Navigating Year One as a Touring Musician's Spouse: Insights from Side by Side Podcast Ep. 3

Navigating Year One as a Touring Musician's Spouse: Insights from Side by Side Podcast Ep. 3

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Hey, everybody. Welcome to the Side by  Side podcast presented by Side Stage   Tour. I am your co host, Laura Landers,  and this is the better half, Kelly Clark. Hello. Not better half. We  are in this together, whatever 100 miles a minute, and you're the  one that just holds it all together.

you say. Well, today is an interesting one  because I feel like I'm intro ing myself,   This podcast is going to be all about my  first year as a spouse of a touring musician,   what it was like, what I experienced,  and that kind of gives you a fresh   perspective of a newbies life in this  weird lifestyle that we are all living. I am so excited to talk about  you this time. And hear about   your side of the journey. Cause this  is your, it's been a full year, right? It's been a full year, like, like, New Year's Eve,  and here we are at the end of December, so yeah. Well, how do you feel right now? A little older, a little wiser, a little wounded  and a little more glamorous. I don't know.

Well, you look great, Thank you. right? I mean, it's pretty, it's  pretty chilly. Okay. I have a   couple of questions. Let's see how I do as  the host this time. This is not my forte,   but we are going for it and we are doing  it. So thank you. I want to hear, and we,   the audience, hello audience. We want  to hear a little bit about your story. Yeah. Okay. So, I'll keep it really short, because  stories could be a hundred years, right? So,  

Jordan and I have been married for six years. We  always knew that his goal was to tour. that wasn't   out of the question. It just hadn't happened yet,  for at least me, on my end. He had toured before,   many years in the past, before we got together.  But it wasn't part of our lives when we got  

married. And it wasn't part of our lives until  year ago. it was a very shocking experience.   Nonetheless, I say that because we knew this  was coming, but it just came really fast. Um, Okay. going on tour for the entire  tour date, which in country,   in the country music world is like all  the time there's, they're always gone,   but it's never consistent. Really no  schedule in regards to a normal schedule. And

Okay. Okay. Okay. this together. And then reality hit a few  months later for reasons I can get into in   a minute. But I would say that that's kind  of the, the story that I needed you to know   that perspective when we get into all of  this so you know where I was coming from.

Yeah, it's like the beginning, which, which  brought me to like sort of the middle,   but let's kind of, let's,  let's take it on a, on a,   I'm going like this cause it's like  a rollercoaster, right? It's really,   really good. And then it's really, really  not. So let's talk about some good times. Yeah, you know what's so fantastic is like,  it really can be a glamorous story. fun,   sexy kind of life to go to some of his tour  date locations and be with everyone and,   and experience those big stadium tours and get  to feel like you feel a little special because   your husband's a little special because  the artist is a little special, you know? So it's just like you get to experience those fun,   tingly moments, right? And you're like,  this is my life. This is so cool. My

Right. hard but exciting and fun and thrilling and  and always changing and can see those like   last minute changes to your schedule that You  could see those as bad things or you could see   them as really fun good things You Maybe it just  depends on where your mental health is at the time Yes. Yes. I would say I had just those like  mini highlights throughout the year. Love it. Okay. Let's talk about some, we  talked about some highs. This is a glamorous,  

lovely life that we get to live where we get  to travel the world, which is amazing. Right.   And then we're at the high and then sometimes  we hit those low, low times. Can we talk about   any like conflicting emotions that you  might've had with that, that contrast? I almost feel bad in saying this but I  think it's real I feel like there were   more low times than there were high times.  And a lot of those lows weren't necessarily  

low lows. They were just So like, let's  say, well, at the beginning of the year,   actually, when Jordan got offered  to do those three day trial shows, Okay. Um, Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Um, probably around April, May, I was really busy  in like January, February with my brand launch,   and then after that things kind of slowed down  and then I saw what my life was really like at   home with my dogs alone all the time. And I  realized that my mental health was so bad,  

and I think I mentioned this in  a couple of our other podcasts, Oh, my God. bad for me. And I didn't. I have the energy  to go hang out with friends. I also don't have   any really close friends here. So hanging  out with friends here is almost like you   have to turn on that energy bar a little  bit more and like, like dating. And I did I love it.

that energy. I was truly like. When  I think about the past year, I didn't   consciously think about this throughout  the year, but now that I can look back,   I definitely was in survival mode the whole  year. And I think when you're in survival mode,   you have very low energy and you're needing to  do the things that are really good for yourself. So I didn't know it at the time until I learned   about halfway through the  year that I had to travel. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.

change our financial plan and  that's a big financial plan to Okay. Um, and To be fair going into this  next year now that I know I have to Transcript. very much. all those little things. So I'm like, I guess  it's just, not going to pay off that again,   which is kind of sad and kind of like, well, I'm  pouring it into my mental health, so it's good.

