MY FIRST TIME in North-East India

MY FIRST TIME in North-East India

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I'm not sure if I should say good morning or good  evening my friends but I know for certain I should   say namaste and welcome back to another video  guys we are in the massive Doha airport right   now as you guys can see walking through to our  gate c87 which is going to take us all the way   to Delhi India so I am heading back to India for  the first time in geez it's been over a year since   I was there so it's going to be a pretty wild  experience I'm actually flying all the way to   guwahati so behind delhi now then I have like  an eight hour nine hour layover because of a   massive delay and then we're getting there but  as you guys can probably tell after six weeks in   Italy and it'd be in the middle of the night  after a four hour flight I am exhausted but   don't you worry tomorrow's energy is going to  be insane we're going to explore so much of uh   India during this Vlog series guys and it's going  to be one of the best yet so let's do this and it   looks like uh I just saw over here on this green  Deli last call so I guess we arrived just in time   but it doesn't really look like a last call here  it seems like there's still thousands of people   hopping on not actually yeah we got the boys here  where are you guys from India all right what part it's a world no match yeah just like uh this  brother thank you thank you daniva advice   Hub thank you very much nice to meet you  guys all right here we are this is the   longest last call I've ever seen already made  some new friends here so uh we'll see you guys   and what was your name one more time  brother so yeah Surya nice to meet you back   he's living in Texas so you'll  see him out there in Austin hello good morning is there a window seat  possibly thank you so much thank you so   much I really appreciate it all right here we  go it's our last moments in the Middle East   my friends we are leaving Ambassador  airport of johar and heading to India   all right and this is the plan we're taking  there look at how massive massive this thing is yeah this is insane so that's the truck that  basically will uh pull the whole airplane out   of Massive Tires and I'm guessing maybe that  like pumps the fuel in or maybe the sewage out   I don't know things are so big it's crazy and  this isn't even the biggest one on the market   oh here we go it's a deli [Music] thank you so this is where we are at the very  back of the plane number 40 last but not least all right that worked out thankfully  the gate agent was super nice she uh   hooked me up with a window seat otherwise  I was going to be stuck in the middle so   this is great now we've got about nearly four  hours to get us down to Delhi and then after   that like I said the flight was supposed to  leave like two hours after we arrived to Delhi   to guwahati but now I think it's like a seven or  eight hour delay so I always have like so much   trouble sleeping on the planes just because  it's like hard to like you know half the time   the lights are coming on then you're having a meal  this or that and so man to sleep actually sent me   one of these sleep masks guys and they are awesome  it's like this super cushiony face mask adjustable head like mine or a small head and it even  connects to a Bluetooth with different volumes   so basically I'm able to put on like sleep  sounds the sounds of the ocean rain sounds   directly from my phone because it's a Bluetooth  connection toss this thing right on like that   oh yeah and then just get into the full Zen so   let's put it this way I think this thing's gonna  put me to sleep for the entire four hours I'm on   this flight and the nice part is it also drowns  out like when people are screaming making noises   things like that because you're just hearing the  relaxing sounds of nature so yeah guys that is a   manta sleep face mask and I'll put a link in  the description below if you guys want to go   and check one out just the perfect thing if  you want to go to sleep in four hours foreign all right my friends and after probably like  a 10 hour Journey welcome back to Delhi it   has certainly been a while but it's great to be  back I need a little more energy and a coffee to   get going oh all right well I'm not sure what  the temperature here is in Delhi but pulled   off the sweater hello my friend this way all  right so if we're heading up this way we are   now walking over towards the immigration  then after that I would be rushing to get   over to the domestic terminal but now that  we have such a long delay I gotta decide I've   got yeah I think seven hours until the next  flight is so option one is I just stay in the   airport chill maybe sleep in like a lounge or  something or option two would be explore Deli   I think probably first thing I need to do is get  myself something to wake me up and then make the   decision after oh it's a pretty massive airport  here look at this we've got like all these uh   walls designed with hand symbols and just  towering ceilings here right and Deli it   has been a while we are back like we never left  oh look at that they got beers and coffees right   when you walk out of the airport so first stop  is definitely going to be to get a little donut   and coffee to hold me off or they've even  got chocolate muffins up there okay I see   what we're working with oh well that chocolate  cake up top looks good too oh that one is quite   tempting hello can I please have one uh iced Peach  lemonade large uh yeah okay actual no just maybe   medium okay and then also iced latte please one  peach lemonade yep and then one nice latte too uh   with sugar please medium yes and we'll do uh the  chocolate truffle cake pretty good uh chocolate   truffle cakes uh good delicious yeah okay one of  those please oh here please yeah 9 23 sir thank   you all right my friends well we got ourselves  the coffee the lemonade and the chocolate cake   surprisingly it was 922 rupees that's just airport  prices for you but I think we're gonna start off   with getting this coffee in me because as you  guys can tell I have such low energy