Monkey Time ! Part 2. Lamin Lodge in the Gambia #africa #tourism

Monkey Time ! Part 2. Lamin Lodge in the Gambia #africa #tourism

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there you go he passed away oh okay yeah the one of this place okay Road here down having house around here if you come you can stay here up to in the evening you can go home okay take it with you don't want to get up there too you can see them peeping through the hole you can see yeah oh yeah yeah it's like the Monkey Lounge up there everywhere yeah it's natural wondering if we was messing with her baby seeing me checking us up [Music] he got other people to do all the creative stuff that's nice it's just falling through the thing y'all fun and do everything like you know tree houses upstairs the third level is the monkey the monkey the monkey sweets look at the Monkey Joe I am having a microphone time today sitting down looking at us so I like monkeys when they cool when they're just sitting down looking at you looking at them that's when I like them yeah and they just call yeah because I don't want no monkey pox or nothing else thank you in the markets as much as I am yes okay your kitchen is open for me I'm not fish on it guys okay foreign you can just put it on the floor yeah that's good okay shrimp and garlic sauce grilled fish what kind of fish is it red snapper oh okay and it comes with what okay is it fried rice or plain rice is it fried rice or plain rice [Music] and then I guess you got shrimps I saw this sprouts yeah shrimp and garlic sauce that'll be with rice maybe I'll try the shrimps and garlic sauce yeah the shrimps and garlic sauce sounds good shrimp and garlic sauce with rice yes chicken yeah with rice yes shrimp shrimp and garlic sauce with rice okay where my husband of Galveston Bay y'all like I say yamber reminds me of Galveston thank you okay I'll be going to get grounded for the monkeys [Music] because I don't know what is beer and nice yeah I'll be going to get some groceries yeah this looked like a first time here y'all I like it this is a beautiful place yeah he said you was dancing downstairs and you sent me a picture of the video sent me a copy of the video he was dancing in your suit this is a beautiful place though y'all it's like a tree house just like a treehouse and it's a restaurant tree house with monkeys I like it y'all very nice made it happen yeah it's just fine wood and he just all he did is finish the uh the carvings put a little light uh satin varnish on it very nice very nice tree house y'all very nice this is lemon large Lemon Lodge monkeys be disappearing so fast y'all I think they're related to Houdini the monkey so oh yes yes I'm a monkey person I'll be going to get some nuts from there's him and them y'all I ain't for monkeypox sorry yo I'll pray for him food for us we are planting extra bananas for the monkeys the tall banana trees are for the monkeys and uh it can have the ground that's if they want them and the watermelon we plant extra watermelon look that's not Market getting close to us too you were the Curious one yeah the market coming under a center way trying to see if we got some fun okay monkey monkey serious Georgia where's Curious George trying to see Liz Curious George yeah Curious George is gone [Music] Curious George not listening to the mama going close to human beings you know we not trustworthy sometimes shrimp and garlic yeah all right shrimp and garlic sauce with a salad quinoa has chicken yasa chicken yeah I said chicken with smothered onions and peppers all right then there you go and mine is shrimp and garlic sauce shrimp and garlic sauce I'm happy just kept trying to overdo stuff I had to get rid of the catch up didn't kill it but I got rid of him he can't be having my food though I believe it foreign I was turning in a circle behind you it's funny I've never seen my marker pulls up like that like they observing you oh there it is I gotta keep an eye on them big Marcus I don't know if I could trust them or not foreign this is the closest I ever been so much of my life is coming checking me out the monkey don't know what this camera is was just looking at me like what the heck I don't know what that is you got to keep his uh his eye on you I'll be he like I don't know about him yeah he coming he coming [Music] I can go sit down and eat it I look nice um thank you yeah they might be too funny I'll give you more here you don't see you yeah he's over there you're looking at it he coming I don't do anything okay is better than me I only got little fingers yeah hands on herself oh you see yeah so we have Granite here don't run away thank you perfect yes it was good so what are they doing cursing each other don't fight oh oh yeah they would yeah foreign thank you it's because they know it's a party no party going on yeah but the mom won't come down here and smack him away that's a metal one oh yeah yeah hahaha that's because it looked like a nut was there but it's just the shell yeah it's just a shell hey now while you're eating all good for this one let's give them some money it's coming easy why are you eating all right it's not afraid he's not afraid he went in a fight too say what do you mean by that you have this one no no you have this one the one thing is the king he is the king oh okay okay in there oh she cussing them up here thank y'all coming over here slow down that's what you're telling you I'm gonna slow down and eat what you got they just have pretty eyes I smoke people ladies alone [Music] everybody's still eating something [Music] [Music] they told a big one today on their own honestly say we would sail first [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no [Music] [Music] I do I love you [Music] so now we know they like peanuts a lot [Music] you know foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] and they still eating [Music] yeah they're having a peanut party [Music] please foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] and she just they see it if they see it yeah [Music] thank you enough I'm coming I