New Hampshire | Mt Washington [Full Time RV Life]

New Hampshire | Mt Washington [Full Time RV Life]

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We're at the top of mount washington. In new hampshire. With lucille. It's windy, and these guys. Technically, the top is just around the. Corner. After the finger lakes we took a two day trip to get to the lake winnipesaukee. Area of new hampshire. Somewhere we'd never been before, yep, and you know when we have back to back travel days we'd love to stay at harvest host. This time we stayed, at, hummingbird, hills winery, that's right we already did a video on that so hopefully you've already seen that if not we'll link it below, our drive to get to new hampshire was a really pretty drive, we left hummingbird, hills which was in the eastern, part of new york. Road through vermont, and, into new hampshire, beautiful, vermont's gorgeous, we stopped for lunch we like we usually do in a rest area, we like to, pack our lunches, or prepare lunches ahead of time, when we have a two-day travel day, trip coming up it's so much easier. And less stressful, for us to just warm up something that i've already made it's usually chilly, or something like that. We have so much room in this welcome center, so much, both slides, are out i know, maybe that's because people get confused, when they're trying to get in here oh my gosh. Getting into this welcome center was weird i think we went around, it three times. It seemed like getting and trying to get to the truck area, i mean you don't you just got if you do a few loop-de-loops. And turns, and. This is the weirdest. Freaking thing ever it is so, strange. It's right there. Big ben, parliament. Okay trucks and rv is this way holy, crap, that was the most complicated, i mean. It's so complicated, nobody's. Here. Good. So, now we're going to go that way what are we supposed to do. Yeah i don't think we're going to make it up there, i'm going to have you stack up with the rest of the big rigs down here okay okay, go around go around right here yep just, pull you'll see a car with yellow strobes, pull up right behind him okay thank you thank you. We, are stopped. There's an accident, and they're detouring, a lot of traffic, but, we can't go up those dirt roads, so. Hopefully, we're not stuck here too long daisy. Why don't you run ahead and see what's going on, can you do that it's timmy in trouble is timmy in trouble, can you go right ahead and see, poor. Baby. Since we're stopped i'll give you a little tour of the cockpit. You can see we still do run our rand mcnally. It's been really good still, we also run rv trip wizards. Got our. Camera on the back of the rv, we have waze, running down here. We got. Dpms. Dash cam. Ez pass. You may have noticed in that clip that we do still have the rand mcnally, gps. From our video like two years ago. And a lot of you have asked about that do we still use it do we still like it, what about the garmin. So eric at techno rv has sent us the, garmin, and we've been using it for several trips now and really like it, you know there are some goods and bads about both and we're gonna have a separate video on that in the future. We're moving. Okay we're stopping. Oh my gosh. This falls, into, the keep a good attitude. Category. When you run into situations, like this. You can see the line of trucks. Continue, on this road for 6.5. Miles we'd love to we are trying. Crossing, border, entering, new hampshire. Welcome, to new hampshire. New hampshire. You have arrived at your destination. On the left side, turtle crawl rv, park. The main reason for us choosing this location, in new hampshire, was because, our friends live there. Our friends ron and cindy lou who you might have seen in our sturgis, video. Yeah and they were in our, new mexico, video too. And, they have motorcycles. And a momentum. And they live on lake winnipesaukee. So we thought what an awesome way, to check out that area and have tour guides to take us to all the, great places that we need to see so it was awesome. We were hoping to stay, at iloquoia, state park or a different rv park, in that area, but, most of the places were filled up already with reservations. Because, when we were there it was supposed to be, the laconia, bike week so it gets pretty busy around there so we ended up at turtle crawl, rv, park, in alton, new hampshire.

