My day in Sri Lankan Paradise

My day in Sri Lankan Paradise

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Hello, hello! Good afternoon, guys it is another day here in the beautiful city of Ella, Sri Lanka and in today's video guys we are going to go on some adventures see what some of the best things to do are here but to be honest with you I think the first move is to head over to a local coffee shop I actually need some faster internet because I found something very interesting about Sri Lanka and after going to a few places where there was very fast wi-fi I have found that there's a limit and us youtubers tend to figure that out because we have so much footage we're constantly uploading especially me because all these raw footage videos that comes off my GoPro they go to my editor so it requires so much internet. So, anyways guys you probably don't care about all that stuff but the reason why I’m telling you this is because there's basically like a 25 gigabyte limit at most places except basically, like huge establishments maybe like corporate buildings bigger hotels then they have more of an unlimited package of course that's very expensive so only the large places can afford it so that's why a lot of these places we've been to maybe the internet will work well for yeah maybe an hour or so when all three of us me Ali and Harry, me Ali and Harry are on the wi-fi and then after that it kind of just shuts down on us and that's because we're hitting the 25 gigabyte limit. So, we've kind of been struggling with that as we travel city to city but luckily with some of the nicer hotels we've stayed at we've been able to make up for it there so yeah guys my little rant maybe for some of you that might be interesting for you to know kind of how the wi-fi works here because normally not normally but in most countries I go to when you have internet at your home or business it's usually, unlimited you don't pay per gig that's pretty much only when it comes to cell phone data plans. So, yeah now you're

probably wondering where I’m at where I’m going and I’m actually walking through the village roads here our hotel we're staying at which is the Hide Ella here in Ella obviously is just right up down the road and so we're walking down the hill by we I mean me and you guys joining me on this journey we've got Ali and Harry doing some other things at the moment so we're cruising over to an internet café that's where this whole rant came from not really a rant just for me to share with you guys in case it's helpful. So, we're cruising down now I think I’ve got a good place in mind called like rainbow cafe and we'll stop there see how it is and show you once we get there. So, guys we are coming up on to-- Oh, hello, my friend. What has he got going on over here a little coconut session good afternoon my friend. How are you?

Subodesina [Good morning] Komada Machan [How are you, bro?] You have fresh coconuts here? Oh, one for me please. How much is the coconut? How much? Ten thousand? Ten thousand? How much is one coconut? Freshly sliced coconut one of these ones. One of-- Which one's the good one? This one or this one? This one's better or this one's better? Let's try the 200 one please. This is a fresh coconut you can see he's got the the proper knife slicer oh he's gonna chop oh and there we go it just pops right off there and now, we're going to get-- I’m gonna see how miss the gentleman gets it-- And there we go and that's how you open that thing just chop the side starts to come off and boom wow you really got to watch where you're going with that knife because one false move that could take a finger off. It gives me a little anxiety just looking at that guys but you really gotta take off like multiple layers it's probably maybe three four centimeters off the top. And then now we're chopping the top right open oh that knife's pretty clean there it's turning the coconut black-- Yum and, we've almost got a hole boom and we're fine we're we're making way and it looks like it looks like we have a successful coconut opening.