know they safe enough they're giving me the nuts I'm a I'm gonna trust them to the party today I'm enjoy the party right yeah yeah and they see that we happy that they're there so they like okay they like us yeah they know they get positive vibrations we're not even the people that's making them get on your shoulder to take a picture hello thank you okay hope you love the food it was good foreign [Music] good for you guys yeah good guys no no it's not you the big one is coming to find them um [Music] okay then all right all right bye-bye from the agriculture she was just testing to see if the number was the number do you know how they do yeah yeah we paid uh shrimp and garlic 400 which is about eight dollars kicking yourself for 400 like eight dollars the water fifty like a dollar feed the monkeys you're having fun feeding the monkeys peanuts so now we know Mark is actually like peanuts a lot a lot [Music] the monkey's all the way down at the end y'all playing with each other okay [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] it's nice [Music] yeah it's gone we finished oh we had fun with the monkeys the peanuts are finished the market part is over [Music] the markets coming around trying to check us out eating the shells thinking that's more peanuts where they came from [Music] trying to eat and re-eat penises [Music] foreign [Music] later [Music] good [Music] afternoon all right all right bye [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] sing your song [Music] the world everybody [Music] your life [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you yeah it is nice now we are going to where the bubbies outside foreign he can't okay foreign foreign let's go outside okay okay yes she's three what other are you doing yeah okay yes foreign [Music] foreign [Music] yeah okay Lord for your understanding is about recycling as you tell me that you want to see around it's very possible we give you information from the Oyster Factory okay so the interest part is go through okay if you will love to have a boat trip with him you decide with him yeah not today though because we've been going out since earlier this morning yes yes oh okay the boutique shop y'all I know normal tonight [Music] okay so much thank you fine to you yes when you bought the cells for two days it turned to powder like this okay yeah with the salt water you have white walls for the house for the painting okay yeah with the sun you have 35 percent cement okay yeah yeah and this one here we have a month we have a man from Holland you come to Gambia you teach Our Ladies how to grow oysters okay they will tie them like this go to the mangrove that there for six months after six months each of the cells and they have 10 oysters oh okay yeah and very easy to have this okay put it inside the bowl okay yeah that's good the other side we have the cockles you know the cockles yeah okay when it's low tide in the river there's a place called The sandbank in the sandbank when you dig one centimeter two centimeter you have cockles okay yeah and the cells we don't waste them okay the first president was here that's what we used to make roads okay yeah but nowadays people normally use it for security okay you can put it in the compound before the walking in yeah okay yeah and here you come and see the elephant the last elephant in The Gambia nice elephant and The Gambia you see the image from the side you see the image oh okay see the eye and the trunk [Music] oh okay you know about Voodoo yes yes okay yeah I'm different with the one we make for paint okay this one if you normally pound them mix it with couscous very good for chicken feeding okay yeah good for the eggs I'm good for the bones of the chicken okay it's like a calcium okay yeah thank you I'm just trying to look to see the image of the elephant at least there's long time very late I'll be pregnant to have a baby you normally bring them here the killer goat and then they bring the Palm wine pour the Palm wine inside there beat a drum for the lady the lady was going around the tree seven times then the following year it can easily pregnant and have a baby okay yeah at the same time it's where the circumstance with children okay yeah in those days we normally go to the hospital but now people go to the hospital like in those days people use lemon okay they'll call your name on The Lemon when they call the lemon your thing will just fall down okay yeah but nowadays people normally go to the hospitals okay yeah [Music] oh okay normally when the people get a boat yeah okay okay okay that's the engine one oh okay yeah with the puddling we sit and quiet and come back oh okay that is like okay to the island okay and the place is like a tornado oh okay okay all right I'm gonna do that next time we come yeah yeah okay okay this area is the sandbank okay 30 minutes in 30 minutes out okay so this island is where you can see the biggest tree in the Gambia okay it's called okay yeah next time we come we can take a boat right the best rapper yes yes thank you yes there goes our dolls again that's another one I'm telling you look there who you have right here oh yeah it is goodness where the body used to sleep oh okay thank you it's too far yeah it's very cheap here because we are in the village things cost yeah do you like this this one too they're both nice seven wonderful one yeah I've been doing it um six okay can I get them both for 200. yeah that's a nice bucket yeah it is you get it from here yeah no and Sarah Konda yes yeah I know when you go back home when they see this one they know straight is from Africa oh yeah I have lots of stuff that's good yeah yeah yeah it's all the power for the water tank y'all yeah that's nice you know you talk to those people they said they'll do it and that's nice very very nice this house is cute too [Music] close okay perfect for Mommy I hope you all enjoyed I don't know our excursions for today and until next time y'all peace peace power to the people now my child bye

2022-12-27 13:54

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