right now right oh almost finished it we're coming back to life now   but that chocolate cake is just staring at  me let's see how that is first little meal   in India our little snack I guess you could  say it's like a triple layered chocolate cake I'm very chewing and it's got  like almost crunchy edges to it sure if I love it or tastes  kind of stale to me but   it's super chocolatey just look at that just  Rich well my friends I'm starting to come back to   life here I got the coffee and the lemonade done  something wrong with that chocolate cake though a   little little crispy on the outside not sure what  that means but time to head over to the domestic   terminal I don't think I'm gonna explore Delhi  just because this backpack oh it's got to be like   30 40 kilos and I'm like I'm just starting out  the trip I don't want to kill my back right now   in that thing around trying to explore I'm Gonna  Save my energy for guahati so let's head on out   we're gonna see if we can find ourselves terminal  three the domestic terminal I'm starting to see   signs this way I walk down to find the bathroom  here and T3 terminals T3 to the left so maybe   we're going the wrong way one to two minutes for  the transfer okay so that means we gotta go this   way all right this must be uh transfers right  here oh all right and finally we've located it   I walked all the way from one side then to the  other and it seems like this is the departure   spot we're going for all right and we have made  it to the domestic terminals about five hours   early so I have a feeling we're gonna be chilling  up here for a bit but uh if we can check in soon   we're gonna do that somewhere around here I feel  like I remember being here now it's a huge huge   terminal that extends all the way down all right  my friend this is about four hours till the flight   but I think spicejet's check-in is right here so  we'll see if we're able to get on soon or at least   enter into the area so we can hang out inside  of a lounge or something show you guys in there   don't even okay thank you so much all right and  guys we've got our boarding pass so the good news   is we can at least get inside the domestic  Departures area so hopefully we can find a   place to sit down relax maybe I'll even take a  little 30 minute nap in between and from there   we'll head to guwahati so it's been a journey  but I've been on way longer so it's not too bad   all right after a pretty long security process  I'll tell you every time I go to India they're   definitely the most thorough country when it  comes to doing the security screens you got to   take out like every piece of electronic every  cord and I did all that and still my bags got   stopped but hey not complaining just saying it's  a it's either they've got old scanners or they   have a more strict protocol than the rest of the  world and actually guys unfortunately because of   the policies in India fortunately well fortunately  for safety unfortunately for these videos I didn't   bring my drone because if I brought my drone  India is the only country I've been to ever   that makes you put your drone in a checked bag  and I've got this one single backpack so I am   not uh unfortunately gonna be bringing my drone  and some of the places I'm going are so dronable   so hopefully I'll meet someone along the way that  can let me use their drone for like a couple shots   because I was really excited for it because I'm  going to be in a lot of nature during this trip   some cities uh but it's gonna be it's gonna be  a great time there's a our flight number one   right up there at the top 10 15 to guwahati but  obviously delayed till 15 30 which is 3 30 p.m   so we've got some time to burn here it's uh it's  11 40. so we've got nearly four hours and I guess   probably we're going to head up to the lounge see  if we can get ourselves a nice spot to relax and   enjoy it but the deli domestic terminal is quite  nice you have all these restaurants right up top   here you've got these restaurants right along  here and we've got all these Air India flights   there are some clothing stores on that side so  it's a really nice Vibe here I can't remember   the last time I was in the domestic terminals in  Delhi but it's definitely been a while that's for   sure and there's the lounge we're going to encom  Lounge looks like a pretty comfortable one here   but yeah they have so many different restaurant  options I think Subway I think that's an Indian   chain KFC McDonald's oh yeah these are from from  India yeah no just kidding and we've got Domino's   over there too oh yeah all right so here we go  we got income Lounge almost just looks like a   restaurant right here hello Namaste my friend uh  can I use my priority pass here oh yeah members   welcome it looks like a person it's fine oh that's  all right that's all right thank you thank you the guests are taking food from the buffet  this one just one please yeah what's this this   is from my YouTube channel really yeah yeah  can you please show you guys YouTube channel   oh it looks like uh sushma is going to be a  future subscriber thank you all right let's   say we gotta find ourselves a spot here got a  little Lounge spot right here go right there all right let's see what we got ourselves for  food here caught that right in there in the shirt   and okay just gonna have a little snack here  what do we got going on there some beans   lots of curries there we got some pastas so  what shall we start with maybe a little uh fresh   cucumbers will do oh yeah and some penne pasta go  a little Italian for the first meal in India oh got the rice in there load that thing up and this one's dull fried good one all right we got ourselves a nice little plate  right there waters are just sitting there waiting   for us all right we even got a bar over here  coffee bar make your own chance yeah what do   we got going on there all the all the sodas all  right looks like we're gonna have to do this Coca-Cola we got a hello brother you got the beers here   yeah beer no beer oh God can I have One Coca-Cola  please oh we got them right there perfect all right this is what the rest of the lounge  looks