NC500 | Driving Our Campervan Down The North West Coast Of Scotland ( North Coast 500 )

NC500 | Driving Our Campervan Down The North West Coast Of Scotland ( North Coast 500 )

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today guys we are continuing our journey on the nc 500 we're going from tongue to lockinver or lock Iinva so join us on this epic journey everything is freaking beautiful everything view after view after view hello hello i'm going in [music] so guys this is what this is what tongue's like man for a place that's named after one of the largest muscles in the body in your mouth this is a really beautiful place i can't recommend coming here enough to you it is so nice we stayed at a little car park it's a little car park in a hotel bought a couple of drinks cost us about nine quid for the two free drinks um and we had a lovely stay tongue it's just off the north coast uh north west coast of scotland and this is what you get if you stay here mountains beaches beauty it is awesome we're on day can't even remember now that's how much fun we're having it's so amazing but today we're going from so tongue by the way what an amazing stop uh thoroughly recommend that all around that area it's beautiful uh and then now we're sort of going teetering from north to north west sort of going along the west bit going in and out of all these beautiful mountains on these amazing roads these wisty windy roads and yeah the scenery changes believe it or not everyone just thinks scotland is scotland sort of thing the scenery is changing by the turn as well you know it really is you might go to some alpine bits to some desolate flat bits to some huge stark pointy mountains with snow on top which you just saw back there absolutely amazing wow talking about turning corners and seeing different scenery we've just gone over this like hill and the scenery here is just something else everyone is pulling over because everyone wants a photo it's absolutely stunning just check this out how amazing is this view it's just incredible so we're driving through literally the most stunning scenery ever it's so gorgeous and we are trying to find somewhere that we can stop um amongst all this scenery so we can have breakfast because we haven't had breakfast yet so um there's a few places to sort of passing lanes and stuff like that so we're trying to find something substantial that we can you know really pull over have a cup of coffee and have a really gorgeous view in front of us for breakfast okay so as you can see we've found the most idyllic breakfast spot um and we're gonna head over to the beach and just have a look at it first and we might take some snacks down there as well actually welcome to the caribbean of scotland okay it's so sunny here um but it's still blooming freezing oh my god it's unbelievable if it wasn't so bloody freezing it'd be a freaking postcard i reckon people would surf there they're like proper rips so nice that water is so cold i am not paddling so we've decided that this is actually our breakfast spot for today we're having some grey's items this isn't an ad by the way but so it literally started raining just as we were coming off the beach we were really lucky to catch a bit of sun on there actually um and now we've decided because we had snacks on the beach we're not really hungry anymore but we have heard that there's a place where you can get a hot chocolate really close by so we're gonna go there instead we've just seen uh signs to a cave so we're gonna pop in there before the hot chocolate okay so we're not actually at the hot chocolate place just yet there was a little stopover beforehand called smoo cave someone else recommended us to have a look at it at least so this is the way down to smoo cave quite a distance okay i wasn't actually expecting the cave to be this big but it's massive it's really big so that smooth cave on the west coast north west coast nice and everything really nice beautiful cave um you can pay to do more so 10 pounds for a guided tour and you go further in but um you know you don't need to it's just nice to look at it's a beautiful beach it's a beautiful cave and we need to keep moving out we go from smoo and we're off to see if we can get janine a mochaccino she doesn't fancy a hot chocolate fancys a mochacino okay you literally on this side of scotland you literally go about five minutes before you feel like you need to stop and take a photo so we've just left the touristic um caves to come to an award-winning beach literally five minutes down the road and we're going to take a snap and then head on our way for some hot chocolate we will get there would you give this beach an award liam actually yeah i would yeah a big fat award a big fat juicy award oh totally absolutely so we're just going to get hot chocolate now but you know that beach that you just saw there that incredible beach was called sango sans campsite it was the nicest beach one of the nicest beach beaches i've ever seen in the uk it was incredible so remember that sango sans um amazing if we could come back i'd spend a week there no worries so we're back in the van after that beautiful beach spot and we only need to go one minute down the road to get to this hot chocolate place a mountain mocha yeah can we get two mountain mocha with oatmeal please are they vegan vegan please have you got any vegan cakes or anything um vegan croissants normally here which would have been brilliant we've done a little video on that um and vegan dark chocolate truffles as well but most importantly they've got vegan mocha so it's got vegan chocolate in it as well as oat milk so it's like a proper hot chocolate or a proper mocha okay we're at a bit of a point where we want to get our phone camera battery charger from ullapool um you've got no idea when you look at the map how big the place is how long it's going to take to get somewhere what's going to be along the way more to the point are we going to miss anything if we go too quick are we going to miss anything if we go too slow and that's part of what's going my head around my head constantly everything is freaking beautiful everything is beautiful the beaches are beautiful the mountains are beautiful you could stop and spend weeks at each place and just soaking it up but so but you've we've got a time frame we've got a bigger time frame than most people but we've still got a time frame so janine and i were just trying to work out what we're going to do and we're just going to keep going see a lovely site spend a bit of time there try and soak it up as much as possible but have in the back of a mind we want to see as much as possible as well there's something nice we're going to stop if it's ridiculously nice we'll probably stop the night uh otherwise we're going to keep going to ullapool which is where our battery charger is NC500 Yo! yes man... hooligan! anyone else love to do that get in a kit car and drive all around the nc 500. okay so we've had our coffee this morning we're just trying to find somewhere now that we can eat somewhere we can pull over and have a nice drink and something to eat so we're on a mission now to find that perfect place a little bowl of brunch yeah with some