But like part of my mental health is having  good finances and that is paying off debt.   So it's just like an interesting I  don't know. It's just interesting. I mean, it, it, it makes, it makes all the sense   in the world. It's like you have all  these plans and then the plans don't   happen like you want them to. But this  other plan is something that you need.

It's something that you need. It's something. yeah, Yes, I would say that that's a low.  Like, it's a good, I don't know,  

it's maybe not even a low, like, I don't know. it just kind of is. Um, Yeah, that's a good way to put it. okay. So you want it traveling  is key, which is huge,   different financial decision that you had  to make. And, and we talked about these,   we call it a rollercoaster or like emotional  waves going up and down and up and down and   up and down. Is there like a key, a key  thing between you and him that you learned?

That I guess kind of helped with the emotions  or helped with the, with the lifestyle, which is   again, a crazy, lovely, wonderful, glamorous,  sexy life that we live when it's that way. Yeah mean, this sounds so fundamental, but  communication is key. And there a time when   my mental health got so low, dare I say the lowest  it's ever been, which can be kind of scary to say   and maybe disheartening for people listening,  but I think that's just reality, right? So at   some point it's going to get really low and it got  really low for me. I didn't know how to handle. It   was truly just shock, right? So the shock was  so hard for me to handle that I wanted to just   keep it to myself, like my dark thoughts.  I just wanted to keep them to myself, which Thank you.

dangerous in isolation. And I was  just like, I can't let him know   that I'm struggling because he's living  his dream. Like how sad for him. I don't   want to put that on him. He doesn't need  to know that, is absolutely a big fat lie.

Right. you definitely need to communicate. So there  was a time, like a couple of days that he   was back was like, well, I don't even want to  tell him on a couple of days that he's back.

Cause it's going to ruin his couple  of days before he goes back out again. Yes. That's another, it's, it's all,  all the things, but that right there,   it's like, you want to be honest about all  these things that you're going through,   which they're coming off of this high  from doing what they love. And then   we get together and sometimes it's, I  don't want to call it a crash and burn. Cause that's not what it is. It's  being honest. It's being honest.

Yeah. Which we have to be honest, you know, I mean,   we've been married for how long,  six years for you, 12 years for me,   like being honest about how you're feeling  and those emotions is especially in this life, Yes. especially, yes, we have to be honest. So when I told him he came home and of course  I was just fighting with myself on telling   him how I really was. Cause we actually don't  talk a whole lot while he's gone. I'm really   independent. He's really independent. Like we  talk. and that was something we had to navigate  

throughout this past year with finding our  rhythm and how we communicate with each other.   But when he came home, I was fighting with  myself. I finally got the courage to be like,   I really gotta tell you something. I just  told him how dark my thoughts were and how   I'm really not doing well, but I want  you to know that I absolutely love what   you're doing and it just that one time  I ended up having to tell him that. It Um, Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.

I have to be a good husband. I have  to take care of you. And if you're   like having the worst time of your life,  while I'm having the best time of my life,   like that's not going to work. And I kept telling  him. down, I really didn't know. I was like,   I think it's just me working through this for  the first time. I was like, you don't need to   quit. I don't want you to quit. I'm deeply, very  happy that you're doing what you're doing. No,   I mean, hello. We want our spouses to be super  happy. If they're super happy, then it's like,  

that makes us super happy. Even though  I was super unhappy. It's so strange. It's beautiful to see like them element and doing  what they love and it's different than what we do. Yes. And so. It was a few months of that where  I just, I wasn't doing well. And he was honestly   very concerned that I concerned that he would have  to quit his but also concerned for my wellbeing.  

