New Jersey Tourism Films | Vintage

New Jersey Tourism Films | Vintage

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[Music] [Applause] [Applause] as the Cap May Ferry plowed its way toward the glistening Jersey Shore we were still trying to decide where to spend the remainder of our vacation the scenic Garden State Parkway speeded up the [Music] discussion then the Turnpike built for effortless driving did nothing to distract us from the rapidly developing debate fortunately advice was near at 6:30 fth Avenue in Rockefeller Plaza's New Jersey information center we met Mrs Maguire friendly knowledgeable and enthusiastic she described the varied vacation attractions of the state New York airport super highways such as the Atlantic City [Music] Expressway and lesser traveled roads make any area accessible Culver Lake for freshwater [Music] Sports Fountain bathing is a unique Pastime at Hop Kong State [Music] Park [Music] [Applause] [Music] the memorial Tower at High Point State Park overlooks three [Music] [Applause] [Music] states on the banks of the Delaware Washington crossing State [Music] [Applause] Park historic air estate [Music] Park metto once an important Revolutionary War industrial center is now being developed as a tourist attraction even for [Music] kids 127 miles of sandy beach start at Sandy Hook state park for the stouthearted climbing the 217 steps spiraling to the top of barnegate Lighthouse is a breeze Atlantic City with its state Marina offers Beauty afloat as well as a Shore the annual Miss America pageant which began in 1921 is a 50 girl 5 day and night world famous [Music] competition [Music] while big sister parades Under the Stars baby parades give the younger set a chance to display its charms under the sun [Music] the Scots have their fling but that dancers their [Applause] [Music] [Applause] swing if you night club like this you're likely to miss the early morning fish but there's still the sightseeing [Music] boat and sailing and in and out boarding and the pleasures of peer fishing visitors splashing in the pool playing on the beach or riding the private railroad find Point Pleasant aply [Music] named famous boardwalks Ultra Modern motels stately hotels pools of all degrees and activities to fit any personal fitness [Music] program [Music] [Applause] [Music] places promoting togetherness or Solitude in the sky in the water playing games watching [Music] players in short New Jersey has everything something to offer everyone for all [Music] ages [Music] For All [Music] Seasons Mrs Maguire helped us cast our vote for The Shore area this time Long Beach Island is a gentle soothing starting point the youngsters turn into water [Music] babies we find pleasure in looking at the neat homes basking in the quiet atmosphere so kind to older [Music] [Music] robs [Music] contrast is the essence of Asbury Park with its Ocean [Music] Front Lakes parks and freshwater [Music] Sports [Music] lazing in the sun is fun at Seaside [Music] Heights and there's much gay in the amusement area an old hand at playing host to conventions sightseers and pleasure [Music] seekers Atlantic City's abundant spectacles keep us [Music] busy the children enjoy whirling away on their own [Music] [Applause] at Ocean City we enjoyed shopping along the [Music] boardwalk [Music] the Annual Festival night in Venice [Music] and the cultural [Music] programs Wildwoods motels are the last word in [Music] luxury even the most Avid Sun worshipper sprawled on the Sands can't resist the gentle sloping sh of this [Music] [Applause] [Music] beach motoring is a good way to absorb Cape May's quaintness and to observe its Victorian [Applause] architecture as we faced the inevitable Homeward Journey we all agreed that our decision had been right each of us had enjoyed the experience Craig improved his swimming the gals their wardrobe my wallet got easier to carry we developed a healthful glow and enjoyed the Blissful Gourmet [Music] dining though Carol Sue and Craig feared the effect on their [Music] waistlines we all dreamed of the day we could return and refused to say goodbye to our favorite vacation [Music] state when our company decided to build a new plant in the East I was assigned to present to my my colleagues the facts and figures on a location that would best meet our needs my mission involved a lot of travel but after seeing the advantages of New Jersey as well as the amazing diversity of Industries already located there I was convinced that here was the ideal location for a successful operation of our new [Music] plant I began at the coliseum in New York city where the national Industrial Development exposition was taking [Music] place from the New Jersey exhibit assembled by the state government and many private organizations I learned that while New Jersey is only 45th in size among the Continental States it ranks eighth in population and seventh in the value of goods added by manufacturer it's a top farming State also being first in farm income per acre number one producer of chemical products a leader in scientific research ranks third in the making of wearing apparel third in