First Time out since we've been here so it's good to get out of the rv, yeah, we've been here. A couple days yeah, or monday it's now wednesday, so couple days we are at eloqua. Barn, and grill. In. Guilford. They take reservations, around here because they want to make sure that everybody's, spaced out so. I'm always spaced, out. Get it. We didn't get a ton of footage, here because, we were just catching up we hadn't seen them in a while and we had to see friends we haven't seen in a long time and shove a camera in their face yeah how you been, you know, welcome to our necklace, cheers. Company was great food was great great time beer was great beer was. Great. Daisy. One of the things we were really looking forward to do in new hampshire was ride with ron and cindy lou since they know the area we were planning a counterclockwise. Trip around lake winnipesaukee. So they came to us on our campground, and we headed out from there. There they are. Get to see hello. We just decided, to take a ride, all around lake winnipesaukee. Which was a beautiful, ride and it wasn't super long but it was long enough because you know my stamina, is, not that great sometimes. But it's just, awesome to not have to figure out a route, on our own, and to just follow, people. It's so fun, i loved it because cindy lou was in front of us the whole time, and she grew up in that area so she would point out like that was the school she went to she would should point to something and tell us later well that thing i pointed to over there was a school i went to yeah, it was just, neat, our first, stop, was in wolfeboro. And that's right on lake winnipesaukee. And ron was saying that that was actually the first resort, town in new hampshire and wow how charming, really cute areas. A lot of the towns in new hampshire. I, love new england. This was awesome this was our first time really, experiencing, anything in new hampshire so we weren't quite sure what to expect, and i just loved every minute of it, getting ahead of myself, though, because first we ate. Yeah in wolfeboro. Great and. Worked. Let's see if we can get into garwoods, which is down there. Okay yeah we, trust you guys you guys, nailed it last. Time. So we stopped off at garwoods, to eat lunch and it was right on the water it was gorgeous, we did have to eat inside because it was freaking hot out right, and the outside seating, was full because they had everything spaced out nicely. The good thing was there really wasn't anyone, else around us sitting inside, so i felt okay, about that, you do have to wear your mask as you walk through the restaurant. And then until you sit down, then you can take your mask. Off. Would you. Just. We love your videos. Particularly, if we're in them that's. Right. We don't worry about the way, we're supposed, to be. You can tell us. When we. Keep. Cause this. Is. In the. Street. No it don't matter, if we can. If, we, should. Take my hand. Don't give up. Cause this. Is. We live. Outside. And we started. Down here in alton. Went up 28, to 109. Up to boltonborough. When we came around on. 25. We rode through a couple of small little towns and then we stopped for some ice cream, yeah and where was it it was meredith. Yeah. Let me hold this for you. I'll hold it for you oh you'll do that for me. We had some ice cream took a little walk around, the boardwalk right well we parked right there at the town docks is what they call them there's several, restaurants. And, little bars and stuff along this boardwalk. We just walked around, and checked out some of the boats, and stretched our legs because we had been riding for a couple.