And then it got better slowly, but surely I  was traveling a bit more. I had something to   look forward to, which we have mentioned in  our past podcast and it became more normal.   My emotional rollercoaster stopped having  such highs and such lows every time he left.   And started trusting my emotions a little bit  more over time. I think that's just what it is,   right? You just like have to go through  it let it, uh, regulate your emotions. It started to get better. You had things to  look forward to. You started to travel. I,  

there's a question that's not on  our, our list, but so it's been,   been a year, right? So how has it been not  losing yourself? Like how have you, have,   have you, have you had to navigate like  kind of feeling like an identity attached   to them versus who you are in yourself and  what you do and what's important to you? That's a great question. I think naturally you  lose yourself a little bit when it's brand new   and it's something that you're experiencing  for the first time. it is interesting just   in the genre that Jordan is in. It's very like  country. So you're actually treated like some,  

not everyone, and this isn't the artists. This is more just like the  fans and stuff. But like,   you're kind of treated like less than you're just  the wife. Like you don't have a name. You're just

Jordan's wife side. Yeah. You're just Jordan's wife. or Jordan's girl Ooh. Yeah. over there. Little girlfriend. Little  girlfriend. Not even girlfriend,   that little girlfriend over there.

gosh. I haven't been told that to my face, but. Yeah. Yeah. Oh yeah. You're like, Oh yeah. Like me? Okay. Okay. Mm

Yeah, I lost myself a little bit. I mean, yeah,  I, I was about to talk about like Kourtney   Kardashian losing herself to Travis Barker and  dressing just like him. And I'm like, I mean,   she's actually part of the community in a  sense. So I'm like, not going to throw her   under the bus because I think that's what  happens at the beginning of all of this. hmm. And I definitely had to It was more  towards the end of this year that   I Notice that I kind of was even  starting side stage tour with you.  

I was like, well, this is attached to my husband.  This is because of my husband. And I was like,   it's not like the feminist side of me was  like this. I'm not living my life for me. What am I doing? Even though I have like my  own business and my own freelance business   and all this kind of stuff, it just, you  still kind of feel a little attached in a   way So I'm still navigating it. But  I'm getting out of it a little bit.  

I think that's because I have realized that  it's, I've just been in the house too much. I've just kind of survived throughout  this year too much that now it's like,   okay, I think I'm ready to thrive. I think  I'm ready to switch from you. Survive to   thrive. So that means you need to really  take the reign and where I go on my own.

you're a vet now, it's been  a year. It's true. It gets,   it gets easier and easier. And then there's  days where it's not easy at all, even,   you know, like for us, it's not 12 years of  touring, it's 12 years of marriage. maybe six   years of touring. And at the beginning, I'm  like, Oh my gosh, what am I supposed to do?

And then like, no, I have  things that I'm doing that are,   that are important to me that are just as  important as what he's doing over there,   which is very important. But what we do is also  just as important. What do you do by the way? Wait, what? I said, what do you do? Oh well I have a clothing line. And like,  what else, which actually I want to talk   about that in regards to this year,  because that's been really interesting,   like business ownership. But I also run  a freelance business for social media   management, website development  and design and I creative direct. So yeah, it seems like a lot, but  also it's not like I I've been part   time and I think I'm ready to like full time it. Yeah. Laura built our side  stage tour website. It looks  

amazing. www. sidestagetour. com. She killed it. right. Also, let's just plug in that in a  couple of weeks, we're doing a giveaway. Yay. Which

just look out for that on Instagram because you're  going to want to enter. It's going to be free to   enter and you're going to whoever wins gets of  merch. So size, they sure merge. That's right. she also designed the merch throwing that in  there. Creative mind, such a creative woman. Thank you. But I did want to touch on  so The first two months of this year,  

