My Town Your Town live online event

My Town Your Town live online event

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so we are live i'm just waiting for a confirmation that someone sees us for the moment we have zero participants yes we have one can you see her okay great so we can start out with my town your town live event um see you okay great okay people are starting to come good afternoon everyone [Music] are you waiting for more people okay so uh i would say let's start our event so today we're going to share a little bit with our six participants for now we hope that some more people will uh join us and something about our projects my town your town um so we're glad to be all here with the whole partnership this afternoon um so this project is about to come to an end but still we have a few things to do that we would like to share with you um yeah so i will give a brief introduction and then i will uh give the floor to my colleagues here that will tell you more in detail about the project the results the target group the aim and everything just give me one second please so i'm back sorry for the interruption um so as you know my tenure town was founded within the erasmus plus you know projects and the main aim of this project would be to raise youth employability through inter intergenerational tourism um the main feature of this project is that who works with youth between 18 and 30 years old and that approach to mentors also to find a new interpretation a new narrative for uh you know tourism in general and locations in each one of the partners countries they maybe need a little bit more of an update um to be more in line with the 21st centuries the different needs that we have today and also to be more aligned with the european values to do so we have developed a few results we really believe you know inactive learning mentoring programs but i don't want to tell you more because i have my colleague here from um cyprus which are coordinators of this project and i'm sure she can tell you more in detail about you know our aims our results and our partnership also so pan and share with us i'm so happy to see you i would like to thank all the people who are watching us right now because i think we have an amazing project to present our results and um personally i had an amazing experience through the process of the program but i'm gonna share my skill now to show you a little bit more so do you see my screen do you see my screen great so my town your town is a project which i remember in 2019 we met here in in cyprus we had the kickoff meeting and we actually said the first ideas how to proceed with the project do some planning the organization of it and actually we had a vision and plans to to implement and i think all this positivity and good energy and the cooperation between us um where ingredients of the success to be here today to present our results so as you said before laura actually our vision is to raise them the youth employability the development of new skills and to encourage the inclusion between people and in the society during the project we developed a program where we had our mentors um to encourage the young young people to create new interpretations of the old stories and the amazing history um europe has to offer to uh the 21st century visitors um to create something in our um in modern age and to be attractive to the youth we were based on active learning methods we believe that learning and education has to be a nice experience and to be fun so through active learning we develop this program which we produce some very good outcomes which we will share with um other organizations and the community so we can pass our knowledge to the community so our target groups as we said before is is the youth those which um are not employed underemployed or who have not considered yet to get involved with the tourism industry so how can we use the resources of our countries our towns villages to create this new um product or service which we can offer to the society and at the same time to create new opportunities for the youth our objectives um where to create this uh competitive um let's say service which can promote the european tourists and to develop um and promote these um this program and actually to to present them the image of europe which can be a high quality destination because we have so great places and history in europe which can be used to transfer so many values and knowledge uh to people and to manage to get um fundings and support um [Music] and create other financial policies which can encourage the development of this kind of initiatives our great team between cyprus italy in greece creation scotland all of you um we work together to create this project so thanks all of you and all of the volunteers which work so hard these years to create this uh program um the outcomes of um of the program actually was um the training module uh my turn your town project manual which i will talk about a little bit later the learning platform to be your future and we had some other side results as the club erasmus plus members the cluster in community with the tourist businesses and other products such as the key messages postings newsletters promotional materials and another um tangible or intangible um material we created um i would like to speak about my personal experience through this program which was great um i had the chance to take part in the pottery workshop where you can see the picture to the development of the business idea from the time where we were thinking and brainstorming how can we make this happen and and the end to see all of our ideas to come through which was so nice feeling to to be able to design something in the beginning think about work with the partners and at the end to have tangible um resource to to offer to the community um so i will i will suggest to all the people which they are