Namakwa 4x4 Eco trail - FULL LENGTH FILM

Namakwa 4x4 Eco trail - FULL LENGTH FILM

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uh   i everyone again um today we are  in the beautiful namagualant slash   richtersvalt i'm here with my  two ugly brothers slash beautiful   and we are heading going heading up to pilla  tomorrow morning and we are going to do the   namakwa 4x4 eco challenge or challenge  slash route not really a challenge um there we go that's the word and we're doing just  the part one um don't have enough time for part   two as well unfortunately and it should be a lot  of fun i think we're quite excited um so nice to   have all the brothers together again yeah we're  currently camping here uh close to the old strip   at orange river rafting lodge really nice would  definitely recommend it it's really beautiful   and we're here in what early or mid december yes  we were expecting to be dying of the heat so the   top one so far not so bad so we yeah it's actually  down here by the river like honestly it's like the   perfect perfect temperature but it was hot this  afternoon yeah yeah but it was shy or footy but   but it wasn't like stupid hot like it didn't feel  uncomfortable yeah but like because we had the   water i think it makes it exactly makes a huge  difference and i think just being able to access   the water to like swimming and just chilling  against the river yeah so we're very excited   for the route it follows the river down from pela  down to the old strift um we're expecting it to be   four or five days four nights uh wild camping  should be a lot of fun we're super keen going down   yeah and i think it's um at least livingston over  there in the back's first proper off-road test   which uh we'll see how he does and we've  already nearly run out of fuel once yeah   obviously the the defender almost let us down  and then we are pushed through rice building   with like three kilometers to go in the tank  yeah 60 k's on a reserve tank is not bad not that   in case you're wondering a land rover can do 60  to 90 what a 100k is almost i think it's 15 of   the tank that's left when the reserve light  comes on so it's actually very conservative without any jerry cans or anything yeah but  anyway we look forward to it i'm gonna enjoy   evening here we've already lit the fire we're  gonna buy some chops horse and bribery obviously   what else obviously and then have an early night  get some good sleep in and tomorrow hit the road   we'll see you guys out there it's gonna be cool  good morning so we're on our way heading to the   namakwa 4x4 eco trails head to start um  so basically uh we are starting at the   little town of pilla which is close to and then  we are making our way back towards fuel stuff and yeah so i think we have about a  two i think two and a half hour drive   to the start of the trail um and then  yeah then our trail starts from there okay so we've finally arrived at the start of the  trail uh some we're getting fresh beers in hand   it is a lovely hot day i think probably like 35  between 38 but i didn't look lost something there   um but damn these are two sexy looking cars uh but  yeah so this is our start and now we're driving   how long i don't know probably two three hours uh  to our first campsite and first order of business   open a beer second order of business deflate tyres  and we're going down to about 1.5 1.4 we'll see   exactly what feels comfortable and then lastly  before we leave again lunch leftovers all right so awesome so uh we've just passed  here through the town of pela um   and well it's a really interesting town  um really cute so if you do or if you're   gonna do the trail i would suggest  just driving through having a look   um yeah it's quite nice and now we're heading up  towards charlie's pass which is just over there   we've heard that the views are unmissable  and that the route's not too challenging so ready all right so we've made it to kemp numero  uno it's the end of day one on the trail   it was absolutely amazing and have  a look at this camping spot like   there isn't a better camping spot available  um that's what's really amazing about this   trail is it's just all wild camping so we just  chose a beautiful spot here next to the river   and it's gonna make it home for  tonight let's get camp set up good morning from a beautiful morning  on the second day of our namakwa 4x4   eco trail so as you guys would hopefully  have seen uh last night we found a stunning   little camping spot here on the banks of  the orange river um really is like words   cannot describe it but actually you know maybe the  drone footage kind of describes it from yesterday   but yeah it is like incredibly beautiful uh  had a good night's sleep and you know what it   actually wasn't that hot um actually in the  evening it got quite cool which is really pleasant   and we had a nice bry we just chilled  around the campfire for a while   yeah no it's just fantastic out there and marco  caught a lot of yellow fish and barbel um catfish   and yeah but you'd be amazed how much fish there  is in the sort of like you can literally if you   stand on the banks at night with the torch they  are hundreds of fish like right in front of you   like decent size fish and you can literally just  catch them with your hands it's crazy um but yeah   so we are going to get packing up not soon but uh  soonish first make some coffee have some breakfast   and then we'll get packing up and whatever um  and i think today we have about a hundred k's   to go which is