Naples, Italy December 2024

Naples, Italy December 2024

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Hello guys I'm Renislava and I just arrived  in Naples, Italy And we are going to spend New Year's Eve with Alessia's family And now she's waiting for me Let's go Hello! Should I open? Yes yes Hi Ariel! Hi, how are you? Give me a kiss How are you? I'm with Alessia's bag This is Alessia bag Dacia's things, everything Merry Christmas Wow How much is this? Like 2 meters and a half Almost 3 meters Go, go next to the tree It's from my dreams And Ariel's couch Yes because usually it's here but now there is the tree With the light Wow Luxurious Ariel So now we are going in the center of  Naples to have a walk So we're actually going to take the metro And with the Metro we'll go in the center because it's impossible to park the car in the center, to find place There are too much people and too much cars yeah I can't understand this way of driving There's no logic Whoever goes first This is impossible What the f**k So basically all the people are doing like this They're leaving the cars in the parking and they're taking the metro yes So if you are renting a car here you should do this There are so much people on the road I wouldn't advise to drive It's impossible to drive Better to be in the center with the hotel or accommodation and to just move with the Metro It's impossible So from here we buy the ticket How much is the ticket, €1.50? €1.50 now, yes So these are the tickets yes This is daily for €4.50 for the whole day And are there like zones for the Metro or no? Yes this is for the Metro Zone 1 and this is for everywhere like €5.40 This is daily And what's this? Which one? This one? This is for 90 minutes So if you have to take the metro twice instead of paying one way In 90 minutes you can use it like more time This is for the bus Daily for the buses But the buses don't really work Okay so it's better to use this And to use the daily or to use the one way And Alessia'a parents said to us to be very careful with the camera, with the phone because they're stealing a lot 11 stops They said that these are some new trains Someone was asking in the comments if the Metro is accessible for disabled people It is There are elevators And we saw now because we are going from the stairs, there's also elevator to just go outside It's just too crowded And now when we enter in the center it's not probably very accessible But the Metro it is, yes But like they can still come here Where it's more like this For example these markets Yes yes They're accessible And now I want to buy a lot of horns This red horn it's typical for Naples Can you explain? The pepper? Yeah the pepper It's a symbol against like a bad luck And when you buy, you have to activate it and do like three times like this Yes They also do necklaces, bracelets I already have the bracelet They have big yes They're super cool But I want to see everywhere and  to choose the best Best price, the best Not from here Here it's the most expensive one? In the streets up Yeah, there are the best prices In the old town it's the best prices In the center here it's actually very cheap everything It is cheap compared to others cities yes Our job is sustainability It's one of the branch of our ethic From this ethic we have two main branches: recycling the bottle caps And the other is reusing of something you already have Their aim is sustainability They both recycle and use things that you already have Yes like to make something new That's a very cool idea But how do they make this? It's like super small lines So one of the branch is recycling the bottles caps From them we make the inside of our jewels I call them jewels because on the website you can find them also in silver As we collaborate with two Neapolitan goldsmiths As well as with two organizations and 10 international artists Here you can see three of them She's Russian He's English And she's German We collaborate with the artists because of the other branch of sustainability So another road besides recycling A very important branch is to reuse something that you already have As you can see here, this is a themed set called "Optical" What can you do with the inside part which is obtained from the bottle cap? You just apply a small pressure and you can interchange it So you reuse this part of the earring just by changing the inside "pop" That's why our brand is called "Lobopop" Because our project started with the earrings So with an earring set you can obtain up to six pairs of earrings For more information you can visit the website Do you remember everything I said? Yes He was saying that this is jewelry because the frames are also on the website You can find them in also silver and gold And they collaborate with some people from Naples And not only from Naples but with some artists from around the world She's Russian From England, from Germany From all over the world And the inside is made from the bottle caps And once you buy the frame That's the second art of their aim, to use something that you already have And you can just remove the inside and put another one And you can just switch them Yes That's very cool Our aunt gifted to our mom for Christmas So basically this is his table "Lobopop" it's called and they also have website This is Vittorio Emanuele boarding school It is a high school where the students come for the whole week They sleep, eat and study here And then for the weekend they leave and they go home And here is the library where they buy the books It's a famous historical bookstore But it's like second hand books The most important thing about Naples is that here is the best pizza in the world Of course of course The best pizza in the world Super cheap like the magnets are €1 It's even cheaper than Bulgaria And these are €1 each It's good the price But we will go around because I want to see I actually want one big horn for home We don't have We have San Gennaro but we don't have the horn There are old books for €1 Yeah like Mickey Mouse Comics This is 600 liras because before Italy had liras It's like, I don't know, 30 cents Wow yeah Alessia's sister bought two books for €5 Yes What do you say about this place? That is actually an historical place where they make pizza