My island is finally done....

My island is finally done....

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the idea of making a brand new Animal Crossing  Island every time I like a new Island theme   sounds horrible I am not built like that at all I  can't just like keep redoing Islands every time I   see something that I like so my solution to that  was to make a seasonal Island and just change up   things every time a new season comes around I  built my Island from the ground up last year   and I put out a Spring Island Tour this year so if  you'd like to see my Spring Island Tour feel free   to check it out but today I would like to show you  my summer Island Tour the last time I showed you   guys my Island it was actually a no terraforming  no waterscaping Island this time around however   I did end up terraforming and waterscaping some  things and I changed a bunch of the island around   I am so excited to share it with you so let's  dive in my da is not set for fireworks but I am   going to be doing the Island tour with fireworks  today I tried okay I tried to set my D.A during   fireworks time it didn't pop up it just popped up  as regular night time so instead I said it right   before Sunset I figured you could get a little bit  of like The Best of Both Worlds by watching this   tour which is going to be during the fireworks and  then also if you want to come visit my D.A it'll   be set for a different time totally different  vibe you know what I mean the lighting with the   fireworks is just so magical I cannot get enough  of it it is so beautiful and I wish it would pop   up in my dream address it makes me so sad we're  gonna start off with looking at the map here if   you compare it to the last time I showed you guys  my map it is relatively the same I didn't change a   whole bunch about it to be honest there are some  areas that are terraformed and waterscaped and I   will show you those later but this is kind of what  it looks like I use a lot of the in-game pathing   to make all my paths and then for my villagers I'm  gonna just go ahead and get rid of myself bye most   of my villagers are the same but I did make some  changes so we have Lyman Gail Tangy Norma Silvana   Anna Shino Marcel and Punchy which are ogs and  then new residents Toby and Monty so I think it's   time that I give you a little rundown and show  you what Tiny Town squared has to offer right   when you wake up you're gonna notice I have all  these gifts out here for you it's a cute little   outfit I took it off of my own back okay I was  wearing a very cute frog tee and I had a cute   little bag and everything and I decided when I  was putting the outfit out that you should have   that outfit and I will wear this I think it looks  alright so the right of my resident services is   a seasonal area I got this idea from somebody on  stream and I've stuck with it ever since but this   is just an area that I change up for each holiday  so right now it is all set up for fireworks kinda   it's fireworksy summary I suppose and then um  there's some fireworks that you can grab here if   you really wanted and there used to be fireworks  and sparklers sitting out but I guess I forgot   to put them out and I have already updated my da  so I'm not going to change it I have this little   area underneath my resident services so freaking  cute I didn't change really much about it besides   the colors because I just loved the concept so  much since I don't have cherry blossom trees for   this da I had to change out a bunch of the trees  because they were just like Plain Jane boring   which is fine but and mass is sort of land to look  at so a lot of the trees have been swapped out for   coconut and Cherry also other fruit trees not just  Cherry here's the first big thing that I changed I   waterscaped a big old Lake well you can't really  see it but there it is on the left I made this   little Boardwalk as well with the crystal cat  jacobo he plays designs you guys know they're my   absolute favorite creators mods and custom codes  my listies blog also by now should be updated with   all of the codes that I am using in this da so  check that out that's where I have been putting   all my codes I've been very bad at updating it  though but everything should be good now there   is also a little bag here if you wanted to  pick that up oh and a snorkel if you're feeling   um fun in the sun but this little Boardwalk I made  it into kind of like a little surf shop I don't   know you guys know I love like boxes I'm obsessed  with that fan love her to death and then just   kind of made it a little bit more of a tropical  Vibe for the beaches I like simple beaches okay   I don't do much to them just because I need space  to like go fishing and stuff and I can't handle it   when there's stuff on the beach I just don't it's  not my thing it's not my thing this is my big old   Lake do you like her I think that she's so pretty  I wish I could have done it bigger and I wish I   would have went with like a different perspective  