Hours. I. Am. What's, real what's. Really. Um. And they eventually, split off and headed back to guilford, we headed back to alton. And on the way back to alton, we have to ride through alton, bay. Which is so neat, and, cute and charming, yet again another little area that's cute and charming. And i hate to say this but we didn't, get out and walk around in the alton bay area, because every time we wanted to, it was extremely. Busy and packed with weekend tourists. So i didn't quite feel comfortable, with doing that yet, so we look forward to going back and checking that area out but there's some, famous, or more famous type of places in that area and i think like pops clam shack is one of them, remember that little, little dive but we would drive by it even during the week and there was usually a line of people there so it wasn't quite comfortable, stay away from crowds. Yeah. That was a fun. Day of riding a lot around, lake winnipesaukee. It was a fun day of riding around lake winnipesaukee. Yeah we better go get that doggie, okay let's go get it i'll let her out, release, the hounds. There she is. She didn't waste any time, a couple of days later we're going for a hike and cindy lou said she would join us so. We went out for a hike and where was it lox hill, locks hill. Fox hill guilford new hampshire, guilford new hampshire you heard it here, going for a little hike no i was in new hampshire. We're expecting a few days of rain coming up and it's starting in a couple of hours so we wanted to get some time in. Nature. It's only about a 1.8. Mile, loop we started with the quarry, trail first, and then, walked, gosh about a mile yeah it turns into the lake view trail at some point i think at the summit, although it was a fairly, short trail, there was a lot of climbing, and you know it was uphill, the whole way because you're reaching the summit, yeah so it was, a little bit more strenuous, than i had expected, it to be, but it was a really cool hike and there weren't that many people on that trail, and dogs are allowed on leash you won't see us taking daisy on a lot of hikes, just because her legs are this big but you will in maine because we were forced to. Nothing. Gets, to me. There's only. Sunshine. This is so pretty. Yeah this is a nice trail yeah. Woodpeckers, have gone to town on here, they built themselves a little condominium. Complex. Although it's not very high in elevation, the summit, is just over a thousand feet it's one of the tallest, crests in that area, and provides some of the best views of the lake, little did we know, that when we reached the summit, how beautiful it was going to be yeah it was really cool. Oh look at this look at this. It does look like cadillac, mountain, it reminded me of acadia, where you can totally, did yeah it wasn't like a peak but it was high it was flat and you could see for miles and you could see all the little islands, scattered throughout lake winnipesaukee. Which is what reminded, me of acadia, national park. And the cadillac, mountain view up there surprising. I knew that we would see something, but i didn't know it was going to be that beautiful, yeah it was modern it took us about two hours to do the whole loop. The pinnacle of this trip the highlight for us was definitely, our ride to mount washington, oh my gosh, our favorite, ride of this year for sure, and man was it cool, yeah but first we have to eat and fill our bellies. Because it was going to be a very long day so we left, our rv park in alton, and we met up with ron and cindy lou at their home in guilford. And then from guilford. We rode to, woodstock. Where, we ate lunch, and got some fuel, let's talk new hampshire it's stock new hampshire and we ate at the woodstock, inn and station, we're going to woodstock. Brewery. See new hampshire. You were saying it. Right. We sat outside, even though we were all very hot because we were in our motorcycle, gear we chose to sit outside. Just because, it feels a little bit safer that way, everybody was required to wear masks, of course to get to the table all the servers had their masks, on, the food was really good, you got like an adult mac and cheese or something no you had an adult grilled cheese, that's what it was yeah.