quite far so it's a long day today  um but tonight we are staying at a area called   the chrome i think that's i think something like  that uh but yeah that's what we're doing tomorrow all righty we are ready to leave uh all  packed up cars looking sexy as ever um   yeah and now we're heading back  that way back across the river   and through the sandpit and then around these  mountains over here to somewhere downstream we're excited so so all right so we've stopped uh for a lunch break  marco made us some delicious leftover steak tomato   and uh cheese no cheese cheese no cheese icon no  cheese but delicious little sandwiches for lunch   you forget the mail the mushrooms of course of  course i'm sorry disappointment um but yeah we   found this beautiful stop here with a nice look  over the river um it's really hot but it's fun   it's actually not it's not as bad as we expected  and now we have what about 30 or 30 or 40 k's   left to go to uh the malcolm which is our camp for  tonight we're having a lot of fun the scenery is   stunning and the cars are performing exceptionally  i'll see you guys along the way and a camp so do all righty we've made it to our second camp on the  maka four by four eco trail uh we are here at the   boom or maybe is it one of the two i can't  remember exactly um but it is really beautiful   malcolm alright that's it um but it is really  beautiful marco is out there catching fish   obviously he's i think we've i've seen him catch  one yellow fish but i don't know how many actually   um and yeah we've set up our camp over  here facing the river looking beautiful   and the surroundings are stunning can't  wait to show you guys around a bit more oh yes and our drive today was uh it was  it was actually a lot of fun it was far   i think it was about 130 k's um so  we drove from clean pillar here to   malcolm um and yeah through the town of vitbank  which is uh very interesting very small very   interesting don't really understand why people  live there but yeah but yeah i know it was a fun   drive but it got quite long we left at 10 this  morning and only arrived at 5pm but i think that   is just because we did drive very slowly but yeah  anyway i think it's time for a gin and tonic now so hmm do all righty had a fantastic dinner  thanks to uh cornell over there had   some nice pop and verse and sauce which was  delicious and we had a surprise chili popper they were jalapeno chili poppers  they were a little bit uh warmer   than we expected almost as hot as the  desert yeah uh marco loved them though but yeah now it's time for a nice shower  and sleep so see you guys tomorrow cheers   good morning from another beautiful day in  africa uh we are currently on our third day   on the namakwa 4x4 eco trail and we  well last night we camped here at the wild campsite uh there's actually a big tree about  it it's like probably 100 meters from the river   so we didn't want to camp there so yeah we chose  a beautiful spot right here next to the river   and it is absolutely stunning as  hopefully you saw in the previous episode   got some really nice drone footage but yeah  so the plan for today is we're gonna chill a   bit make some coffee breakfast just relax a bit we  don't have that far to go uh tonight we're staying   at the ramon strip wild camp area and that's  i think looking at tracks of africa it's about   30 31 k's um so i think it's literally like  just around the bend in that mountain over there   but yeah so we drive inland around this mountain  and then back to the river and i've heard that   that campsite is spectacular so i'm very  excited for that but i mean like how can you   get better than this and better than our previous  campsite but either way we look forward to it and   yeah i would definitely recommend coming to do  this trail it is absolutely fantastic it's a lot   of fun it's the middle of december it is hot but  i mean it's not unbearable especially down here by   the river there's actually like a nice cool breeze  coming off of the river and as marco would say oh   i don't know if you can see him he's way back  there on the river but the fishing is also   incredible well anyway let's get to it so okay uh and bacon so so all righty so this is the uh the boom as you  can see it's a bit sad half of it's burnt down   uh apparently someone tried to get bees out  of the tree and then burnt the whole thing   down half of it and those are our two noble  speeds olivia and livingston and the company   but yeah so now we're off to ramon's drift  it's about 30k should take us about an hour do so to so so so all right so we've just arrived at romance and  it is [ __ ] amazing it's good it's so good like look at this and the water is full of fish   we've hardly stopped in mark already has a line in  the water but yeah it's beautiful it's grass here   lovely river view clean fresh water lots and  lots of fish and i think this is going to be a   fantastic camp we're going to get set  up quickly yeah get everything ready fantastic all set up and   yeah it's really beautiful it's hot it's really  hot um we're a bit protected from the breeze by   the trees and stuff so it's a bit hot  but oh it's nice gonna go for a swim now alrighty so uh it's a really hot day today i  think cornell's landi was saying 41 in the shade   um so it's a little toasty um so we brought  the gazebo and chairs into the river   and it's a fantastic idea and sitting over  here having a nice drink don't film your crocs   these crocs they're ugly but they are the best  things on a trip like this they