MY FIRST TIME IN NEW YORK! *A dream*| VideoVlog

MY FIRST TIME IN NEW YORK! *A dream*| VideoVlog

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On Thursday like the my. I'm. In New York, I'm. In freaking New York, I can't, believe it it's. So crazy like. I just ah am. I actually. Holy. Oh it's, gone. Hi. Everyone okay. Today I am. Dying. Okay, um, today. Not. Today but tomorrow. We're. Off to, New York. Meter. New, York City you, know what I mean like they're real like the actual. This. Is just crazy. This. Is just crazy we're going cuz I have to do some stuff over there which I'll probably, know, more about that you know. Later. On. Yeah. Right. Now it's I think it's, like 8:30, p.m. we have our flight, 8:20. P.m., tomorrow. So, pretty much in like 12. Hours I'm gonna be in, a. Plane. On. My, way to, New York for. Audition. Oh. My. God, this is oh this is. Crazy just crazy, um. I obviously. Wanted to share with you guys cuz, this. Is a real important, moment in my life. And. I think that it will be nice to share with you guys make this a little blog going. To New York for the first time I. Think. I'm gonna cry. Probably. I'm so excited and I'm so excited to you with me guys so get. Ready I'm about to pack up and then. Tomorrow. We're gonna be off to. New, York. That. Was kind of weird but York I've been actually doing a lot of like face mask and a lot of like things, to take care of my skin but is still of his little pimple, right here and, I still got this. Tumor, here this one over here it was just annoying but. I've. Been actually doing like a lot of face masks, and a lot of things cuz I feel like I got to look my best, cuz, I have something, really really important, really, really exciting, to do over there so, it's not just the fact that I'm going to neither you know what the. Fact that I'm going to New York to. Do something. Which. Is really exciting so by the way I dye my hair, if. It looks like a little different, that's, why. I'm. Ready to think I'm alone now okay. So this is a final product. That's. How my remix I, love. It. Like. A I'm. Upset. But they're like it's so good I. Just. Made it all even. Like one color and. Then. I'll. Get a bit darker, than what it was and. Actually, love it I think I'm obsessed but they're like it's so, good. But. I just. Can't wait so let's just let's just go. Alright, so I'm gonna do right here now cuz I won't get time to learn. All. Right here, dawn. Anyways. I'm gonna go to bed okay this. Feels a little surreal, gonna, be on it I'm already I got my. Outfit. That I'm gonna be wearing tomorrow right here and I also got that. Thing. Done. I'm, just ready I'm so ready let's go. I'm. Ready I'll see you tomorrow. Good. Morning. I. Can't. Wake up I'm so tired but. Today's. A day. Let's. Go. I. Think. It's um. 4:50. A.m.. I'm. Going. I'm. Going to, New, York. That's. So crazy ok ok not. Let's. Go. Hello. Good morning. I'm. So tired I definitely need some coffee. But. Are. You going to New York. So. All. Right I'm. Just gonna do a little makeup. Just, so I don't look like a zombie when, I get there um. So. This is me just doing my makeup, real quick like this is like a really quick. Makeup. Look so, it. Won't look amazing. That, I'll be still trying, I need. A pee first. The. New destination, at, this time we asked you to go ahead and finish up in your last minute texts tweets Instagram, Facebook hopefully. Or not. This is me editing the video so I totally, forgot, to say that we got lost. First, of all we have right to the wrong hotel which. Was a real real really like fancy and nice hotel, next to like Times Square I was like oh yeah. This. Is so nice. But. That was not a hotel anyway, then they over was like it was so fancy and I was like I know right.