We Get from, woodstock, over to mount washington, we rode through the white mountain national, forest which is really. Cool. Try, to find. More. Ron and cindy lou, knew of a little pull-off, overlook, that was spectacular. For pictures, and viewing of the mountains so we stopped off to get a little stretch of our legs and some. Pictures. That area reminded me of the smokies, yeah i did. And then from there we were heading towards the cake. The cake. The cankamengus. I think is what it is. Is a very well-known. Road in that area and a very well-known. Motorcycle. Road. Canker bay. Thank you. The canker mangoes, trail which is room 112.. Okay, going, east to west or west. Okay, which way are we headed right we're heading. Locals call it the gank. The cake. So we take the tank. Until we get to the auto road is that right well no we're going to take the tank until we get to bear notch road, okay which is a famous, road and we'll be on that for about 10, 10 to 12. Minutes. Oh. Foreign. So we're getting ready, it's only 91., we're getting ready to go up the auto road it's 91, degrees and we got to put on some layers because it's 50 something up there see i think 58, degrees is what it is at the top so we i know i'm going to be cold, so we're layered up even though it's hot. And, we're, gonna get one i think about 30 minutes, to get to the top so we'll see, our first time up this we're pretty excited i'm pretty nervous. I'm just. Excited. There are two routes to get up to the top of mount washington. One is the auto road and you can either drive that yourself, and your car or motorcycle, as we did, or you can actually take a guided tour and have them drive you up if you're not comfortable, on, mountain roads with no rails, to have someone take you or, the other way you can get up there is the cog train. That's really. Neat. If you're planning on, driving, yourself, up to the top of mount washington. The weather up there is always changing, and it's quite often, different, than, what it is down below when you're starting out. Very different, so you need to check the weather and status, updates, online. To see, we found out firsthand. How different the weather can be at the. Top. In my. Soul. Feeding. Freedom. Freedom. Freedom. Run, into the, fire. Moving. Like a river, in my soul. Moving. Like a. River. As you can kind of see. Here. For the cog train is the second steepest, railway, in the world. It averages, about 25. Grade, and goes as high as 38, percent great right it's called a cog train because it actually runs on a cog, i didn't really understand this until i saw it but it's just like a sprocket. It's a cog wheel, and. It just climbs, up like that kind of like a bicycle, it's kind of like a bicycle, and chain except the wheel is turning and not the chain, the chain is built into the track. That was an amazing ride that was so good that was right up there with glacier. Yeah, going to the sun road, yeah that was a. Strong. Keep second. That's pretty. Cool. So. Our last little outing, was with ron and cindy lou on the fourth of july, yeah how fun. We haven't been able to spend fourth of july, with friends or family, in several years since we've been on the road, it's usually just the two of us, figuring out well, what are we gonna do, wherever we are. It's the fourth of july. And we're gonna go. On that. Happy birthday. Happy birthday america. Going to take the boat out on lake, winnipesauk. I'm on a boat twin volvo, v8, babe. That's 700. Horsepower. We're in the. Queue. Can you see. Me. A lot of. Fireworks. My. Head. Can you tell me what you think jeremy i'm going to tell you ohio, girl. Wonderful. What do you think do you think that's called yeah, oh my god it's, beautiful. We dipped it it dipped in the water and came out of the water, it did a belly flop. Like bounced off a wave hopefully, the drone survives, the doom, good save though. That was a blast. A lot of fun. That was great time boats, and beer. Beer and boats, friends. Friends. And. America. And while we thought the drone was okay after its very brief little swim, it was not. Chad what just happened. Remember how the drone, got wet. Chad launched it. From cindy lou and ron's, house. And it crashed. So now. We're on the side of the road, trying to find. It. So this has a find the drone feature on it where it shows you where it lasts know. Where it is currently, and you can walk to it and it was right on the side of the road, to make it better we have to drink this ron specialty, cocktail. This is chad's, drink by the way, cheers cheers, cheers. It's delicious baby here have some it's always sad to say goodbye to friends, we want to thank ron and cindy lou for their hospitality. And for being wonderful, tour guides we miss you guys, yeah thanks so much that was awesome we had an amazing time. Next up in our travels we're going to see some different friends in maine so stay tuned for that, and, here comes some outtakes. We took lucille.

Huh, I said we brought lucille. Actually she brought, us. Right, yeah. Ron brown that's true. That guy. Right there. Say hi. You're not really trying to do that again. I was just going to see if it fires up, yeah but. Yeah you're going to go chasing after it by yourself if you try it again and it and it. We have that garmin still and we get asked about that quite frequently. We have marin mcnally, right now don't we. Yes. Scratch all that i will. Get a little broken wing drone recovery. And learn to fly. In the middle of the woods. Found it found it. You just did that, so you could add some excitement, to the day, mr. Garwood's, close garrison, mr garrison, yeah, garbage. The garrison, garwood. Garwood. One more time yeah one more time. Not because of you we always do this we do two or three times you ruined it but that's all right. And i think the next place we rode through was moultonborough. There's a lot of burrows, and a lot of. Strange. To pronounce. Names. In that area. But i think it was moultonborough. Milton, berle. No. Mountain borough. Mountain, mountain. Motenborough. Oh, my gosh, we have heard from so many of you out there. That we have to ride, the mount. Washington. Forgot already. So to get from woodstock, over to mount washington, we had to ride through the white, forest. White. Wrong. White mountain, white mountain, city what's it called again, garrison, car. Woods.

2020-09-18 07:06

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