My Heart Breaks in Dijon France - Van Life in Europe

My Heart Breaks in Dijon France - Van Life in Europe

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it is another cold and rainy day here in th and  you can see it but we'll show you from the Drone   up on the top of that hill right there behind  those trees there some castle ruins and we were   going to take a walk up through these Vineyards  on these Hills get a view over the town but guys   it's just cold and rainy so we're getting on the  road we have what we think is a cool destination   and we've got a change of plans big changes a  front let's get on the road good morning everyone   well today we are coming to you from djan France  now Dijon is famous for you guessed it mustard   but it's also the capital city of burgundy and  I'm not talking about Ron Burgundy I'm talking   about about Burgundy wine so we are still in  the western portion of France where they have   all the Vineyards but this city is also a UNESCO  world heritage site and so this place is full of   beautiful history and I'm excited to be able  to show it to you today and hopefully we'll   get to go on a little bit of a tour of a mustard  Factory learn how that stuff is made and kind of   the backdrop for that but I got a bit of bad  news I got to share with you last night snow   was not feeling too well kind of had a rough  night and anyway she's going to sleep in so   you're stuck with me today so I'm going to try  to entertain you but we have some fun activities   planned today and I'll give you an update on the  weather real quick it's cold by about 32° and it's   foggy overcast maybe the sun will come out today  we're hoping so but anyway let's go enjoy this   beautiful [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]  city so you can see the van back there paid   parking lot it was $4 for well they don't charge  it after hours so it's basically $4 for all day   and then overnight there's no fee so this is our  second day here we got in there last night we had   a short drive about a 3-hour drive from thwn th th  where we were in our last video but anyway you can   kind of see that it's a little foggy and overcast  but we are going to do what is considered an an   owl tour now the owl I guess is the mascot or what  have you of Dijon and they have all these little   spots marked with an owl that take you to sort  of the key points of the city we have some little   information so you're definitely going to get some  H history today so let's get on over to the first   spot welcome to the first spot on the owl tour I  haven't seen the owl but this is the DAR Park and   this polar bear sculpture right here what I've  read is from some famed sculpture guy so that's   that and there's really nobody in the park today  but it is a nice park and it looks like they have   a big Fountain over there and a couple statues  and lots of Green Space there's some pigeons and   uh it's a nice park welcome to stop number one all  right the fountain's not going but you can look at   the mineral deposits behind it where the waterers  drip down throughout the years and then here at   the park in the upper level looks like there's  even more space and a bigger kind of Monument up here Henry Darcy day John there you go that's  why they call it Darcy Park all right the second   spot is visible from this Garden this big Park  it's the hotel de la clache anyway it's famous   establishment in dijan since the 15th century  then this is the actual Palace inaugurated in   1884 anyway way it's a famous hotel guys look at  the cool Bell Tower up top all right stop number   three is the port of Gom Gom it's a big Ark guys  it reminds me the arc to Triumph in Paris but on a   smaller scale but this was established I believe  in the 18th century and anyway it's sort of the   gateway to the shopping district here in djon and  and this shopping district is pretty amazing it's   got all the fancy stores and it is a beautiful  walking street it's mostly I believe pedestrian   and really this is called the believe the street  of Liberty or libertad but in any event it is a   gorgeous walking street with lots of shopping and  this is the Gateway on to stop number four so stop   out number four has taken me to Granger Square  now there you can see the post office I guess   for Dijon and even though the windows and the  signs down below are very modern you can see it's   pretty cool architecture especially up top there's  a cool Tower there's some cool riding up there and   a cool rooster and there's a big ball here with  all sorts of clocks and I think we can see here   right now it looks like it's almost 6:00 a.m. in  Memphis which means it's about 1:00 here about to   give you a panoramic of this little square there's  supposed to be another fancy building here I'll   have to look for it cuz I don't see it right now  maybe that's it and I can definitely see down at   the end it is uh the notredam cathedral but it is  foggy and hard to see so maybe we'll get a better   look when we get up close let's hope so we'll go  down here to the end of this Square follow these   ows a bit more and see if we can find some more  of these fancy buildings they're talking about   it looks like they also have a big Library here I  thought the word for library was bibliotech but in   any event there is a fancy building right there  on the Corner looks pretty cool and really all   around this city has beautiful