hey guys welcome to my channel so this is New Perspective World 2019 module 10 end of module project 1 to's industry professionals Association completing our Master document okay so here first of all we need to download this word start file which I have already downloaded here now let's move on to our project steps so the first step is you are a research assistant for tourism industry professionals Association tipa an organization that provides information and services to the travel and tourism industry you are working with three staff other staff members to write a report on the opportunities tourism businesses have for growth in the upcoming year you have created a master document and you will incorporate documents from the three staff members to produce a report turn formatting marks on switch to outline View and promote the index heading to level one so that it appears as a main heading in the table of content important important use a drop down box to promote the heading okay so first of all we need to turn the formatting on this is the formatting mark click on this one so now the formatting marks are showing then switch to outline view go to the view tab in this section you will find outline view click on this one uh so that now then promote the index heading to lbel one okay index heading yeah here this one index heading we need to promote it so here this one is the promote sign and this one is the label one so click on this one so here it is so that it appears as a main heading in the table contents yeah it's showing now as main heading okay then show contents of the master document okay show contents of the master document then on page four the blank page before the index heading insert the files listed below a sub document in the following order supportor wd9 1911 jinong okay okay so here before the index setting on page four this one uh click on insert and then select the file oops I think I have not copied the files here wait canate yeah from here C these are in the in comprise uh sorry okay now let's Okay then again go to the insert Tab and then go to the download section then select support wd19 e101 Jing click open then supportor wd19 M101 miranda. Okay click on insert and then select the Miranda file click open after that support wd9 _ 101 NE go to the insert click open okay now I link each of the three sub document so that they become part of the master document okay so first of all we need to select the data select these sub documents then we can do this step so here and then click on unlink so now these are become part of the master document now move label heading move the label to heading Market size and forecast and it's sub uh subordinate text below the label to heading Market background and subordinate text close the outline view important leave formatic marks turned on by until you are instructed to turn them off move the label two heading and blow the label two heading okay so basically this is not a whole tutorial video this is just a preview to show you that if you want any kind of help in this assignment I can definitely help you but for that you need to contact me on my WhatsApp or email whichever you want my all contact details are provided in the description box so contact me and get any type of assignment from the in case any doubt you can ask me to comment box so thank you thank you for watching hey guys welcome to my channel so this is New Perspective World 2019 module 10 end of module project one tourism industry professionals Association completing our Master document okay so here first of all we need to download this word start file which I have already downloaded here now let's move on to our project step so first step is you are a research assistant for tourism industry professionals Association Tia an organization that provides information and services to the travel and tourism industry you are working with three staff other staff members to write a report on the opportunities tourism businesses have for growth in the upcoming year you have created a master document and you will incorporate documents from the three staff members to produce a report turn formatting marks on switch to outline View and then promote the index heading to lbel one so that it appears as a main heading in the table of content important important use a drop down box to promote the heading okay so first of all we need to turn the formatting on this is the formatting mark click on this one so now the formatting marks are showing then switch to outline view go to the view tab in this section you will find outline view click on this one uh so that now then promote the index heading to label one okay index heading yeah here this one index heading we need to promote it so here this one is the promote sign and this one is the label one so click on this one so here it is so that it appears as a main heading in the table of contents yeah it's showing now as main heading okay then show contents of the master document okay show contents of the master document then on page four the blank page before the index heading insert the files listed below a sub document in the following order supportor wd19 E11 jinong okay dot do okay so here before the index setting on page four this one uh click on insert and then select the file oops I think I have not copied the files here wait canc it yeah from here C these are in the in comprise uh sorry okay now let's Okay then again go to the insert Tab and then go to the download section then select supportor wd19 E11 jingong click open then supportor wd19 e101 miranda. Okay click on insert and then select the Miranda file click open after that support wd9 101 NE go to the insert click open okay now un link each of the three sub documents so that they become part of the master document okay so first of all we need to select the data select the sub documents then we can do this step so here and then click on unlink so now these are become part of the master document now move label heading move the label to heading Market size and forecast and it sub uh subordinate text below the label to heading Market background and it's about ordinate text close the outline view important leave formatic turn on by until you are instructed to turn them off move the label two heading and blow the label two heading okay so basically this is not a whole tutorial video this is just a preview to show you that if you want any kind of help in this assignment I can definitely help you but for that you need to contact me on my WhatsApp or email whichever you want my all contact details are provided in the description box so contact me and get any type of assignment help from there in case any doubt you can ask me to comment box so thank you thank you for watching hey guys