NEPAL - This Is Not What I Expected

NEPAL - This Is Not What I Expected

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foreign welcome to new country Series right now we  are in Nepal and this is actually my second   full day here this is another incredible  country in Asia we are exploring today   and I am in the capital city which is called  Kathmandu and Kathmandu is actually the only   city who is the international airport so which  means if you are visiting Nepal you're probably   gonna end up here as a first destination and  afterwards you can do your tracking and exploring   other cities so super excited to be in Nepal I'm  gonna show you the surroundings right now we are   in a Tamil area it's called the Tamil Bazaar area  so we have all these shops all over the place   and also very old buildings which I'm  going to show you more details later on   and another thing you notice is this crazy crazy  wire systems here it's like so messed up there   I don't know if you need to fix something I  don't know how you're gonna fix it actually   so as you can see all these wires are going  all the way to the other side of the street but overall during the night and during  the morning it's super cold here I'm not   sure why I chose to be here during the most  coldest season which is a winter basically   but during the day it's quite nice as you  can see I'm just in a jacket obviously also   trousers it's not too cold because the sun is  shining it's not cloudy if it gets cloudy it   actually gets quite cold as well so another thing  you notice that every few streets you see temples   on on the middle of the streets here as you can  see there is a one here right now on the left side and people are chilling here and relaxing also  all these cars and motorcycles are passing by   and stop tuk-tuks they have  all this bikes with cartridges   without a cartridge it's a carriages carriages  I think that's the right word so this type of   carriages hello brother how are you I'm fine  helicopter Nepali helicopter yeah this is the name Azerbaijan oh my from Kathmandu Kathmandu I am from um  you know Turkey turkey yeah Russia Russia yes   uh no fighting me we're not fighting I'm not  fighting but uh Russia yes what are you doing   where are you going I'm a student practicing  this ah okay okay okay nice good job bro I'm   just I'm just walking around making Vlog and  showing this cute doggies here hello doggy okay I will go thank you so not to not to judge people but this is one of the  tricks happening in Nepal based on my studies I   have done before I came here also during the  yesterday where I was walking around without   camera you realize there are people either wants  to practice English or they're gonna try to take   you to the temple for the blessing or there will  be just a friendly locals as well try to bring   you to some shop to sell obviously it's kind of  like tourist traps you can call them and also   there are many people who is trying to sell  you illegal substances while on the street so   they will start where are you from and stuff like  that and afterwards try to sell you something so   this I think one of the issues Nepal has is the  tourism but we're gonna focus on the good things   and positive things so we are in a narrow Street  here I think it's gonna take us somewhere to the   middle where all the roads are joining together so only good thing is that there's no rig shots  when it comes to the transportation so there's   no this typical rickshaws from India or from  Pakistan it's the motor but rather this is a   more like a bikes and the local called it  Nepali helicopter so that's what we're gonna   call it moving forward as well so in this video  I want to get actually done do two things get a   topi which is a Nepali topi and that's gonna  be challenge number one and Challenge number   two is get actually breakfast and let's see there  should be some places here to get some breakfast   now we just arrived to the Central Park I think  as you can see infrastructure is not in a place   all the roads are like this actually even from  the airport to here all the roads were like this   but I believe that I should be a breakfast place  somewhere here because I was here yesterday I think maybe this gentleman has a cell  rookie Namaste do you ever sell roti   finish what I can find straight thank you  namaste so Nepal doesn't really have uh like   typical breakfast thing so but I'll heard that  there's this cell Roti that's more normal to   have for breakfast with chai which they call here  Chia actually so it's not a chai but it's Chia   I know where we gonna get the breakfast  but let's proceed further namaste maybe here no hello Namaste how are you you are good happy  nice I'm happy too Happy New Year to you too where   I can find the cell roti yeah back okay I go back  thank you thank you see you so we're gonna try to   get the Chia ah help what are we helping I can get  you wanna sell Roti no food food what food right   the oil my children ah okay I know these tricks  but uh I can buy you sell Roti if you want no okay   so they're all this uh food items here dry Foods I  think I guess we will go to further to other side Nepali helicopter I remember you not now  later no no not now later later not now no no they don't have it finished tomorrow maybe tomorrow [Music] one hour not one hour ten minutes okay thank  you see you no no no no they don't have a cell   rot it's finished yes you won't sell Roti okay  you want to sell rotates what no no not brother   I'm just exporting Bazaar now later thank you  okay this lady gonna find a cell Roti for us   for me yes I buy for you no problem I can buy  you food but uh no money let's get ourselves ah maybe here no or here oh your daughter wow your whole  family now here I checked namaste sell roti ah here no no celebrity and  chai Chia Chia no Chia okay yeah but but I want severity [Music]  David nice to meet you thank you okay   you want to sell Roti thank you you can take  uh one for you thank you yes I know there is   a chai I think inside here are there okay  I go later okay how much is a bus 40 okay there's a hundred here okay we are going to get the  change now thank you boss thank you okay [Music] you want tea too yeah wow  okay no no it's okay I take it thank you   only try Okay chia there's  also Chia here if you want   okay I am from America you where are you from  India wow what are you doing here I work here   what are you working at this artist what type  of artist you are mandala mandala oh mashallah Comfortis you're like inviting me to your home what he said what do you say he's saying okay okay oh we have a nice place here  okay brother