Stootee [Thank you] Perfect machan [Bro] What other thing machan [bro]? What's a curd? Oh, no thank you Machan [Bro] Very nice let's see here looking for the change. You keep the change Stootee Machan [Thank you, bro] Thank you Guys that was an impromptu spontaneous stop to get a coconut might as well get a little revitalization and if you watch my videos you know I’m not really a huge fan of coconut but Ali, Luke and Harry told me that I need to try one here they've all had the coconuts actually I don't know if Harry has maybe he has but I was like you know what I’m gonna give coconut another shot here here we go guys I’m a little nervous because there's been a few times the coconut did not sit well with me so we're gonna try it out though Oh my god I’m not even kidding right now actually, I think this is the first coconut water I have ever had where I could say I actually like it Oh, guys this is dangerous the only thing it is obviously sitting out here in the hot sun so it's a little bit warm I can imagine having a little ice in here and having a cold coconut that would do the trick because the warm one's not the greatest but the taste is actually much better than I remember because I probably had most frequently like your traditional coconut juice that is a bit more like I guess store processed and you know it adds that coconut flavor where this doesn't really taste like coconutty, you know like if you imagine just something that tastes like coconut it's very distinct flavor whereas this just kind of tastes like a natural water with a very light coconut feel to it. Delicious guys it's funny I’m looking over there that sign says your choice but it's supposed to look kind of like the I guess it looks kind of like the YouTube logo but oh they're closed up top I was gonna say we could have them make us a little shirt over there Entire coconut finish guys wow I am impressed let's head over to the coffee shop. Stootee Machan [Thank you, bro] Thank you I think Machan [Bro] just went and bought a bunch of lottery tickets with the extra 1000 that I gave him I guess I gave him a 900 tip you know it was 200 for that coconut so I gave him a nice little 800 tip really nice guy old timer so made his day and hopefully he'll win big on that lottery ticket he just bought. So, guys we are cruising over we're looking for rainbow cafe that's buds and beans there's a lot of cafes in this area downtown in a previous video we took you guys through here at night obviously night versus day is going to be a much different vibe to it here it's more relaxed in the evening you can see or hear like a lot more music lights going on and it's quite nice. Hello, machan [Bro] Thank you, Machan alright we're cruising around we got the salesman out nice people over here but we're looking for the rainbow café I’m gonna check the gps we gotta be getting pretty close. We've got it looks like another 80

meters to go on the left we've got a beach party going on over there it sounds like and the nice part guys you got everything you got your atms restaurants tea shops spas you even have accommodation right downtown it is nice if you plan on spending time going out and like hanging out at night going to restaurants staying close to the downtown is definitely key from just what I’ve seen like it's just so nice being able to walk back to our hotel to and from in about you know five or six minutes. Five minutes on the way down because it's downhill maybe 10 minutes on the way up because it's uphill so here we go local taxi stand right there we got Sri Lanka’s craziest bus driver. Hello, hello! Alright, and we are still looking there it is this looks like the spot we're trying to go to it is called café rainbow it looks quite inviting and busy so that's a good sign café rainbow got a few levels here and let's see how we get into this place. Hello, Machan [Bro] Do I know you? The entrance up here. Thank you.

Hello, Machan Subodesina [Good morning, bro] See we got going on here. Komada Machan [How are you, bro?] Alright my friend do you have a fast wi-fi here? Fast wi-fi here? Perfect where is the wi-fi fastest this floor or that floor? And it's faster here or here? The whole place yeah so maybe I sit here thank you perfect Stoote Machan [Thank you, Bro] Hello Subodesina [Good morning] my friend. Alright maybe this little couch viberooney's the spot. We've got a nice view in here so, as you can see, we've got table seating here up top maybe we'll take you for a tour up there in a moment and then over here you can see nice views café chill that's also what my buddy Kody had recommended that it's a great spot to go to looks like it's also this spot to be so let's go ahead and sit down here we'll check out the wi-fi make sure it's fast enough. If it's not fast enough might need to move over to another spot but anyways guys if you're thinking about coming to rainbow cafe, we've got a lot of different options we've got it looks like many different types of drinks here both alcoholic, non-alcoholic depending on what you're into. Of course

tea and coffee that's what it's probably most known for and food all day looks like you got a lot of vegetarian options maybe it's all vegetarian here I might have seen that on the sign walking in smoothie bowls had I not already eaten breakfast guys I would for sure be getting a smoothie bowls like acai bowls or anything like that super healthy are great way to start the morning out but yeah that's rainbow café guys the menu looks fantastic guys we are running a speed test on it now so it looks like download speeds here are 13, 12. what are we gonna get to oh 13 megabits a second and what are we gonna end at alright upload four oh, we're dropping severely dropping it's not the greatest but you know I think it's gonna have to do I think it's gonna have to do hello my friend I’m looking for something that's a non-alcoholic something cold maybe a fruttini which one do you recommend like a passion delight oh oh that's-- it's ice cream what about just like a juice? Very nice okay so maybe then I’ll I’ll go with the pineapple carrot and ginger please. And then I think we'll start with that for now.