really are um but   yeah as you can see it is absolutely beautiful and  i think we'll fly the drone a bit later as well oh and i forgot haven't put  all the fish around this the best way to keep cool in the mukbang so so alrighty so this morning we've uh had a had  to have a quick start we have a long drive   today so i didn't get to do any updates uh  before we left but yeah welcome to day four   of the normal four by four you could eat eco trail  there we go um yeah we've had a awesome previous   three days really fantastic great campsites down  by the river really beautiful views pristine clean   water uh decent fishing there's loads of fish  in the river i think the trick is just to catch   them um but yeah so today we are heading from  uh rahman's drift down to kamchat nature to come   wild camping area um it's i think tracks of  africa is saying it's 73 kilometers to go   so it's yeah it's not too bad but it is it's quite  a long day and later today we have to drive down   the kamhab riverbed which i've heard takes at  least three hours to do i think it's like 30 k's   or something like that so yeah we're trying to get  away but earlier today so we don't get there too   late but yeah i think looking forward to a good  drive today and awesome camping spot this evening so so go so okay so so so do so so foreign stupid me so that's my goal yeah ready for the next oh good morning from another beautiful day in  africa uh we are now on day five of the namako   4x4 eco trail um we camped here at the kamhab  last night oh there's a spiderweb in the lens   um yeah stayed here at camera last night it's  a nice campsite uh i wouldn't say it's the best   on the route um but it's still nice enjoyed it uh  down right here by the river um it's quite small   there's not much space here you can see the backs  there and i kind of have to stand a little bit in   the water for uh to make enough space for  the tent on a little bit of level ground   um but yeah it is beautiful had a good night's  sleep uh just had a nice coffee and i think we're   gonna get packing up and hit the road soon uh we  have to still drive back up the riverbed and then   make our way to the road um yeah unfortunately  it is our last day so that's not so great   but uh i think we've had a great time have a lot  of fun and seen some really beautiful places uh   marco also tried fishing a bit yesterday afternoon  and this morning nothing this morning i think he   caught one barbell and uh i think what it  was a mud yellow fish or something like that   um but yeah so not not too much but still good  a lot of fun out here anyway let's get cracking alrighty we're all packed up ready to go the  roof racks packed uh tyres still deflated   hot and sweaty defender packed already putting  on some sunscreen sun sunscreen that one   getting ready for the 4x4 truck out of  here uh we haven't just been swimming   yes we have not just been swimming it is  bloody hot it's what like 10 a.m and it is   it's hot but actually but it's fun it's we're  having fun and it's not it's not unbearably hot   at least 31.5 in the shade it's nice nice and  warm um but yeah campsite rating out of 10 for i'd say there are three or four just because  it's supposed to be like a exclusive wild camping   site uh at least according to the info page and  the booking people um for the nebra 4x4 trail   but last night there were at least 10 vehicles in  and out here and there really is only space for   three macs and obviously ideally you'd want to be  on your own like in most of the other campsites so   yeah unfortunately alone i think a three it's fair  three out of ten um whereas the first night was   definitely 10 maybe 11 out of 10.  second night was a good eight or nine   uh romance drift was also probably like a nine was  very nice and this is like a three so the drive   down to comfort is beautiful but the campsite  not so much like it's nice it's really dark but   i mean it's obviously uh very popular which yeah  no obviously we are spoiled with the wild camping   yeah 100 but yeah so we an hour half drive out  of the canyon or out of the river bed and then   gonna go to a viewpoint just to quickly look and  then on to finish the trail today i think not sure   how far we have but i guess probably 30 40 k's i  don't think it's that far but yeah not done yet all righty so uh we've hit the road now we  yeah we packed up everything hit the road   and i guess yeah now we're driving up the riverbed  and it's a beautiful hot day and we're having fun so so so so so okay here i go okay so so so do do so these trees are called golf mints trees which  means half man they are only found in this region   and yep they only grow between  five to ten mills every year   legend has it that the nama people  were driven out of namibia by a   black tribe and they stopped to look  back and were then turned into plants our navigator all these notes navigate  that's what i do i navigate and i know things do all right well we made it back to the toroid and  that brings our trip to an end um gonna pump up   our wheels again get back to road pressures  maybe have a quick sneaky beer and yeah uh   it's been a great time but i think we'll uh talk  about a bit more this evening uh we're going back   to fieldstrip there to campsite just to relax for  the evening and then leave tomorrow morning again   early back down to the cape but yeah i think we'll  leave you with some thoughts down by the river so all righty well uh it's the next morning  now uh i know i promised that we would do   a little talk