Minnesota Outdoor Recreation Office debated 3/13/19

Minnesota Outdoor Recreation Office debated  3/13/19

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I would. Move. That house, file. 2220. Be. Referred, to, ways. And means and with, a recommendation that it go to environment, finance. Tell. Us about your bill thank you very much mr. chair and members. House file 2020. Takes. A step back and looks, at the. Multiple. Dimensions of, Minnesota's, outdoor recreation, economy. It. We. Have many, stakeholders. In this, area. Families. Like mine that looked, to to, recreate for. The, opportunity, to be together as a family as well as all of the. Psychological. Social. And physical benefits, of, outdoor. Recreation, tourists. Who are attracted, to Minnesota to fish and snowmobile, and, paddle. Their their canoes or kayaks. Recreation. Businesses, whether they're seasonal. Mom-and-pop, operations. Or year-round. Resorts. Camps, restaurants. Outfitters, and others, the. Manufacturing, industries, in Minnesota think of Polaris an Arctic Cat and the key role that, those outdoor. Industries. Play in our, local, and regional economies. And, of course retailers, the folks who sell us the stuff that we, we put on our feet or put under our. Selves. As we go. Out into the into. The out-of-doors and enjoy it there's, also this growing recognition, not. Just the economic direct. Economic benefits. Of outdoor. Recreation. But the psychological. Spiritual. And. Physical, benefits, of that. And. We. Know that there's a growing outdoor, recreation, economy and that, in fact we have people moving, to Minnesota to. Access, our outdoor. Recreation, opportunities, so there's there's a number of different stakeholders, in. This, process. Including. Local. Regional. State, and federal, government. One. Of the challenges, we have however is equity, and inclusion in this zone. We, know that the younger. Population in, Minnesota is far more diverse then. Is. Well. Folks my age in. Minnesota, and. That those more. Diverse populations. May, have different. Relationship. With the out-of-doors, different, experiences. Different expectations. Frankly. If you've immigrated from a desert country the idea of 10,000, lakes is kind of an odd one and what, do you do with all that water and how do you do it safely. What. House file 2020, excuse. Me, envisions. Is a outdoor. Recreation. Office. That. Allows, us to break through the.

Jurisdictional. Agency. And. Other boundaries. And. In, jurisdictions. To create one, space where all the stakeholders can come together work. Collectively. To, enhance, the, outdoor, recreation industry. And opportunity. For, all of Minnesota with, me today and I'm not sure who wants to go first. Our, representatives. From the children and nature network, as, well. As. REI. One of the major retailers, in this space and. Did you guys figure out who goes first. Thank. You mr. chairman members. Of the committee my name is Marc Baraka, I'm director. Of government, and community, affairs for REI co-op. Outdoor. Recreation, is an, economic, gem, hiding. In plain sight. As. We've. Just discussed, there. Are hundreds, if not thousands. Of firms that. Are in that recreation. Economy ecosystem. In Minnesota. They, can be guides it can be Outfitters, they can be designers, and developers of products they can be retailers, like ourselves or the coop. REI. Is super, proud to be part of this ecosystem, we. Have hundreds of employees in, Minnesota. We. Buy product, and then distribute, it throughout the rest of the country from, at least two dozen Minnesota, based companies, and importantly. We have almost a million, co-op members in the. State of Minnesota. REI. Is often, thought of as a, big player and the outdoor recreation economy, but. Truth be told it's, a very big pond and, we're a decent size fish but not the biggest fish. Minnesota. Has actually, a hundred and forty thousand. People, directly. Employed, by, the outdoor recreation economy. Consumers. Spend seventeen billion that generates 1.4. Billion in state and local taxes. The. Challenge of the outdoor recreation sector is that we're broadly spread, that's. A strength in some regards, but, this bill can help us overcome some, of our sectors shortcomings. It's. A strength in that, users. Of the outdoors are spread across the entire state of Minnesota. People, love to get out into the outdoors wherever, they live whether that's in a rural town or here, it's. Especially important. To note that outdoor, recreation, is an economic, driver in some, of the most rural parts of the state but. We're. Fragmented, people. Can be very parochial about, their favorite activity, people. Can be very parochial about, their favorite type of chair trail, or. About their favorite type of product what. Outdoor recreation. Offices. Have done in other states is they've. Served as conveners. And they've served as silo, busters they. Bring together the, passionate people who love the outdoors and, have said we we must serve a higher purpose not. Just our interest in fishing. Or in hiking or. In snowmobiling, but collectively, what can we do and not, just our interest into particular agencies activities, but, what can we do together, in. In Wyoming, they've created a subcat. Sub-cabinet. Of all, agencies, and, their mission is to make government more efficient, to, maximize. The return on investment in recreation. Infrastructure. In Washington. State we have a big tent coalition, and we, partner with a legislative, caucus, that weekend. Week out during session, tries, to optimize the, the. Management, of legislation, that touches on any part of about, the recreation, and so, bringing all stakeholders. Together. Operative Lee can, drive enormous, benefits, the. Benefits are beyond economic, they, are to the blood being of our children to, the well-being of us as human beings our physical and mental health to. The cohesion, of our communities, and to, the well-being of our planet, and so we. Would urge as the coop Minnesota. To join the movement that's occurring across the country to create these offices, thank you. Thank, you chair members, of the committee of Dabney. My, name is Laura Milan I am here on behalf of the children and nature Network, we, are a nonprofit organization. Working. To address the, fact that over the past few generations and, just a few generations, childhood. Has truly moved indoors and this. Has really serious. Implications. For our children, for, the future the future of the wild places that we love and Minnesota's. Outdoor recreation, economy and we. Know that kids of color and, kids in low-income communities, have even less access, outdoor, recreation, and high quality green space than, their peers.