like kind of looks like a fancy restaurant   but let's put it this way it's one of the only  lounges lounges here in the domestic terminal   so it's quite busy oh coffee station too you  might have to stop by and see what's going on   there we go all right looks like we're  gonna have to go for a nice little uh   cappuccinos out it's got the red light  there so we'll see if that actually works all right we got the hot milk coming all  right the coffee's coming I'm not sure why   the red light was on then because  that thing looks like a fresh cup there we go oh yeah all right here we go our first  bite of Del fry I'm spilling all over my laptop [Music] oh yeah that's an official welcome back to   India my friends oh oh that's fantastic  nice and warm mixing in with that rice [Music] you got a very um mild taste not like  it's got a very light spice I would say so if   you're thinking about trying something  for the first time in India this Del fry   right here at the lounge is a good one  because it's not going to totally burn   your mouth and it's got a really smooth  texture to it mixes into that Rice nicer because I'm loving it I'm loving it so yeah when  you come to the lounge basically like   um you either pay to get in or I have this thing  called a priority pass which comes for free with   a credit card I have called The Chase Sapphire  reserve and then you just get in for free to   any lounges around the world that are part of  the priority pass club so yeah that's this is   definitely not an ad I'm just letting you guys  know it's I always go to the lounges and if you   pay for them they're like they can be like 20 to  50 to 70 depending on where you go even more than   that in some places I don't know what most like  for example a lounge here in India costs have the   priority pass but I just swiped it get in for free  and that's how I have all my meals at the airport let's see how they do penne here can't say I'm a huge fan but it's almost got a sweet flavor to it not  how I like my noodles Lounge visit thank you   goodbye oh yeah 10 out of 10.

we got people coming through all right  all right we got to do it quick though   because the plane boards in  five minutes yes yes please   yeah just add my name is all right so everybody  watching this everyone watching this video come to   the lounge and come give sushima a 10 star review  is it out of five stars or ten Stars Then Stars   ten stars all right give her a 10 star review here  we're gonna do it right now so you guys can see   that's 10 out of 10 customer service yes yeah guys  I'll say it's great to be back in India the uh   experience there was really nice stuff that works  there that took care and yeah I'm pretty much just   uh living on caffeine energy at the moment heading  over to the flight to uhati now and I'll make it   to the hotel probably like four hours from now so  I'm really looking forward to that but let's head   on down there and see if we can find this flight  I think it's already boarding actually all right   we got to get all the way to gate number 58 and  I just saw that it says guwahati Final Call it's   a bit surprised by that but we shall hurry well I  should have tightened this out a little bit better   Gates 37 to 62 or a 1 to 14 minute walk so it is  three though my boarding pass it says the flight   boards at three get on the screen it says Final  Call so hopefully it's not too far I need to look   at the screen once again until you spoke 58 so I  think we're gonna be pretty much at the very end   all right seems like we're still like five minutes  away this would be funny if I was delayed seven   hours and I missed my plate but uh that's part  of the adventure it's sure it's crazy how big   this airport is like I'm taking massive strides  going faster than the people that are walking   on the moving escalator and so it still is like  a solid eight nine minute walk to get us there   all right if my calculations are right they  probably closed the outboarding door 20   minutes before so that means I have three  minutes to get to 58 I see it down there   seems like people are still going  to it oh just in time it looks like   right before closing 58. all right I think we made  it oh yeah hold on brother oh there we go just in   time yeah wow that was close literally the one of  the last people to hop on this plane oh I can feel   it in the uh and the muscles on the front of my  like not the cabs but like the ones on the front   of the feet from walking so fast but who gets the  blood flowing wakes me up a bit so I can get some   more energy so that's my words of advice for any  guys that are coming to New Delhi and you're going   to the domestic terminal unless you're lucky  and you get one of the lower number Gates it's   a very long terminal so you'll be walking fast  like me like that probably would have taken an   average person twice the amount of time it took  me probably eight nine minutes to do that but if   I was going on a normal speed I wouldn't have made  it all right my friends we admitted on the plane   just in time as you can see I broke  a sweat from literally running to get   here from the other side of the airport  but it doesn't matter because we made it   so pretty full plane looks like a lot of  people are heading to uh guahanti right now   it's Festival time in the state of Assam so it's  going to be a very Lively time being here in the   month of April I think we got the uh yeah we  got the exit row so you know what that means   extra length to uh put the feet out there it's  pretty nice and we're taking uh SpiceJet which   I think is a local Indian airline carrier so  I think it's my first time taking them or if   I did take them I don't remember the last couple  times I was in India so okay we'll see you guys   over there anything exciting I'll show you on the  route a little water to start out yeah Donnie VOD   cheers to my new friend from uh what state  again my state is Maharashtra and he works quite nice to meet kind of  people like mac and I hope the state India we can have yeah exactly that's amazing  guys see that within the first video here   for my third time back in India already  making new