but hey it's a little too late now and of course   a little tiny fishing dock not very functional  because rarely ever does a fish spawn like where   you can actually fish from the dock that's okay  though you know sometimes we live we laugh we   love and we learn I change up this yard as well  I made it into a little Tiki Bar and then we have   Toby and Monty that are living here also when you  guys come and visit my D.A you'll notice that all   of my Villagers houses are done and decorated  so I'm excited to see whose houses you guys can   actually go inside of making our way towards the  entrance here this little Pond was here actually   from my Island's Inception and so I kept it there  and I made this section kind of just a place where   I can trade keep it really nice and open I have  a storage here so I can access items easily oh   also I have something very fun to show you thank  God in my twitch chat there are musical people   in there because otherwise I was not going to be  able to figure this out but check out my town tune it's supposed to be cool for the summer by  Demi Lovato doesn't it kind of sound like it now here let's try it one more time I mean we can't get like the timing exactly  correctly but I think it sounds pretty close   so coming back to our entrance here I changed this  Farm up into a pool this pool code is so amazing   isn't it so freaking cute and you can come sit  here even in the little pool floaty which I love   and just think is so magical flamingos Everywhere  by the way they are an island staple changing out   all my flowers too My Bushes my trees it was  quite the hassle but we did get it done I have   a parking lot right next to my Nooks with a little  cart queue and of course we're dropping off some   major product here at Nooks kranti Franti okay  anyways next to Nooks I have my Able Sisters   all conveniently by the entrance by the way I  like that in case anyone wants to stop by and   go see nooks and Abels they can get there super  easily I did change the color of their scooters   out front so that they were scooting in style in  the summer and the park is relatively the same   some of the item colors have changed but I love  my little vending machines I can get Bells here   and I don't know I just kind of like this more  like City Vibe that we got going on in the park   here's the soccer fields play ball I don't  know we also have my villagers yards which   are pretty much the same just because I love the  design of them so much this is Marcels Marcel's   house inside is a little thrift store and so out  front we have a kind of like a garage sale yard   sale I suppose yeah it says yard sale so we're  gonna call it a yard sale and next door we have   Sylvanas house sylvana has a laundromat out front  don't know that was a little bit random of me to   think of that but I want to show you inside her  house oh her house looks so pretty at night and   I love how the fireworks are kind of popping off I  should have just set my da at night you know if I   change that don't be mad at me I might wow this is  just so freaking pretty in here good job sylvana   I love your house you did just such amazing work  in the place since I have a laundromat out front   I figured oh maybe Sylvanas like obsessed with  clothes or something so I gave her a nice big   beautiful closet in the back and then of course a  little kitchen I don't know I kind of did amazing   with my villager houses I hope you check them out  and the last house in the neighborhood over here   is lyman's Lyman is one of my very first villagers  he is my first jock him and Mira lived here but I   had to get rid of Mira I just didn't Vibe with  her but this is lyman's front yard he's a plant   guy plant jock you know behind Nooks creating I  also have another loading station for all sorts   of products and then we're gonna head up here this  is my mini Orchards that I always have access to   all the fruits a crafting station a little drink  snack station another ABD as well always gotta   have access to that many honey and then we're kind  of leading into my house here do you think it's a   good time to go give a nice little tour the first  time I put my Island up I did not do my house it   was just such an overwhelming task I there was  no way I was gonna get it done so I decided to   put my da up without decorating the house and this  time I actually did it if you'd like to see how I   did it I did make a huge video very big 34 Minute  long video where I did every room in my house but   for now I'm gonna show you what it looks like here  we go welcome to my humble abode I have changed a   couple things from the last video in the house I  I added a little fish tank there with an octopus   I don't know why I just thought it was cute this  is my living room I think we did a pretty good job   decorating this room oh my God I just love it how  it's all separated and everything I think it looks   really nice let me show you the actual living  space back here this is the couch in the little   TV