watching us to take part in such as programs because is a great experience so now i'm going to talk a little bit about the training manual which we develop here here in the organization um the training manual actually gives step by step um their way how um an organization how a group of people can um create what we did there is a strategy there is all the guidance how mentors can guide a group of youngsters to create their own business ideas in the cultural culture and tourism sector so they will make their own business ideas come true and we say from then beginning from the planning process to the end how to implement step by step their ideas so the structure um of the manual is um is divided in sections such as the mentoring we give tips for mentors and different models of mentoring so the group leaders can can find the information there uh how to help their young youngsters to develop the program we have and then the interpretation of the old story uh to the new so we say in different ways how can we take an old story to create a new service and of course the business uh implementation business tips and business models on how this company come and business solid service offering so you can see some some of the pages of the manual um in the manual there are um steps that are activities so the leaders can take the manual and go step by step even we say about the preparation and different tips ice breakers team building and goal setting and everything is clear so i think it's a very um user-friendly material which can be used to offer all these information some other parts of them of the manual swot analysis about the service design or the service design how to do the blueprinting different business analysis model which will help to go through the business uh implementation path to make it to make the business idea of youngsters to come through through the guidance of their mentors and i'm very excited to say that through the program we even developed our branding of our idea which was site source education discovered pathos which is the town where ccf cyprus is based and we had uh the idea to create some branding materials which we give the guidance to um the people who are gonna use um our project manual to create their own branding uh let me stop sharing the screen so yes um that was about the training manual and we are happy to share it and we believe that we have to share it with the communities and to provide the knowledge we got during the program to help other people and teams to create their own business ideas thank you very much for your deeper explanations and for sharing with us one of the main results of this project was very very interesting i just would like to remind all our audience here that this manual will be soon available on our project website in english is that correct yes yes perfect so is there any question for a fan anyone would like to know more about our manual how it can use it and then anything so our audience is a bit shy at the moment so one thing which we can see because we started the manual before the pandemic one question could be if we can use this manual after the pandemic of course yes we give um deflect flexibility to use the tools even to develop the strategies online and we mentioned that because we face um funding during the implementation of the project so we offer strategies how can we turn into digital all the material we have and give to the communities um all we have to look for from different uh communication channels that's very interesting points because yes everyone i think is thinking did the pandemic and last year had an impact on the development of this result because i think you started to work on it when the project starts which means you know before all the situation we are living today so that is very an added value to this material because it can be used you know taking into account the both the situations so thank you also for sharing this i have a question for you so let me show the question is it easy for young persons to develop skills and make their own business in youth tourism very nice question of course if we work hard we have results but it doesn't mean working hard that it doesn't have to be fun so what we try to promote through active learning is that um yes we can learn and develop the skills but it can be fun um and to ask the actual question if it's um easy for a young person if we have the passion it's easy everything is easy if we have the passion and if we are willing to do something and especially when we have to develop our idea i would say it's easy but uh we just need to make a kind of reality check to see where we are and where we want to go so um break the create a strategy and then break the steps into smaller steps and have the patience to go into step develop those skills which we need um find the right people to have the knowledge to guide us that's why we are mentioned about mentoring in the month in the in the manual because it's very important to find those people which will lead us to the successful result so i will say it's easy if we really got to do something and yes touring's industry is i will say is um is exciting because there are so many things to discover and it can become very creative we can create our ideas combining different um aspects and the resources we have and um yeah i would say it's easy and exciting if we really want to do it i totally agree if you have the passion you just need to go for it and nothing is impossible i have another question for you right um our interpretation model can be created in the territory well there's a bit on hard one isn't it they were shot at the beginning but now they are warming up um business i would say it has a very interesting process a very creative process because we create something from i would say nothing in the beginning which is it's not really nothing there is something everywhere there is um