friends here so it's great to   be back in India great to meet new  friends and cheers to that cheers and we're taking off leaving Delhi until next time when we were driving past basically  right over there looks like there's   like 50 private jets [Music] fly into  there's our fellow spice jet over there the Air Asia in the distance and officially left the soil of Delhi there's gonna be the last views all right this is I'm surprised it's dark so  early trying to pull up the weather but it's only   a 5 47 p.m in April and it is pretty much like  sunset time but it is a cloudy day and we have   arrived brother it's been a pleasure yeah great to  meet you until next time take care thank you bye   all right my first time in  Eastern India baby let's go let me tell you it is hot here holy humidity Namaste all right we're loading up on  the uh spicy buses here namaskar we got   ourselves a seat back here a bus to get  us to the main terminal and then we're   gonna find either attacks here at Uber and  then that's going to get us to the hotel so   a little quiet total 24 hours to  get from the other side of the world for like a three minute drive oh yeah this is  a Vibe welcomes you to the Gateway city of the   Northeast so good guys is actually the capital  of Assam so that's where we're going to be   taking you to explore over the next couple days  oh it's got a vibey little atmospheres with all   these little like strung up lights here creating  like zigzags beautiful art and designs for their   cultural heritage here this is this is incredible  really cool designed airport it kind of gives me   this feeling of like a Caribbean Bali airport and  with an Indian touch to it it's got that that uh   you know open airflow massive fan up there and so  I'd say this is great now we've just got to locate   ourselves a SIM card probably somewhere over this  way let's go ahead and see what they've got going   on for SIM cards prepaid taxis money exchange  all right hello Brothers you have SIM cards here   SIM cards for the phone you have SIM card's  brother for the phone uh how much you charge   for them what are we doing today oh no SIM  cards okay none at the airport okay brother guys I guess we're not going to be able to get  ourselves a uh SIM card here at the airport so   there's not any available so we'll have to find  one in the town later but that's all right I I   do have my International us plan which is not a  very fast signal out here but it looks like uber   this way and that'll get us to the hotel all right  oh we got the Rhinos right here that's for the uh   National Park that we're gonna be checking  out all these tourism stations over there   yeah this is a cool airport I really like it hello  Namaste all right and then coming out this way we   are in duahati whoa we can feel that Rush of  hot air the second you walk out it was good to   be here yeah let's see we gotta we even got an  Uber stand here I wonder if that's a legitimate   Uber set I've never seen like a physical Uber  stand before all right we've got our uh got our   boys here premium local cabs this looks like a  spot to go arriving here taxi taxi hello brother hello uh yes I needed a taxi to uh vivanta we got we got car and card and cash a card okay  all right that's our guy what's going on I'm   yeah nice to meet you your name nice to meet  you my name is Mac so you're gonna be our guy all right here we go this is my friends it's our  good friend you're from guwahati you're from it's   a nice nice place yeah all right and here we go  one minute now one minute yeah all right all right   where to we going somewhere a premium prepaid cabs  all right I wonder where our guys going just took   off running oh we got him over here all right  what's he doing over here it's a little Hideout   a rival vrf room all right looks like we're  swapping something out here I almost got it all right let's do this Charlie cello  brother all right let's do it so what's   uh what's the best thing to do in guwahati  oh no English okay no problem brother   uh only a few words in Hindi Mack Mac  yeah from America America yeah all right   and where do we have the taxi somewhere out here  kind of an interesting uh setup airport here while   God you got huge Billboards a little bit of  parking there and it's a smaller one though   basically all I don't think there's any Gates  that actually are like I guess you call them   jet bridges that pull directly up to the plane I  think they have the ladders like we took down or   the stairs walked to the bus and then got us  there so this is it right here all right this   will be our ride pop that boot I'll bring that  thing right up inside of here yeah don't even and then we'll hop right in right over here and uh how long is the drive how many minutes  time in one hour okay perfect all right we got   ourselves a nice little one-hour Drive guys to  get us to the hotel so I guess we're kind of far   from uh where I thought we were gonna be well  my friends as you can see it looks like we got   ourselves a little guahate traffic to get out of  here oh yeah we're not the only ones who want to   get out of here us two brother us two okay so they  just let a hold up here from our guys Donny Abad how's my awesome ease good da da so you guys like  I mentioned it's about a 58 minute ride to get us   from the airport to the hotel that I'm staying  at and so yeah it's gonna be a little bit of   a cruise we'll get to see what it's like I wish  it was light out so we could show you guys more   because I'll put the camera outside and show  you some stuff along the way because I'm super   excited to be here but obviously when it's dark  it's obviously like not going to give that same   perspective as when it's just clear as day but  yeah I'm paying 1100 for the taxi from the taxi   stand just went straight up to the first one I  saw and 1100 I want to say it's like 13 13 US   dollars or something like that so 13 to get us an  hour away is like really good price our good man's   definitely gonna get himself a tip if he's driving  well so let's do this it's been a while namaste that's the challenge with ambulances here guys  there's so much traffic coming