fancy buildings so  what am I talking about and it looks like there's   another Gallery Lafayette over there but let's  check out and see where stop number five is keep   this tour moving so really the first four spots  were super close together and it's pretty cool   because you have these little owl triangles on the  sidewalk so you can just kind of follow them and   that's kind of fun but this fifth stock is taking  us to a covered market now it's only opened a few   days a week Unfortunately today is one of them I  love a colorful market and it is about lunchtime   so I'm hungry so let's go check this thing out  and voila we have arrived at the market but it   does not look to be open oh maybe it is it is  open but it looks like a lot of the Stalls are   closed or closing so maybe I got here too late  it looks like I did unfortunately oh I'm sorry guys we'll walk through anyway here you can see  it's a covered market and it looks like they're   starting to cover all their stuff up they got  some fruits and vegges oh I'm so sad I should   have gotten here earlier here's a booth that's  opened up here and it looks like there's one   open over there let's go see what we can check  out ah Cheez the French cheese is so absolutely   delicious guys but we're going to have to walk  through the Section it is cold in here and yeah   and they have cleaned up and closed all the  booth turning off all the lights it is closed   super sorry guys we missed our opportunity  there it looks like it was mostly um a food   market I didn't really see any trinkets or  anything like that but then again um I got   here late and I missed it so let's move on  to the next spot or let's find a place to   grab something warm to eat and drink I have  a confession to make I got a little bit lost   on the way to my next stop and to be honest  with you I was kind of disappointed in the   whole Market thing and thought I'd find a nice  baguette and a hot soup or something there and   I just been looking for that in a little nice  little French restaurant or something and to   be honest with you I haven't found that I see  all kinds of different restaurants but anyway   I'm about to give in and just get something  to eat cuz I'm hungry and I'm almost to the   next spot so if I end up getting something that's  not French you guys got to promise not to yell at me so one of the things a lot of the places  the restaurants have these little whiteboard   menus out in front of them chalkboards if you  will and I think Le anrs are like appetizers   those plots are sort of the platters and then  you got desserts and you can see right there   they've got three featured items but I don't  see soup on the menu board and then they also   have the plot dour which is kind of their plate  of the day which is supposed to be you know the   most inexpensive dish that's € 12 and it looks  like it's I I'm not even sure fruits of the sea   and so in any event this is kind of what I've  been Crossing all looks like nice and delicious   food but a bit more than I'm wanting to do is  I'm wanting to move through this tour really   just want a nice piece of French bagette and  some soup so I'm going to keep looking and I'm   almost I've almost made it back to the next  spot all right here we go there it is soup deure all right let's go get a [Music] soup it turns out the soup of the day is  celery and Chestnut soup now I've never   had that but I'm going to try it anyway  and also I'm going to get some escaro   because well we're in France and I love  escargo and of course that comes with a [Music] baguette what is this this is like  puffed rice with chocolate yes it's   a cocoa pops cocoa pops yes chocolate  with can I get it t with sugar thank   you so much nice to meet you have a  wonderful day thank you you [Music] too all right now that was a delicious lunch thank  you very much Sonia for the delicious food and   the hospitality really enjoyed the conversation  learning about Dijon and talking about the world   but we popped out and right here into the big  square and it's late in December they still   haven't taken down the Christmas tree yet but  we got to go find our other site and get back   on course number number six is the place of  franois rude franois rude and so this is a   little square right here and it features a  couple of famous artists from the burgundy   region and so I'm sure one of them made the SC  sculpture up there and you can see the grapes   at his feet and so this is the burgundy region  so I'm sure it's symbolic of that and you can   see again some of these beautiful old old historic  buildings around here and then this was I believe   a building that was demolished and then later  rebuilt so you can see it's a contrast from all   the stone buildings around in that it's kind  of one of those more Timber homes or Timber buildings all right guys let's  move on to number seven I see   an owl right here looks like we're headed this way as we approach here I think we're  looking for three buildings and so   one is a hotel the hotel abua and it  was a it was from the 13th century   and then the Meson malard and it  looks like it was constructed in 1560 and then the hotel shamban and it looks  like it was constructed in 1490 so we'll head   up here and I think this is also kind of the  square where we're going to see notredam yep   so this is up approaching notredam as well so  number eight is this beautiful Gothic notredam Cathedral