We, Are an evidence-based. Organization. So everything, I share with you today is. Based on science, and I have reams. Of studies to back them up, but. We're working in twenty US cities including Minneapolis, and st. Paul and. Around the world we. Advance the evidence space that is clearly, indicating. That regular. Unstructured. Time outdoors outdoor. Recreation is absolutely. Critical for children's, healthy, development or. As we like to say nature makes. Kids happier, healthier, and smarter, so. Let's take a look at healthier, kids. Today are, spending, approximately forty. Four hours per week in front of a screen of some kind and on. Average less, than ten minutes a day playing, outdoors. This. Lack of physical activity has led to serious health implications and, problems. For too many kids for too long they're on, the fast track for a lifetime of chronic disease but, kids. Who spend time outdoors in nature they're, more physically, active and more physically fit playing. Outdoors, promotes. The great things that childhood, brings development, of course strength balance agility. Development. Of gross motor skills and this. Is a new, set, of studies, coming out time, spent, in bright sunlight is, essential. For developing. Healthy vision, myopia. Nearsightedness. In children, has, risen, 25%. Over, the past 40 years and is, now directly, linked to not, kids not spending, time outdoors. So. That's healthier, let's talk about happier. Multiple. Studies show, that spending, time outdoors together, as a family increases. And strengthens, family bonds, and, we know that active outdoor families, support. A variety of minnesota businesses, nonprofit, causes, and environmental, concerns. Spending. Time in nature reduces, stress anxiety, promotes. Positive moods, and improves social functioning, in children the. Phytochemicals and trees and other, factors, actually reduce blood pressure and heart rate, unstructured. Outdoor, time in nature provides, opportunities. For kids to take risks, develop. Problem-solving skills, build, self-esteem and a sense of agency and, we, know that the greater time, in nature the greater the benefit the more time you spend outdoors the, more benefit, you receive, which. Leads us to smarter, without, a doubt. Outdoor. Recreation outdoor. Learning nature, based activities. Improve. Academic, outcomes, regular. Physical activity which, tends to be greater when you spend time outdoors, improves. Brain function in, children, when. Kids learn and play in natural environments we see improved. Performance, in reading writing math. Science. And social studies and, you'll, also find enhanced, creativity and, executive. Function fewer behavior, problems and. Increased engagement and, enthusiasm, for, learning, time. In nature also helps, kids develop a love of outdoor places and, develops a conservation, ethic we. Take care of the things that we care about and this is critical, for the future of our natural resources, and our natural places, I'm. Really thankful to share this information with you today in. Support of Minnesota's, office of outdoor recreation, in some, ways we think it it. Mirrors, kind of what we do for the children in nature movement when. This movement got started about 15, years ago and really started picking up speed, the children, in Nature Network thought that, our role would be to. Support, organizations doing. Great work let a thousand, flowers bloom, and in, fact there are many and were many and continue to be many organizations. Doing great work on the ground chipping, away at. This huge societal, shift society, has moved indoors and progress. Is being made but, not fast enough to keep up with the trend childhood. Moving indoors what. We have learned is that by, playing a coordinating, role advancing. The evidence space promoting. Innovative, strategies. Convening. Leaders driving, broad policy, change we are driving more progress, more quickly, and.