into guwahati   where they can't even make it very far   you just hope there's not too bad of an emergency  basic life support ambulance that's emergency   number one zero eight in India well the good news  is where the ambulance is going straight into the   Apollo Hospital so it was only like three  minutes ago when I had the camera recording   because hopefully that person is safe and sound  now there is a lot of traffic here wow that's an   official welcoming back to India I forgot how much  traffic there was at all hours of the day Scott oh we got cows in the road right there all right here we are we're at vivanta  all right well this looks like a proper   Vibe so apparently I think this is  one of the nicest hotels in guwahati   and you can see that when you  drive right in all right brother and we got our lucky shot heavy backpack Take  Care thank you brother goodbye wow we have made it   welcome my friends this is vivanta oh better late  than never hello all right oh that's a automatic   here and we are at the hotel here this looks like  a proper Vibe you got check-in right over here   smells like incense in here I got all the bells  on the walls and everything there's real Bells too   oh whoa that's a full-on heavy  metal chains yeah that's that's   luxurious guys that's why the price  tags a little higher here I'm a scar   yes oh perfect I gotta check in for  a room please oh it's under Mac candy bud yeah how's my awesome ears good decent yes   are that's Hindi okay I thought  that I thought Daniel is awesome all right all right so your last name sir it's  candy c-a-n-d-w-e yes easy thank you so much perfect thank you so much I really appreciate it  all right my friends we are inside the hotel so   what [Music] uh yeah so guys this is the lobby of  the place we've got all these paintings right here   we're gonna be doing a proper tour of this hotel  I need to drop this bag though guys because it   is heavy but they were nice they said they hooked  me up with a Hillview room so I guess it's a bit   of an upgrade and I paid I think 95 for one night  here which is maybe like just over 7 000 uh Indian   rubies and that'll give me one night that's your with breakfast as well so you know not   too bad to uh be here in luxury you know a place  like this in the United States is going to cost   you like quadruple the amount Actually I don't  even know what floor I'm going to 531 there we go   that was a journey my friends  this man needs a shower badly   it's like a 531 down this way has like the smell  of fresh clean air or the light smell of cigs must   be the smoking floor too 531 where are thou we  shall see namaskar all right here we go that's us   all right well this looks like a vibe  oh yeah let's get these lights on   nope that's the cult privacy make my room foyer   ceiling vanity all right we're starting to get  some lights on got the AC unit there well maybe   this is how it goes on bed reading master master  on okay welcome to my place in guwahati my friends does feel like home we got a little office  space right there do we have a balcony too   or are they just teasing us well there  we go that pool is screaming my name   right now that's probably gonna be the first  thing I do my friends wow all right we have   I'm still in shock guys like traveling for 24  hours and then you like arrive you're like whoa   all right let's get into things okay you know  closet space here not that I brought too many   items with my single backpack and in here looks  like a mini bar there okay mini bar items for sale   teas from India roasted cashew nuts coffees and  what's down here empty fridge that's a bummer so   to find a little something something in there  but on the bright side we do have I think   complementary water right there and let's check  out these bathrooms it's glowing over here wow   very luxurious got the western style to hear the  bum gun phone to call the reception to order room   service while you're sitting there looks like  toothbrushes toothpaste some body creams there   and a nice big bath honestly even a bat sounds  nice right now just ah relaxing and the rain   don't shower so that's the place guys definitely  uh luxury stay here and it's just crazy like if   you guys saw my last series I was in Italy right  in Italy super expensive especially compared to   like India so a place like this in Italy would  be like four or five hundred dollars per night   and here I'm paying under a hundred dollars per  night so it's nice to be in a place where prices   aren't as crazy expensive as Italy because uh yeah  welcome to India my friends and last but not least feather pillows my friends no just kidding  cotton in them but trust me they'll get the   job done it's uh I had a good sleep with the  mantis sleep mask on the plane that you guys   saw at the beginning of the video but of  course adding that sleep mask along with   the bed will make it even better so yeah guys  not time for the uh nap now as you can see I   changed here showered after waiting 24 hours so  I'm very happy about that trust me and now we're   gonna go explore the hotel I want to get myself a  little dinner maybe go by the pool maybe I don't   know we shall see we made it back downstairs my  friends I gotta find ourselves the uh restaurant   I see a chef's hat down there so I think we're  going in the right direction as you can see I'm   definitely dressed for a nice fancy dinner got  my swimsuit on and the shirt so we've got what   is that you made me and what we got going on over  here hello oh good evening uh what options uh are   there for food is that uh Buffet okay and then  this one uh Phoenician is that what uh Cuisine   or country is definitely uh Chinese Japanese  okay so Indian food over here all right perfect my room number is 531 thank  you to estino all right all right let's see what we've got going on at  the buffet over here oh yes fresh and yummy how's   that thing right in there let's see of course  we're gonna start out with a little uh Little   Italian my friends it's like a nice Italian  bread right there a little cheese on this one   okay definitely gonna need toss  some butter namaskar brother   all right roast