Monroe Lake Memorial Day Campout 2021

Monroe Lake Memorial Day Campout 2021

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well today we're doing a little family campout well hey everybody andy here thanks for  joining me today and today we are doing   some family camping a little different style  we're here at paynetown state recreational area   on the shores of beautiful lake  monroe in south central indiana   just doing a little bit of boating some  fishing some camping with friends so we've got   as you can see through there the pop-up camper  all set up and we've got some friends that   brought their trailers and tents and all that  fun stuff so we're just here along the lake,   some of the guys are getting ready getting the  life jackets on to get in the water for the day   um we had a good bit of rain last night but we're  just gonna enjoy some fun hopefully some sun later   here this weekend and we'll bring you along  so you can see what we're up to this weekend   so yeah let's get back out there meet up with the other jet ski first so whoa and they're off the other way all  right let's go meet up with the tubers all right let's see if you can throw some morning hey that'll be cool that was sick you got that too yeah so hello oh hey oh gosh it's really picking up well good morning everybody we uh we survived the  uh the deluge last night all the rain that we got   yesterday and uh woke up to a pretty  brisk morning it's uh in the mid 40s   i'm getting a little uh dutch oven biscuits  going my wife's on the grill getting some eggs   and peppers grilled up we've already got coffee  made um so kids are inside where it's still warm   um it was pretty toasty in there i think for the  most part at least definitely compared to outside   so the first time we've ever had to run the heater  in that thing but uh i'm gonna sit out here have   a cup of coffee get those coals uh nice and hot  and get some freshly baked uh biscuits to go with   breakfast and then today we're supposed to be out  on the lake again um with pontoon boat uh with the   ski boat again and um a couple of jet skis so  we'll be doing a little about a little bit of that   today i'm also looking at maybe today or tomorrow  um getting a canoe because i am taking the kids up   to boundary waters in a little over a week and i  want to get them just a little bit more proficient   in the canoe go through again some of the  basics and talk about different scenarios   that hopefully we don't have to deal with but just  in case we do you know they know what to do so   i'm gonna go work on breakfast  i will check back in later is hi buddy let me know later okay get back to me on that pretty quiet out on the water for  memorial day weekend it is a little chilly thinking about it mike yeah it's like 60  degrees outside and now we're swimming   but the water is uh okay i guess not at  all no you have to go in one more time oh my god all right caitlin you got to get it on  camera let's see it michael is it better michael michael is it better are you sure good luck mike we're all counting on you  the slide's cold that's not a good sign should i put it in slow motion for you probably   one to ten michael's feel the bucket again michael  feel the batteries i felt the [ __ ] water it's   freezing like it's not like extremely hot but  it's nice you don't have to get in like get out   immediately or sit down get out and you'll be  cold and then get back okay can you please feel   warmer you ever go because i'm really cold  because you'll be really cold fine come on because you're like six feet almost yourself it's not wet enough now you  don't have any hesitation though mike   all right we're at uh lake monroe we're on the  boat it's uh pretty chilly today after the rains   went through it's uh 56 degrees it says i think  the water's a good bit warmer than the air is   right now so everybody's in off the boat swimming  in there's a nice uh slide and they're all heading   over to the shore uh this is actually the scout  reservation for boy scouts uh camp ransburg is   right there so that's the aquatic center where the  boat launches just on the other side of that rock   uh jetty and then the main camp is is up the hill  and around so it's pretty calm back here tucked   in out of the wind it was a little windy going  into the wind completely fine going with the wind but it's it's definitely chilly so i mean i've  even got the rain jacket on just to kind of block   the wind as we were boating but i'm i'm plenty  warm now so we're just gonna enjoy a little bit   of this and if it warms up later in the day we may  get uh the jet skis out and um do some tubing or   we might just wait until tomorrow for that stuff  it might just be a little too chilly for that   see daisy swimming out they're  throwing the ball out for her to get she's been begging to go in the  water the whole time we've been here like seven o'clock scavenger hunt that was the first one and this is the  second one that we made and we already   put it over there everybody else right now is  sitting down by the fire or is down by the lake right silas it's burned your marshmallow time  but your brother michael because he's well good morning we're uh  finishing some breakfast   today the goal is to get out on the water as you  can possibly see there's hardly a cloud in the sky   it's definitely warmed up today it's supposed  to be around 70 degrees it's sunday morning   when we go camping as a group we want to eat well  so we've had bacon and eggs and sausage and i got   the dutch ovens out again so i've made uh the  double batch of cinnamon rolls again and uh some   hot biscuits so those are over on the table um  you know when when i do backpacking it's all   about you know lightweight and convenient and i  still eat well but when we do these kind of events   man we pull out all the stops you know we've had  people making steaks to burgers and hot dogs to   you name it so just about having a good time with  some good friends and then uh we'll clean up here   shortly it is gosh i don't even know what time it  is bear with me a second it is almost 10 o'clock   so we're gonna get cleaned up uh we've already  got the boat it's parked off the little cove   back down here below so get everybody cleaned up  uh get their suits on and uh get down on the water   and spend a day out with the pontoon boat and the  slide and some jet skis and just have a good time   so i'll check back in a little bit later  probably when we're we're out on the boat the first two vessels are away we're trying to break free of the shore oh it's floating away with us  come sail away come sail away just go just go just go dad just go oh we found a little spot to uh pull along uh  pull up the shore so people can get off and   you know walk around take the dog for a  walk uh this will kind of be home base so   a ski boat will come in and switch out people jet  skis you know we're right along the edge of the uh   no wake zone so it's real easy to get out onto the   bigger part of the lake but this little party cove  that usually is pretty popular you know there's   always activity boats you know pulling in and  just hanging out for the day we were in here last   year and there was a big houseboat that you can  rent down around uh at one of the big resorts so   this will be our our home base for  uh probably a good chunk of the day oh so the practice all right here we go all right let's see if this works that's pretty cool i don't know why you're doing it some water on the camera i don't want it too warm so i  don't know what you're doing but of course you are wow there's  a warm spot here what is that i wonder all right i think we uh we've had our fun in the  sun we are on our spot all day we've got a few   still out on the jet skis on the water   we've got less than probably about 20 minutes  left we're starting to pack up here on the shore   and uh getting ready to head back towards the  docks so we can turn the pontoon back in and uh   we'll probably head back to camp uh start thinking  about dinner so had a great time so much warmer   today um the water was a little chilly um but once  you were in it a little while it wasn't too bad so   had a good time i'm gonna go help out finish  cleaning up throw a couple cans away and   call it a day and then we'll  uh we'll start heading back   all right we are all loaded up um got the  site torn down this morning had a great time having some good fun with family  and friends and we're going to be   heading on the road shortly  thanks so much for watching

2021-07-13 06:31

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