There Is some urgency the, first generation, of really tech-savvy, kids, indoor, kids they are now becoming parents. And. Kids and low-income communities, and communities of color continue. To experience, more barriers, and less access, to outdoor recreation. Than their peers and this, is really troubling because we know that, nature, based learning outdoor, recreation, it's a great strategy for reducing health and academic, achievement, gaps and. All, kids deserve to. Experience the, wonder of nature, so. On behalf of the children in nature Network, we'd like to provide our support for the Minnesota office about, your recreation, to, help secure a healthier future for our kids and Minnesota's, natural, places thank, you, thank. You just, a moaning. There. Are other. Testifiers. On. This, bill. But. Making. Their miuro up and down okay. He's. Introduced. Yourself and proceeded mr. moe good morning mr. chairman members bob meyers in submission department, natural resources, and thank you for the opportunity, to be here today the, other did have the opportunity to sit down with the author yesterday and express some of our concerns, with the bill, we. Support, outdoor recreation and diversity, and inclusion at the highest level, we talked very in-depth. With representative, Becker Finn and a No Child Left inside bill and the activities, we do and, I'm proud to say we'll be displaying. Or I can programs, in the Capitol Rotunda here shortly to show what we do to outreach to everybody to bring them into the system and, luckily, the legislature, supports. This as well back in 1975. They established, the outdoor recreation act which is in Chapter 86, a which. Goes on to say 86 8.02. The. Legislature, finds a unique natural cultural and historical, resources, of Minnesota provide. Abundant, opportunities, for outdoor recreation and, education and, finds. That these opportunities should be made available to all citizens in Minnesota now into the future it. Talks about preservation, and utilization and the establishment, of the system and, actually in 86, 8.03, it defines what outdoor recreation, is and it's everything that we talk about its hunting its fishing its camping it's kayaking its mountain biking its off-road. Recreation. It's it's motorized and non-motorized, if, you look at the language it's, very broad, and it covers everything that the department has responsibilities.

Of We, do have some concerns about the language as drafted, we, were never consulted in the development, of the language and. We think it has a few problems in there providing, in another office on lines one point one three to one point one for the, coordinate, outdoor recreation, apologies, policy, and management, among. State and federal agencies and local government entities what. Does that mean now we'll have somebody come in and say that in. State forests it's appropriate, to do this but not to do that or the hierarchy, would be provide outdoor recreation, that timber utilization. How, does it deal with our Minnesota's. Natural resource based economy and, Recreation. Which is overall the DNR has as you know we, focus on recreation, outdoor, concert. Outdoor activities and conservation, the tourism, timber, and taconite, as we call it need, to all work together we can't have one side of the bubble popping out or not, we, support the concept wholeheartedly, and want to do whatever we can to support our outdoor recreation, in, the state of Minnesota however, this, is not one Minnesota one Minnesota is bringing all the stakeholders together to talk about what is the future of outdoor recreation, and how, do we deal with that rather than have a bill come in here and. Try. To create something that may or may not be need to be created but we should have a conversation with all stakeholders within the outdoor recreation system and all, cultures within the state of Minnesota on how they want to recreate so we, support the concept however we cannot support the bill as drafted or, the establishment, of the office in this bill. Welcome. Thank. You mr. chairman members I'm. Tom Hackbarth I'm here to represent the all-terrain vehicle Association, of Minnesota we. Are opposed to the bill as it is. The. All-terrain vehicle Association, of Minnesota has been around about thirty five years this is our 35th, anniversary and. We've, been at the Capitol, every year, trying to make outdoor, recreation, for ATVs much, better giving, folks. A place to ride we have said that from the very beginning if we establish trails, put, people on trails they. Won't be running all over the country and doing bad things and that has worked very successfully. Another. Thing that all-terrain vehicle Association Minnesota has done is establish. A youth. Education. Program, that's, worked very well as also, and we've. Been coordinating, with the DNR for many years and trying to make that program better and better and we're very successful with, that if. You look at. The. Statistics. On actual. Trails that are out there most, accidents, are happening by people, from youth. And, people that have not had our training and it's, usually on private property out on the public trails you don't see those kinds of. Fatalities. And injuries that are going on so. We've. Worked very very well with the DNR over the last 35, years and, we, do things like education. We do things like promoting our sport I. Think. There's just as another layer bureaucracy. That is. Going to make, things more difficult to. Keep, moving. Forward so, the, all-terrain vehicle Association Minnesota does oppose this bill as, it, stands, stand. Four questions mr. chairman thank you for your testimony, I mean. Just see if we've got another, guest. The fire's out there real quick and then. We'll let's, do that and then we'll go to questions okay. Please. Introduce yourself mr. chairman, members of the committee my name is Doug Franzen, and I represent the Minnesota snowmobiles, Association. I think. This bill records. In really. Good idea, but. Frankly, it needs a lot of work. And. For. Us we.