garlic and corn soup and some  fresh breads yeah it looks like opani Puri   uh hello hello namaskar so can I please  have a Pani Puri and which one's pop T chat oh oh okay that's good yeah  okay can I please have both   okay oh can I watch the video yes yeah I'll  put the video a head chef yeah yeah nice to   meet you yeah thank you so much my name's Mac  pleasure all right so this is how it's made   here so we got a little onion being mixed in  with tomatoes and what's that like potato yes a little Masala okay very nice okay and that kind of just  gets mixed right in there [Music]   and you've basically just fill them up and so people eat these for every  meal or just for dinner and lunch   for dinner okay it's a good dinner item are  they pretty like filling like yeah okay perfect   that'll mix well with my cheese bread here so what's a good amount to start with like six  of them six of them is a good good amount yes all   right that looks great yeah guys the last time  I had panipuri was in Kerala which was a year   ago now so that was uh from a street vendor here  and now we're gonna get them at the nice hotel   try them out how they make them here by these  incredible chefs and what your good name my name   is nice to meet you my name is Mac so GoDaddy is  making us six delicious Pani Potters right here   and the ingredients I can tell you guys they  look very fresh here we've got all the fresh   vegetables the spices there oh yeah it's gonna be  a great first meal and much needed after 24 hours   of travel if you guys are still watching this far  into the video it's been a long day but we made it so is this like the most popular Indian snack in   the whole country yeah Penny pudding  so you wanna try with sweet water or which one's this one oh okay maybe spicy yeah is   it very spicy all right I can do a  little spicy let's let's do it yeah and then how does it work basically I like fill   up the pineapple you have to finish it  and then eat it fast yeah okay perfect all right let's try the Sweet Water so the the greenish one   is then the spicy and then the red  one is sweet oh that looks perfect thank you so much to bring that one straight  over to the table here but I'm going to try in   just a bit thank you so much all right we've got  uh a bunch of sweets here we gotta try out I'm   very hungry so we got the penny Curry we've  got the breads apple crumble pie we're gonna   come back up for desserts later oh wow this  is legendary dear guess we'll serve starters   on your table okay so we're gonna get a  couple of starters that they'll drop off   for us and we'll just keep looking around the  buffet then mushroom not a huge mushroom guy   but we do have vegetable Haka noodles oh yeah  that's an we'll get some of these in the mix oh I think that actually goes all right and  vegetable curry and Thai green vegetable food   all right I think we definitely need some Curry  there we're gonna need some rice to toss it on top   Mediterranean vegetables stew  a nice little scoop there chicken fricassee oh yeah free coffee oh  yeah nice and drippy there mix that in and then okay we got the pasta counter okay  that looks great what do you recommend my friend what type of pasta do you recommend Italian pasta is okay can we make  an Italian pasta in an Indian way and what's your good name all right so we're gonna be uh making a delish  setup here so we're getting the Italian style   pastas which is ironic guys because if you saw  my last video I was literally in Italy and now we   are gonna mix it in with a little Indian Cuisine  we've got some of the Indian spices down there   toss a little butter up in  there get the pan ready to go [Music]   a little garlic right there oh yeah that's a must   Ang oh perfect so this is your special recipe then  yeah your special recipe yeah well that's perfect yeah a little bit of everything that's  gonna get the flavors just right you   got the garlic basically searing right up in  there with the butter and all those veggies   let me tell you my friend oh there's no better  smell than that oh that is great that is delicious oh yeah spice it up there we go all right and that one's called black oh  black pepper all right I know black pepper   pretty one all right parsley parsley okay  wow literally cooking up a storm right here   a little bit of everything oh yeah that's a nice touch we'll load up the pasta right up in there delicious you're from guwahati Brother  Hood oh yeah oh that's close to here after the job yeah yeah very nice and white  sauce pasta oh I added white sauce okay that's   like a alfredo sauce um oh yeah there we go the  cheese there we go that's always a great mix that's an alfredo oh perfect I can't go wrong with a little more  butter in there keeps things moving foreign all right it is time my friends to try  out this Pani Puri all right here we go   first time having panipuri in a year an entire  year so let's see if I can get this first try   we're gonna go with this spicy one to start out  because I need a nice little kick to wake me up   I haven't slept much in the last 24 hours  traveling here so you fill that thing up [Music] all right that is spicy oh yeah oh Danny  my brother we got a nice Spice in these panipuris   cool gotta wake up all right she was not  kidding it it does have a nice little kick to it   I would guess she's a bit more used  to the spices than I am though because   that got my throat going but  that is a delicious panipuri   a nice crunch to it and I'm going for round two  spice though we gotta get our bodies used to it I love it I love it that is a proper welcoming bag  I don't know if there's any other dish that is a   hello we're back in India than just having a nice   little appetizer of Honey 40 but we're  going to change things up a little bit   here we've got the sweet uh juice that  we're gonna pour in fill that thing up I like the sweet sweet's good a little bit  easier to take down I would say overall but   I'm more of a spicy guy these days so I do  prefer the spice over it if you're not like   used to what it's like to eat something like  this so when you fill it up it's basically like   a crunchy outside a really juicy inside