Motorhome Touring Norfolk Broads Horning Thurne in our McLouis Fusion 331

Motorhome Touring Norfolk Broads Horning Thurne in our McLouis Fusion 331

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[Music] Welcome to part 2 of our Norfolk  Broads adventure. We woke up in Horning car   park to a beautiful day. Parking charges kick in  at 9:00 a.m. so we moved on to some free daytime   parking and we are at Horning Village Hall  Dave's doing his laundry and lovely border collie   over there you can't park overnight here and  you can't camp here but you can stop here   you can stop here for the day so we're going to  stop here and then we're going to go for a walk   once I've had another cup of coffee and washed  a nice cup of coffee oh you need yeah I need a   good cup of coffee we tried making coffee from  the water from the white water tank this morning   and it just tastes a bit of sterilizing tablet so  I ain't going to do that going to use tap water   yeah wasn't great so yeah let's get that  kettle on let's get washed and it's nice   it's Pleasant yeah. So what did you think of  horning car park when you stayed at great  

nice location very handy for the pub and the  river nice view of a bright red dumpster could   I I you know I'm sorry I'm sorry to interrupt  but could we close this cuz I can't see a thing   look do that might actually stop some of the  glare as well oh yeah that has helped there   we go that has helped hasn't it a bit um yeah  I I thought it was all right I mean it was free   it's free quality yeah well so today what are we  going to do today I don't know going to walk go   for a little walk walk then we're going to drive  then we're going to drink beer and we're going to sleep so here what's that nod mean that means go  so here I am in my floppy hat oh all right here I   was in my floppy hat so here I am in my floppy  hat to protect my face and we're on a little   walk and where are we we are in horning horning  and over there is the RAF base the old RAF base   and um we're going to head over that way  and there's big Radars and everything over there and for once Dave's in charge of  the camera with a big smile on his face   cuz he's loving it in my floppy  hat with my leopard print that's   going um yeah so let's go walking  let's go walking let's go [Music] walking what did you just say I said I didn't hear  a word of what you just said but I'll follow you   wherever you go what more could a woman ask  for that's how much he trusts my navigation skills oh you know what these are I do they're  called Oak apples they are indeed Oak apples how   how are they made again I've forgotten there's  a little wasp that comes along and lays its   egg in the little bud like one of these so we  learned about these on our trip to Dunwich two   or 3 weeks ago 3 weeks ago now and we' never seen  them before and now we are becoming Countryside experts I bet you will be soon  right should we carry on walking   let's carry on walk this is quite a lovely little dip I expect it's a sinkhole not a bomb hole I  think it is and I think it's still sinking cos   the the corner there CLS and in still going  so turns out that it could have been a bomb   hole as in April 1941 a single German  plane dropped 15 bombs in the area only   one building was hit and that was the fery  Inn the bomb hole versus sinkhole mystery continues Boy Scout is not going to have  a compass on have got a compass too yeah   bloody good one and that's North which way  do we need to go south right never mind   Maps use your GPS what's it called Compass no  it's called I'll tell you you should have this   app everyone should have this app GPS status it's  got a level a compass you can drop GPS pins it'll   tell you how far somewhere it's just everything  that you could possibly want yeah and he does use   it to check whether the van's level as well  so yeah useful tool right let's get walking   beautiful day our walk took us to Benedict's  Church which dates back to the 13th century there's a yew tree we'll see what we've got inside we got a Dave inside going  I'm going to leave my sticks there I bet it's going to be cold in here oh lovely you're most welcome to help yourself to  a drink and a biscuit I've never seen that in a   church before how wonderful is that isn't it  then you have to leave a little contribution   we've got change I we yeah box I've got all the  change you gave me oh there's a little um elect   thing yeah well this is inside the church of  St Ben biscuit you're not dive straight bab   is straight in there there's no biscuits left is  there yeah chocolate biscuits chocolate biscuits   as well biscuit I thought you were straight in  there to get some biscuits so that is a remarkable roof I find the peace and  serenity inside a church just so calming oh whoa what is this down here look at this that's like a pirate treasure  chest the ironband chest is in fact   the parish chest dated to the 13th  century Parish chests were used to   store important documents and items such  as records of births deaths and marriages [Music] our walk took us back to the Village of horning you're sucker for a  little passage way aren't you day oh an Avenue little Avenue little Avenue  an Avenue little Avenue with little flowers   yes it's lovely got pretty little flowers  it is it's lovely pretty little flowers [Music] [Music] so I think Dave's missing out because last  night normally he likes to work on things   at night and today he's actually  doing things during the day it's um technical drawing yeah for a thing that my my lad is going to 3D  print for me yay it's going to be an   awesome thing but that was quite  a long walk you did today it was and doesn't work like [Music]  [Laughter] [Music] that I don't   not being defeated by a little plastic  bag quite stressful quite irritating   there we go but has succumbed well done  to my Superior abilities your Domestic Goddess all right then next stop [Music] then  just arrived at Red Lodge CL it's the caravan and motorhome Club CL and well let me just that's  the view from our doorway today it was a little   bit stressful getting here because the lat long  directions that I was using from the Caravan Club   website didn't take us to the right place so that  was a little bit stressful. Thurne windmill was built   in 1820 to drain the marshes for the farmers  it ceased working in 1936 and was restored in 1950 the notice about this is a  2 miles walk up here to the wind   energy Museum oh could show everything about wind energy yeah that's why there's so much wind noise [Music] we made a quick stop at Pub the lion [Music] This is the Church of St Edmund  the Martyr dating back to the 13th   century St Edmund was martyred by the Danes in 872 [Music]   whenever I come in a church yard  especially when I was a kid and   there was a grave that was surrounded  with metal like this I always used