What's your good name? My name is -- Nice to meet you I’m Mac, it's a pleasure. Thank you very much my friend. Perfect guys so he's gonna hook us up with one of these delicious juices right there so that's where we're gonna get it started and the drink has arrived but also, the hair man has arrived the man needs to get some work done so we're gonna see what we can get done here with the limited wi-fi capabilities but as I told you guys, we've got a delicious pineapple carrot and ginger for 4.90 I didn't tell you the price so it's roughly and fifty cents let's test it out see how it is. Nothing like a little fresh juice to get us going.

Wow, I don't know why whenever I have fresh fruit juice that is ginger and it's just like one of my favorite flavors to have in the morning it just gives you like this like load of energy. As much as I want to slam this one like I usually do I’ve got to savor this one so we ended up getting iced tea, mineral water, and then Harry also got the pineapple carrot ginger it comes out to about 1600 for us to enjoy those. So very good very refreshing on a hot day that is roughly eight dollars so not too bad we're gonna go to another place I think we burned through all the wi-fi here so let's go to the next place and burn that wi-fi thank you see you next time. Alright, let's I guess we're gonna have to see

what other places have wi-fi around here I’m sure they all have wi-fi question is who has the best wi-fi around here we got café chill right over there bro looks pretty chill. Hey, guys we're cruising down a little bit more to see if we can locate another café as you can see downtown right now it's pretty chill this time of day about 3 p.m. on a Wednesday a little past lunch time and so-- Thank you machan [bro] Thank you machan [bro] Oh, there's your answer right there bro. To go down to where's the one

with the W Dikwella, thirteen thousand oh all right thirteen thousand I was just checking thank you my friend I don't know yet I was just curious guys to see how much it cost so from here to Dikwella it's about thirteen thousand so that is roughly just under seventy-five dollars maybe seventy-three dollars I’m sorry not seventy-five dollars maybe sixty five dollars. Café 360 oh yeah, we checked the wi-fi here last night didn't we. Guys, we basically gave up looking for wi-fi so probably isn't very entertaining for you guys anyways but for those of you that are considering coming here just keep that in mind you'll probably want to get a hot spot when you're in one of the main cities and that'll take care of your issues but I’m actually here with Mr. jaggard we're walking up the hill he's carrying his laptop he's still hoping he's going to find wi-fi but I’m pretty sure that's a lost cause bro yeah, I think so Yeah so, we're actually walking up this hill we've got mountain views on the right side and zip lines up top so we're getting to see finally more of Ella Yeah so, we'll see if they let me on guys I only have flip-flops on right now but I feel like it'd be alright in Sri Lanka anyways my feet aren't really going to be touching the ground so we're gonna be zip lining down the side of a mountain so yeah, we'll see how far of a walk it is I’m guessing it's gotta be a bit of a distance because the guy offered at the bottom of the hill where the sign was if we wanted tuk-tuk but we decided to politely decline and get the exercise in have to burn off all these calories we've been eating.

