NBC Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - May 5th, 2020 | NBC Nightly News

NBC Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - May 5th, 2020 | NBC Nightly News

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Tonight the first of its kind human coronavirus. Vaccine, trial, in america, now underway. The nbc, news exclusive, look inside the revolutionary. Effort to create a vaccine, faster. Without, using the live virus. Our interview with a team racing to make a vaccine, and one of the volunteers. I figured it was, would be a great thing to do to help, during an unprecedented. Time. How soon it could be available. Also those food shortages, getting worse, wendy's, taking burgers, off the menu at some locations. And supermarkets. Limiting how much you can buy, tonight how much more you could pay for everything, from beef to pork, the growing number of kids hospitalized. With that mystery, syndrome, linked to covid19. The new warning that parents, should hear. More places, reopening, even as daily, cases, are still rising, in some 20 states, tonight, where things are getting a lot more dangerous. President, trump in arizona, as the allegations, in that new whistleblower. Complaint, are revealed. The top health official, who says he was ousted. For questioning, the president's, push, for an unproven. Treatment. And over 600, high school seniors, across, 800. Miles. On principal's, inspiring. Journey, for the class, of 2020.. This is nbc. Nightly news with lester, holt. Good evening everyone with the heartbreak, growing, with each person we lose now more than 70, thousand of this country. There is a new ray of hope we're watching, closely, this evening this one on the fast track, in an nbc news exclusive, we take you inside, the clinical, trials, getting underway, here in new york, of a revolutionary. Coronavirus. Vaccine. That could be rolled out in months, as an array of dire projections. Underscore, just how short time is, in the hunt for a magic bullet. We've got it all covered tonight starting off with tom costello. In the urgent push to beat back a deadly pathogen. Researchers, at nyu. Have now started clinical trials. On a never before tried genetic, vaccine, candidate. Developed, by pfizer, along with a german partner. Rather than trying to manipulate, the live virus, itself. This vaccine, attempts to reprogram. The virus's. Genetic, code, melissa, honkin, whose husband is a doctor at nyu. Is among the first 12 healthy americans. To receive the injection. So many people are being affected. By. This pandemic. And i figured it was, would be a great thing to do to help, during an unprecedented. Time here's what makes this unique, the vaccine, carries the genetic, code known as messenger, rna, that, instructs, the cells to make the proteins. Associated, with the coronavirus. But, without making someone sick. The hope is that the immune system then kicks in to, create the antibodies. To fight off covet 19. And pfizer, has four genetic, vaccine, candidates. Dr mark mulligan, is running the nyu, trial, it really is a natural, thing because this messenger, rna, is something the body produces, on its own normally. So it's, it's kind of a new thing but it's it's really not anything that's too different than what the body does, for itself. Because, it's natural, it's also believed to be safe, but experts point out it's still experimental. And vaccines, normally take years to develop, we don't yet have a licensed, vaccine. For rna, or dna, vaccines, because in the past they've worked very well in laboratory, animals. But those immune responses, have not translated, into, human and good, human immune responses. Worldwide, there are now roughly 100, vaccine candidates, under review. Researchers, at pfizer, believe this genetic, code vaccine, could be available, as soon as september. It is. Probably the fastest, way. Of having a vaccine, available, to stem this pandemic. Are you more optimistic, about this type of vaccine, compared to a typical, vaccine, that we've seen in the past. I am optimistic. But. The data will speak for themselves, tom. This is the nice thing about science. You don't have to have. Faith or belief. The the answer will come from. The investigations. That we do, melissa honkin, a yoga instructor, went home, hours after receiving, the first shot on monday. How are you feeling. I feel, fine, my arm's just a little sore. I don't have any headaches. I feel like myself. All right tom joins me now tom pfizer, is not the only company working on a vaccine, like this right.