Support. The goals of that in fact it was speaking with another lobbyist. Who. Took a snowmobiling, trip up to our. Great North up. Around Crane Lake, and. He reported, amazing. Snowmobiling. But. He also reported. That, he. Ran into a group of twenty snowmobilers. And. He didn't think there were particularly good snowmobilers. And novices, what. Would happen is 20 people from California. Flew. To Minnesota. Went. To a resort rented, 20 snowmobiles, had, a ball and they're, gonna go back to California and tell more people I, think. That type of experience, is. The goal of this bill and. Again. I think the, bill does need more work that we've heard some of the issues thus far but. We would pledge to be part of that work. And wherever. This goes we will be. Engaged with the author and, with others to. Move. Forward and have the best, legislation. Absolutely, possible. Thank. You thank you. Okay. Mr.. Chair members dan Larson Minnesota. 4-wheel Drive Association. Thanks, for the ability, to comment, on this bill right now we're. Gonna we're, gonna weigh in as being skeptical, on the bill we. Haven't tried through, the through, our process, but. The. Reason for that is, our. Group is. Misunderstood. These. Are 90%. 95% Jeep, drivers. Are. Looking for ways to more ways to recreate, through through. Forests. And even, private parks in the, state and. We, have built through. The. Last 12, years I've been with, the group relationships. Within, the DNR that, have been hard fought and we're, still building them, when. When you think of a four-wheel-drive vehicle. It's. Often. Larger. More aggressive, kind. Of machines. And, right. Now I have to tell you we, have spent 10, years working. To. Build relationships. In places. That we. Recreative. There. Isn't a civic, leader. Law. Enforcement, mayor, anyone. In those towns in, Gilbert, or Appleton. Where. Who. Wouldn't say who, wouldn't give a glowing, response. To, how, - the relationships, that we built, we're. A little concerned about shifting. That over into, other agencies, because we know it's fragile and. Mr.. Chair and members this is a group that is on the move I want, you to watch this there's a there's, a bill right now that's, going to be coming through or, to the border of touring.

Routes That, is good, that. The, strategy, with the group is you've got to do something big to get, on the map and to, start. Showing. People who you are and how you. Recreative. With, this boarded border you're going to start in Cook County and edit the North, Dakota border, and and. We ended in Pembina. At, the Canadian, border because North Dakota told us when they got wind of the, of the route the touring route put, it up here because, that'll, give us a good like a starting, point to build across our state, so. There's that project. And 17, others in our queue and, we've got because, we haven't had a lot of projects. To spend. Money on we've got a very. Well. The. Off-road. Vehicle account so, right, now we're. Going to be skeptical on the bill we appreciate you bringing it for representative. And. That's my testimony. Thanks. For your testimony. Any. Other testifiers. I. Thank. You mr. chair and I guess. For. The bill author do we have anybody here from the Department of Transportation have, you conferred with anybody, as. To exactly. What. The interface would be with, the Department of Transportation, should. This bill go forward. So. Mr., chair representative, looook that's part of the ongoing conversation. I think what, you're illustrating is. There are multiple stakeholders who. All have an interest in the. Outdoor recreation opportunity. And industry, here and we, need to have, a place where they can all come together thank you for for pointing that out a. Follow. Up by it, would really be great if we could have, those folks here. And. And. Be, part of that as opposed to. Sitting. Here in the blind you. Know I mean we're, talking about. Putting. A requirement. On a, both. On a position, a new position apparently and. Another agency. It. Would seem like it'd be appropriate that we would have talked. To those folks first and and, had them available here to answer questions but is. There anybody here, from, the department of deed. Directly. That can. Speak to this or have you spoken with anybody from the department on. This issue. Mr.. Chair members of looook I. You. You'll have to ask other, agencies, why they're not present the. The bill the the hearing was was publicly, noticed. Oh. Thank. You I guess. So. Might, correct then that you didn't request. That they comment. On this. Mr.. Chair represent look I hope to have ongoing conversations, with all the stakeholders that's, the idea behind the bill is drawing, those. Multiple, stakeholders. Across. Jurisdictional. Lines with agencies, local. Governments, as mister, Hackbarth pointed. Out in. Mr. Larson. Local. Regional. Government, agencies, state and federal we, need a place where all of those stakeholders can, come together. Well. As we you know mr. chair thank you and. Through the bill, author well I guess, it would be great if we could start right here and have, those people available, so we could hear, what their perspective, is, because. As, we all know these things go forward and then they're put into law and. Then it's then, it's too late I mean we this kind of seems like the horse and cart here mixed up. Another. Question. I. Noticed. That the for. Whatever reason, was. It a mistake that we left out the Department, of Education, for the consultation, and. A requirement. I heard, some very. Compelling. Testimony. From one of the testifiers, here that we've got a huge particular, problem I think was the young folks unable to get out I think. They spend five days a week. Basically. An eight-hour block tied up in school so why, specifically. Wouldn't. The Department of Education, be part of this. Mr.. Chair represent of looook Minnesota. Science, science standards, do direct. Do. Include standards, that direct opportunities. For outdoor, engagement. For. Students, in many, schools. Send. Their, students. For, days. Or. For. Several days or or maybe up to a week to environmental. Learning centers that are scattered across the state to, various camps. Operated, by nonprofits. So that, pieces are baked-in, I think, we you, know the the legislative, process is a deliberative, one and I welcome, that, that's.

