move in vlog: packing & unpacking while being 35 wks pregnant, furniture arrival

move in vlog: packing & unpacking while being 35 wks pregnant, furniture arrival

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Isn't my hair looking like a mad scientist? It does, but that's okay. Fully recharged by the breakfast. It's a great day. The sun is shining and I prefer to sit outside all day long... ...but today we're going to pack. It feels very unreal. In four days, a moving team will help us to move.

We won't sleep there yet. But most of it is already over then so it doesn't have to be done anymore... ...and I can at least start decorating in advance. But the bathroom is not finished yet, the kitchen is not finished yet... we're still sleeping here for now. It feels so weird to have to pack all of a sudden.

I've never moved with so much stuff, or at least so much... ...we don't have that much. But the last time, I went from my family home to here... was actually something of an emergency. I was evicted from the home. That same night I left with two suitcases.

So, I've never packed this much. And I'm a little looking up to it. Anyway, Orfeo and Paula are coming soon, they are coming to help. And it's a very good day. We're not in a hurry either. It's, it's all good.

We're just going to enjoy it... far that's possible. So I'm wearing the comfiest fit ever. It's a dress by Bumpsuits and I'm wearing a vest of Butter and Hazel. Ready to pack. Okay guys, this one is loose.

Loose? - As in, it's just on it. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Man proposes to wife in Club Blu.

I'm going to do that as well. Right? We discussed that in the car, right? What? That I'll propose to her in Club Blu. Yeah man, that first or Thalia.

Yes, but I prefer Blu. Oh, so you do want to marry me? That's the only thing I heard. I will propose to you in Club Air. - That is the only thing I heard. That thing is loose? It is your wife's huh? - Fee! It is your wife's. - It moved, boy what the f*ck?

What an asshole, now I won't have a shot anymore. But tape it down then. Yes, but then I have to... Arghh... My hair. It's so crazy to see the house like this. It's actually happening, the f*ck? See here all my studio stuff, everything is empty.

I'm still making content tomorrow, so the role is still there... ...but I'm going to pack that too. I am also going to pack you. I have to move this one again to the living room... ...because I'll keep on working here for a while. The desks will go along already. Then we've gathered all of this for a friend of Felix's mother.

She always sells all kinds of stuff, so we thought: "Hey, we're all not going to use this anymore. It's just really nice stuff... uhm, she can make money from it." The cabinet is nice and empty, it just stays here. This is all emptied and the furniture still standing will stay here too. The tableware cabinets stay.

Here are all the boxes that do have to go to the new house. We're probably going to give away the sofa and coffee table to friends... ...because they found a studio, uh a house. We will keep the pink chair over here. And we also give away the pieces of furniture behind it.

For the rest, everything has been taken off the wall. And I think it's so pathetic Mooshi really don't understand it. She is completely confused and really thinks: "What that f*ck is going on?" In the bedroom, everything is removed from the wall as well. Don't mind the bed, sorry. All boxes are ready to be transported.

I think you can imagine that this room was the most work. And so we have some clothes and shoes stored here... ...that we are going to wear for the coming weeks. But, everything is empty for the rest. Everything is packed. If Orfeo and Coco wouldn't help with this, I really couldn't do it. There are so many boxes, oh my God.

But I have to say I'm really proud of us because we did everything... half a day and an evening. So really, I think everything in total in 6 or 7 hours. Felix is...

...working in the new house and I'm going there this afternoon... see what's happening. We have a very tight schedule for the coming weeks... ...and it looks like everything is just going well. So I'm really happy because the pregnancy itself is getting tough. I have scoliosis and I now notice that my belly is putting a lot of pressure... ...on my back, so my back has to work extra hard... ...and that worsens my scoliosis pain. So that's pretty tough.

I just feel a kind of bone against a nerve all day. And there is no position in which I don't feel it... ...except when I'm in the bath. So that's why I sometimes spend hours in the bath. Anyway, I hope the chiropractor and the massages will really help...

...because, oh, that shit really hurts. Honestly, the only thing I'm anxious about once the baby is here... ...are these broken nights man. I can't even remember how long I've only been sleeping 3 hours a night... ...because I just don't fall asleep. And not even because of stress or something. I'm just cool but my body just doesn't want it. Eye poops too, ewl. So yes, this is the best I can make of it right now.

