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We, are starting this walk here in Mesilla. Aquaris, right, in Alameda Centrale this, huge park right behind, me and as. We walk we're gonna get to see some of the most popular, landmarks. That there is to see here in the central. Historical. And just. So you know I've, only read, about them I haven't experienced, it yet so I'm really excited to bring, you along and share this experience with you now. Benito juarez was, the first and only indigenous. President, here in mexico to, this day he, fought for progressive. Reform, policies, and the rights of the indigenous people. But there. Are some controversy. Surrounding. Some of the other aspects. Of his presidency, but. He, is so honored that his, birthday, March 21st, is, a national holiday and. This. Park that, we're walking. Through right now is, also. Very, historical. As in, it is, the oldest. Public. Park, in all, of the Americas how cool is that it. Was dubbed a park, in, the late 16th, century and, before. That it, was used as an Aztec marketplace. A lot, of people still come here today it's, early, it's beautiful, and it's. Huge, it's. Grown about twice the size since, it was originally. Created or, stated. To be a park and it's. Filled with beautiful. Colors, like purples, from, the trees, the, statues, that you'll find almost on every single corner and this. Beautiful one that is right. I want to say maybe close to a center, part and there's. Little seats. Where. You can sit down have, a rest and, then go about your book or your day. And. I. Should add it, is, always, busy, I've, been across, on the adjacent street and. That. Being like 11, o'clock at night and there's. So many people out just enjoying, life enjoying. The day like. Every. Single. Minute. Of the day and the. Coolest part is is to always see like some type of street performers, and. Music. That, will fill. The air as you walk which. I personally, really love, because. It, puts you, you. Know in the mood in the spirit of where, you're at and to. Me that's the most important, part. Now. As. We've walk through. This, absolutely, stunning Park, we're. Getting closer to our first landmark and probably. The one that I've been most excited to see it, is the Bellas Artes. Palace. Almost, that Plaza but it's, a palace and. It's. Stunning. Like. Huge. Yeah. We'll use that word. It's. Remarkable. As then, it. Looks like it's a neoclassical, style, but. The really cool part about, this palace and what sets it or, makes it so unique is it's. Not just one art, like art, style, there's. The. Art deco there's, the. Neoclassical. Our. Architectural. Excuse. Me and. It's. Made out of marble, which. Just. Emphasizes. The beauty of the, structure, and they're, statues everywhere. Now. It's. Understandable. Why this is probably one of the most. Popular. Landmarks, I think, there's about 10,000. People who come here weekly. To, visit it and. The. Palace itself is what. Is it it's sunk at least, four meters believe. Since the 1900s. And. Fortunately. Mexico. Does have a bit of a sinking problem, as its, think about I want to say 32. Feet since. The, last 60 years I think it is and that's. Only because a, lot of oh. Speaking. Of street performers, and music that I was talking about you'll, see these guys everywhere.

