Murree & Nathia Gali Snowfall update - Motorcycle touring in Galiyat

Murree & Nathia Gali Snowfall update - Motorcycle touring in Galiyat

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It is such a beautiful track, snow is falling, so this is the church about which I was mentioning for a long time, you have to take it out from many sides, you will have this easy paisa, no thank you, as soon as I started the journey, I did the first important thing. What I did was to change the oil of the bike. At this time it is 12 o'clock in Kashmir. I have just crossed the road. Thankfully, because of the bypass, there is no need to face the rush of the road. You must be wondering where I am going. So I am going, the beautiful turns of Nathia Gali Expressway have started and the sun has also gone into the clouds, due to which it will be very cold here. By the time I reached McDonald's, it was 2 o'clock, so I thought why not do something from here itself. I can eat and drink, I feel a little relaxed after drinking coffee, I have always used Murree only to pass by, I never explored here because I did not like it, there are too many tours, there is a rush, that way you We don't get a chance to enjoy nature.

Let's go towards Nathiya Gali While leaving the house, I had checked the weather forecast in which the coming days were going to be mostly sunny but it is very cold here, sunset is happening on one side and you can't reach any hill. It should not happen that you are present at the station and do not take a break. Well, I captured this beautiful scene in my eyes and moved ahead. Sir, full clouds have come below and now my trousers etc. will all get wet . The visibility is very low, I don't know how it will be visible in the camera and whatever mistakes I have made today, I will go to some place and show you what I have done today, what a wonderful sunset is taking place, the sunset has happened and now it is dark too. It is going to happen very soon because the clouds are very low, hence it gets dark quickly here. Because of the clouds, now I will have to find a hotel quickly. There are almost no tourists.

Trekking of Mushk Puri starts from this point. And mostly hotels will also be found on this road. If you stay here for two days then you can easily trek to Mushk Puri on one day and Meeran Jani on the second day. It came in front of me and you remember showing it to me. You know, when a person is very

hungry and that too in the cold, he doesn't remember anything, so I just remembered and the food was about to end, so I thought I should show you one or two shorts too. For Nathiya, I entered. happened and many more I kept searching for a guest house for a long time because even if you think that you will get a reasonable guest house here, then I found only one guest house which was quite reasonable and I paid Rs 5000 for it and the scene of the room is that there is a dressing room here. Table one, this is a double bed with a TV heater and two chairs,

a table in the middle, see the view from here, if you like this whole mirror and the view of the entire market below, this view is very amazing, so I will check it for you in the morning itself. I will get it done, there is no use right now, it is very cold here, I have taken out my other jacket and worn a cap, I have come back after having food, so now Inshallah, I will meet you again in the morning, good night, sometimes suddenly. Plans are very good. I had no idea that my morning would be so beautiful in Nathiya Gali. After seeing this view, I had realized that despite being in such a touristy place, you would still find nature somewhere. Along with enjoying this view, I was also planning for today's day because Gilat region is almost new for me, so today is the next day, you had seen the scene in Nathiya Gali, this morning it was very beautiful my morning. It happened because at night, snow started falling here and the season started and even now it becomes light and then stops and now I unfortunately from here, the things said here may not be recorded. I regret it a lot, but I must have shared all the planning for today with you people.

The hotel management had told me that you are going to get snow fall in the future, so go carefully, whose words I took a little more seriously. Didn't take it, the fear is that water might have gone into the tank, why the bike wouldn't start again because there was snow right on top of the tank, ok ji, I have left the hotel, it is extremely cold here, you must be seeing the scene of cloud in front. How are they flying, there is snow and the wind is also blowing, so now I have heard that there is a lot of snow till Badia, so if you find it on the track, then check it out. There is a bike slip on it. For now, I would like to have breakfast as well. From somewhere

everything is becoming so misty and looks absolutely beautiful. It is so cold that I wear my riding jacket over my puffer jacket and I am looking a little like a sample. Well, I feel like a sample. Well, I have to escape the cold for the time being. In this kind of place, it is very slippery. Zero visibility, zero. I have to face my feet. Very few things are visible ahead. Here is the road from Hanoi to Abbottabad. Till now the snow has ended. There was snow behind too. Now here it is

visible at some places. Rest everything is fine. There are too many clouds. Unable to go above 30, 40 ahead, this breakfast available in Donga Gali was really fun, especially their Channay.