We. Never told him we got lost anyway. And then, it. Was nice because you know we were next to time squares and then went to like a bunch of pictures which, I didn't, like I look, bad. But. Then. We, had to walk like. 20. Minutes to get to our real hotel with. All our stuff. Just walking in the streets and it was we look like homeless people basically. But. Then we found this really nice place and then we had breakfast. Oh. My. God. Alright, so. Here. I am. New. York, City. Like, this is crazy. Just. Look at that. Yes. You. Alright, alright so my camera died. But. But I was saying that this is, the. First, time I'm coming to New York and she's just so exciting, I'm so happy to be here that's so beautiful. Anyways. Um I'm. Just getting ready, I'm, practicing, my audition, and doing all that you know I'll, see you, once, I'm done new. Finished. Practicing. My audition and then, I might, do kind, of I wouldn't, do it forever, cause it's, literally just the bed the. Window. And then, just about right over there in. The door that's. Little. Hi. Good morning this. Is like our first morning, in. New. York and I, probably, look like crazy, because I'm wearing this for like acne and all that but, right now I'm just kind of took my may copy thinking it ready and, then. We're gonna, hit two Fred's. We're gonna have breakfast, and then we're going to the Statue of Liberty, which. I'm pretty excited about, so. Let's just hurry, up and let's go. It. Was looks like one of those both videos, where, is like you. Get ready with, famous. Actress. Further, away too. Is he over here. Me. Basically, Nawrocki. All. Right so. We're. Back from. The. I. Was, gonna say Eiffel Tower Statue. Of Liberty and. Taking. Some rest - it was pretty tiring. But. It was pretty, exciting, we're. Gonna take some rest and then we're gonna hang out a little maybe later on it's. 4:00. P.m., so I still got time, and. I'll see you once we know it again. Okay. So before. Going, to New York I actually got my nails done and they, were like okay now they're ugly but they were like a kind. Of white kind, of nude really light color, and they. Look pretty good you know like white and I was like okay it's good, damn, like after. Like two. Days it's dirty turning, like. Yellowish. Like, in the tips and it was kind of disgusting, but then by the time I was in New York, they were literally orange. But like so. Nasty, they were so, nasty I don't know what happened to them it. Just got so burnt, and like so bad and then we. Just went out to get them Dan Donegan that's, the, finish. This. Is, actually. Amazing. Thank. You. People. Know what I'm doing when no one's watching don't, think I'm. Nails. With some water. Alright. So, tomorrow. It's. My. Addition. To Julia. How. Crazy. Exciting. And, just crazy. Exciting. It is. Today. We went to the. Jeweler at school just to see how it was and just we went outside and was just kind of like salary. Everything looked like from like outside, and I took a picture with it I was. Kind of shaking and then, crying because it's so beautiful and it's just way. Better you know in real life and, in. The picture and now that I'm here is just so crazy but actually, happening and I. Okay. That's. Pretty much it I actually got. Some. Face. Masks, um. You. Know like for like acne is there like my. Eyes so, I don't, look like puffy, or, you. Know pimples. Tomorrow, but. I'm. Just hoping I'm just dreaming I'm just working hard we'll see how it goes. I'm. Just gonna you know put, the face on a song Oh. See. You, tomorrow. February. 1st 2020. Partition. Date. It. Smells good. I'm. Gonna end up looking like that I. Mean. It's all. Cheese. Smells really good, oh okay. Sir. Closed. Eyes and relax for 10 minutes. Remove. Mask and rinse sorry, just in a week ten minutes. If. I disappear, in bottles I'm gonna be, so. Happy, I'm. Smiling by the way. Like. Take it off and then just rinse it out so. That's. Better, what, a clue Luxor what it felt. Rinsed. And. Queen. I'm. Like, in the study. Room, I'm just practicing for my audition and, I. Think. I'm gonna go I'm shaking, if this camera shake is because I'm shaking and I'm shaking in my quaking I'm gonna so what happiness I did but.

It's. Going to it so far so good I was just laying on the floor going, really like off. Limits. But. That's what we want right. All. Right so, I'm, so happy excited ready. And, I'll. Let you know how it goes. This. Is the moment right. So. I didn't, get in and I'm just trying. To get lost at Central. Park, what. Reflect, on nor the thing that's going on in my livelihood see next. Got. Dim in like a little. And. I'll see got this paper. It. Was a good experience, I also got like this paper in here which, I'm gonna save it like, forever and ever for. It like me to realize that you know I'm trying, and, thought, that was not probably not the right way I still. Kind of like still. Can make it and then like a different, kind. Of like. Way. If that makes any sense. So, now I'm here just sitting like here. Just like, Central Park I love myself. But. You, know it's, just so beautiful I'm fell in love with this city and I. Would totally. I would, totally milk here if I ever get the chance which I know I will. We, want is your personal log camera. All. Right last night in New York and, I got a pimple so I got, this like. Some leaves like. Longer, my eyes to. Really neat so, I'm gonna put those on and. Then. Fairly. Small. It. Was such a fun experience though. I'll, let you guys know more when I get home. Okay. Cute, very weakened fresh with the looking three. Yeah. All right. Okay. So today is our last day in New York, that's. So sad. We. Had such a good time and it was so fun I love. It they want to move here it's just like which, is gonna figure out how but I'm, definitely not. Saying goodbye forever because, I will definitely, be back as. Soon as I can, but, we're. Just gonna go out to have breakfast, and, then. We'll. Be on our way home. Let's. Go. And. Then. On my way home I took like some pictures in the bathroom. Actually. Don't know why well yeah cause Elida was kind of cute, but the smell was not. All. Right, so, we're here we're home now and.

I'm. Just actually, watching, the, Super Bowl. Yeah. Um, it. Was such a good, experience I, fell in love with New York thank you so much guys for watching and just saying - and and for coming with me because it was so fun to take you guys with me I definitely, want to travel more and just share, with you guys so. I'm just in his you liked, didn't. Like realize. I. Went. To New York because I had this really good opportunity, and I went you, know try, to go get it. I didn't. Get it but. I will, definitely continue trying and just you, know that's, pretty. Much what life is all about just, going out put, just helping like uncomfortable, amazing. Like extraordinary. And just, crazy, experiences. And just go and live them you know what I mean don't be scared to like go out and just get, out get out of your comfort zone, just like that's. How you'll get the best. Experiences. In life and this, was one of those like this was definitely a, really. Good trip, I loved it I it, really, made my mind, open I didn't. Get it this time but you know it really makes. Me work. Even. Harder, cuz I worked hard for that but, I didn't get it so now it's like okay now gotta, work like even, twice. Or, like tripled, its. Sorry. And that you, know, those like Super Bowl ads are so weird yeah that's one of those all right. So. You got to go even like twice harder, and tripled, time. Like harder, or like stronger, than you win the first thing but. It, just really make. Me like experience. What it will be like or what its gonna be like in. The, future and, the. Not so far future I hope. Thank, you for watching you. Know follow your dreams. Today.

2020-03-25 07:34

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