my journey back to Europe falls in the water. vlog 2

my journey back to Europe falls in the water. vlog 2

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hey I'm gust and I have my fair shares of  Adventures from cycling around the world   to jumping out of PLS as a paratrooper to  H hiking around continents and of course   project Africa welcome to Tunisia bro in this  episode I have the best campfire meal of my life my journey back to Europe falls in the water [Applause] [Music] and I take the 4x4 for an off-road [Music] Adventure hey everyone so uh we are welcoming  guest in our community Gus is going to drive   the Lada today yeah we spend the journey in  this beautiful Forest so this is his second   uh night in this place second night in the camp  time to pack cup and roll back to Tunis yeah so   maybe uh maybe we'll see him a third time we  see the power off the ladder will pull me back yeah there we're going Lada power [Music] okay Muhammad what are we eating today you guys  are eating eating ice um rice with asbin I'm going   to eat rice with uh something else I think some  chicken or meat because I'm not a big fan of as   even though it's like a very known traditional  Tunisian meal but when you eat a lot of   traditional meal every almost day of your life you  kind of want to try something else so my mother   I'm lucky she's cooking for me something different  I'm very glad having her so what's asbin what is   asbin yeah good question uh asbin is a mix of uh  you have some veggies and meat inside the this   thing they put all together and put it it's like  very traditional good luck enjoy guys not my thing   tast it now the rice is very good that's for sure  nice still trying to figure out what I'm eating   but I guess it's like rounded meat with  chickpeas and veggies let me know when   you want to know what it's actually made out  of I have a feeling it's like some stomach or   something so it's a skin of the stomach inside  is rice and then that's when it starts getting   wild aside from chickpeas you have a lot of  protein it has lungs liver intestines usually and you notice a very soft bit like  gelatin that texture is the butt of   the sheep sounds like a real real struggle  to get all the ingredients together is it   like all sheep or uh usually but some  people make it with other kind of meat so it's sheep lungs in a sheep  stomach together with sheep butt um and small intestines small intestins together  with some veggies chickpeas and a lot of seasoning I have to say for like what  it is it tastes incredible I'm actually I'm not even going  to build up the camp this time um   I've joined them for a few camps the  last weeks but this time uh I'm just   hitching a ride in this lovely Lorry  towards um the 4x4 of project africa [Music] thank you mate I'm going to miss  you bro going to miss you [Music]   I'm really going to miss this Tunisian street  food it's so delicious it's like a it's like   a oily flat bread uh with some sausage  cheese and egg inside bit of spice really   good so spent all afternoon uh emptying  out the less parts of Nelly getting out   all the expensive electrics um taking the last  food out into the Hilux finally ready to abandon Nelly also like I really stuffed every single  inch of the 4x4 um at least like all the cabinets   all the cabinets are at least like really  fill till the notch so Nelly bye see you so I'm trying to put up camp here next  to the beach City Center Tunis um that   amount of like cars here parked with like  couples making love next to the beach insane so what up good morning just woke  up going to go for a little swim   it's lovely here fisherman in  the background doing his thing let's go we going to drive now to Taha the brother  of Muhammad he already took me out the   other day for some um driving around  the beach horse riding and side seeing today we have another road  trip plant so let's go [Music] you looking forward to a road trip today [Music] yes brought you some fresh croissants yes so what what are the exact  plans today where are we going uh we will go to Sousse uh we will eat something uh good  I don't know actually right now but maybe we can eat uh fast  food it's name chapati mahdia oh it sounds good I like it actually I like it so basically we're going to drive 2 hours uh  South to this historical nice city and we're   going to try some street food chill with the  dogs and then we're actually going to go Offroad   over the beach all the way back to uh to Tunis  yes and then tonight I have a fairy to Italy unfortunately let's go let's go so yesterday I proposed to go to to Sousse  and now Taha is trying to convince me not   to go because it's apparently just a shitty  tourist City according to him the only nice   thing about Sousse is that there is a nice  off-road uh route back to Tunis by Coast so again change of plans we're not we're going  to go to Sousse anyway because the restaurant we   were planning to go to for some nice local dish  it's still close till 12 so we're going to grab   some of the most iconic chapati Tunisia has to  offer I heard it's an extremely cheesy one can't wait what's the name of this place Hergla so where are we now Hergla let's go [Music] so we're here at the beach in Hergla we thought  before enjoying the beautiful authentic Village   over here we're going to take a dip in  the ocean most blue beautiful water ever the nice warm mediterranean and this is also going to be the  beach so we visit everything the old   Arab City Medina we going to use this  beach to drive Offroad back to Tunis yallah it's let's go yallah so this this is we call The Chapati Mahdia  it's it's very very very good uh I like this to give you the best of the best chapati so we're here at the best restaurant of Sousse  Tunisia having the best chipati sandwich in town   