Wow, guys look at that obviously the Gopro, does not do justice it's a wide angle but let me tell you that these mountains are towering in the distance and I love this about this area you can just see a tiny little modern part of the world sticking out of this natural wonder there with the road right along the side their cars driving up after flying my drone around here I’ve realized whoa Yeah, just did that move out of the way. Who's a good boy. He's just hanging out gotta fly there he's just hanging out literally on the side of a hill it's gonna be a solid workout to climb up that but I will say when you're grazing up there you got a one-of-a-kind spot because not too many other cows are gonna want to work that hard for the grass but it's as fresh as it gets over there what do you think sire? Yeah, he's done well he's living the dream. Yeah for real. I know if I were a cow I’d be chowing over there too. Guys, we're at a crossroads here the road actually forks one leads down this way I believe it's-- zipline Stootee Machan [Thank you, bro] Komada Machan [How are you, bro?] Hondai [Good] Hondai [Good] Hondai [Good] Hondai [Good] Six weeks. Six week? Oh very far day. Oh yeah lots of time here you know we

gotta explore the whole country. You got good English. Yeah very good English. First time Sri Lanka? First time but not the last time. Okay After you go into nine arch-- I think so oh yeah doing a little bit of everything tomorrow we're going up to Adam’s peak. No, now you're going to Adam's peak. Now we are? Yeah. Oh we want to get

to this the zipline. Now you're going to zipline. After you went we don't know yet. Not sure. Somewhere nice. Okay. You can like you have a taxi some places you going. Yeah, good good man here yeah how old are you by the way? 14. Yeah, and you

Eighteen. Eighteen. That's good, that's good. Alright Machans [bros] it was nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. I'll buy something off you. What do you have? You can try this one like-- It's okay it's okay can I just use this to like-- like-- That's for Harry. I’m okay I’m okay let me just what else do you have? Oh, nice. One cold and after this one-- Do you want anything

bro yeah? I’ll take a water I don't have any small change so a few waters please. Okay can I just sorry I’m getting a bit of a -- right now, I just have to I just have to do some work now I just have to he's got a remote workstation it looks like going on here I’m just disconnecting my hard drive so I can put it in my bag. There you go. Thank you. Okay, you're welcome. Thank you so much. Stootee Machan [Thank you, bro] Have a nice day.

I actually, gonna leave this water with you as well because I got, I have no space for it. Okay okay okay. Nice to meet you. Thank you machan [bro]. Nice to meet you machan [bro]. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, goodbye machan [bro]. Stootee Machan [Thank you, bro] So, I just looked it up on the gps we're walking up this road guys it's about a 10-minute walk for us to get over to the zipline at least that's what the gps says so we'll see if that's true now it makes sense what the guy was asking us if we wanted tuk-tuk ride but it's a nice little stroll here guys we're literally walking through jungle area. Alright as you can see here, we are

almost to the zipline now it's called flying ravana mega zipline so hopefully that means it's going to be a big one a thrill ride and then this way is actually, to little Adam’s peak so here we go the adventure continues hello machans [bros] Which way to the zipline? Yeah through here. Stootee Machan [Thank you, bro] They're building something over there looks like a certified vibe like kind of like Tulum vibes over there wow with a mountain tower in the background it's incredible these are the views we're walking along guys honestly if you're down for a little exercise I’d recommend walking up to the zipline not taking the tuk-tuk especially on a sunny day like today like this in itself is pretty much an excursion a bit of a nature trail over here alright guys and after maybe 12 minutes or so walking we've got the zipline ending there all the way up here so, it's actually not as long as I kind of imagined it but that said it'll still go fast enough where I think we'll get a fair amount of speed and it'll be a proper thrill ride so here we go at least we got some steps here bro if that's little Adam’s peak up there it's actually, not that bad of a hike it's probably just a bit deceiving I bet it's like you go up that first peak and then you see like you know another two three thousand meters you gotta go. that's this will have them speak this out little yeah, exactly guys here we go we just went up all these steps and we're getting up to the zipline now looks like a pretty modern hangout spot over here I think we gotta buy tickets in there to the right and then-- Oh, here we go. Now this is where it all happens

quite a few things going on over there ATV and everything. Hello, my friend oh we have guns-- Is it possible for us to do the zipline? Okay perfect perfect. We have another person coming as well. Fantastic.