But it's a very important day. We're moving guys. It is bizarre. Fee and I have prepared everything yesterday. So the house is ready for all things and this house is ready... transport all the stuff. Yesterday it was exactly one month since we started this renovation... in a month we dealt with all the floors, the bathroom, the kitchen... ...just everything, that's really... Well, who thought we would make it? Me, but you know.

That it really works out is really rewarding. It's now a quarter past seven in the morning. This guy is still allowed to chill. This is the situation now. Everything is just ready.

But I'm going to the new house because the cast floor is not finished... ...tomorrow morning it will be finished. They have to lay a layer a day and I need to see that layer. I just haven't seen how that's being done. So I gotta see it.

So I have to be fast because I also want to get coffee. Because... ...I need it. Yes boy. Well, at least we can still laugh. I'm in my new studio. Or soon-to-be studio.

So much has happened since the move. A lot of packages came in. I've done four days about unpacking the dressing room. I think I could have done it in a good eight-hour day. But hey, we're sitting with a...

...belly, which is mega heavy by now. And I notice that I really can't do that much physically anymore. So I am taking it super slow. Coco and Orfeo help me a lot.

Next to Felix, of course. And I have to say that it's really necessary too because well... ...I just couldn't have unpacked it on my own. Orfeo and Coco are both real go-getters. I don't really need to tell them what to do. They grab boxes themselves and just start.

In fact, I was busy in the dressing room... ...and they were doing some things in my studio. Or well, some things... This was a really expensive closet and it was already in my old studio. I wanted it to come along too, but it didn't get through the stair hole. So the movers tried to loosen the boards because that is glued with wood glue. That didn't work out.

So Orfeo sawed this for me and now I just have to sand and paint it. But the cabinet is standing. Thank f*cking God. And when I got back there, it was like that. That is f*cking spacious and that saves me so much work... ...because it was like this before. And today is studio unpack day.

So I really just need to get all my stuff out of the boxes... ...and put it in the closets. That's the thing I must do because only I know where I want everything. But they just made it so much easier for me. I am so grateful. Meanwhile, all curtains have also been hung by Orfeo... we have privacy in any case. The kitchen is almost finished. We miss two shelves that were not properly delivered. The bathroom will be installed the day after tomorrow. Yo, we're just about to completely move.

So we can finally almost pee again because now... ...the gas station is my second home. I didn't film that much unpacking the stuff either because it just... It's just a lot. Especially if you're still pregnant.

And I have to say that I'm a lot more emotional now. I wasn't at the beginning of pregnancy. But I notice that my body has been crammed with other hormones... ...for almost nine months already. So I can cry about every little thing. And not only negative things but also when I think a little too long... ...about us holding our girl in six weeks I get very emotional. So, it is a bit rough.

And I also have a lot of pain in my body. So, what I said, physically I can't do that much. Every day, I try to do what I can. At first, I really went over my border with unpacking...

...because yes, I forget that my body is no longer like before. Mentally, I can handle it all but physically I suddenly notice... ...oh shit, that does hurt, so let me stop anyway. So I'm just going to unpack these boxes at ease right now. I can do it comfortably while sitting.

And then I'll see how far get. I might even continue tomorrow. I don't do hurry any more guys. I can't do that anymore.

Pfew. I'm making sandwiches. Because we've actually been eating sandwiches...

...from the gas station for weeks. And I have to say that they are really good, they are fresh. But yes, we also have toppings here as well. So why spend a lot of money on bread at the gas station every time... ...if I can also just make it myself? I will go to the new house by now. I'm very curious when I will leave the word 'new' away...

...and just call it home. Today is a really fun day. We're finally going to start with the baby room. There are already some cupboards... ...because the mechanics of Ikea put them together. For some extra money, I could choose to have everything I ordered...

...being put together. And I don't regret it. Erhal saved us a lot of time and hassle... ...because Fee and I did put the bed together and that was quite a job. I think there is also a production error in our bed. Because it just really didn't work out. So yes, today we're going to finish the rest.

We'll organize everything, unpack everything. Not quite yet, because I still have to wash everything. But at least I want to see what everything looks like when it's in place. I wore this dress at Christmas too. But of course, I was a lot smaller at the time. Because our girl is getting really big now.