fruit some mango with some berries this is janine who says this to save using up the lovely granola we've got all organic all of this stuff is lovely on an organic but to save using up the granola you put a bit of a bit of rolled oats on the bottom a bit of scottish oats on the bottom like this and then where's the uh sacred granola [there's two jars] we've got two jars of it it's still sacred this is probably my really nice vegan organic vegan granola here oh you're pouring it everywhere you are it's because it's because it's got because it's so good there we go get a bit of the old granola in there then then we put the then we put what i've learned all of this from janine actually then you put a bit of milk in this is where you put a bit of milk in just to make it all moist on the bottom a little bit moist nose oats you don't want to be chewing on oats but you don't mind chewing on granola then then we load it up with um a bit of a high protein our alpro yogurt lovely cutlery holder it is really nice actually it's actually very practical it's really saved us yeah a bit of the old oh wow this is like greek yogurt oh that is nice proper thick this is high protein alpro oh we've had this before but just in smaller pots ohhhh and we put a dollop of that on and then what? listen i'm not done yet then dont we have some dates? yeah now listen just leave it with me then it's fruit time this is frozen fruit that we defrosted just at the beach back there this is mango and strawberries and all of that you gotta have berries every day some form of berries every day to keep you healthy says dr greger okay then that and then look look we're not done yet we're not done we're not done this is when we go for chopped date territory wow this is turning into really posh organic organic chopped dried dates i'm not i'm not even done yet i'm not even done then we get some cashews organic cashews sprinkle bum sprinkle sprinkle and then you think we're finished don't you you think we're finished not not now not yet desiccated coconut just a little bit just a little bit just gives a little it just so goes so well with those cashews wow you think we're done now don't you yeah even now you think we're done we're not we're not what's next? we've got hold of this very exclusive oat syrup i bet you've never tried oat syrup before because it's bran spanking new guess what we've never tried oat syrup before but we're in scotland scotland's famous famous for oats and uh do you know what we're gonna give it a go here we go oh look at that it's quite nice isn't it see it sort of comes out like it does actually it it's got like it's like more like honey isn't it yeah as opposed to maple syrup so that's that's oat syrup oh syrup organic oate syrup sweet and mild cool and um yeah let's just give the quick taste test of that i've never tried it before oh syrup mmm wow it tastes like essence of porridge it tastes do you want a bit on your finger janine yeah okay essence of porridge you say essence of porridge porridge essence we're getting distracted we're getting distracted here we go this is what we've got going on we're going to go and enjoy these now don't they look great they look awesome this is our scottish brunch except that it's two o'clock in the afternoon let's go and enjoy it with the view if you want to uh know where we're at and what this epic route today probably been the most outstanding part of the journey so far this has been between the town of tongue and uh so far lake inver what's this is it a goat it's a massive goat oh it's a wild goat watch out the middle of the road oh my god how cute hello just another day in scotland he's got an awesome beard doesn't he yeah he's coming up to the window look hey yeah yeah hello hello oh my god hey hello come on it's okay what are you doing is somebody like looking for a goat? It's just like the village goat anyone missing a goat anyway okay so sorry i was rudely interrupted by a giant goat and i don't know what that was all about but yeah if you want to know where this epic route has been today it's been between uh tongue and um tongue and lock inver uh and we actually might be going to ullapool we don't know yet we don't know where we are uh but that's that's the route it's on the north west of scotland um and it's where you've got scenery like this with these islands that is absolutely incredible i actually did not imagine the scenery to be like this i i'm telling you that god's honest truth now i really didn't know it was going to be this epic here like i'm really shocked actually this whole journey has just been like view after view after view especially on the east no west side of scotland um yeah i mean both sides have been amazing but the east side of south east no with the west side i get so mixed up north west the west side is it northwest so far yeah the north west side has just been absolutely like mind-blowingly stunning so it's really difficult to move on we just want to stop everywhere and just have a picnic or have a cup of tea or have a coffee um but there's so much to see that we just have to just keep moving so yeah um onwards and upwards but it's roads like this make it isnt it? this is the road that makes the journey single track road middle of nowhere in the most stunning scenery and that's a proper road trip oh my god you're enjoying this too much i am really i'm really enjoying it wow so pretty so we're gonna go in now and see what the menu is hopefully we have no idea what the food is so hopefully they've got vegan food so we are in this pub now and it looks like this sort of pub that just really wouldn't have any vegan food at all but we've just looked at the menu and we are so surprised so one falafel burger with the vegan cheese and the black bean jambalaya so he's going to double check that they are vegan they look vegan one's got vegan cheese one's actually got vegan cheese which is so unexpected it really is i mean it i was walking into this pub thinking oh god maybe we're just gonna have to get some chips or something but um yeah it's really surprising how amazing does this falafel burger look cheers.

Im going in now stop blowing up battery chargers you so we just went to the argyl hotel um pub hotel pubs that's what they are out here um and we just had a couple of pints some really nice food and we're gonna go and sleep in their car parks and i'm not the nicest of locations but it's still you know it's a freebie if we had some refreshments we didn't have to get the food even in fact we didn't even have to go in there to be fair we could have just stayed in the car park but um it's just a park up it's just an overnight thing this is on our doorstep this beautiful thing uh we're gonna go to bed now i've just been driving so much um it's and it's really um tiresome driving as well it's really got to concentrate because it's so windy and quite dangerous as well but brilliant at the same time very thrilling um so now we're gonna go sleep and wake up tomorrow morning and we've got the next step next chapter of the adventure tomorrow we're heading into the big mountain territory tomorrow so that's gonna be awesome

2021-06-15 12:02

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