They're, Out here, night. And day and. They. Use one of those old crepe machines, that bust, off the music I think it's like from like what the early. 1900's. Late 1800s. If, you know exactly the name of them go ahead and let me know below, so, I know because, I love stuff like that. But. As I'm saying. Mexico. Gets. Most of its water from. The. Underground which is probably. More primarily. The reason why Mexico. Is sinking, and. Just. Like that we. Are, already. Like, I want. Is a steps away but it's a little bit more than just a few steps to our, next. Place. To see. Which. I'll save, the name for when we get there or get, a little closer and you'll see why it has, the name that it does. Now. You'll definitely want to be careful about. Crossing. The street, while. You'll hear. The. Policia, the policeman, directing, traffic and. Directing. People when and when not to go. Sometimes. You. Know people don't always listen and in this specific, cross, street that doesn't seem to be any police, yes or police officers. But, you do see the fairest, literally. Hundreds, of people. Walking. Around about, their day and it's, Friday it's beautiful, it's like 65. Degrees out no, humidity, a nice cool breeze and. We. Wait because, we don't to get hit by a car I. Think. It's time. Let's. Go. Doing. This is a quite quite. A big street. It. Gets like probably one of the main streets. Now. As, we are getting closer to, the, landmark I can, go ahead and tell you the name because it. Is not obvious, by now the, house is covered in blue tiles, so, I can you guess what the name is if. You, guess the, house of blue tiles, you. Are absolutely, correct. And. They. Weren't kidding when they say, blue tile oh. It's. Completely covered. Head. To toe. Almost. And. Beautiful. Mosaic, business I. Think. There may be hand painted I know back in the day when. People would, use tiles or mosaics, they. Would hand paint each of these can. You imagine him, painting, this. Mini. Tiles. By. Hand, I. Would. Get tired. My. Hand gets tired about after an hour of writing. It's. Huge, is beautiful. I love. The little stonework. Now. This was built in the. Early. 1900s. And, it. Was said to be used as a, refugee. Place. For, I want, to say hombres. Cortese. A. Line. Cortez. Edmond, Cortez, there we go I knew. As Cortez I was. Just going a little when. It comes to the first name and again, like. I said you see these people with the little crank boxes, everywhere. We haven't even walked that far and here they are but. I love. It. So be prepared to see it and. You. May have more people. On. This absolutely stunning Street. Like it's. Filled with color like, this. Little entryway, has. Probably. Like one of my favorite shades of yellow it's like a muster, ish it's. A master ish it. Gets mustard and. Lots. Of little businesses. And these, these. Historical. Centers. Or. Buildings. I'm. Gonna accept. And we're. At our next destination I did not even recognize it coming, from the other side. But. Before. Telling you what it is I really want to get in front of it on the corner, so, you get a, huge. Understanding. Of how. Gorgeous. This. Building is and it looks like it's being renovated. Or, restored, towards, the top because there's the little netting on it. And. If I seem out of breath. The. Air is. Really thin this summer a little bit higher than, the atmosphere. Yeah. And you know what to make that so. Here. We are at. The. Postal. Palace. Yes. You, heard me correctly the. Postal. Palace. And. If. It wasn't remarkable, enough on the outside, I can't even begin to describe like the inside, I would. Have never have, guessed this to be a palace. Well. A postal. Palace, Palace, yes, but. A post office like. Have you ever in, your entire life, seen a post office like, this like. Suited. For royalty, right like. You. Would think that the queen or the king himself, would. Only beginning there, there Mel here but, that's not the case, this is a post, office for everybody, and. It. Was constructed, in the early 20th, century and most, of the foundation, was actually built in brought. Over from, New York City who, cool is that and. That's not the only thing, unfortunately. This building took significant, damage in the, 1985.

Earthquake But. It, has been mostly restored, to this day and. If. That was in all if you love museums, this place also has a. Museum. On the postal history of. Mexico, City so. You can also enjoy that while visiting this gorgeous, monument. Okay. So it's been about a 10-minute, walk on this same street and we're, finally approaching. The Metropolitan. Cathedral and it's. Huge, I mean, we're not even like directly, directly, upon it but you can start seeing the, the. Cathedral, start peeking out above, the skyline it's really, hard to move it and. It. Does seem like there's. Lots, of people already, there and it's still very very, very early and. I'm trying not to run into people pace. That's. What I do. I ran into people was. I'm. Kidding not actually, mine. There's a lot of people out so. Be mindful of that. Stops, getting ready this weird delicious, Mexican food, which will probably end up having to get afterwards, because I am starting to work up an appetite. Now this is cool. And loud. The. Policia, directing. Traffic. Maybe. I should probably pay to, not. Get hit by a car or go against, the policia. Holy. This. Was where is he. But. I. Really. Think that the beautiful center, point that, that. I'm, gazing, upon right now is. Leaves. Me speechless, it's. Not only the largest but. The oldest, could be drawn all of Latin America and can, you believe that they use ancient. Aztec. Ruins to, build, this Cathedral. And, it. Took gonna. Stay three centuries to build and they finished it around, 16:56. But. Oh wow, I. Mean. Looking at it you would never be able to assume that there were ancient, ruins Anette I mean the. Cathedral, itself looks old job because it's from the, sixteen, hundreds, but. It's still in remarkable. Shape. And. It's. Still beautiful, and, I'm sure there's been some restorations. As most old, historical. Buildings have to have I mean that's the given but. Look at it we're not even on the front side of it and it's. Beautiful I do. Want to see the front of it because it has the the. Old unique. Cathedral. Look that the Spanish. Was so prominent, for, you. Know the two towers on each side. But, we gotta wait a little. Bit longer until. We. Can go does, it stop experience. Should. Probably cue some jeopardy music great now another. Really cool thing is that Mexico. City does have these little hop on hop off hop, off buses, for, like little tour places so, if you're into that you can definitely check. That out. Okay. It's our turn, and. Go, try. Not to get hit by cars but, they shouldn't be the hallways. There's. Lots of people here probably already setting, up like I said it's still relatively early probably. Around 10:30, now maybe closer to 11:00 and people. Are setting up their little shops for their homemade. Items or, a little, momento. You. Know from your visit here in Mexico, City. Haha. We're. Getting closer to the phones. And. I. Just. Feel like it's, it's endless, its continuation. Of, just foreverness. It's. Probably not a word but. It's. What I see. Is. Beautiful, like. Absolutely. Beautiful. I. Mean. It's, in, immaculate, condition. So. Bravo. To. Mexico. For taking such good care of their historical, landmarks, and. More. Music of. The. Little crank, boxes, again please, you. Know what those are called let. Me know I have, no idea but they're everywhere. I would. Really like to know. I'm. Guessing the the building on this side looks like a monastery, because, that's, just how ancient. Cathedral. I say ancient they're not really ancient, but. Historical, cathedrals, are it's usually you'd have the cathedral and then right next to it you would have a monastery. And. The. Artwork. Beautiful. But. Now. We're. Coming across this. Huge, square. Or the story so. So, cool oh there, we go so hello or the man-made plaza and, this. Was or, is, one. Of Mexico, cities like most historical. Places as the dates back to the times of the Aztec as those much of Mexico City does like there's not a place that you can go but, you won't find a spot, that was touched by you, know the ancient Aztec, people and, back. Then it was, used as a marketplace for, ceremonies, festivities. Rituals. And the, Mexican, people so keep that as a tradition, today as they gather around for, festivities, concerts. And other, cool, events, that, happen and unlike. Other. Plazas. They. Have a humongous. Mexican. Flag waving. Proudly instead. Of a statue like many other famous. Plazas, view now. There, is one more place that I want to show you but, I think it will look even better at night so I'm gonna wait till then to bring you back and. We're, back some hours, later at the zocalo and it's. Absolutely beautiful, the, difference is like night and day. No pun intended and, the. Cathedral, is absolutely. Breathtaking. With. The way that they have it lit up so. I definitely suggest coming, back to see even, just that at night now. There is one more landmark, that I am super, excited to show you that we saved the best for last in my opinion, and, that.