instruments and related products fourth in electrical Machinery fifth in Rubber products fifth in miscellaneous manufacturing six in stone clay and glass products six in petroleum and Co products 6n tobacco manufacturing 6 in transportation equipment sixth in food and Kindred products seventh in fabricated Metals eighth in Printing and Publishing ninth then paper and Allied products 10th then primary Metals 10th and non-electrical Machinery it ranks high in leather making furniture and fixtures and many other Fields New Jersey offers an ideal marketing location we can ship overnight to almost onethird of the nation's population 12 key States and the District of Columbia the great cities of New York and Philadelphia are right at hand our overseas markets may be easily reached through some of the greatest Port facilities in the country the ports of Camden Trenton and Philadelphia are located on the Delaware River the largest freshwater Harbor on the Eastern Seaboard this picture made at Port nework shows how the pan Atlantic steamship Corporation handles shipments by truck to Dockside and the special trailers go right aboard ship the cargo itself isn't touched in the handling modern rapidly growing Port Newark is an important part of the port of New York a great deal of which actually lies within the state of New Jersey nearly half of the nation's imports and exports move through this vast Port commercially the most imported in the world there is more railroad trackage per square mile in New Jersey than any other state in the nation this is the Central Railroad of new jerseys terminal at Jersey City one of the many large yards that serve the New York Port 14 different companies provide rail service within the state many of them offering the new piggyback or direct Trailer [Music] Service the electrified Pennsylvania is but one of eight major routs I found the state's highway system to be TOS whether I took an express route or a quiet country [Music] byway Trenton's freeway offers quick and easy access to the heart of New Jersey Capital City while the beautiful Garden State Parkway brings Metropolitan northern Jersey close to the fast growing counties along the Atlantic Shore the New Jersey Turnpike a major artery of Commerce connects the New York City area with main routes to the South and the West [Music] the opening of this Turnpike bridge over the Delaware River in 1956 brought together a modern toll road system extending all the way from Maine to Chicago here's an interesting spot a local thoroughfare the Garden State Parkway and the Turnpike all cross at this single point near Woodbridge New Jersey is often called The Crossroads of the East and for good reason the turnpike goes right by New York airport one of three major air terminals in New Jersey located within 10 minutes of downtown nework the airport's modern terminal building is noted among Travelers for its fine shops and restaurants New York airport is linked by Road and air shuttles with the other leading terminals of the New York metropolitan area Pilots hold New York airport in high esteem because of its exceptionally fine navigational system [Music] numerous local airports enable private aircraft to reach any part of the state a new Banner flies over the southern Jersey Pines near Atlantic city where the Federal Aviation agency is building a model airport Second To None here at the National Aviation facilities experimental Center trained Specialists are testing new systems and procedures for use and the nation's air traffic control system I saw an early experiment in the center's anti-collision program this beachcraft c45 is equipped with experimental flashing lights and high visibility fluorescent paint from Transportation I turned to the question of finding new employees and I feel there will be no problem at all getting the skilled help we need for our offices and for the plant itself during my visit I saw employees with an amazingly wide range of operating Technical and maintenance skills and I learned that on vocational training New Jersey spends more than double the average of other leading States I might add that the history of Labor Relations here is one of stability and [Music] maturity our people will certainly enjoy living in New Jersey Recreation is right at hand for everyone it is largely a state of private homes and whether our people prefer to be in a big city a fine suburb or way out in the country they can find just what they want even in the country home is never far from fine department stores and modern shopping centers many of the foods found in the supermarkets especially the dairy products eggs and poultry fresh vegetables and fruits are produced close by on New Jersey Farms tempting evidence of that nickname the garden State here's a novel idea developed by the Grand Union company it's a Shoppers automat where you can buy food for the family even when the market is [Music] closed looking into educational opportunities in New Jersey I visited several colleges and universities including Princeton seen here and Rutgers the state University I was impressed not only with the range of courses