She's two and a half kilos. And 45 centimetres if I say it right. In other words, time to get her room ready. Hey. How is it going? I only just finished it.

Look how fun. What's that? - That's the baby chain getting up here. Oh yes. Do you like it? - Yes. It was really a lot of work. Yes? - Yes.

Cute huh? - Yes. Ahh, cute huh? Okay guys I'm going to call it quits. I've been working for two hours now and my belly is getting heavy...

...that's just a sign to stop. Sometimes I still have to get used to that because normally... ...I would really go on for a whole day. 5 to 8 hours, but uh, now it's just done. And, of course, I will listen to my body. I am very happy because actually, I can't do much more either.

The curtains hang nicely thanks to Orfeo. It is a very nice colour, they are just Ikea curtains. As you can see, they really need to be shortened...

...but that will be fine. This is her bed of sticks. And in this, I have everything we still need to store. So, the mosquito net which comes above here.

And then we have the snuggle me for example... the nest where she will lay in. A nursing pillow, a blanket, a toy carpet... ...the big teddy bear that I want to place on the foot chair. So actually all things that we just can't do anything with right now. Then we have her bath over here.

It has to get a place too. And these are actually all the boxes of clothes... ...and stuff for the closets that we already have for her. But I still have to wash everything and I'm going to Italy tomorrow... this will all come when I come back anyway. Here in the corner, the feeding chair will come, a very nice one of Mades. We're still waiting for that. The delivery time was 16 weeks, so if it's okay it's here in two weeks. Then we have this Ikea cabinet.

That will be a kind of bookcase so all the books go in there. And I want to hang up a lot of nice things above it. Because I still think everything is very bare and that makes sense too. Look, that's where all lists come too. Here will come that mosquito net, so it's already a lot fuller then.

Uh, we wanted to paint the cabinet in the colour of the wall, but... ...I don't know. I kinda like this. I didn't expect it, but I think because the bed is also that wood colour. So it's still waiting for the end on what we exactly want to do with this.

Then we'll have the carpet. I ordered it from this website and I am so happy with that... ...because it is very nice and soft. So she can nicely play on it. It also fits perfectly with the rest, because here you have her bounce chair. You can just whine about this.

And the baby chain on it. And the curtains just match the carpet. And here we have the cabinets that the Ikea mechanics...

...have assembled themselves. So her wardrobe and the changing table. We have this Rotan mirror and this super cute board from H&M. It will come here.

I want to order one more shelf so that you have the two together. And for the rest, nothing is still laid out... ...because I still have to wash everything. So that will be fine. And I want other buttons, of wood. So I'm still looking for the perfect ones. For now, these are on it.

I'm very satisfied for day one. I can't wait for it to be finished. Yeah, loosen it, you keep it all tight.

Oh damn, boxes in boxes. - Jesus guys. Last time I also saw this with jars and lids. You're becoming a real hippie. What is this? This is for rice and so. - That small? So small? - For rice. No, this one... Well, I also have bigger ones.

Yes. Okay guys, we officially moved. All of our stuff is over. Almost everything is pretty much unpacked. Yesterday we picked up all the last little things in the old house. And, of course, we keep that house for Felix.

It's going to be his studio, so...'s not bad if there's still something left, what I might need... ...or what I've forgotten. But, yesterday we actually brought my last item. And that was my iMac. So now we are officially over. We have been sleeping here for two nights and... ...I feel so good in this house. I just can't describe it different than feeling very at peace...

...and there's just certain energy in the house that totally matches ours. It all feels very serene and the interior also has to do with it... ...but I really believe this house came on our way at the right time. And, from the moment we first set foot in here, we felt at home. Literally at the viewing already. At that time, I also saw my angel number who actually always... ...guides me on the right path. 11.44 and 22.44, so it just all made sense. The fact we were able to renovate this house within six weeks...

...and that we were able to move and made it all the way... our liking without delay. Okay, well, there was a little delay here and there... ...because actually, the original planning was a month. But now I say that it's not realistic at all. That it worked out in six weeks is mind-blowing.

In time for the baby, even in time for me to really chill... settle down here, I have nothing to do. I really have to because I don't know if you all can see it? I am swelling very much so this already... Well, it doesn't hurt but it doesn't feel really chill... ...because I just feel that it's swollen. My feet are really... You all don't even want to see it.