I was launching prepping to launch my  brand and I did launch it early March   and it was amazing and fantastic. And my mental  health got so bad, like April, May, June, July,   maybe a little bit of August that I did not  touch my brand. I launched it. and it was   interesting because a lot of people would ask me  throughout the year, like, how's engulf doing?   How's your brand doing? And I didn't have the  energy, the positive thinking to say, like, I'm   not touching it right now. I'm not able to, I'm  literally trying to stay alive. So I would just   lie to them and I would just say like, Oh, it's  great. Thank you so much for asking. I love being  

a business owner. I love running my business.  I love what I do. And in fact, I wasn't doing   absolutely anything. I couldn't set up an email  marketing automation to literally save my life. It was complicated for no  reason, though, to be fair. Absolutely. I, and it's just the bane of my  existence for some reason. I hate those. But now I   feel like I'm able to say, actually, someone just  texted me the other day, who's also a brand owner.   And they were just kind of checking in to see  where I was in the business because they wanted to   work together for something. And they asked how my  year was. I was like, honestly, I barely touched  

the business. I was just most like, just trying to  stay alive. I was just focusing on mental health Yeah. and their response was like, that's amazing.  Good for you. You should. like, why can't I,   why can't I have just said that to people? Like, I'm just focusing on my mental  health. I just didn't have the strength to The language, the language too. Yeah.

the language. The language. Mm hmm. exactly right. So I just wanted to say that  too. Not that everyone listening is a business   owner and coincidentally is launching their  business when their husbands start touring,   but like just give yourself the grace when you're   going through something and give it  to yourself for as long as you need.

And don't pressure yourself into to  be done emotionally with something   by a date or anything like that. Like you just got   to go through it and go through it for  as long as you need to go through it. Absolutely. Give yourself some grace, people. Yeah, yourself grace. The grace, because we tend  to give grace to everybody but ourselves. absolutely.

Give yourself some grace. Whatever and  whatever that looks like. And like you said,   however long that looks like  or however long that takes. Yeah. And it was pretty long for me. Like, April,   May, June, July, August, September,  October. I would say eight months.

Yeah. It's a long time. However long it takes. Yup. And again, you were here and you look amazing.

And I feel amazing. I Yeah. Okay. Let's, let's, let's close, put a,   put a pin on it and close it or button  on it. I think that's what the kids say.   Put a button on it or do the old people  say it could be just us or me. I'm like, so theater of you, like ah, let's put a button on it.

Yes. Okay. Any more advice to those who  are just starting this journey? Yeah, I would say because everyone's in a  different place in life. Some people are   working from home. Some people have an office that  they go to and they actually have camaraderie at   their job. Some people, um, Or taking care of a  loved one while their spouse is on tour or some,  

you know, whatever kid or parent or dog  or like everyone's in a different part   of life. When this starts for you, if it is  just starting or hasn't started or whatever.   And I would say since a word of advice is it  might not hit for everyone. I would just say,   make sure you're giving yourself grace, like  we just said, but make sure that you are.  

Still focusing on yourself. is not selfish to  focus on yourself intently because I feel like   I really intently focused on my wellness. And I  felt at times very selfish. Like my whole day,   my whole schedule daily was like, like, a  morning routine, which is taking care of   yourself. It was like working a little bit for  my clients, right? Then it was meditate. Then  

it was workout. Then it was stretching. Like  those three things are taking care of yourself. Then it was eating something healthy. So then  you have to focus on that or cook it or whatever,   right? Like it was, it felt like cognitively  I was thinking about me 24 seven and in a way,   maybe society because we're married or whatever,  it makes us feel selfish because usually we're   Focusing on someone else, but when you're someone  else is gone. It can feel selfish and it's not. At all, that at all, and I feel like a much better person now, and I do  feel stronger now to get out of my hermit kind of   rut and maybe start thinking about applying  to jobs in an office. How dare I? You know,  

like I haven't done that in like, years, you  know, and I, I, maybe even two months ago,   I would have never thought that I could get  out of my own little bubble, my own little   home bubble. And I'm now starting to want to get  out of the house, which is very weird. I'm like,   Oh, wait, maybe that's a good thing.  Maybe that means that I'm, you know,   really healthy mentally so that I can  have a stronger, pillar within myself   to be able to handle more that comes my  way, which feels really good. You can do you can do it. You can do it one year in  three years in 10 years in, you can do it Yeah.

community for you. We are  here for you. Side stage tour. For you. You're here for you. on Discord. We are talking on it daily,  

and you need to join us because it's funny  and reflective, and it's a great time. Yeah. Laura Landers, everybody! I feel  like we need a StageTour. com, Instagram, everyone. we have a Discord, all the things. We're here. the giveaway.

Yes. Yes. Okay.

2024-12-27 00:22

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