to   think it was because there was a bad  person that they wanted to keep inside the iron fences were erected around  gravestones to stop wild animals from   getting at the remains but it's also  thought that they were place there to   stop grave Robbers from stealing the  bodies for medical research [Music] it's got another electronic donation thing there's also a donation point  over there we can pop a little bit be   the font this is a lot smaller than yeah  a lot smaller and it's the Church of St   Edmund very cute actually look at the  lighting these LS these are beautiful that's not very spiritual is it Iwow that wasn't long after the steam train  was invented died at the Aged of 44 years of age well it's a very sweet Church welcome to England this most green  and beautiful land God's own country a short stroll after dinner You Bahhed all over him that one go on baH again. I asked him and he did that's lovely the most stunning Sunset I've ever seen number one it stops it from  falling down if you don't have that that falls off there and drags it off all the way  down it's just a little holder what's it made   out of blue tack white blue tack it's just a job  you're so clever it's a temporary Arrangement   okay gosh we packed an awful lot in we have  it's in some really lovely lovely places I   think that's what happens when you move every  night feel like you've done more than you have   because you've had more change more new things  you don't get bored of the surroundings then yeah yeah and the most stunning sunset tonight you  can't wobble cuz you're wobbling everything   wobble that's you that was me then  cos I was showing you how a little   wobble just wobbles everything  maybe we need a a more sturdy um thing not maybe something suspense  from something that would wobble with with us I don't know I don't know there's probably  all sorts of things out there things all sorts   of you made me jump yeah so sorry for the wobbles  but um unlock look have you fixed the uh Hub door   H sorry it's the H door not the Hub door  yet so far oh look you see you're wobbling   it again you wiggle your knees I'm going  to have to stop you wiggling your knees   stop wiggling your knees that's the  trouble you never sit still even at   home you sat there and you like this with  your foot constantly while we watching telly [Music] yeah he definitely worn me out but I  wouldn't change a thing of it I love   the little village we went to on Friday a bit  bizarre with the Scarecrow festival thing but   they were scary so I wonder do they have  a big bonfire I have to look that up they   just put the scarecrows in the fields so  that the seeds grow what's the purpose   well scarecrows scare away birds so they don't  eat the seeds in isn't that scare traditionally   that's what they were originally for yeah so  because the farmers are perhaps sewing their seeds because the farmers are  maybe sewing their seeds maybe   that's why they're having their scarecrow Fest maybe that would be an explanation  me what do you think it's for then why   I struggle to see a community deciding to all  make scarecrows because the farmer own some   seeds but yeah okay so if I had to guess I'd say  um it's a middle class wee to get the kids doing   something that's a little bit sort of uh Jolly  Japes and jolly good fun that everyone can join   in yes and um and isn't it wonderful you would  you have joined in with that you would have done   if the children would have wanted to you know you  would have done maybe yeah you get one or two oh dear sorry it's no fun watching people yawn  cos then you make other people Yawn. how many   people make anyone watching that might  be Yawning their heads off yeah it's been   lovely I'm very glad that we've had a a  bank holiday weekend to have an extra day away yeah we'll um enjoy the rest of our evening and and head off at some point tomorrow yeah I   think it's probably 11:00 we've got to  leave here I that's the standard time it's cassette day tomorrow  it's the shittiest day of all I quite like some NBC clothing to a but  I wouldn't want to bring that back to the van   it be single use only I'd chck it straighten  the skip afterwards waste yes or one of those   cabinets where you put the cassette in then  you put your arms through the gloves like a   ra radiation yeah thing you good at it now you  know what you're doing yeah but just when you   think you've got the hang of it you know okay  fine there's a tap for the hose on you stick   that in you turn the tap on put a bit of water  in you come somewhere like this and there's not a   tap or a hose instead there's a system hanging  on the wall what's the tap where and there is   a hose on the bottom of the system right but  once you turn the handle you're going to get   the whole system's worth of water whether  you want it or not it's like well if that   overflows it's going everywhere and you can't  turn on slowly it's it's a flush so it's just   going to empty as fast as it can it's a shame  because before you saw that to cassette toilet   cassette emptying system here you were saying oh  going to have to mark this one to come back if   we can cuz that was a lovely view out there  tonight that might have changed your mind odly people aren't very logical are they or very  structured right how many good ideas have I come   up with this weekend though I didn't say they  I have good ideas but because I'm creative is   I canect with these ideas and some of them you  laugh at let's be fair and some of them you're   like oh that's a good idea hadn't thought  that so whereas I think technical people l   people like yourself have this kind of like it's  almost like a little um marble R in your head so   like no it can't go that way and you got tilted  the other way to find the right answer I don't   know I probably offended people now but there's  there's logical people like yourself tend to have   like a like problem solve it so logical people  have marbles and art people have lost their marble I think that's probably right that was funny oh dear oh dear Domestic Goddess at work got my lovely locks dear he's hung out the laundry to dry  already on the fence he's already talking   about cleaning the [Laughter] shower yeah  empty the toilet cassette later as well   putting that out of my mind all  morning especially whil I was eating breakfast Red House CL don't follow  the lat long directions cos they'll   take you to the wrong place but  can highly recommend pitch three   Domestic Goddess has now finished  boiling the kettle so we can have a cuppa. ready darling

[Music] holiday Monday traffic going home just like we are and thank you for joining us on our norfolk  broads adventure maybe we'll see you next time   to the city streets we begin to feel We rise like T builds as the take us higher

2024-06-09 02:37

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