Why Moving this bill forward and allowing, the conversation, to continue is so important, but, in. My way of thinking what, this office does is, invite. The questions, and, not presuppose. The answers. A. Fault. I guess. Maybe. Maybe we could have mr. Meyer come back because I'd like to find out whether. He. Would. Make more sense to if, we're going to expand government here that we put. That. Position, put some type of position, within. A DNR is, it and. I would like to also find out where the, DNR is right now on staffing. Relative. To be able to carry out the missions that they're they're. Doing. On behalf of outdoor recreation. So file of mr. Meyer still in the room Oh. Mr.. Chairman members yes for the record Bob Meyer Department natural resources, and we've spoke about this in committee before so we have many different we. Call our three recruitment, retention and renewal, opportunities. Within the agency, not only in Park some trails but in Fish and Wildlife all. Of our other agencies, are it. Divisions. Are working closely with that we have a cross divisional team, to look at that one. Of the thoughts is this would probably fit better in DNR than an Office of Tourism a lot, of the things I outlined especially, the coordination, among. Outdoor recreation. Policy, and management, that's, within, our statutes, within our purview is its it's the the. Duties and administration. Under Chapter 84 that the Commissioner has so it's, one of the ongoing things that needs to be discussed as I mentioned we sat down with the author and the stakeholders, I think there is support to, move forward with a broad. Policy. Position. To try to figure out how do we do this the right way and include everybody throughout, the state who wants to spend time in this the state Minnesota, outdoors, either in wintertime summer time doing. What they want to do but let's bring them to have a conversation decide, what we should have in place. Just. A, the, second, part of the question maybe right. Now from a. Staffing. Standpoint. Were, we at you know I don't want to get into details on state. Rec area I know we've we've had some. Situations. Were, across, state park state reckon areas in. Their. Motorized, vehicle, area, even on the conservation, officers where we don't have, those positions filled, yet, so. I guess. The. Gut question, is. Why. Would we create another position, over here we're having if. We're having issues on on, trying, to, pull. The freight train on outdoor recreation, out I, mean, we. Close, to 100 percent manned, and that. Whole broad, arena I know that's a pretty general question. Mr.. Chairman represented look you know we try to retain, the best employees that, we can and hire the best we can obviously, it's it's a pretty. Fruitful labor market out there right now finding the professionals, in the outdoor recreation industry and not, the industry but people, with outdoor recreation, the STEM science, technology engineering, math, is very challenging for, state, government right now it's for all people across. Those. Technologies. Our. Conservation, officers we're always challenging. Trying to keep those filled as they seem. To retire just as fast as we hire new ones so we. Aren't at hundred percent I don't think we're ever at 100 percent compliment, but we try to do the best we can to make sure that our parks our state records are staffed and have the people.

With The knowledge to provide our customers our citizens, though the residents, of the state of Minnesota the, opportunities, they expect and deserve. Thank. You mister I guess do, we have anybody here from. Explore Minnesota, obviously. They'd be a big a big player in here because, the. Assumption, would be that if they're going to point the individual. Then. I guess they would become part of their office. Well. I. Guess. We'll never know I. Guess we'll never know mr., chair. Maybe. Maybe. The bill author can explain them to you I mean, exactly, what, would. Be the intention, it won't be the relationship, with the. Individual, that would be that, would appoint this. Thank. You mr. chair and representative look I think, if we keep doing what we've been doing we'll keep getting what we've been, getting I, think change is hard and I think we're seeing that here in front of the committee I think, government reform, is hard and I think we're seeing that as well here in front of the committee I think. It's. Also difficult for, an agency. To, coordinate. Across other. Agencies. One, agency then is seen as owning, it and and. Doesn't. Always intolerant. The. Other agencies. That's why we need to do something different, and that's. Why placing, this office. In the office of tourism. Which. Has a little different perspective and a little different relationship. Rather, than one of the more, driving, agencies, is key. As I said reform, is hard but. I believe, that we can do that. Mr.. Chair, if. I do a I agree, that. Reforming. Or moving. Agencies. Is, a tall task I think we all, labor. At that I, guess, is, another. Question, would be is this in the governor's budget and where's the governor because, I found that a really aggressive governor, can really move agencies, in fact that I remember, eight the commissioners, serve, with his pleasure or. Her pleasure so. Where's. The governor on this you're consulted, with the eminence is this a part. Of his budget. Mr.. Chair reference of looook we're a co-equal branch, of government. We. Agree on that one. So. So. Thank. You mr. chair so so. I guess. We'll have to anybody, here from the governor's office I. See. We got another would. Like to testify and and and and. Don't. Get, me wrong you represent that mean. It. Makes sense we, you. Know we're literally the recreational, capital, of Midwest there's no question about that so. We got to constantly, push the bubble, on making. Sure that that we. Open. This opportunity, to everybody, starting, with Minnesotans, obviously, and then bring, in all those rich folks that, live right the surrounding, states it across the world so I but, I just. Think. We we, probably need to pull, back and maybe look at a little bit different direction here. On. This, particular bill so with that and I see we've done we've got another individual. Might want to testify or maybe, he's got some answers in the question so I I'll, just give. Her back to the chair. Mr.. Carlton. Mr.. Chairman and members i'm joel, carlson, and, i've. Long been involved, in tourism. Outdoor, recreation, issues here at the capitol on behalf of the small resorting, community. And i'm a member of the explore Minnesota tourism, Public, Policy Committee, we, have a committee that reviews all of the legislative, proposals, that come to us and we haven't had a chance to look at this one yet. And I think that that's the response that you're getting from a lot of people. That are involved we, absolutely, support. The concept of promoting. Tourism and outdoor recreation. And we have, many. Of you around the table that have been laboring, to do that for. Decades we. Just as, a public, policy group a TMT we haven't had an opportunity to, review this we're.