and of course we have music playing it looks  so cool in love with that Patchwork sofa I love   the warm glow in this room with the fireworks God  it's just so much more magical I'm just freaking   obsessed with it I think it looks so nice and  then this little thing back here I don't know   that was we just kind of had to throw something  together there let's visit all of our rooms so   this is our kitchen one thing I did forget was  to put some sort of Music in here kind of like   awkwardly quiet but you know I just have to say  this one really came together we pulled through   this was a struggle room for me but I think it  looks really nice so we have a little kitchen over   there a couple little places where we can have  little sets some storage of course I don't know   I I have a very specific aesthetic that I like I  like clutter I like the Japanese inspired islands   and rooms I love colors like I just I that's just  the kind of person that I am and cardboard box is   probably my favorite item in this game just  have to say that I have to throw it out there   it's my whole personality this is the bathroom  I actually didn't end up changing anything about   the bathroom like I said that I would the more I  look at it the more I'm like you know it's okay   that it feels a little empty because at least it  feels like tranquil and peaceful in here love the   little gyroids in the bathtub with the bottles  uh so cute you can do that by putting them on   the wall and then they'll appear in the bathtub  both the bottles and the gyroid this is the other   side and then I totally forgot to put something on  this wall and I'm just now remembering that again   all right we're gonna leave my bedroom I love  it it's not my most favorite room even though   it should be but it is kind of banging I love  it I'm just obsessed with with every piece of   furniture that's in here I think it all just looks  so good together I have my own little closet over   there you know copying sylvana much right all my  favorite things are in this room I got a picture   of Punchy the robot synth album all my Sanrio  stuff that I love kuropi is my new favorite   Sanrio character but I also got a little bit of  palm this room is just cute cute cute cute I feel   like I'm gonna want to change all this stuff in  the fall but like truthfully is she not perfect   how she is we'll see it would make me so sad if  I did end up changing all this stuff I don't know   because it is very summery but it's just perfect  all right here we go here is a banger this is the   gift shop upstairs I wanted to make a little  tropical gift shop so we've got like ice cream   um shirts flowers you can buy groceries here  I don't know just like such an amazing concept   I think it turned out literally perfect and then  this side is my little crafting area as well so I   can come in here craft I have access to the little  storage shed which I think is more convenient to   have a storage shed in the house just because it's  way easier to like put items in storage that way   and then ABD of course so I can get my mini I am  obsessed with how this room came out I think it   just looks so pretty I made all these rooms from  Concepts that I lovingly am dubbing mood cubes   it's not like original or anything but I made  these four by four rooms using the room sketch app   here and I'll show you a picture of the concept  of this room so basically I just made a little   square and from that I was able to like get an  idea of what I wanted to do up here without like   decorating the whole thing and then having to go  look for every single item I just get overwhelmed   when I try to do it that way so I made a little  Cube and then the cube concept turned into this   not bad you guys I think we did a pretty good job  the last room is an all-time favorite now this one   I would be really sad if I ended up changing  I don't know if I will but it's it's possible   because she's just so summer pelled but this is my  little underground Tropical Bar I love it look at   my drunk little gyroids just partying it up over  there I think we like totally destroyed absolutely   murdered this concept it is just so uh and then on  this side over here is pool games stuff like that   oh but look at this little clutter wall I love  that corner and this corner we ended up putting   bathrooms just because I did a mood Cube for this  room as well and this is essentially what was in   the mood Cube and I was like how do I even fill  the rest of the space like this is too much space   so hence the bathroom he came she was conjured  yeah I don't know this room is just like absolute   perfection to me I really don't think we could  have done any better a plus plus are you proud   of me for actually doing the house I didn't  think that it was possible truthfully I'm glad   I actually stuck with it and I followed through  but here we have just like a little Plaza and then   um up here is my Museum oh yeah I always forget  that essentially the same sort of vibe as the   spring