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overpacked again hi guys in this video i'll  take you with me for a trip to the vosges or   voosh in france well i'm quite sure i pronounced  it completely wrong so uh here's the name in the   screen the vosges or vogezen it was not so  good weather here in the netherlands so i've   decided to go for a little camping trip in that  area only the weather was also bad in france as   you will see later in this video but i've tried  to make a nice video about the trip with funny   stories and breathtaking shots so sit back make  sure you set youtube to 4k and enjoy the ride and we're in belgium and that's good  because my gas tank was almost empty and   here are the prices much cheaper so yeah  i'll take a little break time for a coffee   and then uh another five hours highway only  highway but yeah otherwise it takes me forever well i think oh my lens is dirty much better  i think i'm near luxembourg now but i think my   expensive luggage bag is falling off the bike  so i have to reset it but it doesn't matter   it's good for my back i don't think it's gonna  take a long time before it's going to rain see well only two hours to go and i'm kinda tired  and but here in the [ __ ] middle of nowhere   in the la blah blah blah whatever it's called i  see two dutch bikers going to the same direction   yeah let's move on good morning guys so i arrived yesterday after  i think seven eight hours riding with a little   pauses little stops i arrived here in the Vosges  i think it's called? i'm not sure even and this   motorcamping (campsite) it's called la mouche  it's a famous motor camping ( it's run by two   dutch guys so everybody here is dutch which  is kind of fun but there's a little story   first i i got a beer and another beer and it was  kind of fun but i still had to put up my tent   and i was like yeah i will do that in a  minute and then it was it was all dark   i had to put it in all dark and i'm night  blind tip anyway the tent was partly set up   not very good actually uh in the middle of  the night it collapsed also but that was not   the worst um but then yeah i had more drinks and  more drinks and more drinks i was totally hammered   and then i went into my tent and i had to find  stuff it was man it was it was a big drama   but hee i survived there's a funny story actually  which is not so cool i woke up at like six o'clock   in the morning i had this headache and i was like  oh my god i don't feel good at all not at all   so suddenly i felt like oh [ __ ] i must throw  up and i was looking for a plastic bag and i   had a plastic bag you know for uh where i put  some some food in so i i turned it upside down   to have the back and so i was throwing up in the  plastic bag then i realized there was a hole in   it oh [ __ ] so the whole tent was i cleaned it  up now it looks cool again man man man man man   today i'm uh going uh for a ride here because it's  nice riding so i am going to load a route into my   garmin and i'm going to try to make some  nice videos nice shots of it because it   should be it should be really nice riding  here here so let's find out uh it is dry   but the sky is not that great it is actually  a bit cloudy it's now like one o'clock i know   i'm late i'm late because i have to do so  much stuff but around uh three o'clock it's   say they say it's gonna be raining and so  yeah then i probably head back because i   yesterday i drove a lot in the rain so let's  check out what the Vosges has for us bikers i don't know where the microphone is but  i was trying to put a root into my garmin something was not correct because it was  only doing highway and i was like what   highway? and so i tried a different method and  now it seems like i am going to my start point is   thought it was the end point but it's not so but  i also have the wrong vizor on my helmet i got the   the dark one and it's raining all the time so it's  a bit hard to see so i'm gonna try tomorrow again   and hopefully i can make the route because it  is a nice route but not what i did i did highway well i'm now uh near luxembourg with a  self-made cup of coffee you were thinking   why why are you in luxembourg you said you  would go riding there but i i planned to go   a day earlier home i was i was planning to go on  friday tomorrow home but uh the weather is bad   and there's a lot of rain and tomorrow there's  even more a lot of rain 600 kilometers in [ __   ] weather and today in the netherlands it's pretty  okay so i have a little bit sun and a little bit   right now so that's why and 482 kilometers  to go i made a new friend come come here where are you yeah ah this is sweet this is the same gas station as in my long movie  the 4000 kilometer solo ride you can find it here   i was also in the end of the movie i was in this  gas station and that's not a coincidence because   this is still belgium and the prices are  very cheap comparing to the dutch prices   so yeah that's why i stopped here  one hour and 30 minutes then i'm home so i made it back home again i will surely go  back there someday but hopefully with good weather   because it is really beautiful there but not so  much fun when it's raining all the time i hope   you like my video if you do please give it a thumb  up and consider subscribing for more videos and i   hope to see you all next time for now ride safe my  friends i will leave you now with this nice sunset

2021-08-19 06:50

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