MOUNT RAINIER | Feeling small next to this GIANT! 4 days camping, and a grizzly bear encounter

MOUNT RAINIER | Feeling small next to this GIANT! 4 days camping, and a grizzly bear encounter

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so we just spent a week visiting family and  friends in the Vancouver area and the Sunshine   Coast area of British Columbia. We didn't film  anything because we just wanted to appreciate   the time with our family and friends, but we  had some nice little adventures with them.   We did some hiking and mountain biking, but we're  back on the road now. We have crossed the border   into United States; so hello Americans! And  if you couldn't tell we are in Mount Rainer   National Park. Ahead of us we have three nights/ four days in the back country. It's going to be  

great weather, probably the last nice  weather weekend of the season in this park. On Monday, there's going to be some rain  and probably snow coming in, which is the day   that we're leaving. So we should get out of the  park just in time before they close the gates. So we have a short hike up to our campsite  today, because we left the Sunshine Coast this   morning and made it all the way to the park. We only have like two to three hours of daylight   left so we had to take a small day today, but  we're excited to see what this park has to offer. sorry buddy This is the full map of Mount Rainer National  Park and all the hiking trails. We'll give you  

guys a closeup so we can show you what our  itinerary is for the next couple of days.   We're going to be exploring kind of around  the sunrise area of the park. We parked our   car here at the White River Campground  and yesterday we did the hike inter Fork,   all the way to Glacier Basin camp. Today we're  going to backtrack a little bit and head up   this way, along Burrows Mountain, to this Junction  here and then we're going to head up this way to   Berkeley Park camp, which is going to be our camp  tonight. Tomorrow, the plan is to backtrack down   this way and possibly do a little side quest  up to mount Fremont Lookout. We'll head back   down this way and then we're camping, tomorrow  night, at Sunrise camp and then Monday morning   we got to get out of camp and head back  down to our car at White River camp, because   they are closing the rest of this road on  Monday at noon because of a storm coming in.  

So that's our preliminary itinerary for the  next couple days but we'll see if we stick to it. There's a bear not too far from the trail that  we need to head down. It's hard to tell from this   far away, but it looks to be a brown bear, a  grizzly bear, and you can probably see the   trail that we need to hike down. So he's not  too far from the trail so we're just going   to wait here a little bit. Hopefully he's going  to move away. I think it was mountain goats down there!

So bears and national parks are  usually not too aggressive, they're very   used to having people walk around,  so we're hoping he's not going to   pose any issues for us, but we'll  just continue cautiously from here on. So we made it out alive. Both of  us, it was our closest encounter to a wild   grizzly bear and there was some moments that was  a little scary but uh he ended up being pretty chill! We made it to our campsite and that was an  amazing day! Epic views of Mount Rainier and   the grizzly bear encounter was probably  the highlight of the day. We also saw some   mountain goats! That was fun. We're pretty  tired and sore, we already made dinner and   there're still an hour left before the sunset,  but we already feel like we're ready to hit   the bed. So we'll see what tomorrow brings,  whether our feet can carry us up to the   Fremont Lookout. We can actually see the  lookout from the campsite. It's a little  

daunting thinking that we have to climb all the  way up there but we'll see how we feel tomorrow. We had an exciting morning this morning.  We saw probably over 10 Mountain goats. They're probably the same group that we saw  saw yesterday evening on our way down to camp, but we only saw about three of them last night.  And we saw some funny little bouncing birds in  

the river. I've never seen that before, they're  so cute! We're just filling up our water in the   stream now, because it might be the last spot that  we can fill up until our campsite later this afternoon. So we're going to make the day trip up  to mount Fremont today. It's about 2.6 miles,   but we don't need to bring our whole  backpacks, so I'm going to stash my   bear can in the trees. Maela is going to  stash her bag. I'm going to bring this   with us just to carry our water and the  camera gear and then we'll just pick   it up on the way back. We're just going to  shove it in this patch of Evergreens here. We made it to Sunrise Camp. There's no views of Mount  Rainier from here, unfortunately, but we're hoping  

tomorrow morning, we just have to hike up the  trail, maybe 5 minutes and fingers crossed we'll   be able to see a nice sunrise on the mountain. But  I think we're going to end up being the only ones   in this Camp, just like we were last night.  I think we're in for a nice quiet night. Well that was an absolutely amazing experience!  We're so happy that we were up early enough to witness that Sunrise. It was a little bit  cold and dark when we got out that tent, we   almost didn't do it, but we're so glad we did.  And if ever you get the chance, make sure to   experience a Mount Rainer Sunrise from Sunrise  Camp. It should be on everyone's bucket list   honestly! So the nights have been getting pretty  cold where we are and we're struggling a little   bit to sleep in the tent with just a sleeping  mat and a sleeping bag, it's not as comfortable as   the van, so I think from here on out we're going to  start hitting more south. Try and find some warmer  

weather so now we just have to go down, break our  camp, head back to the van and that'll be it!

2024-11-04 10:19

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