restaurants in sukia also open  at night it can be too crowded around lunchtime   but you don't have to worry about it at night  finding a samural vending machine is as hard as   discovering a living dinosaur in Paris I have no  idea why they put chocolate coated bananas in this machine it smells so nice Bonito FX is most basic  Foundation of Japanese Cuisine you can never stay   away from it when eating Ramen sa noodles  miso soup or anything before becoming flakes   the dried Bonito is the food that is actually  recognized as the hardest fruit on the planet   it's only used to make broth this shop opened  up over a 100 years ago in this area with highly   demanding sushi restaurants can you believe  that they dry the fish not by sunlight but by mold when is the best time to visit suuki if  you really want to experience this hustling and   bassing Fish Market atmosphere around lunchtime  is the best after 1 or 2 p.m. the market quickly  

loses its vibrant feel because many shops close  by them but the drawback is you have to wait 30   to 90 minutes to enter famous place to avoid the  crowd you can come earlier some famous shops have   customers working the offshore Fish Market often  from 6:00 a.m. but closes at 1 p.m. real famous   sushi restaurants are also open at night on which  day you should visit tukiji Saturday is definitely   the busiest day of all for sure. Tokyo has a variety of accommodation types like business hotels and luxury hotels. it's the best  to experience a vibrant atmosphere but worse to   try Famous Seafood items Wednesday and Sunday are  days off in Tsukiji which is sort of a tricky it's   supposed to be a holiday because off fish market  in toyosu is off on those days about 60% of shops   op on day res holidays or not tens of thousand  tourists come to this place so it can be even more   difficult to try on popular stalls or restaurants  especially on Sunday it's odd to see many starving   people looking badly for food in the world largest  fish market we're walking down a small Alley   between two different socii restaurants it's now  almost 1:00 p.m. on Friday so the place is less

crowded this is a popular seafood ball shop  a bow tuna salmon and sea orgins only 10 USD   the quality here is not as good as the other  places however the atmosphere is a FES that's   why this place is so popular especially with young  people this cave feels like a Secret Sea football world so we are the Shop's name is this beach wall stands still open it's named  kitun a very famous place in suii 90% of the   customer here at Japanese visit all the barbecue  stands have almost 100% foreign customers in oper   at 6:00 a.m. the same time when the tuna  auction starts at Toyota Fish Market just   one mile down the road before 10:00 a.m.  this place is full of Fish Market Walkers   I think it closed in 30 minutes so not so many  people waiting in the line if I did not take   this chance I would never have it again the  menu is is Petra I'll get a beef large inent ball believe it or not they have been  refering the sauce every day ever since   they' opened up 70 years ago it's a  common prct in Japan for udang e and   to Yakitori chicken skew restaurants  to do that don't worry the sauce is   always warmed up around 60° C so  there no sanitary issues here here we go this intestine is so tender that  you can easily buy it large ints in   Korean barbecue restaurants are  so tough that you have to swallow   this is because they simmers them and  sauce for hours and hours no weird smell I think the key is this sauce  there must be a secret to cook in is   good the sauce is mainly from hatcho  miso paste which is a specialty of   Nagoya City the bitter aftertaste and  muddy texture you can't experience in Tokyo it was a hearty and healthy meal no  wonder the business has been around since the 50s Tokyo city is dynamic so is to kiji it  has changed a lot compared to 10 years ago   who thought that this old Fish Market  would have become so International   there a huge development plan in sukui area  aruma says the Tokyo Giants are going to move   the home stadium from Tokyo D to a brand new  ballpark Tokyo city is going to build a massive   Convention Center on empty lot where the off  tokish Market was located before moving to   toyosu if that happens how much of a tukui will  be left it's reasonable to expect the lands here   to Skyrocket and all businesses have no choice  but to leave the town whether they make tons of   money from tourism or not. JAL ANA are Japan's major airlines. and Tokyo is the monster of  the capital no one can stop the force of rment we  

still have time to experience Tokyo's less richer  World R is run what happened to 10,000 rats who   lived in offish Market that moved to toyosu  in 2018 sushi chef show so many performances   going on in Tsukiji it can be dangerous to  Cat tuna with a large eye while talking to customers for this is a new shop I think let me see what they  got samur ra ball is only 3.5 USD and E is just   7 USD this so cheap because the B is so small  the five here is very good in tukui if you want   regular Seafood ball it's around 2500 to 30,000  yen for 70 to 20 USD the price really depends on   what Seafood item the buet has anyway say a  20 to 30 % more expensive than outside this   area it's because of tukiji which feels like  a foreign country talking about Seafood ball   quality sushi restaurants always make high  quality seafood balls Seafood specializing   shops are different some prices are really  good and other can be EAS not so good or a   little overpriced don't get sefood ball from  barbecue stands there new businesses coming   from other country to tsuki to strike gold there  are no real Sushi chefs in there even if sushi   places are all busy there always alternatives  for you this richual baky has a good reviews on   Google they back them and the off inside I've  never heard of a just not past croissant in my   life so let's give it a try it's still hot  2 minutes ago it was in the oven the bread   is super tender because it's freshly baked the  chest Aroma is so nice the world's only chest croissant if you fly to Japan to experience  the real Seafood ball this is a place you   want to come people say Sushi COI is the best  seafood ball restaurant in Tsukiji not so many   people are in the line because it's already 2:00  p.m. if you come around noon the weight can be 2 hours the S ra is 28 USD people say the sea Orin  is the best they're 20% more expensive than other   prices however the experience that you get will  be Priceless the also open night Sadam is once in   a lifetime opportunity the Sashimi knife has  a Long Blade if you try to cut raw fish meat   with a regular knife that would not work well  on the other hand when proping fish into fillet   cutting bones and removing scales you need a thick  bright knife there are many coffee shop and coffee   vending machines in suuki this is one of the fish  market features people start working Before Dawn   so they need places to keep warm especially  in Winter now customers are all foreigners   it's 2: p.m. and it's getting less crowded  half of the shops are closing because they   working from 6:00 a.m. they live in a different  time zone in Japan 20123 was year of bbery 2024  

is the year of syrup coated strawberry everybody  is crazy about this new thing from South Korea the Shop's name is Sora suuki  no way to miss the sign in tuii they also have a strawberry  wrapped in Moi rice cake I'm fortunate today this or rice  ball shop has some items before   closing no crowds waiting is aine  now I get the Simon raw rice ball   it's a twice as expensive at 7-Eleven  and it's twice as large as 7-Eleven the samurai is so good it tastes five  times as good at 7eleven this is a mass dry thanks for watching and  I'll see you in the next video

2024-06-27 20:27

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