Happy To do so and. Next. Meaning. But, emt, as a group. With, the money that you've appropriated and, represent, Fabian has been supportive, of a night's 'men promotes. Outdoor, recreation, in Minnesota, they use resorts, as the theme it, is clearly, something that is a focus of what emt does right now. And and, in conjunction with our, agency. Partners and, I think an opportunity, to see how this would blend, this. Concept, would blend with the existing, work that's going on is a good one and we're happy to look at it but we just haven't taken out the KMT I know our policy committee has not taken a position and, we're happy to do it but, we just haven't at this point you asked us and no you know. Thank. You mr. chair and, mr.. Chair members I think this. Is the third kind. Of theme day. We've had earth where, people are talking about how to get more people involved in the outdoors so. We heard it when the DNR did, presentations, we heard it with representative. Becker Finn and now we're hearing it with representative. Davon E and I hear common themes throughout all those that a recognition. That Minnesota, is changing, and a recognition that we need to, get more people outdoors I, I think it probably would benefit us to get outdoors when, we're trapped in here for, eight. Hours a day so I'm going to try to get out during the noon hour but. I I, think, we keep. Getting presented. The data that. It's important, for kids and and us as humans to get outdoors and be outside so. I think that's where there's a common, ground I think. What it, was interesting to me I heard, the words skepticism. Misunderstood. Fear. Not. Consulted. From. The testifiers, including. The DNR and that. Might, actually prove. The point of the, need for your bill or something, like that of, bringing. People together that, we, have, we. Have, efforts. Going on trying to resolve well, I think the. State is recognized, as a need and the need is changing, because, we have the changing, state so the. Established. Outdoor. Recreation, sports, of some of which we heard from. There. May be. People. Who are not stakeholders. But, our just people who want to get involved, that. We, recognize, that there's a need to get them involved whatever they do whether it's the silent sports or whether it's the. Mechanized sports or it's wherever it is in the state so. I, think there there, is an. Opportunity here, to. Find. Some way of coordinating. Better because. We're. Hearing there's a need from. Folks who may not already be engaged. And. How, we do that I. Think represent, Dabney your bill goes to government operations, from here is that correct er, mr.. Sheriff I made, the. The chairs motion, was to Ways and Means with a recommendation, for, a referral to environment, finance okay, so.

