My Honest Thoughts On The Taliban - My Final Day In Kabul. Afghanistan Travel Vlog.

My Honest Thoughts On The Taliban - My Final Day In Kabul.  Afghanistan Travel Vlog.

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wow it's a Mr candy floss look at this oh ch ch how much is that 10 10 10 I got 10 this is so cool thank you so much well I'm not going to eat this but I thought these two might like it but they look at sh they're so cute the kids here they if you offer them things they don't take it they they're like no no no no um so you have to work on it but then they they go for it a that's so cute we are now visiting another megaw place in carbal called the saki Shrine 18th century looks stunning I've just caught a peak of it on our drive here uh packed with history let's check it out so this looks like a really big tourist Place lots of tourists come lots of tourist local tourists and local and international uh and is it ticketed how do you get in uh we didn't need ticket we just should have a permit here yeah permit for carbo is that okay great and that gives us we are allowed to go in oh great okay cool the shrine is a place of pilgrimage for both Sunni and Shia Muslims highlighting the cultural and religious diversity of Afghanistan this place is certainly popular the inside of the saki Shrine is split in half with one side for men one for women now my challenge showing you the inside is that I'm not allowed to film women so filming my half would be impossible so instead I asked Muhammad Jan to head into the men's side with my phone to capture some footage to share with you as you can see the beautiful detail continues and there are many inscriptions on the walls on the men's side there is this handprint believed by many to be that of hazrat Ali the cousin and son-in-law of prophet Muhammad peace be upon him on the women's side there's a small chamber which is associated with the same spiritual figure and women will often visit to seek prayers and offer blessings super cute it's so beautiful it's got all the colors it's got the blues it's got the oranges it's got the greens it's got the yellows it's really detailed really beautiful and it's another reason why I think Islamic architecture is my favorite um style of architecture it's really really pleasing on the eye that was a lovely lovely visit in uh caral it's obviously very popular here there lots of smiley faces everyone seems relaxed and happy which is nice to see outside the shine we got lots of Light street food it smells good it smells good smells nice P I got a bit of a dodgy stomach today so I've just had a piece of bread this morning um oh it smells really nice look I'd love to have a CH mamed John do you reckon I can have a green tea would that be okay what's this man selling what's this oh here we go look they always give it a little rinse out for you which is great look these are kind usual they got some t a cool t a cool uh there a a t thank you that's so than you cheers thank you see that that is what uh the true Afghan hospitality is all about just giving me a chai on the house and that's what I want to take home I've had real like massive highs here and a few lows um and the lows unfortunately have all be like control related Taliban related but when you look at the Afghan people you just it reminds you why you want to visit this country so nice by the way mhamed John to these this is yours how much is it uh yes I'm selling these delicious I think this is what I was given in Pakistan little bit Sal is it salt or sugar salt salt told to put salt on it this is what I was given in Pakistan by rajie and as he gave me one he told me it was sweet I bet with salt is probably quite good that's good I like it [Applause] right that's really good I'd like to give this man some money that's a cool that's yeah he's very generous and he would have given me I think his entire store but I think that he deserves to have some money is he is he speaking FY with boy where's he going I think he's run awayy does he speak FY or yeah chyy who what you meant to say I think he's forgotten his uh language today that he's really [Laughter] shy got some really famous gardens here which we're going to go and see if we can visit let's have a look we had come to visit the very peaceful babo Garden whoa this is huge oh it looks beautiful remember at the moment local women have been banned from visiting Parks so you'll just see men with children oh dear I think somebody's falling over whoopsie it's normally a peaceful place I I I actually can't believe this is caral caral K I never say it right do I hello hello hello hello how are you I'm oh that's very good English very good oh a very educated they are very educated kids here let's hope that lasts I just have to tell you this whether you're into history or not this is interesting basically the guy that built this Garden was called King Babor sha guess who his grandson was his grandson was sha Jan the dude that built the Taj Mahal so we're talking a an an impressive family Mega famous family and when uh Babel sha built this garden and it has a series of waterfalls um beautiful trees Lush and green he loves carbal and he said when I die I want to be buried here what a lovely place to be buried and to think that he created it as well it's really really lovely just walking past the garden Pavilion which is a fancy building built in 1930 which was originally used to entertain Ro guests it's a lovely spot Looking Down Over the Garden as you see the bullet holes on the walls during the Waring this building this building and all the building around here all destroyed this mosque was built for sha Jan so King Rab's grandson who obviously as I've said built the Taj Mahal um It's Made of marble cost load obviously these things always do and basically little kids playing here they're really cute um it's suffered damage over time it's been restored and then you can see the the bullet marks from fighting in 1993 so it's it's been through the walls literally um but it's still it's still there and it's it's very pretty up here we have the tomb of uh B and his son and grandson I I'm quite surprised that the outside of the building looks quite plain to me but all is revealed inside I guess okay then all is revealed inside should we see oh wow it's very detailed isn't it look at this wow so that's I'm guessing babell yeah right there this is the king the founder of gon Empire in India he has a