even the good weather in cyprus we attract tourists because of our good weather we can use the means of a place we can use the birth of a famous person we can even use our food so we can promote the value of it of a place this is the most important to find something and make it valuable to the audience the public to the people to make them feel that is something which uh they have to experience a place where they have to visit so uh can be created even through arts uh um even um with a festival um and there are so many many ways which we give examples in the manual so um the manual will be offered and we can um give all the information uh through through that and actually to share our culture is is the most important because we have so unique culture and the european culture is something as i said before which can offer so many values and ideas and um also great experiences thank you very much so we if we want to learn more when the manual will be live and on our website so let's keep going with the questions um did the covet affect the tourist activity in the city of la isa in the wider area i think our colleague costas can tell us more about larissa yes okay let's say larissa riccio is not very economically dependent on the tourism sector but the corporate situation has a lot of thinking uh for us we had the chance to think of all this and make new thoughts and new given new opportunities about a full year tourism in our region and take advantage of the position of the location of our city hazards in the middle of our country so speeding in generally covet has not so much meaning about the tourist area in our region not in our country islands and other uh places very very very bad but with all these we think about in that make new uh proposes about the tourism in the next years okay thank you i have another one for you costas larissa is in its current state isn't very popular among foreign and greek tourists so it is practical for young entrepreneurs to invest in tourist business activities there yes it's correctly stated larissa is not a very popular uh destination for a tourist for tourism and for tourist people but it's very close it's the middle between athens and thessaloniki the two biggest cities of our country the area has a lot of things to give so young entrepreneurs have new opportunities it's uh a chance that the tourist is not so grown up here and now it's a good time to make new enterprises and they can use our miners and the materials distress project has developed to make new enterprises uh dedicated tourism or have or be involved in tourism in combined with some other activities perfect thank you very much so thanks to our audience also please keep uh you know asking your questions um so we can have this event very interactive so it doesn't seem we have more questions at the moment so i would suggest to proceed and because our colleague fun from cyprus told us about one of the main results which was the manual now we would like to share with you another of the main results of this project which will be together we can training module and to do so i leave the floor to our colleagues from united kingdom i'm just sharing screen hopefully uh roger can can we cannot hear you we can see your screen okay okay now can you hear me now yes okay so um i want to go through the um yeah i suppose the first the first uh output of this was very much a manual and pan talks about it as a training manual but it covers everything which includes the training um what we worked on was with some training which is specific for um for the sector and um and particularly for the young people to help them and there's obviously a lot of information and we wanted to try and get it right so we've been working on this for quite a long time um so this is just a quick um whistle-stop tour through what's involved in the whole thing um obviously about the project we already know about that about the partnership and and i suppose where this fits in really so the training module fits in with the with the manual the whole be your future the club the cluster community and the communications it's an essential part of the whole program it's it's not a standalone although it can be standalone but it is part of the whole thing um it's aimed at people considering a career in hospitality and tourism and it the whole wide ranging opportunities that exist so it isn't just about a tourist destination that that you know with sun and sand and sea and sangria it's about all the different parts of the tourism sector from looking at jobs that might exist in terms of travel agencies right the way through to to actually people working with people um day-to-day aimed at 18 to 30 year olds um as as discussed it started before the kovid 19 pandemic but it's still relevant i think we would say there are caveats to that and i think it is important to look at um what impacts there will be you know and a lot of the impacts that certainly we see in the uk is is staycations is people being at home and and seeing more of their own country and the opportunities that presents as well so um things will recover but and jobs will exist but it is about um a stage approach the whole thing the workshops are in two sections the first one is looking at the skills required for the tourism sector and the second one is looking at the generic skills so looking at the sort of soft skills that people would need to work in an industry that is very much people oriented we developed into two three-hour workshops although um if we had a lot of interaction it might go beyond three hours but the idea is that it is very much um section by section lots of small five ten fifteen minute videos that that bring out all the things are needed interactive sessions icebreakers and also assessments so that we do check people's understanding but through multi-choice questions rather than big long-winded questioning the training