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Good morning, another day here in San Martin de los Andes and today we are going to go 50 kilometers from the city near the Hu Hum border crossing of Chile, there we are going to visit the Chachin waterfall. Today is quite gray we had thought according to what the forecast said that it would be very beautiful, it is not like that for the moment we hope it improves a little to be able to enjoy this place In this map you are seeing the route that we are going to take today, first we are going to go to the waterfall and from there to Puerto Pucará a short distance from the city center at the junction of Provincial Route 48 and National Route 234, the pavement ends and the gravel road begins with this arch we enter the lanín national park and this is route number 48 just 3 km away is the access to the bandurrias viewpoint which is where you have one of the best panoramic views of the city and later you will find a signposted detour that leads to the yuko beaches but these two places we are going to visit on another walk this part of the road is generally in good condition most of the year in this first section it is quite rough but after doing a few kilometers we begin to enter a dense forest formed by raulíes, coihues and myrtles all typical trees of the Valdivian jungle along the way we will make a few stops to enjoy a little of the environment and Now we continue towards the waterfall and from this place we will have approximately 20 km to go. en route we meet the information office It is always advisable to make a stop and check the state of the road and the options for trails and walks that are enabled once informed we continue the walk just by crossing the bridge and looking to the sides we knew that we also had to make a stop here people we are on the bridge that crosses the Hua Hum river really this is a paradise it is a beauty we are very happy to be here, a beautiful place After staying for a while in this place and taking some photos we continue our journey, only two and a half kilometers to the waterfall we left the car in the parking lot to start walking the interpretive trail from the parking lot are approximately 1200 meters is a very easy trail and the scenery is beautiful This is one of the most impressive waterfalls in the Lanín National Park, which is in the heart of the Valdivian jungle and its fall is more than 30 meters We arrived at the Chachin waterfall, look at the place, the environment and mainly what this waterfall is, the truth is that it is very beautiful and the path is very simple to do so don't stop doing it if you get to this place very good people from here we are going to pucará also from this place you can come to make more of Queñi the road to the hot springs of Queñi, it is impassable by That is why we always recommend that when you see a tourist office you can stop and ask how the road is if with the car that you have they can approach there or not in our case that will be pending leaving the waterfall you will immediately find the detour that takes you to pucará there are many places to see stop and enjoy throughout this tour the truth that This place does not stop being surprised with the beauty it is impressive this is the bridge that we have just crossed over the Chachín river this river flows into Lake Nonthue we continue on our way to pucara In general, this road is recommended to travel in 4x4 but in tourist information they told us that the road was in good condition and we could travel it with the car and it really was like that we had no problem doing it Here is another of the stops that we could not stop making this is the Nonthué river this river ends up flowing a short distance from here in the narrowness that separates the lakes Lacar and Lake Nonthue we go just a little further and we come across this catwalk we are walking on a wooden bridge It moves a lot so well let's see how this shot turns out but this place is wonderful a little further on we find the Pucará section of the park we finally visit Puerto Pucara We arrived at Puerto Pucara and it is beautiful, it left us speechless we simply leave you with these images so that you can enjoy this place with us Very close to Puerto Pucará you will find the detour that takes you to Lake Nonthue where you will find these beautiful beaches We just left Puerto Pucará, we were going to go directly to the beaches of Yuco, but we found our way to Lake Nonthue, it is very few kilometers, almost nothing and we couldn't pass it up so now we're enjoying the lake The truth is that you do not want to leave this place is a beauty this river in the background that we have is the river that flows into Lake Nonthue after having visited these beautiful places we are going to finish today's walk and we are going to return to the city of san martín de los andes If you liked this video, do not forget to leave us your like and all the comments you want, it also passes through all our social networks and if you have not subscribed to channel you can do it right now we are waiting for you in our next chapter

2021-04-09 19:02

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