offered but also by the way both public and private institutions work side by side with business and industry in important economic and scientific research I found too that education facilities are constantly used for Advanced Training of Executives and [Music] supervisors speaking of research did you know that New Jersey is the nation's number one Research Center the work at air reduction companies Murray Hill Center typifies the way in which some 500 research organizations in the state are exploring problems in such diverse Fields as medicine fuels chemicals Plastics and many others they're at work too on our space age problems of rocketry communications Metallurgy Ceramics and nuclear [Music] [Applause] energy here is research for tomorrow it's the multi-million dollar facility of industrial reactor Laboratories Incorporated in Plainsboro the country's largest privately owned and operated nuclear Research Center a joint venture of 10 nationally known corporations it has been termed an important step in the Atoms for Peace program the reactor itself lies submerged 30 ft below the surface of this pool water sources are plentiful as lakes rivers and underground resources abound the state has a fine water supply program that will more than meet all potential growth of Interest too are New Jersey's mineral resources Stone sand and gravel clay lime iron zinc and several rare [Music] Earths and there are many excellent sites for building also outstanding indust industrial parks such as the widely acclaimed Fair Lawn industrial park near Patterson our primary metal suppliers will be close at hand too I visited the Perth Amboy plant of American smelting and refining company and watch their process for refining copper here the molten metal is being poured into ingots in its liquid form the copper looks almost like pink [Music] lemonade after the metal cools the ingots are shipped to processors all over the country another call I made was at The Crucible Steel Corporation of America's plant at Harrison where skilled hands fabricate steel into many shapes to meet varying specialized needs of Manufacturers I talked with officers of the Atlantic City Electric Company serving the southern portion of the state New Jersey utility companies interconnect their lines to minimize the possibility of interruption even in an emergency and have long-term programs of expansion to meet the growing demand for electric [Music] power if we build our plant in New Jersey as Westinghouse electric did when they erected this radio television plant in middlex County we should know about several important public and private organizations that serve the interest of business and industry within the state first there's the government of the state itself and the department of conservation and economic development headed by commissioner bontempo whom I found talking with the governor of New Jersey The Honorable Robert B minor an important private organization is the New Jersey Manufacturers Association which provides for example detailed information on labor contracts from its unusual file of hundreds of collective bargaining agreements here in the New York office a staff specialist adds his knowledge and experience to the information in the [Music] files from its main office in Trenton the association provides numerous services for business and industry its staff studies legislative proposals and analyzes their possible effect upon the state's business climate president Henry W Johnson represents more than 10,000 business firms dedicated to serving the economic welfare of the state policies with respect to public issues are set forth by committees representatives of the member firm firms who analyze developments within their specialized Fields automatic mailing machines speed the flow of information and decisions often in the form of bulletins like these to the membership throughout the [Music] state the association's monthly magazine New Jersey business is widely known and read here the editors are preparing a page layout one of the final steps in getting out each issue another vital Business Service organization is the State Chamber of Commerce with headquarters in nework under Executive Vice President Irving t gum the chamber functions as an organized voice of New Jersey industry and business both at the state and National levels the secretary and various departmental officers evaluate legislation affecting business and form a program of representing business interests with members of Congress and the state legislature policies of the chamber are formulated by specialized Committees of businessmen and by the board of directors water supply was the topic of this committee meeting others deal regularly with Social Security unemployment compensation Personnel relations taxes transportation and education to name but a few by means of Tours and other special public events the chamber has fostered a close relationship between leaders of the state at Flemington there business and farm leaders meet each year to encourage the efforts of New Jersey farm Youth and everyone enjoys the spirited fun of unpredictable