Montego Bay Mission....Visiting SECRETS Resort, Jamaica!

Montego Bay Mission....Visiting SECRETS Resort, Jamaica!

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Yeah yeah. Adventure, time. Hey i'm so doing a little adventure to montego, bay, i have a couple friends up there that just happen to be in town. And we'll just see what we can run into on the way. And. Yeah first time in montego bay really hanging out i've passed through before, but never really hang out there. How about you you spend much time in mobe. No not that reminds you of your day. You don't like it. Well, we'll have at least one entertaining, night. All right let's. Roll. Yeah, can't do nothing. Stuck behind these big ass. Trucks. Last, night. You know. Yeah. No you noticed or not you know you're not even, like. Yeah. Back where me now, yeah. That's for the ganja, seeds, yeah. No no no no. No. Peter was saying when he collects the rain water it grows, so much better yeah yeah, yeah. But i mean. Everything. Why. Not. We just pulled over for a little spliff, break i had some chicken. And. Yeah just looking across the street. This person's, yard, so many food. Why, i saw so many so we got gina. Sweet sap. Pier. Hockey. Bird food, mango. Mango wine. Oh man, and the the one with all the little green ones is plum oh my, god uh different than june plum though yeah different lines you and plum then they're nice. Oh yeah at the top. What. You could hear that kind of squawk. Sounds. Whoever lives here has like 10 different fruit trees all within. Reach. Stopped and got some snacks. I tell, kind of oh yeah you got banana chips. It's pretty much. Pretty much good. Water. I'm trying one of these. Caribbean. Ginger beer spicy. And yeah we're in the middle of the. The main new road the edward saga highway, so. Yeah, nice smooth. Road. We are on the north, coast, now. About an hour and a half to go. Yeah very calm drive. Nice smooth. It definitely, got warmer, since we got out of the mountains. Feel that like right away. No he's got nothing. Here we go. All right we're in montego, bay. Traffic. Locked, up. Everywhere. Behind a police, truck. With a. Dog inside. Yeah. I don't think so you see that it's so hard to. See. A piece of like, chicken. I got the bones in here somewhere. That's it i know you, moved. That would be the minute but you know. Oh we're. 140. Meters away from the, hotel. From our hotel. And then we're going to go to my friend richie's, place. See how they're living. Visiting. Now they're living for the week. But i think he got us day passes so we can just hang out use the pool. Get some food. 100 meters. But we're moving, so. Slow. Looks like a german shepherd. Yeah, like a police dog classic. And two other makes you carry. Two, three. Three, a three different, dog. Look. Look. One big one. Still in traffic. Turns out waze did not take me to the right place so we're just gonna go right to regis hotel. Get some food. We're still stuck behind this. Dog police truck. Mobe, traffic. It's four o'clock. Don't drive here if it's four o'clock. On a friday. We're learning that the hard way. There's this girl that's walking with the pink hair. We've passed her like three times. And then she overtakes, us. Again. Yeah she's beating us and she's walking, slowly with a tray of fast food.