chat or have a little chat about  the trip uh yesterday evening but we were a   bit tired i just wanted to relax and chill a  bit and there were a couple of people around it's fantastic it really is fantastic um it is  incredibly beautiful and it's barren is like   many people would say that there's just nothing  and well i guess there's just nothing and it   very much has its own beauty and the mountains are  stunning and the dry riverbeds running through the   area between the mountains and yeah it's  just fantastic um in terms of 4x4 difficulty   it's not that bad it's really not that difficult  um i would say you definitely do need a 4x4   there are sections that you will not be able to okay that's a 4x4 is necessary i would say um but  yeah i think overall it's i think we did rough i   can't remember the exact number but it's roughly  300 kilometers over the four and a half days uh   basically four days um i know lots of people  do it over three days or three and a half days   but we decided we wanted to stay an extra  day on the trail just yeah it's really nicely   camping next to the river the wild camping  next to the river is really phenomenal um yeah   talking about camping if you do want to do the  trip you have to be completely self-sufficient   there are no toilets there's no water um there's  literally nothing you can get water from the river   and you could drink it uh i could definitely drink  it off boiling it but i mean the water's good for   washing out the man showering and stuff like that  and otherwise yeah with the camping um our first   night of camping was a wild campsite just next to  the river well they're all wild campsites but this   one was uh not an official campsite and it was  absolutely stunning a solid 10 or 11 out of 10.  

it was really nice and then the three  other campsites that we stayed at now i know this sounds like a stupid thing to ask  but guys you really you need to book the campsites   um so you don't necessarily book a specific site  but you look for camping in a certain area and   basically we came across a lot of people on  the trail that had not booked and filled up   the campsites and especially on the last night  they've come from that just that was not nice there was literally maximum space for three  cars there and they were 10 i think 10 or 11   cars that came in through the night through the  afternoon in the evening and yeah that was just   ridiculous just people taking chances and just  driving around and seeing if there's open spots   um and not cooking so please if you do the  trail please do the right thing and book um   yeah it should guarantee you a spot or yeah it  should guarantee you a spot at the campsites   um and i mean at least if there is  someone in the spot and you have a permit   like a booking permit then you are allowed to  chase them away because it's actually absolutely   ridiculous that people go camp without permits but  anyway yeah so the campsites were really nice best   was our first wild campsite that we found along  the river second best i would say was roman strip   that was very nice as well there's a very nice  shaded uh grassy area next to the river which was   beautiful yeah that was nice uh then next down the  list uh following very closely was uh the campsite   that was that was also really nice like right by  the river we found a nice spot in between two big   bushes um which gave us some shade and yeah it  was just the scenery of stunning and obviously   as you can tell lastly when we come from the drive  down to gum club was really nice very really good   four by four section i think it took us about  an hour and a half from the start of the   tougher section uh so it follows  a dry rubber bed down to the river   there's just a couple like big rocks that you  have to drive over and some swipes to drive down   and navigate your way in between in between  titans rocks like rocks boys together and stuff um   for longer cars it's a bit of a tight fit but you  can still make like uh cornell in these land rover   there are some places where you know where to  turn reverse and then turn again to make it around   the corner um but yeah there's there are people  that go down with trailers and they're all happy with some thicker sand but as long as you  deflate your tires to a reasonable pressure um   so i had like i think one foot two  bars in the front and 1.5 in the back   i just got on him in the back and it  literally just floats over the sand   so just yeah tire pressures i remember and  what else yeah i think that was about it   i hope you guys uh enjoyed this little series  of videos i know i definitely did enjoy it   and i enjoyed making it and oh yeah so the  orange river is also pretty good for fishing   if you know how to catch the fish i'm joking no  marco caught a couple nice ones um but not as   many as he wanted to he could clearly see the fish  in the river because the water is extremely clean   um but they just would not bite probably down  to wrong time here or something like that   but yeah and yeah so i just want to say thank  you for watching and hope you enjoyed it if you   enjoyed it please remember to hit that little  subscribe button in your bottom right hand side   and little like button just next to that as  well like it really does make a difference um   yeah so yeah i hope you guys stick around  for future trips i don't know what's next   but i'm sure there'll be something  stay well and keep exploring cheers

2021-09-04 00:12

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