saki [Music] [Applause] racing the southern New Jersey Development Council another participant in the state exhibit offered us many valuable locational Services ready to help too are the New Jersey and Jersey Central Power and light companies the middlex county industrial Department with headquarters in New Brunswick the New Jersey natural gas company Elizabeth toown Consolidated gas company and South Jersey Gas Company members of the Society of industrial Realtors the mercery county industrial commission located in Trenton the utility companies would offer immeasurable help in plant location with 53 of the top 70 Blue Chip Industries located in New Jersey I asked these members of New Jersey's unique Industrial Development family to show me some of our potential Neighbors First I went to Pomona in the southern part of the state to visit a new plant of lenux Incorporated world renowned maker of Fine China with headquarters in Trenton to establish production here lenx faced the problem of building top craftsmanship among many new employees who had no previous experience in China making within a surprisingly short time these capable employees had attained the highest quality control standards and were creating beautiful [Applause] chinaware used even in the White House the TC Wheaten company in milville one of several major glass manufacturers located in Southern New Jersey the company makes specialized glass and plastic containers for pharmaceuticals and cosmetics as well as industrial and laboratory glass wear and electronic Specialties this entirely automatic bottle plant turns out more than a million containers a day nearby in Lynwood I watched Carol M Shanks president of Prudential Insurance Company break ground for his company's $3 million regional office building here's a picture I think you will enjoy my visit to New Jersey came when the eyes of the nation were focused upon Atlantic City and the annual Miss America Pageant this yearly search for the ideal American Girl begins as the contestants PS for news cameramen on the broad beach near convention hall [Music] a colorful evening parade brings throngs of visitors to Atlantic City's famed [Music] Boardwalk during the pageant the girls are judged for their Poise for their be and formal gowns for special talents and of course for their appearance in [Music] swimsuits reluctantly I left Atlantic City and cross the state to keep an appointment at Paulsboro on the Delaware River I arrived just in time to watch the docking of this deep water tanker at the refinery of Sone Mobile Oil Company although petroleum crude is not a native resource New Jersey ranks sixth among the nation's petroleum refining States the answer to this seeming Paradox lies in the state's excellent markets and transportation refineries here are on deep water and close to Metropolitan centers sakon's Paul's Borough Refinery is unusually Diversified from its complex equipment flows a complete range of petroleum products [Music] here's another prospective neighbor Johnson and Johnson's new surgical dressings plant and its baby products division J&J has deep roots in New Jersey established in 1874 the company has a number of ultramodern plants in the rapidly growing New Brunswick [Music] area combining Beauty and function this decorative Pond holds an auxiliary plant water supply [Music] why calling at the plant office I learned from manufacturing vice president Claude Swank that their surgical dressings plant is the largest in the world he showed me their highly automated production line where numerous baby products are made and packaged under the strictest of sanitary conditions electronic eyes check each bottle before packing for shipment throughout the world I saw too how production throughout this award-winning one-story plant is linked by a completely automatic conveyor [Music] system I learned more about New Jersey's chemical industry in my visit to American sanid companies plant at boundbrook one of four sanid plants within the state producing a total of more than 800 different chemical products cyanamid is expanding its facil is in New Jersey having recently elected to move its administrative headquarters to Wayne Township in the hills of pic County I mentioned before that New Jersey is the foremost chemical producer in the nation actually there are more than 850 different chemical manufacturers here and their output tops $1 billion annually I found virtually all of the big name companies here and a great emphasis upon research sanam's waste treatment facilities at boundbrook largest of its kind in the world not only serves the plant but also the surrounding communities nearby in Woodbridge I saw the beautiful new world headquarters of the Ronson Corporation makers of small appliances including Shavers and lighters as well as aircraft parts and other ision products New Jersey's Deep Water Shipping convenience was pointed up again at Carteret where I watched employees of American Agricultural Chemical Company unload raw phosphates from an oceangoing vessel the company's fertilizers and other chemical Specialties are used by Agriculture and Industry