and it is stunning on both the inside  and out absolutely amazing at number nine is the   owl you know I'm on the owl tour guys and  the owl is sad and if you see it it's kind   of worn and the reason it's worn is because  everybody well they touch it and they make   a wish and the story is if you make a wish and  you touch the owl your wish will come true so   I'll share with you my wish on my way to number  10 my sister recently has gotten really really   ill it's been kind of a sudden thing she's in  the hospital and she's really sick so I'm just   really really really wishing for her good health  and speedy recovery and or comfort in her life   right now it's a tough and trying time and so  I definitely wish her peace to her and my mom   and the rest of my family so please Grant My  Wish get well and right around the corner is   number 10 Mason Miller uh so this was a filming  backrop now this was a merchant Place built in   1483 all right and then right next door we have  number 11 La hotel de Vogue and this was a 17th   century townhouse it's just kind of another old  building I guess it was a Hotel of significance   stop number 14 I'm come or I'm sorry yeah stop  number 14 and this is the Museum of bow Arts Muse   B bow Arts now I'm hoping it's opening and I'm  hoping it's free cuz I'm cold and for me to be   honest with you it's a lot easier to look at  stuff than to learn about stuff and tell you   about it so let's go look at some stuff and see  if we can't get warmed up to the museum let's go   check this out this is clearly some kind of big  important battle between the French and somebody   else look at that can you imagine the horses  crossing the river all the smoke swords gunfights wow [Music] so we just came out of sort of a conference room  with all sorts of giant art paintings from I don't   know what era but this room right here the fabrics  and the the decorations and trim on the wall   is fascinating and it's definitely a different  style of painting it's kind of one thing to see   see these buildings here when you kind of see some  pictures in here it looks like you kind of on the   bottom have a a stone Mason there and you kind of  just see a building out in the open there whereas   now they're all surrounded by the whole entire  city and all the other buildings it's pretty intense I tour through the museum just really  as a reminder of kind of how overwhelmed I am   with France and let me explain there are so there  is so much history here there are so many things   to see and you know you start learning about  these kings and queens and foms and you know   you're dating back to 800s a thousands 1500s Wars  territories changing hands all these beautiful   structures being constructed constructed in  these pieces of art that signify it all and   to be honest with you you it just overwhelming  I I my brain can't comprehend all this stuff   but I do enjoy looking at and staring at and  contemplating what happened trying to imagine   what era this different type of stuff took place  in what was going on in their minds at the time   you know as they built these giant churches and  as other people are coming in so there's a fight   for spirituality there's a fight for territories  they're just so much guys and uh it's beautiful   and I'm enjoying it but it's it's overwhelming  and it's really kind of hard to describe because   I don't really understand it completely I hope  you understand what I'm saying and just kind of   enjoy seeing what I'm seeing because it is it is  very very interesting as I told you while I was   in the museum I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with  all this and to be honest with you even though   this little hour owl tour has a nice little route  to take you to all these historic buildings it's   22 different spots and there's so many cool things  between I'm going to end it right here I believe   this is number 15 16 and 17 we're looking at  looks like churches libraries hotels palaces   old important buildings I'm going to let your  imagination take over as I as I video these last   few churches just know that Dijon is an amazing  place I think they call it the city of a thousand   St peoples there's tons of big kind of Gothic  churches or old style churches big huge ornate   Palace buildings and government buildings and  all types of things there's wonderful shopping   here there's tons of great food choices and uh  it's really a place that I would like to spend   more time in and learn more about I think on  the return uh to France after we have to get   out of the shinsen maybe we'll come back here  but I am chopping at the bit for this mustard   tour and so we're going to have to go to another  city to see that there is a museum here but where   they actually make it is in another city and  so we're going to go see that morning guys I   did not want to leave Dijon or I should say the  burgundy region without showing you mustard this   is where mustard was born and from however the  best museum is outside of Dijon in a town called   bone now I'm going to go over there and check it  out and see I would love to show you this little   town I think it is beautiful but we're moving  on we have some special people we're going to   meet up with kind of on the other side of France  so we have a big adventure to get to and also I   should say that snow is not feeling well still so  it's been a few days so to be honest with you I'm   going