Okay, breakfast etc. is done and you must be watching live. Snow fall has also started. Bikes are covered in snow again. Done, I clean it, I move ahead because if it goes too fast then the bike can slip, so I don't want to take any risk. Let's move ahead and then show you the scene ahead

at this moment. i realize It was clear that the journey ahead is going to be even more exciting. I leave from here too. There is snow falling ahead, it is raining in the middle, it is a mixed scene, you enjoy this scene, I don't know, it is being recorded in Gopo. Is there snow fall or not? I am thinking of reducing the tire pressure a bit because as you can see, this black eye has accumulated on it and the bike is slipping a lot. If I don't

do this then it will be a big disaster. The bike is in a very bad situation. As such I am slipping, I can't tell you, and here you fell. Well, I am wearing a riding jacket. I will get hurt that way, but still you should not fall. Till now, I have not seen a single biker here, anyone on a bike. No

, of course you reached very late but you should not speed up at all nor should you use brakes. Just let it go smoothly in the first gear by reducing the pressure. This is my opinion. This section itself was very bad, a little further ahead will be fine. looks like oy Yes yes guys, please check this scene, Mashallah, very awesome, very special, but I don't want to slip etc. in this matter, because my focus is full on the road at this time, you must be seeing black ice is the most dangerous. And I reduced the pressure in my tire so much that it was exactly along the road with good thick grip and here once again the speed has started, very beautiful one and this section started again and which is dangerous patch. Those with black eyes have almost passed, now let's see

what we get next because now this road is a little wet, there is no black eye on it, the clouds are very high on that side, looking beautiful, snow fall has started again and this time So it is going very fast, oh shut up , my bike had stopped once in the middle but I felt cold, I feel like I am the only one roaming around in this whole town, that way I don't see people. May the snow fall so fast Isn't it, I can't tell you, I can't lower the razor, there is a fog on it, if I raise it, it is directly on my face, oh slip now that section has come again, it is slippery black eyes, it is definitely feeling like that. As it is already evening, I have slipped twice but thank God I did not fall. Look at this, they are taking chances and we have to go, they are looking towards Ayub here, I was coming from there and now this Ayubia. I will go towards AyuBiya, khanaspur khanaspur is a fun place, they show you that too in this wonderful weather, everyone is lowering the pressure of their vehicles and I feel like I am riding a bike somewhere in Norway at this time and the condition is so bad here. I caught the brake and you had to slip, it is a very dirty patch, there is a very dirty section, I fell there, but I didn't care because I knew I would fall, I had left the bike from there, then I am seeing this, I fell here again. Here But after bringing it, I parked the bike because you cannot apply brakes

and you have to apply them because vehicles would have come ahead, this is why all of us are standing here wondering how to go from here, well now I am thinking of going back because This section is very bad, it is a cruel patch, the bike is going on it like this , it is a very bad situation, there are all black eyes here, okay ji, I have reached AyuBiya and it seemed to me that the people of AyuBiya were sitting waiting for me. I had an idea that today I cannot go to Khanaspur on bike, so I thought why not explore Ayubia a little, the scenes of reaching Ayubia were like this, there were very few tourists and Ayubia's famous chair. The lift is also closed, which is good near me, this one which is behind me, Ayubia's famous chair lift, which is closed now, firstly, it is very cold, secondly, there are not so many tourists here, there has been snow fall, so tourists have not come. On this side, I am also very tired while reaching here. Well, let's go a little higher and see what else we can find.

This snow is still lying in AyuBiya, the chair lift is closed and I can't show anything to anyone. down from the tea stall After that, go back on the way back because due to chairlift being closed, you cannot go up to the park from where you can become closer to nature and even more, a good forest etc. is visible behind but there are few tourists here. It is also noisy, just now I was thinking of leaving Ayubia, but once again snowfall started due to which the cold had increased a lot . My initial plan was not to go to Ayubia but to go to Khanaspur where There is a church of 18th century present. Lucky a local guytold me that you

can go to that church through a moto tunnel, the route was very beautiful. This historic moto tunnel is a little near Ayubia Bazaar, so I thought why not give it a try. The construction of this motor tunnel should be explored, so why not explore it too? Beyond this, you come across a pipeline track, the hike is not that much, but it is not that much. I may not be able to do that right now because you must be seeing that the snow fall is very heavy, it has taken me a lot of time here and let's go inside, this engineering happening in this area during that time is really amazing, its height, you can see it. If you see, I can walk in it, but

if there is someone a little taller than me, then he might not be able to fit in it. My height is 5'10 and I can walk in it. and I can walk in it. However, this tunnel has been renovated in 2020. it is 700 meters long. The tunnel has pine trees all around and in the middle, this tunnel is saving precious time of many people from that time till today.

We came out of the tunnel and as soon as you come out of the tunnel, if you come to the right side, you go to the church. I will show you the path towards Ayubia later. I thought of showing you the path right now. Snow is falling and that means there is no one else here except me. This is a beautiful path. I think that all the people who come towards Ayubia should take this track but must come After only 20 minutes you get to see a beautiful church. The track is not that long. Hardly has a track of 2 kilometers. You

can come to Ijli in this season. If you come to this side then you need to go to any European country. Not only because the vibe of this place is such that the peace you will find here is not in the entire Ayubia, even you will not hear the sound of even a leaf moving.

Every corner of this area is beautiful In the 1880s, many British Army soldiers had become drug addicts, so the authorities thought it was the duty of Catholic priests to keep soldiers away from excessive drinking and encourage them towards religion. In 1901, Army Chapel Frank Joseph Got the responsibility to take care of drug addict soldiers from where the construction of this church started and was completed in 1911. Nearby there is another building which at that time used to function as a hospital where drug addict soldiers were taken care of. Nowadays this building is a Youth Center where people from different places come and participate in various religious activities.