Yep, no problem, alright so what's the cost to go on a zip line four thousand rupees alright so that's about 20 bucks for us to go cruising I’d say that's a deal how fast does it go? 80 kilometers per hour. Oh alright we'll be saying full speed ahead. We have signed the life away here aka the wavier but Harry and I are experts here we've done this from the tallest building the was the highest urban zipline in the world in Dubai. Yeah, and this one goes 80 kilometers an hour so not as fast but it's gonna be a thrill ride so four thousand just paid and now we're gonna go get our gear on right over there today's a big day guys we have Mr. Ali Machan [Bro] I am out of breath it's not because of the cardio it's because I am scared I figured the second we called him because Harry and I like I told you guys stumbled upon this place he would get an immediate pump of adrenaline in his mind and a bit of nerves going yeah yeah yeah it goes it only goes 80 kilometers an hour it's 550 meters it's nothing bro okay so quick and easy yeah. Instant death. Yeah, yeah.

Perfect bro it's gonna be a good time though alright guys we're walking from one tent to the other here we've got the gear room. Hello, Machan [Bro] Komada [How are you?] Perfect Hondai [Good] as well alright so this is where we we get all set up yeah, perfect. Hello, hello, hello. What's your guys' names? Nice to meet you.

And your name? Nice to meet you. Yeah, perfect so we're gonna go ahead and get locked up in number four guys seems like a safe one. Machan [Bro] how should-- Alright and boom. Oh yeah we feeling good. Safe and sound.

Has anyone ever fallen off? No. That's good. Perfect. Alright, we are getting some nice and tight there. Stootee Machan [Thank you, bro] I am from the US. And you are from Ella? Oh, very nice so how long have you lived up here? Do you like it? you can't answer on camera no problem. Well, the views are beautiful that's for sure, the mountains. Okay, alright thank you. Oh, yeah almost nice and tight could smash my head against something.

And we're tight and ready to go that's a good sign. Stootee Machan [Thank you, bro] Thank you. We'll see you on the other side. Thank you. Alright don't ever forget I’m filming you know so, where to now oh, this way yeah alright oh to turn it this way it makes a little harder. Stairs oh thank you. Stootee Machan [Thank you, bro]

Alright so it looks like we've got a proper hike ahead of us and there's only one way I can hold the camera guys because it's it's actually duct taped I’ll show you how he's there yeah yeah so that's your only option and here's where we're heading to, we've got the zipline bros up here oh they have a nice little viewing jacket down there at the café actually. Oh, and a little music going on alright I can dig it. Alright, hello machan [bro] Komoda [How are you?] Hondai [Good] Very good. Oh yeah, we got our Machan's [Bro] up here what's your good name? My name? Milan? Milan, nice to meet you. My name is Mac. Welcome mac, nice to meet you. Thank you so much. Perfect so this is the the fun oh

alright good thing we got a helmet on right exactly exactly the helmet wasn't for the zipliners it's for walking up here you're from from the US yeah, oh perfect Machan's you guys ready or what? Let's go. Can you do it actually can you actually hang me by my foot? No, that's-- I’m just kidding my chance I want to survive another day I’m enjoying Sri Lanka, I don't wanna die here. Oh, there we go perfect, okay, yeah. Don't put your fingers you can hold this handle up by one hand and when you reach other end make sure lean back. Lean back, perfect. Yes automatic braking system you will be stopped automatically you are not doing anything manually. Perfect. Sit down for me. Never been better I can feel it on my back yeah that's normal. Yeah that's normal.

Sweet. Yeah, right stand up. Alright Does it fit around the biryani belly? Oh perfect hold on one second, we make sure that thing's fully off there don't worry I won't be giving the birds covered on my way down. What's your name? My name is Mac. Nice to meet you Mac. Nice to meet you too my friend. Alright oh yeah, the Machan's [bros] gonna be going here we go. Alright I can run and jump yeah alright here we go three-- Ali, you gotta take notes bro you gotta just three two one.