rather lovely um TB doesn't he may I go close yes look at this wow that is a tune Fit For A King isn't it what a lovely resting place and you got this really intricate like lattice work around the edge it's amazing it's like glistening in the light I don't know if my camera's picking it up but I can see lots of sparkles look at that son and Grandson around here they're very simple aren't they I kind of I like the Simplicity of it to be honest isn't it beautiful with the trees I think this is I think this is one of the nicest tombs I've been to just it's in a beautiful place and I mean his is fancy but his you know son and Grandson is very simple it's got some trees look it overlooks the Mosk so you've got these really aesthetically pleasing Windows over looking the MOs there you're going to write in the book should we write in the book yeah okay beautiful and peaceful face that's nice very nice handwriting it's a mess my handwriting is a mess what do you mean I like it do you yeah I think I should have been a doctor doctors always have handwriting like that give give you a prescription you w you won't be able to read it you probably get something that will change your hair instead of change your eyes Tas a call I think they do a great job in here of uh keeping it really clean and tidy and I really enjoyed that it's nice I think when you come to a city to have a little bit of calm I appreciate it I particularly like Gardens as well great good choice thank you very much here you we come to Thea for lunch here we GOC Sal love to meet you oh that was a nice welcome it's very dark in here oh look find out where we going look at this it's very smart isn't it this one right I'm just following Muhammad John Sal thank you oh look look at the lights o this is great very shiny isn't it it is you guys like your shiny places yeah yeah because we we have special guest ah look at this very fancy easy to SP because he's got Pig trainers on just have to look for the shoes look at this this is lovely oh am I okay up here the ladies where can we we could film in the corner and if I if I sit this if I sit that side then I won't catch anyone yeah look at this this is rather lovely isn't it gosh it's beautiful in here very very beautiful ceiling and the decoration are amazing we are going for plain and simple because I've had a bit of a funny stomach so I'm going for a hot and sour soup which I reckon will be delicious and some garlic May chips thank you I'm really going to miss these when I go home I'm going to have to um learn some of these recipes so good these drinks are so good so refreshing isn't it right I'm going to try the soup I reckon this hot and sour soup will be delicious what did you order kab bread huh again bread Masala Masala for you yeah you going to be very clever yeah very clever man I am clever this looks good that is really nice I like um barara how many bakaras have you got in carbal then two two we've been to both of them are they anywhere else in the country or just here I don't really know don't you don't know well the ones in car are lovely oh it's so good right garlic Mayo I'm going to feel like I'm back home now sometimes you just need chips in your life I think M that's really good it's another thing that surprised me it's probably a stupid thing to say but it did surprise me that um Afghanistan is really uh or certainly the big cities like caral are really International so it's very very easy to find something that you like I mean thing is Afghan food is amazing it's really really tasty but if you fancy A Taste of Home as well it's no problem look at this oh that's your brain Masa what's that what is that o this time it is not CH what is not chatne it is O what is that o what's O Brother of Chutney muhamad joh always says that everything is chutney this one he said is the brother of CH brother his name is I don't know what it is what flavors is it look at that what do you do what what goes in there then oh bread okay I have to try then want to try yes thank you thanks smells like broth [Music] almost I don't know what to make of that I don't know what it is it's like it's nice whatever it is [Music] M plow is really good I think you afghanis know how to make this really [Music] well but you can't be you can't beat chips with garlic Mayo one thing I've noticed here in cabul is that it's a lot more relaxed than some of the other areas like Kandahar um here we're in the fan family area and everyone's just relaxed and eating with their families there's no screens blocking people off uh which I found really strange in caha um I mean you might as well eat at home surely get a takeaway um here it's just lovely just seeing families have a lovely time um so yeah I I really like Kell it's been great getting to know it I thank you oh that lovely that was just oh my good has it been raining it's been raining when did that happen when did that happen my goodness me it's been raining I don't know how that [Music] happened uh it feels very much like England coming from home I didn't expect it to be honest I thought it'd be hot and Dusty and desert like but it's actually a really nice temperature here in kabo not too hot nice and chilled it's quite nice to see a bit rain we've come to Nish sure hell uh in Kabal because this is where they have kite flying competitions first thing is is actually on a graveyard everybody is like sat amongst the graves good evening good evening how you doing I'm all right L I'm very well from I'm from London lond UK yeah England nice that's a nice country it is it's very ni you been in I've been here this is my ninth day I go home tomorrow at that beautiful I'm I'm going home on Friday where are you from Canada Ah that's another nice country beautiful I would love to visit Canada of course you're always welcome a thank you I'm just trying to understand how the competition works oh whoever comes first they fight how do you know who wins whoever goes away whoever whoever cuts off who this goes away that's done what do you mean whoever cuts off it falls down let see these two are fighting they're fighting yeah whoever cuts off they win whoever done so you're flying away you're flying away and then what one just Falls that's fa that's the one loser and wow and can you make other people fall how do you make them fall no once you fight them once once you go close to them you get connected to them and then you fight each other pull pull pull pull pull like look