That Conversation could, continue, and hopefully, there's. More engagement. With folks, about. This rather than having the. Conversation. Stop here when, I listen, to whether it's the, DNR, or. When. We had testimony we represent Becker fan or your testimony, both for and against the, piece it's always the same as that we need to do something to try to reach. People a little better and so I would, encourage the conversation, continuing, but, I ask, you to reach. Out particularly, to the folks that testify. But also people, who may not be here today because, they're working or, they, may not be aware of how this system works, and, need, to have a voice so in. Town meetings, and, things. Like that try to get people, involved who don't normally have a seat at the table so. I wouldn't support moving, it on to continue the conversation. We. Have secured, this room. So. Hopefully. We have time to get through all our bills here and I'll make Thursday. Evening a little less onerous. Rep. Jim Anderson. Thank, you mr. chair I thought. The testimony, from the lady from the children and Nature Network was was. Was. Excellent, concerning. Some of the statistics, that she gave us and the one about forty-four hours a week that, the kids spend. Front of a screen is. Concerning. To say the least and. I also agree with the the benefits, of kids being outdoors you know my kids grow on the farm and. Taking. For granted having, a but go out in the pasture to check on the cows or spend a Saturday picking, rock so in the field getting. The benefits, of being outside and in a work ethic but my. Question, is could. She share that, testimony with, us the committee members because it really points. Out the. Benefit, of being, outdoors and, in the. Concern of how much time kids spend looking, at a screen. Will. Request. That that be given. To us in in. Writing and, I see a. Positive, response, thank you. Know. If you would make sure just send, it to the chairs office, if you would please. Thank. You mr. chairman I represent, Anderson I'd I'd encourage. You to sign, on to my bill as well No Child Left inside. Thank. You mr. chair, you. Know I I think it's a wonderful bill. But. I do have concerns myself. In, Greater Minnesota and, you know we're trying to diversify, and, and, create. Tourism, so I think it's wonderful to bring them to the table, and. So, but. I listened, to the testimony it. Did it, didn't seem like everybody, was. A part of it and so I, thought representative. Hansen brought, up some really really good points for this to move forward it. Would it would mean a lot to bring everybody to the table so at the next at the next stage, of this that. They're sitting here testifying, in support of your bill. You. Know I went riding this weekend. That. I got to Polaris's, from, representative. Fabian's neck, of the woods and. We. We, figured it out when we sat there and aid we stopped at multiple spots 14, of us the, people who groom the trails the people that do, all of this and we're very very excited they're, so passionate about it, and. It's about a hundred dollars a day so. For, every, person, on sled with. Gas and, oil and, stops it's, about $100 a day and for, for. Northeast Minnesota that's a lot for small communities and so. When we're having these discussions we're, talking about nature we're talking about kids being. Involved and engaged in, understanding, it and. You're talking about tourism, let's. Make sure that everybody, at the table and all these different clubs. Are a part of it because, I think they can really help shape the bill so it's successful, moving forward, thank. You. Thank. You mr. chair, well just to follow up on representative, lists Lagarde's comments, represent. Of Dabney I think you list a really good opportunity to get your bill off on the right foot I, think if you would have engaged people right.

Away The. Department of Health you've got named in here transportation. You've got education, component, if, you would have engaged those folks right away I think that you would have had an opportunity to, move, that bill through here fairly. Rapidly, but. I want to address and in your opening comments you represent, you you. Didn't rep reference, you've named Polaris. An Arctic Cat, there's. Nobody in this building. That knows those two businesses, better, than I do I don't think, and. I have, for. A long time advocated. For and, I think we've missed a golden opportunity here. In the metro area we. Have 389. Miles of trails in the Metro Park, System and, not a single mile for, an ATV. And. I think they told us there was 12 miles of snowmobile trails here in the Metro trail. System, it's. A huge opportunity that's being missed and we, continue to be met with skepticism, by. Many of the Metro legislators, about what, simha Beals and ATVs actually, are when. I've had bills here, and amendments, to try to expand. ATV. Opportunities, they've, been met with resistance because. They've been portrayed, as being noisy, smokey. Dangerous. Vehicles. That. We, don't want them around and, I. Hope that as this bill moves forward that, people will begin to realize how, significantly. They can benefit, local, economies, because, people ride them and. Again. I'll go back to what I said you talk something about equity, in your comments, we need some equity here in the metro area for owners, of ATVs. And snowmobiles. So that they I like. To take them up to our district to write them I get that but. On the occasions, that they can't get away they want to go for an evening ride or whatever they, have an opportunity, almost. Outside their back doors thank, you. Well. Genius. Well. Thank you mr. chair I am actually, very grateful. For this discussion, I. Particularly. When. Representative. Anderson, talked about. The. Ability of, his. Children. To pick, rocks. And. My my, children have had similar. Opportunities. Because, we, too have a farm much smaller but we do have, a farm but. I think it's very difficult. To. Understand. For. People who, do have the, opportunities. To pick rocks and. That. Children. And the Metro don't, have the. Same opportunities. And I'm give you one example that's. Frustrated. Me no end and I, don't even know that I've ever shared this with representative. Dabney but, we have good. Bike. Trails. In Minneapolis. And you can go round. And round and. Round. But. You can't get out into the DNR, system. Where. They're, only a couple of opportunities, now one in the Northeast. Metro. In Saint Paul to get out for. Somebody who wants to just maybe. Take their family, out on family. Biking, outing, you can't go south you can't go along the, Minnesota River, you, can't on. A weekend. Trip you, can't do, it because, there. Are not these connections. And, I, think, what, you are bringing up to us. The need for these connections. These trail connections, the, folks in my district, and in. The city who can go round and round can. Go south. Roll, along get. Over the Minnesota River along. The river. Either. Side, go, up the Minnesota, River take this family camping, for. The weekend. It's. Just not there because we. Don't have, those. Connections, and we haven't made them we've had this out state system we've had the metro system and they're not connected, really, and grateful for this conversation, look, forward to moving this bill along.