will be available online um we still just have just been going through the last finalizing of it and the workbooks will be available throughout um and we see really the benefits of this being a blueprint for a career in hospitality and tourism and what you know how you go about it so it's there to help you and it fits you know that whilst mentoring will fit around it you know that this is actually specific training that will give people the skills that they need and and also draw out the skills that are already inherent in them so the first session looks at tourism in the eu looks at the issues and opportunities looks at working in tourism in europe and looks at specialism so we've looked at things like um artificial intelligence and um destination marketing and and different areas of that so taking it beyond just the the sort of pure face-to-face work and then obviously there's always the next steps involved in terms of how to use this the second workshop is very much about why you'd get involved in training why would i you know me as a trainee what would i get from the whole thing why and why now uh we look at the intergenerational monitoring and tie that back into the whole training manual and then we do a whole lot of stuff on the soft skills the things like problem solving team working time management and go through all that um and then i suppose you know we would always say to people to that they can revisit the presentation look at the videos again they can look at the you know it's not just a one-off they can keep going back to it and looking at and and try and sort of maybe hone some of the bits bit by bit they look at the handouts read the manual and um form small groups to work together you can apply for a mentor practice the tips and techniques and it's always about planning all the way along um and that's the that's the training manual i'm going to stop sharing and do do you want to come in karen's all um yeah i think um what the underlying thing that comes in both of these um outputs and um opportunities is that we can young people very much have input into this it's not us saying to you what tourism is it's giving you some of the basic understandings that you may have already or some additional sources but it's also about your input it's how you think about what what you have to offer as tourism what you have to offer as a person working in tourism so that very much it's about how you can input your your ideas and your um values around tourism for your destinations and where you live so it's a two-way thing that maybe hasn't come across so much but once you get involved in it you realize that you do have something to contribute if you want to get involved okay so [Music] let's wait for some questions thank you for sharing with us uh all the information regarding uh you know these other um big project results that's you know involved with the work from the partnership so far um just a little reminder for to everyone that this is another thing that will be available on the project website so i would like to share with you the project website in the meantime that we receive some questions i hope you can see my screen so um can you see yes that's okay okay so this is our official projects website will have all the information about my town your town project so here in the homepage you can find the information stuff and it was as my colleague pan was saying earlier all the activities that they managed to deliver um before you know we had to stop because of this situation uh here we have a small section um we are talking about the projects more in details the aim the objective the target group and the results which uh you know we have seen so far together we can train module and my town near town manual the third of the project results will be be your future online platform which is uh you will be able to find it on this website um here if you are interested to know more about our partnership we are a partnership of people from cyprus italy croatia united kingdom and greece and then uh here we have some pictures we would like to have more pictures to be honest with in presence activities but unfortunately we have to stick with the online version for now and we also have a new section which we um have articles is like a blog section where we share articles regarding projects related to tourism uh and all the um topics uh related to uh to our projects so if you want to have a look here i'm sure you can find a lot of useful information and then we go to what we are talking today which are the results of our projects and um we have here the the online platform this platform um is a place where you can find information training material which is aimed to stakeholders mentors and youth workers and youth in each section you will find an explanation of course so what this material material is used for and also you will find um practical examples of files that you can download and these are some sort of activities that you can actually um you know implement uh either in your job in your organization whenever you need um so this area is aimed to stakeholders which you know um they want to take part in our project for example or they want to engage youth in the field of tourism uh and then we have the mentors and youth work areas um where we basically is divided in three micro areas how to relate with young people um how to uh you know pass some technical skills to to to youngsters and information or issue addressed in the project even here we have examples of uh practical things or workshop um so we have i don't know how to implement a personal presentation when you work with youth um technical skills required for youth workers how to create a digital identity in order to have these skills that will be useful once you will be working with you know youngsters and information on issues addressed in the project here we have a specific workshop called