three Chia thank you no no I eat and go I don't sit here it doesn't   look clean yeah this is GoPro  you like camera I can I hmm [Music] here oh you ordered food no I don't want it no  no no no no no no no no no I won't only try   it okay nice I will show you it's really  your or you just take a picture real Arts where did you learn this group okay nice enjoy  your Samosa I am paying for this or are you paying   for this yes I pay for this you pay yes you are  paying yeah oh really okay this is a Twist here but no more I go okay no I'm just practicing one year ago well done  so you're a student not the expert student level so you made this how many years I just tried like  one years ago and I thought I didn't completely I   make out for it okay because it's not completely  changed okay well done I don't know if should I   trust you or no I should trust you yeah yeah  or you're telling me fairy tales if you see   my high school then you will try how old are  you I'm 16 years old and how old are you 35. you can have this too no no this is too  much for me I just uh wait for cheers so GI is getting cooked here nice nice brother she are getting out of control no that's a phrase I I learned until it try getting   out of control so I'm applying  here but he didn't get the job we have this too okay oh wow lots of sugar okay one just one only one   two minute two minutes no no I  don't want hot I want cold [Music] no no no sugar I only want this what's the name   of this is from Nepal or from India  India India this India yeah okay nice   okay let's try this is it hot all right it's  actually quite warm so we're gonna try it I had this in um in India actually I  think also in Pakistan something similar   it's quite tasty lots of sugar obviously so  this is the type of breakfast we are having   now and chia is getting out of control is  getting out of control bro yeah no I think   I see you yesterday yeah yesterday I  show you this stuff ah you showed me   the shop okay you are a good man brother  getting out of control it's normal foreign for me take away [Music] hello Namaste how are you you look very beautiful  today thank you well you are going to a wedding oh thank you brother beautiful  I'm getting a try too yeah come brother yeah you know Turkey Russia  next to that yes nice country small but nice   okay so we pay for this how much all this samosa [Music] thank you brother how much is  this here what is this 50 60 55. brother you say 55 or 16. 165 165. oh okay boss you can be my cameraman yeah  yeah I need to pay the gentleman thank you boss thank you it's for you you  can keep it okay thank you bye bye   okay guys have a good day bye bye  I go no no I drink it on the way   yes thank you no no I am fine I'm fine I want to  be go alone and explore okay no no I'm good thank   you thank you have a great day bye bye okay  thank you no brother it's for you thank you okay we have our chia and also a small  breakfast it was a sweet breakfast here Nepal yes first time you sell  fish yeah this is the dry fish dry   fishes okay and this is a smoked  smoked fish okay very nice okay   brother do you know where I can buy  a topi Nepali topi Nepali this way [Music] have a breakfast okay enjoy I I wanna  I don't wanna accompany I want to be alone   yeah thank you have a great day I go right yeah  okay thank you brother have a good day beautiful this is a kind of the center area and uh also  they have this crazy wires here as well and Temple   and on the other side there's also a temple  and there's also something just right in the   middle as well so I think we're gonna go somewhere  this direction to find out if you can get a puppy namaste I think definitely on  that street we're gonna find it so I'm really cautious with who I  spend my time with uh you might not   like the way I treated some people I mean  I invited them for breakfast obviously but   always this type of interactions ends up trying  to sell you something so she wanted to take me   to art school and stuff like that so I I think I  have seen enough videos of those type of scams or   tree straps I want to call it so I also don't  want to be accompanied by someone I like to   travel alone so I don't really need to be with  someone all the time okay time to get a topi   Namaste G where I can find a Nepali topi  Nepali topi yeah not the street here no   on the right okay thank you thank you ah  straight from here right okay thank you so this is a type of Bazaar called Tamil  Bazaar and it's more like a Tamil district   and the bazaar name comes with the same  name obviously think a gentleman told us   to go to the right side so in this Bazaar  you can find almost anything you want there's all the wedding items  here you can do your day-to-day   shopping rice and Dal and stuff like that [Music]   let's try a this street looks like there's more  clothes shoes will take us somewhere hopefully [Applause]   Namaste where I can find the topic Nepali topi no more straight okay thank you I go check it out   so we are on a hunt for a Nepali topi we had our  breakfast as I said uh Nepal doesn't really have   a typical breakfast items that you can try but  combination of all these things from around the   around this region you can get a roti you can get  a chai and I think also you can eat heavy food for   which is normally start for lunch or dinner  right there you go oh wow that's a big bike and the first impressions is that  Nepali people are super super nice   so far everyone been incredibly kind uh except  this true straps you get to see obviously I   look very different with my bald hair bald heads  and different dressing long beard so I stand out   a lot in the public and people normally would  approach to you and I'm easily recognizable so   that's a kind of like a downside to it but  otherwise people are super nice where I stay   at the airport and also in the bazaars when  you have when you want to ask anything people   are super kind and also English is well spoken at  least here in Kathmandu which is a very touristy   but I think if I go to other places as well  people's English knowledge is quite High here I don't see topi and we are kinda out of a Bazaar  now maybe we can ask a ladies Namaste where I can   buy a Nepali topi no not here not here back  back to the street to the main place to the   Square ah okay thank you bye-bye so guys I think  I need to get to the topi area and also finish   my Chia which is in Nepali in chai It's in India  in Hindi and chia is in Nepali Language and they   have their own language which is kind of similar  to Hindi beautiful I will see you in a bit guys

2023-01-10 18:01

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