at him my cousin hello concentrate I think you're in a competition don't lose your focus he's going to he's going to lose the game yes my so far he beat three guys J which one is his then I'm trying to small one right the farest one the top one all the way yeah yeah hang on I'm going to get my phone out see if I can zoom in so he's right at the top this is crazy I'm learning about the I thought you just went to a park and flew a c but apparently you had to cut people off and basally be the last man standing I think oh my you can try you want to try I I will lose gay might be far too scared I'll I'll film him doing his thing though let's see I'm looking at the technique yeah I'm watching the technique here very professional let's see I'm not entirely sure which one is his let's see if you can identify it it's quite difficult to identify is I think it's a blue one look look there's a whole crowd watching loads of people standing around up here I think I think I know his strategy I think basically his kite he's just keeping it the highest it's it's almost as high as an airplane everyone else is sort of buzzing around slightly lower his is just really high and then I think no one can touch his it's it's about to exit the Earth's atmosphere I think that's it I think that's it oh look this right oh what's happening what's [Music] happening one falling there one falling there is there like a national champion everybody's a champion everyone's a champion today I think this guy his name his name is warus warus yes is Champion today youal you have to give him something as a medal's the's gone it's very hard to identify who's is whose fun right it's great fun so is he going to is he going to fly another one I would be happy to buy a kite let's go buy them a kite I doubt I'll be good luck though but let's have a look oh Ace of Spades that that Ace of Spades that looks like a what are we feing for he's testing it he's testing the flex the flex what you if I'm going to buy a c you need to choose a good one warus you can tell he SED one this oh he likes this one that was the first one he saw though is that a bit of a worry cuz he helped him with giving a but he was the first one that came out of the bag he he is the GU he the GU seller well hopefully it's a good one yeah okay here we go there we go sir right we're going to see how this one does I I won't take any change the opposite I right I've got my money on this one now that one is excellent look at that one this one started to start flying they're going to cut it off in the middle of the way oh because that's too big and everybody wants piece of it I see maybe yeah that's theze so I made a good purchase there that's what you're trying to tell me so very tight I think warus has done this before look and we have the real holder here that's a very important job oh now look look look look right he's got it there and then he's right I'm going to get out the way cuz it's probably going to take my head off oh and he's gone and it's gone that was very quick that was very quick that sign in the middle that's the speed sign I know the card yeah Spades Ace of Spades right come on come's go right there it's right there let me he's lying in weight to take people on yes look it floating down Ace of speed floating floating down do all over the place so you reckon this is the one that won't last very long no it could last 10 seconds you reckon 10 seconds be to 20 seconds over cuz there's so many they will this is the biggest one now that's in that's the biggest of all here right now warus and Megatron yeah it looks like he's trying to land a plane with his own signals so you're saying 10 seconds let's count 10 no I mean 10 seconds since he start fighting I mean that wasn't even 10 seconds yeah 10 seconds was um was probably quite generous that was really lovely to see hey thank you so much well done almost warus well [Laughter] done well that's the end of my Afghanistan series I hope you enjoyed it it's been a real pleasure being here and um there's been many surprises and I've discovered a country that um looks and feels totally different to what I thought it was based on what I've seen in the past um so it's been great to come and fingers crossed it will be a country that will start to grow um after a few more changes are made I want to conclude this series with some of my Reflections from my time in Afghanistan this has been one of the most challenging travel series I filmed so far Afghanistan is a land of deep contradictions the country is often associated with war the Taliban and the struggle for women's rights and whilst I didn't want to ignore these I also wanted my series to be about the Afghan culture which often gets overshadowed by these dominant narratives regarding the Taliban I have seen myself that they have made strides to restore order on the streets locals confirmed they feel they can now go to work knowing they will return home I heard that they are tackling the drugs trade which claims many lives by destroying illegal opium Fields I was also told locally that they are working to reduce corruption and I was given firsthand examples of some success stories I can say that that I felt they were working to keep me safe as a tourist and I appreciated the security checks along the way however as you will have witnessed if you saw my video on women and followed my fundraising campaign their ideas around extreme gender segregation is deeply concerning since returning home they have banned women from showing their faces completely or even speaking outside no first world country has ever succeeded with 50% of its population completely separated from the other 50% and I do not believe this is a model that will raise this country up quite the opposite in fact if however with time the Taliban were one day to embrace gender equality something I believe some of their supporters want I would be among the first to celebrate them in that effort in closing I want to focus on the people who make this country special local Afghans are amongst the warmest most generous and hospitable people on the planet and meeting them has been a real privilege I hope with all my heart that their country can thrive in the future and more and more people go to visit them to truly understand what the Afghan culture is really about thank you to the people of Afghanistan for an incredible experience

2024-09-14 02:30

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