and you were telling before like what's special  about here is that they use different Dough it's a   different type of bread almost cheese tuna and two  different types of sausage yeah yes bon appetit yes so where are we going now to Medina Medina  Medina Medina is like Arabic for for City so   normally it means Tunisia that's the the  historical Arabic City I have one request   I want a camel wool jacket at least one yeah  so uh hopefully we'll be able to find [Music] them so we here I just bought  the jacket there's one guy here   that installs the zippers and here  is the guy that sells the zippers we just picked up some uh traditional  Tunisian a camel wool jackets called Kachabia so just got myself a free Tunis flag beautiful  going to go here in the pocket so I have it always   close to my heart always close to my heart  in the pocket so we got our jackets we got   them retailed with a zipper sewn into it and now  we're going to head to beach do some off-roading can you see the the color there it's different  there's like a dark blue this way and the it's   lighter here oh the beautiful thing about going  camping or on a road trip is the nature is all   the time changing it's not the same it's  never the same you never never get tired   of this is the the DNA of Binzerte like you  have Mountain Forest and Beach and the same   landscape so you can see these boats are  waiting for their turn to go to the Harbor and this is the princess Shima drinking her coffee   she's a princess who learning camping  yeah and she's loving it even princess so where are we going we're going again  the beach but this time it's a different   Forest so uh we just want you to know  guys that uh this is the first time   uh this happens a European guy who missed  his boat going back to his country going   to Europe so Gus he's uh he planed to  you can tell us about the story I uh   yeah I tried to catch the ferry yesterday evening  uh got a bit lost was a bit late apparently you   need to be at least 2 hours uh before departure  there so missed it shame now I now I have to go   camping for a few days in Tunisia pretty awful  but you know trying to cope with it [Music]   so Muhammad do you have anything to say uh  for the viewers yeah so after a big week   we deserve to go camping and uh enjoy our  passion with uh sharing this with the nice   people having a good meal preparing dinner  yeah and enjoying the rest of the next days   to prepare what is going  next especially enjoying life so Mohammed yes bu like I understand this this  is meat being grilled this is uh a nice frying   pan some veggies boiling but what's going  on here so you know we have a princess uh   coming with us camping tonight princess Shaima  she she's bringing some stuff and she's asking   to make uh like a it's a cheese that need to be  warm hot to make a fondu or something like that   so it's not my thing we'll try we'll give her  a chance let's give her chance okay you keep   on surprising me I'm going to eat natchos  natchos camembert is this like your regular   Sunday night snack no no no no no if I eat  this this kind of things every week I'll be huge let start for the girls okay you good team good team good camping team  a yeah guess you kind of likeing uh   the fake campings right you kind  liking them right no comments um   I think this camembert must be like one  of the best things I've eaten in Africa life is good right life is good bro we're  like I don't think ever I can't imagine   alive anymore without camembert campfire  like this is going to be like new regular   campfire dinner right tradition ooh  honey thanks B for um the honey thank   you sha for uh these ideas I don't think  I will go camping with you anymore with   me anymore without you ah okay sounds  good what are you having having today   Chaima Pain perdu yeah how is it called in  English actually uh lost bread [Laughter] it's a french plate so French toast it's called  french toast we call it in English French Toast   French toast is something else I think no  no this is French toast it's armer ritter   in German and it's wentelteefjes in Dutch all  the people wentelteefjes we call it in Dutch   wentelteefjes exactly ah I got it one more day in  paradise with Queen Shima welcome to Tunisia bro yeah it's uh it's probably the most luxurous  French toast I have in my life Chaima do you   have any sisters that are living in Holland  no get you sister takeing with you to to um you can see here like the  Tunisian girls they like to   be spoiled so it's good for them you  take it to the next level [Laughter] welcome back to a new episode surviving with  Chaima yes yes hard life we survived second   day second day hopefully we survive the second  night at the camp with princes chaima guys don't   worry we are with chaima there a lunch we only  have hamburgers and and salad unfortunately it's   really tough it's really tough hard life very  tired since he did nothing he's tired he did   he did he did he did inde Muhammad went hunting  for the hamburgers right yeah sh I've seen a lot   of weird stuff in in Africa like a lot of weird  food but I think this must be one of the weirdest   things this is not Tunisian this is Chinese  it's Chinese how did it get here uh douane custums okay how is it called champion  champion mushrooms mushrooms okay Chinese   mushrooms Chinese mushrooms so what are we  cooking today with cooking with Chima rice   rice Cha's way so what is the the trick to  this perfect sha rice uh like popcorn it's   like popcorn you need to fry it leave the  rice and on fire till it becomes uh White   and then we put uh water hot water does  it also taste like popcorn no it doesn't [Music] morning let's go slept well yeah kind of few hours [Music] [Music]

2024-05-25 10:43

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