MUSIC IN A BOX? A Corrado Neri’s Docu-Show | English Version

MUSIC IN A BOX? A Corrado Neri’s Docu-Show | English Version

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dear shining dear friends from all over the  world i'm glad to introduce you and welcome   you in this project that i called music in a  box with a question mark because i want to ask   to everyone of you if the music can really exist  inside a box we know this is a special period we   are under this pandemic problem of the coronavirus  and we feel like every one of us is inside a box but this object the box is also a special  object because inside that we can find many things   for example this book i collected  from the experience i had in new york   last two years and many other  things of your life emotions   and many things the box can be also for example  the the ipad or the iphone where you are now   listening and watching this concert the  boss can be also a radio it can be a tv   the box could be also this special place where we  are in this moment the teatro garibaldi of avola   the box can contain all the traditions  all the cultural particularities of   your country and that's what i want to do with you  in this moment with this project music in a box what you listened in this moment can be linked  directly with my experience in america that is   one of the greatest thing happened in my life my  relation with america is very important for this   special person who is means shining soon that  helped me to enjoy the cultural life in new york   uh i have to say thank you very much to another  person which is very important for me which is   the professor b c roman from romania she's a  special special person that helped me a lot   and introduced me to shining so if now i have the  honor to talk about this thing is thanks to bc   but something special happened  in my life also four years ago   i started to live in milan six years ago  but first two years were not so beautiful   so easy for my life but after two years i had the  opportunity to enter in one of the most magical   place in milan which is casa verdi casa verdi  is a house that giuseppe verdi decided to build   in the early 20th century and where a lot of  musicians that ended with their career stay   for relax and to pass the time and in this  place i knew bc roman thanks to bc i knew   and i met shining soon and like we are playing  with the boxes one inside on the other exactly   in relation with this object and that's why  in this concert that i call the music in a   box i decided to put inside a piece  i dedicated to shining shining watts   a piece dedicated to giuseppe verdi to say  also to him thank you for what you did for us artists this is the theme of the  song that you have just heard and this is from one of the  greatest poetry of domenico modulo   which is a great songwriter and composer   but i didn't experiment how it should be if it  was written by bach in the early 18th century as you can understand from the songs i just played  in this kind of concert which is music in a box   i'm very very affected to this special songwriter  who is dominic he's a special musician that i love   so much for his relation with the tradition with  the futuristic tradition of southern part of italy   but what i want to do in this project is to mix  different personalities and the next one i'm very   glad to announce it because we are talking about  one of the greatest songwriters in this period   and percussionist this person is alfio antico  and i'm very glad to have him in this concert the next song i will play it's a song  that i love particularly which is called   ave maria and i had the great honor to write  the lyrics on this wonderful music that   a great friend of mine maestro  romano pucci donated me as a gift this paper was found by romano   under a organ pedal in an old sicilian  church and this is for you ave maria in music in a box i decided to put inside also two  compositions that i finished just a few weeks ago   and i'm talking about song for redemption that i  dedicated to my maestro paul gulda who lives now   in vienna he is a great great great pianist and  composer and the other one is aetna which is a   song it's a special song because i wrote it this  summer was a special very special period because   after this lockdown i was very sad and i started  to walk around the one of the greatest wonder   of the world which is the aetna mount this big big  very high volcano in the eastern part of sicily   and so i passed all my summer walking  around the volcano and listening to   its sounds looking this atmosphere  i decided to write a song, Etnea this is the end of our journey among notes and  music notes in a box as you could see remember   and listen the words that contain ourselves  as we contain inside us emotions feelings   sensations the life sometimes blind us into our  infinite series of boxes one inside of the other   creating a disorder or sometimes a wonderful order  that's why i want to say thank you from my heart   to a special person shining that always helped me  and supported my music and my talent and when the   life asked me to tidy up my boxes that was the  time that i found a great friend in the poetry the coral tin box once contained cookies i could still  smell their fragrance in new crumbs   hidden among papers envelopes and postcards  in there a few stamps framed in lace   lapped by thin waves of ink the sign  of a journey in a sea of letters   concert programs embellished tickets  to enter the velvet theater seat   they still smelled of dust and face powder of  folding fans throbbing hearts and yearning sighs   the champagne corck that once  popped and flew to the ceiling   in a time when people could hug dance  slowly heart to heart cheek to cheek photographs left there by the eye of life  a bride and a veil amongst orange blossoms   a little girl reflected in the smile of a male  lily the mom next to a newborn's milky crib   the boys clustered like grapes around school desks memories remain in the secret box whose bottom was  never to be found for the feelings kept in there   were so profound they became the  sky and climb the stairway of notes into the rainbow

2021-03-27 16:26

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