version but changing out the flowers  helped a lot and now I have two brustoids   one that was a gift and one that I actually got  myself they are just hooting it up over there   what did I end up doing on my Peninsular  oh yeah these are actually roach Graves   um for all the roaches that I killed in my house  not all of them actually there's only two dig   spots but you can fit a lot of roaches in a hole  let me tell you no chat loves to shame me for   killing my roaches even though it's always  an accident most the time unless and doing   a video because then I get kind of embarrassed  that there's roaches in my house up this little   incline is a seating area cutesy little tile and  then this is where all of my fossils my gyroids   this is where my money spot spawns it's great  it all happens in one place and you know how I   do it it is with a little trick if you're not  familiar called the transparent tile trick so   um I meticulously plan my Animal Crossing  Islands right like I'm kind of crazy about it   it's just my thing it's something that I like  to do on every spot that there is not like an   item a weed a tree a bush a flower a custom  design there is a transparent tile except for   this little tiny square that I'm standing on  all of that area that dirt spot totally empty   so that is where everything spawns it makes  it so convenient I can just hop on and do my   dailies so quickly it is a lifesaver also what's  really great about the transparent tile which I'm   gonna make red so that you can see what it  looks looks like when it's not transparent is that my flowers and my weeds don't like  duplicate like crazy so yeah check it out   there is all of the red tiles you can kind of  see there in like really random spots but it's   in a lot of spots where I'm like I just don't  want flowers or weeds to be here and then also   it makes it so convenient so that I can have  this spot where everything's buns I don't know   I think it's a nice little animal crossing Pro Tip  since this is like my forever island of course I'm   gonna spend time doing something like that like  I don't plan on ever resetting or deleting this   island and so this is it you guys for me I think  it's very useful for others you might think I'm   super ridiculous but I'm going to change this  back to a transparent Square so that my island   is pretty and then we're gonna move on headed  down to my flower field it was a beautiful spring   flower field of course during the Spring D.A but  right now it's actually a flamingo flower field   and it's very summerified gosh all the fireworks  too it's lighting it up so stinking pretty Jesus   gorgeous I just kind of added like a bunch of  summer flowers what I deem to be summery flowers   just because they're so like Poppy and bright of  course we've got flamingos here too lots and lots   of flamingos that was not an original list idea by  the way somebody gave me that idea in chat and we   changed this to be just like a summer picnic so  super super simple changes you know it's nothing   too wild and wacky I'm gonna head this way so that  I can show you guys this whole side yeah summary   items so we've got some ice cream there and I  don't know vending machines those were always   there though I can't really claim that those are  summer this was always kind of summery this little   section near our campsite I didn't change this  at all because it actually works perfect for   the summer campsite campsite nothing changed about  the campsite except for the flowers and the custom   designs still have a little Watering Hole up here  so I can catch my Cliff top fond River fish or   whatever the heck haven't caught many oh surprise  mermaid bed DIY that's definitely definitely in   my D.A super cool headed down from the campsite  area is this construction site I just liked it  

so much that I didn't want to get rid of it I  don't know I thought she was super pretty and   I like the construction items I wanted to make  sure to use them just because they're such cool   items that they added in the 2.0 update like why  wouldn't I put them on my Island and make a whole   construction area it might perpetually be under  construction but it could change in the fall this   is still my Lookout so you can look out on the  sea here it's one of my favorite sections though   because I didn't ever really know what I was going  to do with this big long strip and then it came to   me look out up here is still the path to my secret  Beach down there so pretty I just love showing   people my Island too because like obviously  this was a lot of work and it turned out just   so magnifico this is one of my favorite sections  of the island is my neighborhood here she is never   changing it looks perfect but I did change up this  yard this is shino's yard she had a very Cherry   blossomy thing going on and I decided to change  it up just a little bit to have some more summer   colors so instead of everything being pink it's a  little bit more like red the inside of her house   is