um speaking about culture in the youth area also um we have other three micro areas this time we're a bit different because we would like to aim to reactivation of youth provide technical skills for them and also again information on issues addressed in the project which are practical examples links articles so to test these competencies acquired so for example here reactivation of youth we have different workshops i would like to show you this one is very interesting so you just need to go in this section it's very easy you just need to download it you have your file can you can you still see my screen okay let me try and share okay yeah so we are looking together at this uh workshop so this is the kind of activities you will find in our learning battle um so just some suggestions for example the aim of this tool is understanding importance in united europe a version of you more and europe and then uh you know there is a description how to conduct the workshop yeah for example you just take two people um you decide all these types of governmental types that's assigned to each group each group think and decide how um to conduct their workshop and this is this is quite long so it can last you know between three hours it can last you know a few days um after there is a session where you analyze the results there is a discussion so we find it particularly helpful even it's a bit long because it can you know implement a lot you know the sharing of information and they need to think about they need to come up with some solutions or uh you know they and they need to [Music] learn how to work in a team to respect other other people's opinion so these are the kind of activities that you will find on our online platform so more um practical activities as i was saying earlier some workshop not all the workshop lasts so long there are even a shorter workshop like 40 minutes 20 minutes it depends you just need to you know have a look uh and find what's suitable for you and what you have to do if you have to work with youth if you have a youth worker you would like to implement you know acquire skills for your own job um because the idea was to divide everything into insertion um depending on the target group we want we wanted to reach but also to provide an open educational resource that can be useful for um you know everyone is needed um okay so um we have a question let me share with you what are the things you learn in how to relate with young people uh section and now is it um available so thank you for this question um as i was saying you just need to go on our website and you need to browse a little bit and you need to go directly in what is called the youth area um i'm going to try to share my screen again be patient with me today okay yes so i think it's this one so you just need to go in the youth area and if you're going to use it you can see the three macro areas and you basically need just to look for what you are interested into for example or do you think you consider yourself a university needs some um tools or skills to reactivate yourself so you're thinking about you know a new path um something that is leaving a situation that is not ideal and would like to do more so i would suggest to go in the reactivation of youth section and having a look at this workshop trying to do this kind of exercises if you want or if you're looking for more uh technical uh skills or activities i would suggest to go here and have a look at this workshop um i would like to show you one um give me one second okay um as always like this online with technical problems and it takes a bit long to find it to download what i wanted to show with you is what um the workshop regarding um feedback for example um is it interesting uh it can give you a different and interesting point of view and it's something that you can do on your own okay so sorry i have no problem so i'm gonna just explain um i'm not to share it so this kind of workshop is very short it lasts only 20 minutes and basically it's based on the importance of delivering feedback um and bring the attention of thinking why feedback is so important uh is there a better way to deliver a feedback have you ever thought that maybe you can deliver your message in a more effective way um instead of have you how you have communicated so far so there are some vibrant points some questions that can you know simulate reflection and we think is one useful examples of the activities you can do you can find on our online platform which also will you know eventually we this is our hope and we'll provide you some additional skills that maybe can be helpful uh you know in your life in your job search in every field that you want okay so no more questions for now um maybe if someone is still thinking we can go back to this later so uh now uh i think um it would be nice to talk about one of the aspects which my you never you know heard of this before and we're very proud of having this element in our project which is the cluster um something new um is something you know we always talk about project results but uh this is something a bit different so i would leave them i wanted to ask my colleague from croatia to tell us more about it i will try to share the screen for you one second thank you so just wait to do my presentation okay while we waiting maybe i can start with the explanation of what is a cluster so during the project we on the local level we made like it is a cluster of formation uh that all the relevant let's say tail holders and all the uh all the people who are active in some kind of tourism can join so in our cluster there is um 10 um just a second is it here yeah okay thank you it's easier for me if i if i have a presentation so uh clusters can consist of family farms uh family farms mainly people who are have final products it's mainly food but also there is accommodation in villages it's or some activity in