like wallet, pizza folded But they looked a bit old those pizzas Maradona here it's like the God Yes The god of Neapolitan people Yes Even the stadium before was called "San Paolo" now they changed and they call it "Maradona" Wow Some bowls for bread Very cool Probably handmade What she said? Hi Be careful There are magnets with the Tombola Wow Here in Napoli they have one game Tombola It's like Bingo but the numbers are different meanings They have meanings And you bet money yes Best pizzeria Alessia is saying it's called 50 Kalò And it's the best, we've already tried I have to buy magnets for my colleague Exactly the same This magnet And this is the Neapolitan tombola Here you mix You put this and you mix them here So we'll take these I would buy this toilet paper Would you buy this toilet paper? Yeah I would rather buy that one Which one? That one from Berlusconi Is this fake? No it's real but dried up already And there is actually Are we near this place that they say that it's the best pizza in the world? Are we here? Yes Sorbillo but it's not It's 50 Kalò Be careful There are so much people I don't know what's happening Someone is singing from the terrace Cars, people Melon? Melon yes I never saw So this is the line to enter in the restaurant New Year's Eve sparkling wine! Why? He put the lemon and soda bicarbonate and it explodes Smells like pizza Yes And like fish What's this? This is a character from Neapolitan tradition That was like making jokes and making fun of people in the past So now we are going to try some bread You explain better With ragout or Genovese sauce inside And meatballs It's typical from here Yes it's actually like not an actual dish It's something that we created just when there is leftover of tomato sauce, meatballs €2.50 for a small Aperol Spritz Wow that's a good price The only bad thing here is that you can't really sit somewhere Just if you go to some restaurant you have place for sit But there are no benches If you have luck Yeah It smells so good I'm getting hungry Are these fake? Here everywhere they drink Aperol Spritz Everywhere yes There are even like small places that they just sell Aperol But this is some new trend Sfogliatelle How it was called? Sfogliatelle With cream cheese inside? How it was? It's with ricotta Babà I don't like it It's a pastry dipped in rum We are entering this small street called San Gregorio And they make this small nativity Like the characters for presepe Like handmade It's painted by hand They're super cool Super small They're painting inside the statues Wow If I had more space in the luggage I would buy the tombola But it's too big, my backpack will explode Imagine living here It will be super calm every day Yes of course You will sleep good Is this the god of Naples? Is this the God of Naples? This is a typical Christmas sweet Strufolli it's called It's fried dough with honey Italians eat so much carbs and they're still fit I don't know how it's done Have I tried this? You tried it yes, the first time you came Pistachios covered with chocolate This with caramel Never seen such thing This is with limoncello But it looks like olives Chocolate and limoncello Wow This is the coffee beans Coffee beans with chocolate I never tried like this You tried them, I bought them in Bulgaria, don't you remember? Do you know that I didn't try them? You didn't try them yes No I ate the whole Because I was on diet I ate all of them This I think I've tried It's candied lemon, orange with chocolate around So we reached the end of San Gregorio And this is the graffiti of San Gennaro There We'll go We'll cross there and we'll see it better But if you go on the other side is Forcella It's one neighborhood that's very dangerous Like even during the day? During the day, during the night Probably more during the day than during the night It's dangerous This is the scariest thing ever to cross here Let's go! Wait! Wait Let's go Like what the f**k So from here you can see You can see the buildings Like it looks that it's some like favela or something To stop here? Yes the street here it's okay But in the small streets around no, better to not go It's the bad side of Naples This man that it's here Another man it's there at the crossroad They're there They're called like "watchers" Like they check if police is coming They sell, they meet with people Were they looking at me when I was filming? No because they know that you're just filming like this But it's the bad side What to do? We came back here We'll ask how much it cost We can take to try different things They look interesting But are these like blocks of chocolate or it's fake? This? Looks real It's real So we took to try some of these balls You have to try this You have to try this It's delicious It tastes like limoncello It's limoncello This? It's limoncello cream It looks like olive Wow But you can't see your reaction with the glasses They're very nice These sweets are so good They're delicious Neapolitan cards We played once I think, or no? I think no I showed them but we haven't played These all are Neapolitan cards? Yes different versions, different brands All the people are eating dough And they're super fit How is this possible? They make cold creams with Biscoff cream I don't know, Pan di Stelle cream It's like all the people are eating fried, dough, pizza Italian people for the food they're like they only want with their like national food Pizza and pasta And everyone is eating everywhere We are going to have lunch We're going to have this bread filled with sauce and meatballs They also do with Genovese sauce Better tomato sauce or Genovese sauce? I don't know, which is worst? One you will get red, the other one you will smell like onions Probably to get red then after this to clean Better to get red We have wet wipes Is this the line? I think from here We have to just throw ourselves Okay, we're throwing ourselves And how much does it cost one? You make it by yourself with three ingredients is €8 With the meatballs? The place is called tandem It's like the most famous place? Yeah I think they invented this bread with the sauce inside And they also do pasta And also second like meat, meatballs like split not in the bread Yes and they sell jars with different sauces Genovese, ragout