so  you get like just an absolute mouthful when   you eat this you got to be ready I even have  my uh napkin on the left just in case and oh   I'm already forgetting I gotta make sure I  get used to using my right hand because in   India it's rude to use his left hand because  uh this hand is used for the bathroom sorry   I've been the first couple videos while  I'm adjusting to that I use the wrong hand this is delicious my friends all right next up  we're going to try a little Italian pasta here   right after being in Italy if you guys have  been following along on the channel which not   as many of you guys followed along for  the Italy series we ate a lot of pasta   made a lot of pizza and now ironically  my first official meal here in India I'm   having more pasta but I had to make it the  Indian way so we'll see how this compares wow that's a gourmet pasta right there you saw the way he hooked it up we have all those  veggies we have all those different uh spices salt   and just that creamy sauce mixed in with the  cheese the noodles are cooked to a proper chill so this is this is Italy level pasta truly it is   I mean literally I got assuming  my last meals were there so yeah that's phenomenal compliments to the chef   it doesn't really have much of like any Indian  curries or spices or things like that you saw   all the ingredients you put in but that's the  nice part now you know you can get options of   both like very spicy fruit style dishes or you  can get like more like Western meals like the   Italian food here I'm sure there's a bunch more  we're not done we got dessert on the menu still so um I'm a happy man this is exactly what I  needed after 24 hours of travel all right   what are we gonna get next oh honey  Prairie was amazing compliments to the   chef I'll set the third server  gloves don't even thank you   brother it was delicious I will say  you know what you're doing behind the   counter here making the noodles that's that's  Italy quality so don't even thank you brother thank you incredible all right so we've got the starters  here the starters it looks like we've maybe got   some sort of fish or chicken I would guess  maybe chicken in a few different formats   I believe our friend who brought us it mentioned  it to me but I just didn't hear him exactly what   he said but let's try this out we'll dip it in  the green sauce I'm assuming that's where it goes you can never go wrong when you start  by grabbing the Fried Chicken piece   that is fantastic just got  a nice oily chew to it um but I see why I brought the green  sauce out it's this is a match made   in heaven right here you just kind  of soak it up so you're getting that   crunch mixed in with a nice like like  almost wet texture you're adding to it I'm not really certain what the name of  this green sauce is maybe like a green   curry sauce it's got a light spice  to it but it's really smooth wow I don't know if I'm just like super hungry right  now or if this is like some of the freshest   and best hotel food I've had in a long time but  really well done you can tell the chefs here are   very professional really kind and they put their  heart and soul into it and I love that I always   appreciate that about places that you know just  really care about impressing the guests it goes a   long way and it makes it worth it spent a little  bit more on a higher end Hotel higher end meal and that was the grilled  chicken it was a boneless piece   those together nice but no doubt  in my mind that Fried Chicken is   for sure number one and then the last one  we have here is maybe some sort of like you can't tell maybe like a breaded chicken there it's got a oh no that's definitely a fish  that's definitely a fish at first I thought   it was a chicken but it's because it's  got a pretty pretty heavy layer of spice   on it then my mind was probably just  processing the taste of the spice and   didn't even realize that you had some  sort of I would guess local fish here well I'm not personally a huge fish fan  knowing a bit about like how fish should   be cooked so I have had quite a bit done well  it kind of like breaks apart in your mouth   the sauce on it adds a nice cake it makes someone  that's not as big of a fish fan like even more   so very very well done compliments again to  the chef for those of you who are planning to   travel to India soon I just want to mention to  go down to the link in the description below I   actually have a Playbook that covers the top 10  most desired places to visit in India and all   you have to do is sign up for my newsletter and  that link in the description below and it's all   anyways guys we are gonna try out this pasta well  it's very delicious brother thank you so much last but not least my friends we had the starter  we had the two freshly made items the Pani Puri   well my sinuses are running even a little bit  from the spice levels I'm just gonna adapt the   body to them but yeah we've got uh all the fresh  meals then we're finishing off actually with the   buffet so we've got the vegetable noodles  here really good they set out for a little   bit while I was filming the other parts  so it's still good a little closer now um say the Mediterranean stew right here that's nice lots of fresh vegetables mixed  in there looks like we've got chickpeas   ES some peppers kind of like a slightly  spicy red sauce that brings it all together   it goes down smooth and last  but not least the chicken that is a proper meal [Music] foreign we got ourselves a nice little dessert  right here my friends that is an apple   crumble pie this is what I'm most looking forward   to out of everything let's get that  first bite it's always the best right that is nice that is really nice it's got like  a sugary almost like tart that sprinkled up   top and when you just take a bite you just feel  that crunch going oh that is fantastic [Music] and this thing I did not know what it was it  was some sort of like pink oily thing there   was a name on it but I didn't bring my camera  with when I was recording it to go pick it up whoa it's like a spongy texture and it literally  soaks up the oils or juices or whatever it is   like a