to run over there check this place out  maybe I can get in and do a quick tour maybe   not we'll see but this is a mustard Factory  and I'm excited cuz I love mustard so let's   go check this place out all right unfortunately  I was unable to get in on the tour but the store   itself is absolutely fascinating and they have  all sorts of mustards I was not able to do the   tour but I think I got something well second place  let's call it that so here you can see they have   this big sampling table with all the different  kinds of mustards anyway I'm going to try a few   of these I'll show you what they look like and  I'll let you know what I think right this one's   some sort of wine and if you can see it right here  it's kind of pink so we'll take a little taste of this so I can definitely taste the berry in there  almost like a currant berry or a raspberry not   a taste you can expect to you normally get  in mustard but it's really good all right   this is definitely a honey mustard right here  all right you can see the honey mustard now I   can tell you so far all these mustards  have definitely had a lot of bite very spicy M I can tell you the mustards really cut  through and very very strong and meaning   for me delicious I love them I shouldn't eat  breakfast this morning all right let's not   try all these let's try a couple more guys  so this is a prental one it looks like has   some kind of mix of peppers we're going  to try that one this has got some kind of   Japanese fruit so let's try these all right  we just get a little dab a little dabble Doo definitely more like a you can definitely  taste a peppers like maybe a cayenne pepper   or red bell pepper but still in the background  the pepper subtle and the and and the mustard   really just cuts through the vinegar and the  mustard absolutely delicious let's get into   this next one this one with the Japanese  fruit show you the Japanese fruit mustard cheers that one burned a little bit but in the  backdrop is a little bit of citrus just a little   bit but I'm telling you these mustards just almost  like kind of horseradish I mean the the mustard   really cuts through I I I told snow I wasn't  going to spend a lot of money on mustard but   I might have to retrack that statement this is  good stuff you can definitely the mustard cuts   through so the the flavors they add to it are  very subtle and give it a difference except   when you get into like the honey mustards and  some of the red mustards or sweet mustards the   berry mustards that really cuts through and the  sweetness really cuts through and kind of calms   down the SP spicy mustard flavor but I like the  spice and I like the kit so I'm going to get a   little uh sample pack for our friends that we're  going to meet here very soon and I'm going to pick   out a couple for the van so anyway very cool now  this company does more than makes mustard they   also make pickles and this right here is a big  pickle Sorter and it's really cool because as   they dump the pickles in if you can see this big  giant t Tumbl the tumbler just turns around like   maybe like a dryer vent or something like that and  the slots as it goes down get bigger so basically   the smaller pickles small fall through the first  bin and then as they go down the bigger pickles   work their way down till they eventually can come  out the slot and then the oversized pickles get   kicked out at the end now I was told that they  don't make the pickles here anymore that they're   made at their Factory in the south of France by  their recipe this facility is small and they had   to make a decision on what they were going to do  so this facility here focuses on the mustard but   they have all sorts of things different kinds of  Honeys and as I said the pickles and the mustards   and a couple other artisanal items but really A  fascinating place and a place I would love to have   been able to do the tour have we had more time  and if snow was feeling and better it's something   actually as we past through fance we may come  back and do and see this town and see this region   because it's just fascinating so even though I  didn't take a tour I learned a lot about mustard   the mustard grows and seeds and the mustard that  they use here all comes from seeds mustard seeds   that were grown here in the province of burgundy  and there's three different kinds there's black   there's Brown and there's more more like a blonde  seed and they have different flavors which each   of them some of them are stronger than others  they use primarily black and brown seeds here   and uh it's just a really really cool place and  the people were super super nice but I'm going   to head back to the van I think we're going to  get on the road we're going to another region of   France so we have some driving to do and uh as I  told you earlier we're going to meet up with some   special special people I think this is some kind  of mustard press right here look at that but this   is where we're going to wind the video guys down  down guys so thank you so much for joining along   and uh we'll see you on the next one cheers if  you like this video be sure to subscribe to our   Channel and hit that notification Bell so you guys  know when we put out new videos and don't forget   you can always follow us over on Instagram to see  what's going on in in between videos cheers guys

2024-01-06 10:57

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