So. Yeah. That's it. Here. Comes. Oh yeah. There goes police dog truck. We got out of traffic. Finally. Secret, hotel. Wow. Secret. Secrets. Well they let us in no questions asked. Oh. Sorry. Hello. Here i go. Uh-huh. Hey. Hey how's it going. We're visiting some friends here they got us day passes, where do we park where is it, right here, oh that way, where where is that no. They never come out. Right by the, window. This is. Yeah we're going to come hang out all right come on yeah let's go, let's go they just wouldn't let us in because they didn't have our name or something so i i gave him your name so they'll when you come up then i didn't i didn't have i didn't have his last name. We'll get you here, cool well that was a lot of work, now we're in secret spa. Aka, babylon, as marco just called it signing id is giving, licenses. Doing paperwork. But we're here. With richie. You ready to enter babylon. Tiago. This is close to home as i can give you right now that's it that's all come on in it's so nice to see what do you want to do like you want to go for a dip you want to go give us a little tour, all right whatever you want to do man, this is uh we're just hanging with richie. And this place is called secret, a. Secret. Yeah, i'm trying to think the last time we hang out was probably skateboarding, it was it was in kitchener is that two years ago now three, so washroom. Is. Uh we got one out here. Let's go this way, what about this bush. Yeah i'll show you, remember we have some. Oh this game looks sick, this cornhole we've been playing this. Yeah. Oh we and i've been shooting kobe's, i'm. Yes. Oh shuffleboard. Oh hold on hello. Aaron. What's up. Hello. It's aaron. How are you. Good how are you i'm awesome, nice to see you, this is moko this is my wife aaron. Yeah. I'm fine you know good, this is really nice to meet you it's mike this is. Hey jamie nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too. Oh nice, bethany, and jamie and her husband so nice to meet you i can't believe you made it here yeah well once i heard you guys are here i'm like we're coming up uh, i might do a rum and coke. Right. What do you want can you just come up to. Are you okay if i film a little bit yeah okay. Everyone's going to look good don't worry everyone's going to be styling. The problem the problem is i'm on air, the problem is we've been drinking all day. Aaron's a mom can you believe it. Two girls two girls. She's two boys, two boys. Damn. You guys are doing the same age you guys are living right. Oh man. Richie this is sick. I'm gonna fly some drone around here. Cheers cheers cheers welcome. We're happy that you're here. Yes. You got a drink. It's coming. Oh we're gonna wait for beer okay and a reason. Going to redo that shot in a minute. Yeah. Aaron's, sneaking over. That's why i keep maddie, maddie pierre. The women flocked to maddie p over there so, he's got a girlfriend. What's, up. Who's the girlfriend, shout out to my empress yassie, what's up wish you were here. Can we redo it cheers. All right let's cheers here guys, thanks thanks for hosting us, nice to meet you guys. Hey, cheers, cheers. Yeah cheers. Oh there's an extra beer, yes double cheers, what's up casey ran out yes. Moco this is probably your first time hanging out this place. I'm guessing in jamaica. Me too. Yeah may i tell him teddy, the herb, are the healing i didn't need a shine, yeah, herb is human, herb is the healing of the nation, so if you smoke weed it. Heals. Ship the kids out here. Bring the little kids. They'll live here just fine it's all inclusive you don't have to cook we're coming back, i'm never young. You're welcome, here you know. That pants are here they even have pants in, here. I'm happy i'm happy man but when we go to like port antonio, or kingston. Anywhere we go anywhere. Anywhere where we go to be true people are like hey, yo. Yeah anyway, we go. They know you guys i know we got it you know, yeah but that's amazing, yeah, the beauty and i like that too you know.