sponge you can see it dripping out but  like when you take a bite just like when you   squeeze a sponge all the liquid just comes flying  out but it's nice like why not something that I   would eat as often as let's say the apple crunch  pie but it's got a good like unique flavor to it this tastes like a sugar water mixed with I don't know very spongy  though not my preferred dessert [Music] now that apple pie is all  right that's a proper finish off   to the meal too they brought  us out some cookies and tea um freshly baked we're gonna sleep like a baby  tonight and that was dinner my friends oh it   is time to get some rest thank you thank you  brother nice evening you're the manager yes   oh nice to meet you very good food here thank  you thank you very much oh it was incredible 10   out of 10. thank you thank you thank you very  much what time is the pool opening tomorrow thank you very much thank you thank you that  was a delish meal my friends and as much as   I wanted to check out the pool tonight it's  going to be closed and I was gonna go to the   gym but we'll save that for the morning too I  think I deserve a rest right if you're loving   the India content head down to the link in  the description below and you'll be able to   find a piece of content that's not on YouTube  which is the 10 most unique places to visit   in India and all you have to do is sign up for my  newsletter and the guide will be yours in seconds   and boom my friends fast forward to the morning we  are here in the gym and I must say the hotel I'm   staying at is a good one and you know it's a good  one when they have a gym this big this is awesome   it's got all the essentials here I might even  actually extend my stay pay for another couple   nights here just because it's nice to be able  to arrive and get into a good gym routine and so   yeah we've got everything we've got free weights  we've got the machines yoga mats plenty of mirrors   here to do stretching and workouts in front of all  these leg presses you got cardio machines there uh   obviously like the ellipticals and the treadmill  over there so let's go ahead and toss you guys   in for a little time lapse I'm by no means some  sort of like gym instructor or anything but I'm   just showing you guys what my first 24 hours here  in India are like so let's get into it [Music] all right my friends that was  a quick little workout here   we're feeling much better getting the energy  back here hello hello okay we got a little Spa   going on over here all right I might have to  come back and do one later what are the prices   uh 4720 4720 and that's uh like a one hour okay  perfect all right maybe I'm gonna come back uh   later I gotta go film some more of uh guahate  but uh maybe tonight what time are you open till um what time is that seven and then it's  eight eight oh eight eight okay perfect   don't ever maybe see you then thank you very much  all right my friends we might be finishing off   this video today massage later on but uh for now  one last trip over to the pool we'll check that   out show you guys without amenity and that'll  be it sweet little hotel though super luxurious   I see why it's the best in guwahati and we  have located the pool on the first floor oh how are we got a nice little patio to chill  out here Landscaping is done very well wow   yeah it is hot here much different than  being in Italy in the last series where   some places were a little warm but honestly kind  of cold so here we go hello hello swimming pool   seems like the courtyard kind of wraps around  back there and this is the pool look at that   that thing is ready to be jumped right on in  namaskar how are you yeah this is the uh hot   pool or cold pool not cold okay let's test  it out there oh that's not refreshing then Mac nice to meet you you're the responsible one  of the pool yeah nice to meet you thank you prime   uh yeah I'm gonna do a little swimming can I  have a towel down here bud da da pretty good   all right is there a deep end in a shallow  end same okay same all the way all right so   guys we're gonna do a little swimming right  here looks like it's about 1.2 meters deep   set up camp right there already got the  swimsuit on all right I'd say it's about   that time to head straight in because I don't  know how deep it is we're just gonna do a good   old-fashioned uh Cannonball jump right over  these steps all right here we go three two one foreign that was nice oh yeah that was nice my friend oh no better feeling than also having the pool  all to myself right now that's the pleasure   of going at 2PM yes my friends I got up at  2PM so you're not sleeping all that time yeah   my friends I didn't even actually film when  I first woke up like I normally do so I was   so tired got up at 10 30. went straight down  actually missed breakfast I think actually  

probably got down there by 11. missed the  breakfast time and then after that had a   little coffee and some muffins and then I  was like oh crap it's already like nearly   noon so went to the gym got a nice little  workout in and now I am enjoying the pool   at 2PM but I'm gonna stay here a total of three  nights so the vivanta has treated me quite well wow super Vivy place though we have these like  really unique palm trees coconut trees not   sure what they're called out here or what breed  they are but they're like almost look like bamboo   on the tree trunks and at the very top it  looks like a uh coconut tree or a palm tree   and then oh on this side we actually  have coconut trees like the ones I've   seen in a lot of other places so drop  a comment whatever type of tree that is   oh that was a nice little dip and that's where  we're gonna end today's video guys really hope   you've enjoyed exploring the beautiful hotel  here I've had such a nice time food has been   delicious for dinner and then a nice little  snack this morning and of course the pool   is a Vibe so thank you guys so much for watching  we got a lot of content coming out here in India   this is just the very beginning so thank you so  much and we will see you in the next India video

2023-04-27 20:04

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