No That's right uh moderna. Inovio, and cancino, are also involved in this kind of research, importantly, never before has a genetically, altered vaccine, made its way to market this is, cutting-edge, stuff. But pfizer believes it could have a vaccine. Within four months lester. All right tom costello's, exciting news thank you we're seeing more of the ripple effect tonight on the food industry, meat supplies, down prices, going up and one of the country's, best known fast food chains, now out of beef in some of its restaurants. We get details now from nbc's, gabe gutierrez. Tonight at some wendy's, restaurants, and across social media, a burning, question. The fast food giant is the latest company hit hard by the pandemic, because of its reliance, on fresh beef, out of patties. Yeah, it's yanking, burgers, off the menu in some locations, in many states across the country. One analyst, estimates, nearly a fifth of the chain's restaurants, are out of beef. It's a little crazy, that's the time they're living in now. Wendy, says we expect this to be temporary. But it comes after some grocery, change, limited meat purchases. Nationwide. Many meat and poultry plants have temporarily. Shut down after thousands of workers contracted, coronavirus. There have been confirmed, cases, at 120. Facilities, in pennsylvania. Alone. Across the country meat prices are now up as much as 25. Percent. It's up significantly, in this last few weeks it's something we're watching, daily. Customers, at this 88-year-old. Butcher shop in new york are already, noticing. This, italian, sausage. Has gone up about 20 percent in the past week. Owner robert esposito, says he's, never seen a price hike this sudden, i have to raise my prices last week, as i think many stores have, and i think it's going to even keep on going higher within the next couple weeks that's what i'm told, retail, demand for tyson's, beef has jumped by at least 30 percent but the company expects, overall, sales to drop, because of lost business in the restaurant, industry. The battered supply, chain is a monumental. Bloat to farmers. Alvan, beacon iowa says he has nowhere, to ship his hogs. How much longer, will your farm be able to, survive. Well, i can tell you that if we keep going, at the rate we're going. You know we're looking at months, not years. The chief executive, of tyson, the country's, largest meat supplier, says that this is the most severe, crisis he's seen. Experts, warn customers, that they should expect, higher meat prices, for months. Lester, all right gabe gutierrez, tonight thank you and this evening there are growing concerns, about children, with covid19. Suffering from that rare but serious, heart complication. There's also new research, suggesting, kids can spread the virus. Both unnerving, headlines, for parents, and nbc's, kristin dahlgren, is putting facts, over fear. Today at least 15, more confirmed, cases in new york city as the health department, warns even more children could be affected, by the rare complication. Called pediatric. Multi-system. Inflammatory. Syndrome. Believed to be linked to covid. 19.. It took less than a week for jaden hardware, to go from an active eight-year-old. To a ventilator. After going into cardiac, arrest.