agri-tourism then there is a local action group uh on our local level in croatia it is law collection group called una these groups are made of they are made for the precise geographical um [Music] turns and uh the river una is in our part of where we are working so that is why they it is called uh una then we have a local stakeholders i will explain later what they are who they are and of course the youngsters because the main thing is since we are working in a touristic place where there is no developed tourism offer in fact there is no um any touristic offer we only can do together to make uh existence of tourism and make um [Music] make opportunity for the new jobs for the youngsters so we can go on the next slide so what is the what is a cluster its association uh of um relevant factors on local level who can develop tourism bridge prosperity to local citizen and most important it can bring businesses and new opportunities for the youngsters as i s as i already said so uh our cluster uh on in croatia it's called dvorska kosharitsa in a translation it is uh the basket from dvor uh dwar is the place where we are working it is the little city that means in a new translated war it means uh royal palace so it it is a game of the worlds and since the ugly tourism is strongly connected with the local traditional food one of the results of a project my town your town in dwarf was the cluster as i said named we also uh have a family farms for now there is a six family farms i already mentioned they are presenting products vegetables fruit cheese dry meat products honey everything that they are working on their accommodation then they have farm visiting and working and working on a farm as a touristic offer and also organizing a saturday fair where they uh present their their um product so in uh through this cluster uh young people um present uh products of the family farms on the website uh uh then on social network uh facebook and uh instagram and they are making that they find their opportunity for work through presenting this uh cluster and products of the family farm uh also in this cluster we have uh as i said law collection group uh una who is helping to promote uh cluster and work uh and products of the cluster and then also a touristic office of a town called gravatska costa and it's a richard war is a part of it and we have done a few presentations there on their big manifestation called questiniada it is a festival of chestnuts then also we this cluster when people hear about it we have a call from the big market of town of zagreb zagreb i don't know if everyone knows is a main city of croatia so it is it was really um our it was an honor to be part of of this official market we also have here in this presentation uh how it looks on their uh official site in translation it is uh offer of family farms product by the name of our cluster also uh through this cluster we is easily came to the media because uh if we are going one by one and no one and it is very hard to to have a media uh space in this way uh this cluster made um a big um in entrance on the media space so we have a uh interview that lasted for 11 minutes and it's a really big one for us and also we enter the printed media um also the important most important thing of the project my town your town is offering job for the youngsters members also all the of the cluster and as i said they are promoting uh cluster on social network as facebook and instagram you can find us uh by the name of wordcact i know it's hard to pronounce but you will find it on my town your town facebook profile and uh on markets and pair on the local level uh in town on zagreb and they are also working on a family funds so this cluster was the testing on our local level in croatia but it will be presented in official website of a project my town your town and everyone can make the same we will make steps that you need to to do if you want to make it in your own towns and uh it is um beneficial for uh every little place that doesn't have so much uh to offer to discover what they can offer and uh the second thing i don't know if i can uh go on erasmus class club okay so uh i will explain also that through the cluster uh we have a testing of uh trainings that we make made uh during the project maitanya town the tasting was held by [Music] six mentors and six young participants each one of them in the group needed to have one project that they are working on so the the project that is interesting and that i will present is that uh in this mentor uh student training we presented a mentor was working with a youngster to promote vodka kosher it's in instagram because there was no instagram profile of this cluster and we can proudly say that from the beginning of this workshop uh and after uh two months we had uh more than uh uh 200 uh followers on instagram uh and the from there that point uh we also made an erasmus plus club it is uh it is uh formation i don't know what where to use it it is formation in which there are young people youth workers and mentors who are working together in intergenerational model and uh presenting all the the products that um that were made by uh my time your town uh project okay thank you very much maya even our audience thank you for your presentation and let us know more about these um new elements that probably not many of us have you know encountered uh i have a few questions here that arrived in the meantime so the first one i have a question for roger what is the place of green tourism in the training module is it something more and more important in the tourism sector without without doubt um green tourism is definitely something that has um is growing and is um has a great potential in it um obviously that there's perhaps a um a slight um i suppose a risk that you actually have to go and consume something somewhere so it means you have to travel and that might might sort of