My ankle continues in my foot, my upper leg also in my lower leg. It's not funny. But anyway, I think that's because maybe I've done a little more... ...than I should do during this move. Believe me, we really had a lot of help.

It's really not like I did everything on my own... ...because you only see me on film. I filmed not much at all because I just didn't have a puff for that. So I'm gonna try to do better. I can't promise anything, but I'm going to try. But for now, an update that we're just really happy... ...that we're here and that it really feels so good. I'm just so happy.

And it's officially spring, so let the good weather come. Meanwhile, I'm 35 weeks pregnant and I have a pretty big belly now. I really have moving nails, I mean look at this mess. This really needs to be fixed asap. But she's doing really well.

She moves a lot, she is very busy. It's really tough now so sometimes I walk and I just lift my belly... ...because that feels a lot lighter. It can happen between 37 and 42 weeks and I'm 35 weeks. So, the idea that I could have her in my arms in two weeks. Bizarre. I still really try to enjoy this time, I really see it as a gift.

But first I also have a gift for you, namely an NA-KD haul. I got a big bag with clothes I probably don't fit. I just chose a size 36 for the trousers. Normally I wear 34 at NA-KD and even 32 sometimes.

So I won't fit 36 now either. But I probably will in a month or so. When the baby is here. Of course, I'm never sure. It can be the case that I don't go back to my weight for a long time.

But I just had to have these trousers. And if I would make them much bigger then the pipes would be really wide too. So, you know what, I'm just gonna keep my fingers crossed.

Otherways, I'm unlucky. The color palette is really great of the things I've chosen if I say so myself. So first of all, I have the trousers from the Bruna Bear collection.

I know Bruna via Instagram. She also sells here clothes by Umé Studio. And I sometimes see her on events and uh, a very nice girl... ...with a very gorgeous collection. So this is one of the trousers.

And I already see that it has the material... ...of one of my favourite trousers at NA-KD. It's a very thick material and the color is really a super nice, dark brown. Then I have the same pants in this green colour, really beautiful. I can't wait to wear this.

I already know that it won't close, but at some point I can wear them. Super nice pants. Then I also have this top from her collection. And these types of tops are always super flattering through the rushes.

And again a very nice green color. I think it looks really nice with the brown pants. And last but not least, this blouse is also from her collection...

...with a check pattern. And I think this is very nice with green pants. And this is how everything looks like while having on. Then I also have a matching set from the Reborn collection. So that's these delicious pants with a rid pattern. Again a very nice chocolate colour and runs very wide... ...and it's a size M. But I think I'll fit in here because the waistband isn't very tight either.

If it is too tight I just take it out. And then there is this top as well. It's a lot longer but has buttons. So you can open it nicely here at the bottom. But it does fall over your buttocks. And this is what it looks like while wearing it.

Then I also have a top from the Romee Strijd collection. It has a wrap detail on the front. And it's a kind of a, yeah, a kind of linen blouse is it. It is a very nice fit with nice sleeves. This is what that looks like while wearing it. And then...

I'm so happy about this. So I have my favourite suit pants of NA-KD. What I said, it is the same material as the suit pants from the Bruna collection. I think I have these pants for a year, or one and a half.

It's still pretty. I'm not fitting right now but the fit stays nice too. The fit stays nice, but they didn't have a blazer with it.

And now they have a blazer with it. I think they do for quite a while, but I just picked it out now. So this is the blazer. And this is also the colour of the suit pants that I have. So, as you can see, it's that thick material again.

I think it's called twill. But how beautiful is that? Now I can finally wear it as a set. And because I like it so much, I also chose it in black. But then in a size 38.

So this one is super oversized and I might want to wear it as a dress... ...or just as a very oversized blazer. And this is what they look like while wearing them. I can't wait to wear all of these items again...

...but for now, I'm going to enjoy the items I can wear right now. If there was something you liked, then be sure... check the description box. All the links are in the description. And with the code: "WIDYA20" you'll get a whopping 20% discount...

...on the entire NA-KD site. They have a lot of items, so I'm sure you'll find something. And they also ship mega fast. So, in no time you have your new clothes in the house. With that being said I'm going to close this vlog. Thank you so much for watching. And I'll see you in the next one.

2022-04-02 10:05

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