I Quickly looked over at his face, and i saw his. His lips are all blue, jaden was rushed to the hospital, and later tested, positive, for covid19. Antibodies. In late april he had a fever and diarrhea. But his pediatrician. And parents, thought he would bounce back, no one in the house had been diagnosed, with the virus. We have all been very strong and we have been practicing, our social, distancing. And we thought we were safe, now doctors who once thought children were largely, spared, by covet 19. Are reporting, some children react, with an inflammatory. Response, similar, to kawasaki. Disease, or toxic, shock. Cases have been reported, in europe, and in several states. Symptoms, include a persistent, fever, rash. Red eyes or an upset stomach. We want parents, to pay attention. To when they see these symptoms. To reach out to their doctors. Early, two new studies out of china, and germany, now suggest, children, can spread the virus. And when schools are open they can have three times the number of contacts, as adults. A new study of 2 000 u.s, families by the national, institutes, of health, hopes to learn more about how children, transmit. And are affected, by the virus. And that's. Definitely, going to contribute. To us having knowledge about whether we should. Reopen, schools. Summer camps. Jaden is now off the ventilator, but still unable to see his family in person. One of the smallest, victims, of what is now a growing, concern. Kristen dahlgren, nbc, news new york. As more of the country reopens. Legally, or not many americans, find themselves, conflicted, by need to get back to work but also to stay safe, as the virus, numbers, keep rising, in many states, miguel, almaguer, tonight on a nation, fractured. With more than half our nation, implementing, plans on how to restart, local, economies. The confusing, patchwork, of who is open, and how americans, feel about getting back to business. Depends, on where you live. As pockets of protests, grow louder to reopen, the country. Gyms in washington. Pubs in maine and salons, in texas. Are flouting mandates, to stay closed. Sherry baldridge, owns a cafe, in california. I mean i'm going to be homeless. If i don't open my business back up though some restaurants, are busy, according to a new poll, 78, percent of americans, say they're uncomfortable. Going out to eat, while 56, percent say they are comfortable, going to the grocery, store, most believe, gyms. Theaters, and barber, shops, should not yet be allowed to reopen. In michigan. 77, year old carl mankey, says, he has no choice. I'm not trying to be a scuffle, i'm trying to make a living, as retailers, like nordstrom, prepare to go cashless. Installing, plexiglas. And requiring, masks. 67. Percent of americans, say, they are uncomfortable. Going to a clothing, store. Starting, friday, in california. More retailers, can offer curbside, pickup, but in big cities like los angeles. Only restaurants, can do that for the foreseeable, future. Tonight, amazon, confirming, a warehouse, worker at their staten, island fulfillment, center, has died from the coronavirus. The news comes as new york officials, now report. 1700. Previously, undisclosed. Coveted deaths, at nursing homes in the state. Meanwhile, in new york city, the mayor says don't expect a complete reopening. Until september. In miami, after officials, opened a popular, park, they quickly issued over 7, 000 face mask warnings. Forcing a shutdown. Monday. Meantime, in washington, state, outdoor recreational. Activities, can now resume. A nation trying to get back to business, while polls show, many americans, are hesitant. To do exactly, that. Miguel almaguer, nbc, news, los angeles. This is stephanie gosk, the usns. Comfort has left. The field hospitals, are no longer needed, in new york city the numbers, keep getting better. But look at what happened when the new york times analyzed. New cases, in the rest of the country. It's a very different story, the former fda commissioner. Sounding the alarm, on today, there's about 20 states where cases are going up on a daily basis. And then there is the new chilling projection, from the university, of washington. Last month researchers, there predicted, just over 60, 000 covid19. Deaths nationwide. By august. Now they predict, it could be more than double that this is mainly, due to. Increase in mobility. Premature, relaxation. Of social distancing, in places where the virus was still circulating, at a high level, hot spots are popping up in the country's interior, brown county wisconsin. Has nearly 1500. Cases, it takes one person to have a pretty massive ripple effect in the community, the worst hit places, often with large prisons, or meat processing, plants nearby. Like in fort dodge iowa do you think right now people are putting their lives in jeopardy, because of their behavior.

Most Definitely. And not just theirs. 19, people across, iowa, died today the highest numbers so far, dr megan trinivos. Who treats covid patients. Is alarmed, the state reopened. Friday, there were groups playing flag football. There were groups having gender reveal, parties. It was as if coronavirus. Had never happened, in nobles county minnesota. More than a thousand, cases, there most of them trace to a pork processing, plant, that may be reopening. As early as tomorrow. There's no such thing as social distancing, happening at all. So our local, people are being hurt and struggling, just to stay alive. Only to. Have, all kinds of people walking, in freely, and standing in lines of, 10 plus people, to check out at walmart, in truesdale, county tennessee, nearly 1300. Inmates, and 50 staff tested positive, at a prison, one inmate has died, what i'm worried about happening, would be people that have maybe been in contact with somebody, and now they're they're not showing any symptoms, and then that can spread inside the community, so that's that's my biggest concern. Behind, all the numbers, people like craig allen franken, 61, years old who worked at a meatpacking, plant in iowa. A father, a grandfather. And a casualty, in the pandemic. Spreading, through the heartland. Stephanie, gausk nbc news, new york. In 60, seconds the explosive, whistleblower. Revealed, what an ousted, top scientist, alleges, about the government, response, to the pandemic. Also richard, engel on the u.s versus, china and how the virus, began. Back now with the whistleblower, complaint, revealed, from a vaccine, director. Who says he was ousted, for questioning, an unproven, treatment, touted by president, trump, here's peter alexander. Tonight as president trump hits the road for the first time in more than five weeks touring a factory, in arizona, that's now producing, n95. Masks. He's also winding down the white house coronavirus. Task force, the vice president saying it could happen, around memorial, day, mike pence and the task force have done a great job, but we're now looking at a, little bit of a different form. And that form is safety, and opening, the decision announced even as the death toll climbs past 70, thousand, and new projections, disputed, by the president. Show easing, social distancing, could lead to tens of thousands of additional, lives lost. It comes as dr rick bright the federal scientist, who was recently, forced out as head of the agency, involved in developing, a vaccine, for the virus. Is speaking out for the first time. In this new whistleblower, complaint obtained by nbc, news, bright says he was retaliated, against, for resisting. Efforts to fund potentially, dangerous, drugs. Promoted, by those with political connections. A reference, to hydroxychloroquine. An anti-malaria. Drug, that the president's, repeatedly. Promoted. Time after time i was pressured, to ignore. Or dismiss, expert and scientific, recommendations. And instead. To award lucrative, contracts. Based on political, connections. In other words i was pressured to let politics, and cronyism. Drive decisions. The complaint, also accuses, the health and human services, department, of being slow to react to the initial threat. Saying bright's, urgent, warnings about the need to act starting in early january. Were met with indifference. And later hostility. From hhs, leaders. Including, secretary, azar. It is inappropriate. To place dedicated. Scientists. And cross hairs. Hhs, says dr bright was transferred to a position at the national, institutes, of health to work on testing and late tonight in a statement, hhs, says, it's quote deeply, disappointed.