throughout the country as well as by many Green Thumb [Music] enthusiasts here's an example of how the electric utilities are matching New Jersey's continuing economic growth growth with planned expansion programs Public Service Electric and Gas Company's new $100 million Generating Station at Lyon has two of these turbine generators which supply enough power for 672 th000 private homes in this modern control center scores of instruments keep operators posted on the performance of boilers turbines generators and auxiliary Machinery even combustion for the boilers is monitored here by by means of closed circuit television at Newark New Jersey's largest city I found Prudential Insurance company's home office employees watching construction of Prudential Plaza new headquarters for the corporation and part of a $20 million Redevelopment involving prudential's complex of buildings within New York's downtown area the new 24 story plaza building will be faced with aluminum and white marble credential employs some 9,000 persons in its newerk home office most of them women in skilled clerical or keyboard positions this card fed machine types out life insurance policies automatically out of these rotary files each containing 135,000 cards the file clerk picks a single card that is a basic record for one of prudential's 35 million policy holders a totally different set of skills was displayed in this Elizabeth plant of American type [Music] Founders here printing presses and printing type are made by Machine methods coupled with The Talented hands of Veteran [Music] Craftsmen in the suburban community of summit the modern research and production facilities of siba pharmaceutical Products Incorporated are located on a 78 acre tract of land a diversified worldwide organization in the chemicals field CA recently centralized all of its American Plastics and die operations within New Jersey siba started operations here in 1937 since then this plant has grown at the rate of a new building a year today the company is producing 45 products that are issued in 121 different [Music] forms I found still another New Jersey growth story at Port Reading where the copper company opened this new plant to produce some 30 million pounds of linear polyethylene a year coppers has six other plants in New Jersey their products range from Coke for steel mills and foundaries to gas C tar products chemicals and Plastics this new polyethylene plant serves plastic molders and Fabricators all over the nation this attractive home of Revlon Incorporated beauty products maker was obtained ready built after it was outgrown by another manufacturer speaking of beauty here's another picture I think you'll enjoy it's the world famous ice capades performing in Atlantic City's vast convention hall before an audience numbering in the [Music] thousands as I watch these graceful and talented performers I realize that New Jersey offers a truly outstanding variety of fine family [Music] entertainment in my travels about the state I passed many attractive theaters Summer and yearound playhouses where current hits revivals of great plays and ricking musicals were being [Music] performed family pleasure I've learned is literally a Hallmark of living in New Jersey your family will look forward to a day at the shore on Broad safe beaches where great resort hotels and motor ends offer accommodations close to the colorful and exciting attractions of world-renowned boardwalks castles in the sand casting in the surf sailing or power boating from the beautiful state marinas these are just a few of the seashore's many Pleasures imagine yourself among these happy fishermen New Jersey's excellent Parks it's quiet Mountain Lakes it's many wonderful attractions for youngsters of all ages and its nearest to the Metropolitan attractions of New York City all these conven me that New Jersey is a place for our people to review briefly New Jersey's Transportation picture air Highway Rail and Water typified by this busy scene near Port Newark assures us of fast and dependable shipping by motor truck and excellent Freight and passenger service by Water by air and by Railroad Water Supplies are plentiful important research facilities are close at hand housing prospects are attractive labor is skilled and plentiful primary metals are here power services are ample good sites are available education facilities are superb it's the heart of the America's greatest markets and a grand place to live work and play here in New Jersey fa favorable business environment and at the Gateway to World Markets we'll find a wealth of opportunity for our company and for our products to serve all [Music] mankind [Music] the gateway to Burlington County the tone Palmyra Bridge the Burlington Bristol [Music] Bridge the turnpike Bridge a link to the north south and west crossing the Delaware River into Burlington County New Jersey's largest county [Music] a great VI for a [Music] nickel [Music] information and travel Bureau service at the bridge Plaza courtesy of the Bridge [Music] Commission spacious Burlington County allows Elbow Room for infinite industrial [Music] expansion