I wish I had a drone here, I would have made you check by flying the drone because due to the snow below, this whole place is completely white and from above, this scene of the church is very beautiful. It's been quite a while since I was sitting here, now I have to track back and go up again, pass through the same tunnel again, pick up my bike and also see the situation ahead to see how slippery it is or not, currently there is snow at this place. After stopping, we went ahead, completed the whole track and after passing through that tunnel, came back to the same parking of Ayu Bia where I had parked the bike and now we start our return journey from here because there are many hard patches on the way. Ok sir Read Bismillah and leave from here, snow is falling just don't hit the brakes, same situation, here if you hit the brakes, the bike slips a lot, that's why I am not using the brakes at all, in the first gear, in the second gear. I just feel like my bike has brakes.

No, the technique is the same, apart from this, there is no other technique, it was seen that the slip had just started getting very bad, no problem, no problem, in fact, when a car comes from the front, even the driver of the car, seeing the bike, tries to apply brakes. It does this and you also think that I should hit the brakes to slow down the speed a bit, but when you apply the brakes, you just go back, so there is no need to get confused, it is a car at all or whatever it is, you just have to take it out from the side somewhere I fell very bad Now who will lift it? I picked up the bike and cleaned it. My gloves were full and one of my shoes had also come off. It was very wrong that I was wearing shoes and the gloves got wet. I only have one pair of gloves. I had kept one for this extreme winter. For this, I wear this and move ahead, okay, the Shah Sawar Maidan is falling in the battle. Well, now I will go with another hand, that is why this protection, this safeguard, this arm protection, this handle protection, this is very It is necessary and now this is my glove, this is a proper riding glove there is something different about them, and the only thing that bothers me in this whole scene is that my shoes are not my shoes right, now a car has come right. Chains were on, ha ha, thankfully there was no injury etc.

The shoes just came off, they just got very wet from inside. Well, no problem, it is a very beautiful scene which I cannot show, I don't want to fall again because if you fall, it will be yours. 10-15 minutes are wasted in cleaning and resetting the things. I have come out of Ayubia, now I am going towards Murree Ok ji I love Galiyat valley latPoint. There are a lot of tourists who are going to Ayubia. But what will Ayubia do after going there, there is no chair lift working? When this kind of mode comes and along with it there is also descent, then I feel very scared that if the person has just gone, he has just gone. I think keep it in very slow speed. If you

go then nothing will happen, don't apply brakes, what is the atmosphere, nothing is visible around, there is an important message at the end of the video, don't forget to watch it because I don't want you to repeat the mistakes I have made, especially this season. I am thankful that a car had come from the front and I had become silent, it is very dangerous, so I passed that difficult patch and here the road is also fine, there is wait just a little sun came out, there is peace from this side. I have come across some dangerous vehicle but thankfully it doesn't have black eyes, it has road weight but there is fear in my heart about this area, that's why I don't speed up, brother, this poor carl is going in front of me, she is struggling so much. I have seen it slip so many times, but thankfully,

they have kept it under control, now look at that, look at that, it seems that if it is gone then it is gone, oh here there is a lot of fog and cold, although there is not so much snow and fog here. There is a lot of visibility, now nothing will be visible, we have entered the district Mari, it is very cold and there are tourists too, I feel like I don't know in which world I am riding the bike, there is zero visibility, on top of that there are tons of road too. Wet fear of slipping, along with multiple factors, your brother is moving towards his destination because he has to leave quickly, it is very cold here, my feet are completely frozen it is quite late, this scene is not ending . it These are the patches in which there is such a dense fog that there is zero visibility. If it ends a little, then the guy should go a little faster because I still have a long way to go. It is 5:00, I will reach home almost at night. Now there are no black eyes at this place. It's not an issue, but if I fall, it's like I lost my confidence, now I can't handle the bike at all, I'm saying just go very slowly, if nothing else happens then it's a good thing, okay The guy should go a little past the past, although the traffic here is moving but there is a very dense fog in this fog, then the visibility of the person in front is also like this, so no risk should be taken, you can see how much machinery is parked ahead. In case of any emergency, immediately leave from here, we are famous for it,

take our expressway, come on the expressway reach back to McDonald's, rest here for a while and proceed further. Let's continue the journey. Breakfast, you must have seen everything, I have come very mad, I have had tea and drinks, here I have got a little peace, now from here I will go back towards home via the expressway, almost and it is seven o'clock here. It's already dark so I thought I should end the log here so I hope you liked it. If you liked it then like and subscribe and I will see you in the next one. The thing that worries me the most is coming home. That was this, never wear this, never light up brother, why are these socks which I had taken from there, this is the bag which is wet and I left the house, what did I do, I was wearing this in memory minimum. Have you ever made this mistake? not to do

2025-01-19 13:53

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