That He has not shown up to that job. Lester. All right peter alexander, thanks, also, tonight, china, is firing back at the u.s, as global, criticism, of china, is growing, over its initial response, to the virus. More on that from nbc's, richard engel. China, is pushing back, after mounting, criticism. That it engaged, in a cover-up, about the origin. And spread of the coronavirus. Chinese state media released this cartoon. Lampooning. U.s accusations. As, inconsistent. And ridiculous. A communist, party newspaper, calling secretary, of state, mike pompeo. A liar. Over this accusation. There is a significant, amount of evidence that this, came from that laboratory. In wuhan. U.s intelligence, officials, say they believe, the virus, is not man-made. Or altered. But have not ruled out it could have leaked, accidentally. From a chinese facility. Just last week, china's, executive. Vice foreign minister, speaking to nbc's. Janice, mackie freyr. We need to respect, science, and keep away from conspiracy, theories. This is an unusual. Move from normally, reticent, china. As president, trump, intensified. His criticism, today, what happened should never, ever have happened. China, should have informed, us that they had a problem. But president trump's opponents, charge, he's trying to divert, blame. As the u.s, death toll grows. Early on, he praised, china, china seems to be making tremendous, progress. According to u.s intelligence. China, threatened, doctors, who sent early warnings about the virus, and was not candid, about human to human transmission. And a new report from the department of homeland security. Assesses, china. Intentionally. Concealed. The severity, of kovid, 19, from the international, community. In early january. While it's stockpiled. Medical supplies. The uk and germany, are also, calling for more transparency. From china, as many now want to know exactly, how this virus started, and spread so quickly lester. Richard engel tonight richard thanks, up next for graduating, seniors, of principal, going the extra mile. For the class of 2020. It's bittersweet. But a high school principal, is going the extra mile to celebrate, them here's joe fryer. The senior class at wiley high in texas, can't go to school but principal, verdi montgomery, quickly realized, he, could go to them. So, i told my wife what i was going to do and she looked at me like i was crazy, because i get these ideas every once in a while, montgomery, hit the road in over 12 days visited, every, senior, 612. Of them from six feet away, he gave each a candy bar telling them one day we'll look back at this, and snicker. Along with a note, i am so sorry this has happened. I can't believe i've not gotten to meet with you. Had to watch you finish this year, and all the things you're involved. I am honored to get to be your principal. For students like valerie knute, there were only snickers. Of gratitude. Makes me. Tear up a little bit but. Now that i've done it. It's a it's a treasured memory i'll never forget and it was more for me than them, a principal's, journey measured in 800, miles. In 612. Smiles. Joe fryer, nbc, news. Isn't that terrific, up next he's got scoops on big news and he's just. 10..

Before We go tonight we wanted to let you know that our latest, installment, of nightly news kids, edition, is now available, dr john torres, shows us just how coronavirus. Spreads. Plus we'll meet a 10 year old who loves news so much he created his own newspaper. And we'll introduce, you to this dynamic, duo, lending a helping hand. Our brand new episode of nightly news kids edition, is on the nbc, news youtube, page right now, also, nbcnews.com. And peacock. And that's nightly news i'm lester, holt, please take care of yourself. And each other. Hey nbc, news viewers, thanks for checking out our youtube, channel. Subscribe, by clicking on that button down here. And click on any of the videos, over here, to watch the latest interviews, show highlights, and digital, exclusives. Thanks for watching.

2020-05-14 16:45

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