Guys, this is wild. We are going full speed ahead. And here we go. Coming in hot. That was fantastic my friend full speed ahead as we say guys full speed ahead there we go ah proper landing there we're going oh we're going up we're going round two. Oh, got my balls there. That's perfect. Stootee Machan [Thank you, bro] Thank you very much. Oh alright okay

come slowly down. Oh, fantastic. Alright Thank you machan [bro] Thank you. Alright so we're getting undone guys that was a proper ride the nice part was when you laid back you just looked right up at the clouds alright and we have been cleared from our harnesses.

Thank you so much. We'll see you. Can I stand right can I stand right there and film my friend coming thank you alright it looks like we got is that Harry and Ali going head-to-head Harry and Ali. Ali's probably screaming right now. Oh, there he is and they're coming in look who's winning it looks like it looks like Ali took the win there we go how was it bro? Man, the guy loves heights now how was it sire? I need a chicken thigh. Bro, you're no longer afraid of anything. That last five minutes was a blur. Yeah, I remember is I was on the bed editing videos, you called me and then five minutes later-- yeah, you're doing the craziest thing you've ever done in your life I think we're getting a ride up here oh pulling right up to us do we just hop on alright oh and we're in wow oh, there we go maybe we can see if we'll take us on a little safari what do you guys think? Very nice. I think that's why they want to get us

back up there so quickly. Yeah, exactly for round two. Guys we're on a ride back now and it's definitely crazier than the zipline I’d say and some bumps flying out of the seats and we got the four four filmers here one two three and four whoa almost hit my head on the metal pole there bro. I think the brit's going mad. and we we survived it very fun time. Stootee Machan [Thank you, bro]

oh, oh yeah, we gotta go in here machans [bros] perfect Thank you machans [bros] we will see you next time. See you alright the man faced his fears next time we gotta triple the length bro. Let's go we just grabbed the quick little tuk-tuk ride. Mr. jaggard did the full negotiations over there so stop by his channel to see this guy's hilarious really funny 500 to get us from the zip line spot back over here and yeah, we're arriving over here at the the chill café so this is our our last place we're gonna show you guys in this video and see how fast the wi-fi is here so thank you very much Machan [bro] Stootee Machan [Thank you, bro] we'll see you on the other side Alright bro this is it's apparently the most well-known place in Sri Lanka called chill café certified vibe alright we're entering into a chill café here oh yeah, I can already tell you it feels like a vibe in here hello Michael Subadawasak Machan [Good day, bro] best bar in all of Ella yeah yeah, perfect perfect so where do we go to sit down and enjoy the best wi-fi and the best beverages.

Where's the- Where's the wi-fi box? We want to be closest to wi-fi. How are you? Hondai [Good]? Do you have good wi-fi? Perfect, should we eat upstairs? Yeah perfect. Small? Sri Lanka is small. Very small nice country though good people. Thank you, my friend fantastic discussion, there oh yeah as you guys can see all around here a lot of seating it's a little darker on this floor though it seems like from what I’ve seen with the photos that up top is where it's at but let me tell you this it's a it's a popping spot we're heading upstairs chill chill and relax oh man look at that they're prepping up some big stuff it smells delicious in here. Oh, wow that does smell good.