totally pinked out but I just kind of figured  I wanted the outside to match my Island a little   more so may this is punchy's yard of course Punchy  and I are in the same vein we like the same stuff   all of those items perfect I don't know he's my  boy and then my fave tangy's house of course Tangy   has a super cute farmer's market in her front yard  I really like the inside of their houses too but   I can't show them to you because they are doing  fireworks right now love this little park and of   course I have a basketball court the fence item  this thing amazing I just I use her everywhere   like I cannot help it there's nothing better this  is my food truck parking lot that I made it was   kind of hard trying to like make it into a summery  thing because during the Spring it had like the   most perfect colors but this is what it looks like  for the summer the car colors and like everything   is changed and instead of it being an ice cream  stand it's now hot dogs oh I should have gotten   hot dogs to put down here I don't know if there's  a hot dog item but I should have done that rip   okay next time this is a gas station some of the  things have changed about it it's not so cluttery   I just noticed that like this part of my Island  in particular lags a lot so I really toned it down   with like the amount of items here I think the car  might take like a lot out of your console I don't   know having so many cars in one proximity I feel  like is doing something so I took out a lot of   the Clutter and I wanted to just make it a little  more simple because it was really bad but up here   I couldn't change a thing look how perfect You  Can Tell She's Like a little bit more springy in   this 7-Eleven but do I care no because I actually  think she's perfect and I wouldn't change a damn   thing oh look at Gail up here she's just screaming  at the fireworks go Gail Gail and Norma live here   um in my game they are Canon technically together  they're a thing and so they have their houses   right next to each other and then they share a  yard I just changed up their colors a little bit   even though like I think the spring colors of  flowers would look way better here like how it   was I didn't want it to like not match my Island  oof so yeah of course I had to add summer flowers   over here I wanted to make sure I had just like  one patch of vegetables so that if I needed to   craft food I guess cook food that I wasn't like  left without vegetables okay so I had to keep one   Farm I kept the little one and then I thought well  it's kind of weird if I take out the little Wheat   Field farm and just kept this farm so it's the  same and then the farmer's market she like really   didn't need any updating I think it works super  good and so with that that's all I really have   to show you today for my Island Tour it might  not be super exciting that like most of it is   the same but I still really like it I think that  there is something to be gained with just doing a   seasonal Island and it is my time and my energy  I don't want to like redo my Island all the time   just because I love how it looks like genuinely  and so if I can keep it the same like and just do   what I like like I love that and I think I did a  pretty freaking good job for summer it still looks   like tiny town but of course it's been totally  overhauled and updated with like summery things I   hope you guys will come and visit if you want come  visit Tiny Town squared come take some pics and   check it out the D.A is not doing the fireworks  unfortunately which makes me so so sad because   I just I love how this is looking with all of the  fireworks going off and everything oh that would   have been so pretty but I think the island is a  totally different vibe when you come during the   day so feel free to uh stop on by I've Gotta Give  a big huge thank you to everybody who has inspired   me for Tiny Town squared that being people like  Remo Crystal cat Jacob oh he plays everybody who   is commented and like given me ideas thank you it  was such a struggle trying to build this island   up and I know it's going to be a struggle again  when I have to do it in the fall because I have   literally nothing in here planned it's gonna be  a nightmare because I actually really like how   it looks right now but of course I want to update  it for the fall what are we gonna do I don't know   give me some fall suggestions so I can kind of  start getting some ideas moving thanks so much   for watching don't forget to come hang out with  us on Twitch we are streaming next couple weeks   I am going to be taking off from a couple of  things just because I'm gonna be moving I don't   know when this is all gonna look different but  probably next month I don't know I we'll see   we'll see when I get around to like filming more  videos in the new place follow me on everything I   hope you're having a good day and you continue  to do so and I will see you in the next one

2022-09-15 11:15

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