Thank. You mr. chair and representative. Dabney, I appreciate, you bringing this bill forward I think that your. Testifiers, really, demonstrated. The, need for, a. Better. Understanding, of the. The network of opportunities that we have here in Minnesota I think that we've heard from several different people about, kids. Being able to get outside and not, getting outside and I. Think. That young people today, at. Least the Millennials they prefer experiences. Over, items, and so having having, that information. About where, experiences. Can be and the opportunities, that might be available to them I think would be invaluable and so, I think that I, appreciate. What your Bill's trying to do and I think there's been some some, great discussion, around how it can be improved and I think that would be great I look forward to hearing more about it. Final. Comments, represent. Dabney I'd like. To take the opportunity well. Thankfully. For the committee most of my questions have been answered because they. Were have you ever talked to resort owners and. Apparently the answer is no and I can tell you that from my, experience. With resort owners the last thing in the world they want is another agency, to deal with we've. Already. Whittled. Them down from, over, 3,000, in the in the late 70s, to under, 800, today. Apparently, haven't talked to explore Minnesota and, in. A lot of the things that you have under, duties other. Agencies, are already doing and so I I'm really, very. Concerned about starting, another agency, but. There. Is no fiscal note and, on. Subsection. Three it. Looks to me like you're, going to require. Every. Other agency, to. Assist. With, this new agency is that correct. Thank. You mr. chair and representative Green there, is no fiscal note at this time this is a policy committee but. It this, is intended, as a place where stakeholders.

Come Together and. That will include, agencies. Because we need to have a space, where we can work across agency. Lines and. Across jurisdictional. Lines and across stakeholder, lines and that's what the office of outdoor recreation, offers. As an opportunity, to the state so, that the small resort owners that you're referring to can. Have more customers because, I think that's a big piece of what they need. Mr.. Chair I, think, that's the wrong direction to go we've we've created explore. Minnesota to, do that you, know that's that's what their job is is to get out and promote, the outdoors and now. We're going to create something else above, that so, your fiscal note is actually going to have to incorporate. In, what, all these other agencies are going to have to spend. Dealing. With this new agency and, and. That in itself could be a problem I only have one other question then because, the rest have been asked, it says. In. Subsection. 2. Under. 4 line. 1.16, assist. In establishing outdoor. Recreation. Businesses. What. What. Do you intend to do so, what do they intend, to do because we have businesses, there and. I'll tell you my concern representative. Dabney and not trying to be. Poundin. At you here but. Every. Time the government gets involved in assisting of business we, lose more of them and and. So, if you're going to establish. A business is it going to be a state-run. Business, are. You going to assist, businesses that are already there because. I can tell you that a lot of times will assist a new business and getting started and many. Times that business, won't last more than five years but by starting that new business, we've, created competition, for another one and and. We harm existing, businesses, so, is there anything in here first, of all your, businesses, that you're starting are they going to be state, rather you intend to look for private businesses, and is, there any. Any. Goals here, of, shoring. Up existing, businesses. Thank, you mister chair and representative green, if you read beyond, to. The end of 1.16. Provide, technical assistance with resources, and opportunities, for economic, development to. Me that means economic growth that benefits Minnesotans. I think. The, goal is an implicit, there. So. Some, businesses, will will succeed some will fail that's the nature of the free market system. So. You don't you're not really telling how you're gonna are you gonna help private business or do you intend to expand. On state-run businesses, which we've seen a lot of even. In the DNR who have now opened up. Parks. And recreation, areas that they said they weren't going to that. Are running competition, with our private resorts. Thank. You mr. chair and representative Greene well, we had pride the private private, industry here testifying in favor of the bill today so, I think that shows the the, interest, in private. In the growth and private industry here. Looking. Here. Members. Okay. Jim. Dabney as, I was saying. You. Men to go. Before. Your final comments, on the bill I was. Taken, by the. Words that you said, early. On here and that is if we continue, to do, things the way we're doing them we can expect the same outcomes, and, another. Consistency. That I've heard across, members. Here. Today and and testifiers, he we, got to do better for our children, and in many. Of our instances. Grandchildren. And great-grandchildren and, I. Think. That your bill is intended. To do that so I. Wholeheartedly. Support, your, efforts in and. I think you've got a pretty good bill and when you have a pretty good bill you get beat up from every side at one time or another and you know that most of us know that here but. Keep, after it so the final comments you, know I don't think I could vest what the chair just said. Thank. You very much mr., chair and members for the opportunity to present this bill I'm excited for the opportunities. That this, bill. Portends. For. Businesses. In the state for. Families. In the state and. For. Bringing in more people because to me the essence of Minnesota. Is our, ruckus rugged outdoor opportunities, and. We need to preserve those we need to enhance those and we need to bring more, people to those, thank. You very much Thank You ripp didn't. You. Good fortune to you going ahead with. That renew. My motion that's. This. House, file, house. Well. 2220. Be. We. Referred to ways and means with recommended. River Perl to, environment. Finance. All. In favor say aye hi. Opposed. I. Have. It thank. You my elves van riebeck first thank. You.

2019-03-15 03:38

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