And the question is-- Wow I don't know if we're gonna be able to find a table very easily let's see hello Machan [Bro] alright we've got a table reserved for an honest youtuber right over there yeah with with outlets bro alright as you can see here we've got quite an open area. Reserved, yeah? Oh that's a bummer I was gonna say it's too good to be true yeah for three, perfect. Oh, so we got a little time man alright the hair man has some reactions going on right now because we're coming here because we heard it's the best wi-fi around oh my god 61.50 oh, it's going down 47. upload yeah, no way I knew we should have came here guys if you remember earlier in the video I literally asked Harry I was like should we go to chill bar he's like no no bro it looks too busy and then we took Harry’s recommendation and the wi-fi signal was there was like .1 megabits per second so. I recommended us to go this time now. Exactly he redeemed himself. I redeemed

myself. Let's get a little yeah you got me bro a little takeover for a second 61 download 39 uploads this is the best we've had in Sri Lanka Yeah this I think this is probably the best we've had in Sri Lanka yeah yeah for sure so the real question will is will it survive three youtubers hopping on the connection. So guys here is chill bar for you as you can see definitely foreigner central here a lot of seating it is just about dinner time 5 p.m. and it is pretty busy here almost every seat is taken the ones the seat that we were walking over to I was like oh this is too good to be true we've got this whole area there was even outlets over there but of course it's reserved and I believe this table is reserved until it's gonna be reserved at seven so I’m telling you guys all this for one reason if you're coming here make a reservation if you plan on chilling all day if you plan on using some of this wi-fi because if it actually survives multiple youtubers right now uploading that means we have found the best wi-fi in all of Ella if I’m wrong drop a comment below anyways guys what we got on the menu here is let's pop her open we got the chill spot here got a little juice bar so, you know that I love myself a delicious juice I might even go for one of those detoxes get something clean in me get some ready to go. We got good breakfast options won't be eating that right now, for dinner burger yeah, a lot of western food here I will say wraps burgers sandwiches pizza pasta chips and chef special sides and snacks and we have oh Sri Lankan food as well so that's really nice they have so many different things on the menu here you got many options and if you're into desserts which I am I’m not sure if I’m gonna have one today yet but we shall see teas coffees and also lots and lots of adult beverages if you're into that so I’d say this place is it's the gold mine what do you think bro? It looks amazing it smells amazing. Yeah yeah exactly that's one thing I always tell my subscribers I’m like I wish you guys could smell what I’m smelling sometimes not all the time like in the fish market in Colombo that time you don't want to be smelling over your smell but when we're walking into some of these delicious restaurants let me tell you d-lish. So we're gonna go ahead take a look here order something

and show you guys once the food arrives. So guys we've actually teleported tables now we're sitting here we've got better city views you got the Mr. Go with Ali with a fresh burger you ready to chow down brother yes, oh he's ready to go and you see the hair man he's already chowing on his pasta oh, and he almost destroyed his laptop he'd be shipping back to Britain real quick. I wouldn't be expecting that. Yeah and there's my other seat so what I got here guys I got the margarita pizza add ham thin crust here so let me just go ahead and there's only one way to try this and that is to just go-- Oh, alright guys I had to pause there because I literally just chowed on that thing like there's no tomorrow anyways let me just tell you this guys they the pizza is very good like keep in mind we're in the middle of Sri Lanka in a mountain town so you can't expect pizza from Rome here but in terms of how good it is I’m loving it and to be honest guys if I’m straightforward with you I don't think I’ve ever in my life said a pizza's bad because I’ve never had a bad pizza because that's how obsessed I am with it as Harry likes to say but I’m just putting this in his mouth it is Za time it is Za time yeah there we go how's that pasta bro oh I feel like I’m gonna start speaking Italian soon This guy's pretty much fluent at this point. So, that's pretty much all I’m

gonna share with you guys it's just pizza. So, it's delicious chill bar is a really good vibe here and been a fun time exploring today both showing you guys the different wi-fi spots once again, this is the place you wannna be if you want the best wi-fi around we've been testing it I have things downloading and uploading and the chill bar even when it's this busy it's still holding out so that's great news and yeah fun time ziplining fun time cruising around with the boys as always so make sure you guys check the link in the description below. We got GowithAli in the description and we have Harry Jaggard in the description so once you give my video a quick like and a subscribe if you're not already head over to their channels and I’ll see you guys in tomorrow's video. [Music]

2022-03-16 23:44

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