welcome to my channel so this is New Perspective World 2019 module 10 end of module project one to's industry professionals Association completing a master document okay so here first of all we need to download this word start which I have already downloaded here now let's move on to our project step so the first step is you are a research assistant for tourism industry professionals Association tipa an organization that provides information and services to the travel and tourism industry you are working with three staff other staff members to write a report on the opportunities tourism businesses have for growth in the upcoming year you have created a master document and will incorporate documents from the three staff members to produce a report turn formatting marks on switch to outline View and then promote the index heading to level one so that it appears as a main heading in the table of content important important use the drop down box to promote the heading okay so first of all we need to turn the formatting on this is the formatting mark click on this one so now the formatting marks are showing then switch to outline view go to the view tab in this section you will find outline view click on this one uh so that now then promote the index heading to label one okay index heading yeah here this one index heading we need to promote it so here this one is the promote sign and this one is the label one so click on this one so here it is so that it appears as a main heading in the table of contents uh yeah it's showing now as main heading okay then show contents of the master document okay show contents of the master document then on page four the blank page before the index heading insert the files listed below a sub document in the following order supportor wd9 E11 jinong okay okay so here before the index setting on page four this one uh click on insert and then select the file oops I think I have not copied the files here wait cancel it yeah from here see these are in the in comprise uh sorry okay now let's Okay then again go to the insert Tab and then then go to the download section then select supportor wd19 E11 Jing click open then supportor wd19 e101 miranda. Okay click on
insert and then select the Miranda file click open after that supportor w911 go to the insert click open okay now unlink each of the three subdocument so that they become part of the master document okay so first of all we need to select the data select these sub documents then we can do this step so here and then click on unlink so now these are become part of the master document now move label heading move the label to heading Market size and forast and it's sub uh subordinate text below the label to heading Market background and ordinate text close the outline view important leave formatic marks turned on by until you are instructed to turn them off move the label two heading and blow the label two heading okay so basically this is not a whole tutorial video this is just a preview to show you that if you want any kind of help in this assignment I can definitely help you but for that you need to contact me on my WhatsApp or whichever you want my all contact details are provided in the description box so contact me and get any type of assignment from the in case any doubt you can ask me to comment box so thank you thank you for watching hey guys welcome to my channel so this is New Perspective World 2019 module 10 end of module project one tourism industry professionals Association completing our Master document okay so here first of all we need to download this word start file which I have already downloaded here now let's move on to our project step so the first step is you are a research assistant for tourism industry professionals Association cipa an organization that provides information and services to the travel and tourism industry you are working with three staff other staff members to write a report on the opportunities tourism businesses have for growth in the upcoming year you have created a master document and you will incorporate documents from the three staff members to produce a report turn formatting marks on switch to offline View and then promote the index heading to level one so that it appears as a main heading in the table of content important important use the drop down box to promote the heading okay so first of all we need to turn the formatting on this is the formatting mark click on this one so now the formatting marks are showing then switch to outline view go to the view tab in this section you will find outline view click on this one uh so that now then promote the index heading to label one okay index heading yeah here this one index heading we need to promote it so here this one is the promote sign and this one is the label one so click on this one so here it is so that it appears as a main heading in the table of contents yeah it's showing now as main heading okay then show contents of the master document okay show contents of the master document then on page four the blank page before the index heading insert the files listed below a sub document in the following order supportor wd19 E11 Jin dong okay dot do okay so here before the index heading on page four this one uh click on insert and then select the file oops I think I have not copied the files here wait canc it yeah from here C these are in the in compr uh sorry okay now let's okay then again go to the insert Tab and then go to the download section then select supportor wd19 e101 jingong click open then supportor wd19 E11 miranda. Okay click on insert and then select the round file click open after that supportor wd19 E11 Neil go to the insert click open okay now unlink each of the three sub document so that they become part of the master document okay so first of all we need to select the data select these sub documents then we can do this step so here and then click on unlink so now these are become part of the master document now move label heading move the label to heading Market size and forecast and it subordinate text blow the label to heading mark it background and subordinate text close the outline view important leave formatic marks turned on by until you are instructed to turn them off move the label two heading and blow the label to heading okay so basically this is not a whole tutorial video this is just a preview to show you that if you want any kind of help in this assignment I can Def defitely help you but for that you need to contact me on my WhatsApp or email whichever you want my all contact details are provided in the description box so contact me and get any type of assignment help from there in case any doubt you can ask me to comment box so thank you thank you for watching
2025-01-19 05:10