overcome some of the the the um the issues and the whatever but but yeah green tourism is great climate change is is one of the big things across the whole europe and and therefore green tourism is something that is very popular and growing in popularity thank you so did the earthquake which occurred a few months ago in croatia tourism in those areas okay i cannot answer also it's not only in croatia but i know in in larissa was to uh the big earthquake uh it is covered in and earthquake made a little bit of stop of everything so we all needed to go online because uh or either we cannot buy the pandemic or either we cannot meet each other because the the buildings are dangerous so you know to work in so it is uh a big affect of the tourism i can say that maybe uh kovid affected it more than the earthquake but i think also that people need to bring again comfort to come to some places where the earthquakes are um you know don't have a precise word where they occur occurring all the time yeah definitely we hope in general the situation improvement so many levels for tourism but also for other reasons so thank you maya and roger we have some comments here thank you um so i would like to thank once again all the partners for being here today this afternoon and also our audience for being so you know for interacting with us with all your questions thank you again um so before we leave you we would like to share with you an interview prepared by our colleague from greece uh because as i was saying at the beginning this project started in 2019 the partnership works very hard as you can see from the result produce we have a manual we have a platform we have training modules um so we have a whole website which will contain all the materials so don't forget to go and check out our website you could be always updated we also have a facebook page where you are following this uh live today um so keep checking on us for more news and um yeah so before we leave you we would like to share with the testimony because this project is not finished yet but tara's already had an impact uh on you know participants in each country for the work developed so far and all the activities arranged um so before we say bye today uh let's have a look at this interview to see what uh my town your town has already done and the impact has already had okay so i'm going to show you a video check my screen and show you a video from a youth who was involved who is involved with the project and uh what he's thought about this so i think it's everything okay [Music] capabilities unearthed our strengths provided us with new possibilities and contacts that made us feel like a part of the city all of this was accomplished by sustainable tourist preparation for young people and the creation of creative interpretation methods in collaboration with youths mentors and local screens in the tourism industry briefly some of the skills we acquired through the various activities of the program are recognize my town's uniqueness in comparison to others identify closing tools research related destinations define the country's potential in terms of history climate laws and populations classify the tourist sector analyze the tourist market at both in quantity and equality and research new opportunities in general the coronavirus puts a curve to understand what have been steadily increasing increase during recent years consumers have delayed holiday travel practices even more than most luxury goods and utilities as a result of environment in which tourism practitioners live and work includes deserted attractions closed hotels and an atmosphere of concern with the growth of specialized or alternative tourism activities the need to prolong the tourist season should become the key axis of operation of the national forest start four season tourism mountain and alarming victories are all options there can often and convergence would allow for a more efficient institution of the tourist commodity and is why the services throughout the rich territories of the youths in general that uh being involved involved in the project thank you i think we have one of uh i think is the one of the last questions for today um i don't i'm not sure if we sorry it seems like i can share it with you it was um basically do covet can um any of the models uh be applied after the pandemic oh yeah that's the question um i can uh i can answer actually what we said before uh because uh we started a project before before the pandemic and um in the process we faced violence i would say yes um strategies which can be applied and after um the pandemic and after the changes will which will happen in our uh society so the answer is yes yeah it was nice to repeat this again even for someone that missed it the first time because it's a very important aspect there it also shows you know the adaptability and the flexibilities of the people you know because it's always you know a work in progress and you know even if a project is about to the end or the material is developed still can be used and applied to different contexts and they can also have you know an impact even after it's and this is the beauty you know of these topics which are so versatile and useful in different contexts um so it seems that we don't have any questions for us today um thank you for being with us uh until now and listening to us and getting us to know more and know more about the project my town your town um i really hope you find some new useful insight for you some useful you know materials if you want and once again you know where to find us you know our website and on our facebook page um i would like to thank you all again if someone wants to say something very glad to be part of this event today thank you very much for organization thank you and so let me next time have a good rest of your day

2021-08-14 06:16

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