So we got our food And now we will find somewhere to sit Probably we can order some drink because here inside there's no place where to sit Yeah We found a place to sit We ordered some Aperol and now we are waiting for the guy to bring it And so you can open first yours Like a Christmas present wrapped That's one Oh my God That's so much food So much bread Better with the fork I asked my sister to take them yes Buon appetito And this is parmigiana Eggplant? Yeah It's so much food And we got the Aperol Cheers This is my favorite church ever in the world I even wanted to get married in this church But I don't know if it's open Let's see the hours There are homeless people here a lot Near the churches mostly Why? Because people are like spiritual Yes, they leave them, they don't say anything to them But it's closed till 4:30 pm So it's okay For the second time we're not able This road is called Spaccanapoli Which means a road that splits Naples in half If you see it goes all the way up to Vomero Which is up in the like this hill What's this? It's fried pizza It's this pasta that is fried Ariel Wow So much food everywhere, on every corner Limoncello, babà, pizza We're on Via Toledo which is the new center With markets, stores In this church they made presepe Which is this Nativity with Jesus, Mary and Joseph But presepe is made mixed with the Neapolitan tradition And the normal people like vendors I have some coins we can put Okay And everything is like handmade I already said it Like this one on the market outside Yes, but these are for exposition Look how big they are Wow But this is a lot of work It's a lot of work yes Some of them are moving yeah They mix the birth of Jesus with the like normal life yeah Rural life So what is this, some Christmas Market? Actually it's for Befana, now on the 6th of January Explain what is Befana for people that don't know In the Catholic tradition on the 6th of January these three kings go to Jesus to bring presents And we say that Befana will come She's like a witch that brings sweets for children And if you were bad she brings like coal, this black coal And we fill the socks with sweets But here it's a huge thing, a lot of sweets, a lot of salty things And they also have like this They're evolving every year more And this is marzipan? That I ate That I ate yesterday Is this the same? I think yes We have to cross again Jesus Christ And look now He's like not stopping Beautiful stuff! Louis Vuitton, Fendi, Prada Happy New Year! Do you want? Yes Which one? There's one from this Yes This for your mom Perfectly dry Check out the sales! So here we're in Quartieri Spagnoli It's the most like typical, how to say? Like the real Neapolitan lives Like the neighborhoods are with locals But because of Maradona? No, it have always been like this But when there are more locals everyone is for Napoli And everywhere is decorated for Napoli and for Maradona And in the end of the street there is the graffiti, this famous one of Maradona For a giant Befana Yes They're also preparing for tomorrow for New Year's Eve Because here in Naples they will do fireworks for a lot Actually it got less and less with the years But still it's a huge thing Every year in Bulgaria they say that it will be less and less But they do For sure it's not as much as here, but I will see now I'm for first time in Italy during New Year I've been in New Year in Bulgaria It last 30 minutes, 1 hour the fireworks Here they start in 11pm and they finish in 1am It's bad for the animals Yes yes I'm totally against this but I'm also against it It's tradition here You can't remove the tradition from a place Like it's cool for tourists to come here because it's typical and everything But imagine to live here It's loud and they don't see the light at all That's why they say that they live like mouse here, like rats For real Here is the bad part? Is it? Yeah a bit Especially during New Year in the night, it's dangerous here I don't know now But now it's probably a bit better, like everywhere in Naples compared to the past But still Yeah There are things that you can't lie about Everyone knows them There's someone with 360 camera Where? Wow And what are these, some spices? For sure, I think it's sage I don't know how it's called in english What's this? Liquor with pepper Wow, have you tried? No And this meloncello it's very interesting You haven't tried No It's very nice It's sweet, very sweet More than limoncello So we'll take one of this to try All the stores are made like super pretty with the things colorful Everyone I'm pissed off Who's this horn for? She said that she's getting bored And that she will activate the horn now The pepper They're basically doing this activating everywhere Imagine living here They even have energy drink with Maradona This is new It's evolving The windows are open a bit this time Jesus Christ Be careful This is Piazza del Plebiscito, it's famous square here in Naples That's a church And this is the Royal Palace Which is connected with Teatro San Carlo The theater The ballet, opera theater And it's actually in construction Yes they're renovating it And here they're preparing for New Year Yeah for tomorrow night They will wait the midnight here And they will sing? Yeah like famous singers from Naples, from Italy they will perform Wow so there is like sightseeing Wow There are so much people But the times that I came there were never this much people I think Because New Year's coming and everyone it's at home? Yeah This is one part of the port for fishermen You see small boats It's not the tourist port The tourist port is on the other side it's huge We're going to watch my sister performing for one flamenco show Ariel is bad Yes because her sister loves flamenco And she's dancing flamenco And the performance will be in one church In a church yes because in Spain they have the tradition to dance on the 31st night But since tomorrow no one will be able, they will do today A huge trash Okay we arrived on monte di Procida On the hill And this is the church where her sister will dance flamenco Alessia's mom said that I have to sing this song I just have to read the lyrics I will just open my mouth It's cold Yes

2025-02-02 03:57

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