Yeah For. Sure. The real thing that i love about it is i knew i knew when you were doing it you weren't doing it. For anything other than the love right like everything you were filming like you were like i was the same for a period of time, but you like, to film everything. Like it's a labor it's a labor of love you know what i mean like to do that it's tough it's tough, do you want to give us a tour of, that property, quick let's do it. Yeah, maybe we'll do a beer. How's the red stripe cold. Nice and. Cold. This is different for us, so this, is. What's the name of the place again. Don't tell anyone. And we saw a bunch of, jellyfish. Wow, yeah it was a little nuts we were like no don't we look like about seven in the morning we all we went out just the two of us on this paddle board. Lots of jellies, what, stingy ones or not. I don't know. Yeah. You know. White. White. Two different girls, two different, baby. Two twin and one single, oh my god wicked man. I'm joking. Oh. What else is exciting around here. We got uh, tiki type hey i'll tell you we went swimming with some jellyfish, yeah i missed the jellyfish didn't get stung by jellyfish. Still had a bunch of women pee on me no big. Deal. All right rich is continuing, the tour. The sun's setting, this is sand. Okay, canadians, don't know what oh my, goodness. This is water. It is quite nice and i gotta say it's like flying, i think it's important, i'm pretty sure it's important. For me, limestone. All right we got any crabs, yeah yeah. You see a titan right there you see that black one right there, oh. That's a bug. Yeah. Right there. Yeah. Oh he's right by the weird. Bug. Hold my beer, this is about to be a fail. Don't do it guys. Like a big shrimp don't do it it's dangerous. They're crazy have you ever seen one upside down. No. No, one of those bugs things i'll get it i'll get it i'll get it oh my gosh. Shrimp. I forget that. Bubba gump shrimp. Popcorn, shrimp. It's like a prehistoric, bug basically that lives in the ocean what i think science. Sciences. What's the purpose of it. Around jellyfish, i can swim within. But you know you know, you have to be careful. They'll make you touch you you know i know but if you're swimming. Right and you have a current. They can't get you show us. Or if you piss as you're swimming and that's them away like i told you i got stung by a jellyfish, i didn't really but i still had a whole bunch of people pee on me. It hurts. It hurts. I heard that was false. What's that. Supposedly. It's ammonia ammonia. Supposedly, kills it but i thought that was false that's not a real thing it depends on how much you drink there's only one way to prove this. I'll get stung by jelly and see what happens, or just do you want one of these on the yard. Yeah yeah in the house, in my house. Yo when you build your bar. Yeah. You could get a swing in your bar just like. This. Oh man old man richie over here. Do you guys know where i can find myself, some pepto bishop, because i got a bad case of indigestion. Excuse me. You know where i can find some booty. Dude you can find it here trust me, yeah i'll get you i'll get you don't worry about that thanks brother. So restaurant restaurant, red stripe, what do you want baby, it's from all natural stuff, organic. It's good. And clean and clean water too. So what do we have here. Oh did you do something here for me. Can we get it that's good just a little bit. Good. Why am i drinking, it. How is it. What do you think, it's good let's do it. Together. Yeah. Just like you're. Just like you're cocky witch. Remember when the guy called me a cock shot. She called me a hot shot but i'm pretty sure he called me a cock shit. Did you call me a cock shot. That's a great video, come on you got wood some peas. Oats peanut, and sea, mask. Oh it's good really good actually, it's got like um. I think it's a peanut. Yeah. Nutmeg, nutmeg, too. Yeah. Like a can of pepsi. It's like two cans of pepsi. No it's it's actually very good. So. Good. So good. Yeah, that's what rasta, rust has. Been, dealing you. Know. Just read the ingredients that says carrageenan, it's a thickener. A natural, thickener. Yeah. Yeah be careful you're gonna have a wild night. It's more healthy than. Stoichio. I like how you're double fisting, you got a red stripe, and. Uh. A little bit of rice. Moco's, plate is normally this much rice. Yeah, everything look good guys. Bon appetit. Enjoy. My first oxtail, for a while. For a while. Yeah, i got it too i haven't. Eaten them on the curry goat. I eat too much curry. Awesome. Right all right that's. Right, dr chen. Are you filming. Are you filming filming a bro hug. All right. Nice to see you that's awesome thanks for having us i really appreciate it man thank you my pleasure my pleasure yeah yeah it's yes it is what it is right yeah fuck you out so make sure hey.

Hey Everybody nice to meet you oh. All right guys. Uh let's see if we can get out of this place okay. Hopefully no more, montego bay. Traps. Thank you. That's your id. My idea. Bless that love. Yeah. Never, never. Yeah. Yeah these people are some good people you know. Yeah, you gotta come to our yard in canada. Let me go there. Uh, maybe i'm on diet. Here's accommodations. I'm across, the hall. Not bad, got a bit of a party going on downstairs. All right. All right thank you. Bathroom, inside i think. Yeah decent place. I'm glad the dj's stopping at 11 because i'm about to fucking fall asleep, man. I'm done. So i'm gonna go pick those guys up in the morning and i'll come pick you up on the way back, like seven o'clock, over here, yeah, you good with that if i come get you at seven. Yeah, what did you think of today, at the hotel. It's good, yeah it was good. You know interesting, experience. Enough people looking to the russia but they don't know. People were quite confused, because it's all tourists. From everywhere. And then us rolling in. With local friends that seem to know us. Anyway. That was it montego, bay, we'll get up to some more stuff. Tomorrow. You.

2020-07-28 08:47

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