pacemaker one of the world's largest pleasure boat [Music] builders [Music] ring is fun for [Music] everyone [Music] producing Precision parts for Space Age aircraft calls for highly skilled [Music] technicians [Music] [Applause] noted for their colorful Printing and attractive [Music] labels where liquid nitrogen gets down to an icy 42° below [Music] zero so cold it has a shattering effect on [Music] flowers [Music] the pause that [Music] refreshes mouthwatering candy prepared with tender loving care [Music] a at this world famous Corporation planning for interplanetary travel is just part of the day's [Music] work this award-winning company is the world's largest producer of stock portation [Music] [Applause] [Music] devices 827 square miles of real estate from the Delaware River to the Great Bay [Music] a variety of choice housing to suit every taste and [Music] purse [Music] a even the Ducks and turtles are comfortably at [Music] [Applause] [Music] home houses of worship exist for all [Music] things [Music] onethird of the county is devoted to farm produce more acreage is given over to farming than in any other County in New Jersey it abounds in sweet [Music] corn [Music] h [Music] the annual County Farm Fair draws thousands of [Music] visitors [Music] [Applause] ptry and dairy Industries are very large [Music] p the Milky Way is a way of [Music] life Burlington County grows gigantic blueberries and is the second largest cranberry producer in the United [Music] States [Music] [Music] so Bountiful is Burlington County that people everywhere enjoy the fruits of her [Music] Vines there are all kinds of Road facilities the Garden State Parkway the New Jersey Turnpike and Interstate [Music] throughways State and County Roads to speed people and produce on their [Music] way from Maguire Air Force [Music] Base for dicks [Music] and the bordon town Military Institute have come the staunchest Defenders of our [Music] country [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the friend School observes its traditional May [Music] festival the varied needs of the school population are catered to by a variety of schools St Mary is private [Music] school from tots to teens where social graces are part of the [Music] curriculum Holy Cross High [Music] School [Music] ran cookus Valley Regional High School offers Diversified courses ranging from the Arts to college and Technical [Music] [Applause] [Music] studies [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] m [Music] the County vocational school offers among other courses practical training programs needed for electronic technicians Beauty culture [Music] operators and nursing [Music] careers [Music] [Music] many of these trained nurses remain on home ground to offer their talents to local hospitals with modern [Music] [Music] facilities [Music] all kinds of shopping a typical Main [Music] Street rustic country [Music] stores [Music] [Applause] well-known stores in modern shopping centers are available within easy reach of [Applause] [Music] everybody [Applause] even entertainment for young and [Music] old [Music] where shopping time may be combined with Leisure or spent with a new found [Applause] friend County offices are now housed in this modern building the old County Courthouse still in use is a fine example of colonial architecture local reverence for history has preserved the houses of don't give up the ship Lawrence and James fenmore Cooper president uls's S Grant the Clara Barton School Francis Hopkinson signer of the Declaration of Independence Tom pay one of many Friends Meeting houses the oldest Firehouse in the United States established in [Music] 1752 old three tons Tavern batto Village restoration features an historic Sawmill and an oldfashioned [Music] Farm the old jail is now a museum devoted to exhibits of the County's historic [Music] past [Music] Campa nicken is a YMCA boys Camp named for a Leni lenpy Indian chief [Music] it's sister camp for girls is named for aen squa [Music] painting or drama you'll find an outlet at the barn Arts Cultural [Music] Center on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] stage a prime Co afternoon on exotic ran cookus [Music] Creek one of many beautiful golf courses [Music] the Great Bay on the Atlantic coast is a center for water [Music] sports water activities may also be enjoyed along the Delaware River [Music] [Music] la the Romantic setting of the Burlington Bristol [Music] Bridge Airborne visitors have a choice of airports throughout the [Music] county [Music] at the Flying W Ranch you really receive red carpet [Music] treatment beautiful [Music] lodgings picnic round [Music] ones have more fun here and so does everyone [Music] else [Music] how about horseback [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] riding dining within full view of airport [Music] [Music] activities Olympic skydivers as well as everyone else have a good reason for dropping in on Burlington [Music] [Applause] [Music] County come on [Music] down we would love to see you in Burlington [Music] County

2024-02-26 20:10

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