Would Be the, National, Palace, this. Was constructed after, the Spanish came in demolished king or, Aztec keying Montezuma's. Temple. And, this. Was a symbolic or symbolism for, the, Spanish conquest where the Spanish conquistador. Would stay, and. If. The. President Mexico were living, well. Here, he, would be staying at this palace but as of right now he's not but the Mexican Treasury is located, here at this time but. That's. Not the coolest part, the, coolest, part is that the famous murals from Diego, Rivera is, located. Here and if, you're not sure what these murals are they, depict everything, from the birth of ancient. Mexico all, the way to the Spanish conquest. All, the way to the Mexican, Revolution so. It's closed right now so we're not gonna get a chance to go in but. It, doesn't at least suggest that you come here even just to see the murals because it, is so symbolic to, what Mexico, is to, what it was and probably, to what it will be in the future but. That's it. This. Walking, video, with all of our landmarks, is coming to a close, so if, you don't mind go ahead and drop a comment below on what landmark is your favorite or if you've seen any of these I will also leave the route that I took somewhere. Around here, on the screen so. You can also take the same route that I did thank, you so much until, next time. Music. Clean me out.

2019-04-14 00:00

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A little known fact, but, Victoriano Huerta (the self-proclaimed dictator of Mexico in the middle of the Mexican Revolution), was also a Native Mexican. He was a full blooded Huichol. Making him, technically speaking, our second native president And while not entirely native, people like Porfirio Díaz, (another Mexican dictator) were heavily native Mexican. Not to mention people like Guerrero, who was an afro-Mexican president and hero from the independence movement.

+Hello Nicki Travels No problem. I liked your video!

I enjoyed learning that, thank you for sharing!

Mexico is so beautiful! Great video! P.S. I also make travel videos. I'm trying to hit 50 subs by May :)

Hola me gustó,tu paseo por Bellas Artes ,madero y centro Histórico

Sigue disfrutando mi país! No olvides dar un paseo por el bosque y el castillo de Chapultepec. Saludos

Gracias Jose, visitare castillo pronto!

Hello I’m from Russia and I’ve living in Mexico almost 5 years and I love it All méxico is very modern and beautiful

You're 100% correct!

Hi Nicky those guys on the streets with their misical boxes are called "cilindreros" or "organilleros" they were very popular on the earliest 20's playing music for all the people who walked on the streets in "centro historico" specially on the weekends, you know to make your day nicer, now they are more like a cultural heritage. Although they live more from people's tips.

any time

That's really interesting to know, thank you for sharing that!

I love the purple trees. The blue tile house was so pretty. That whole area is beautiful.

Yes, those trees are so pretty, and the house too! It's a very colorful city, I am glad you enjoyed the video :o)

Hi! Im one of your firsts subscribers. I love your videos, keep it up. I think it won't take you too long to have thousands of followers, you seem charismatic.

Thank you Guil, I am thankful for your support!

Hola señorita, I loved watching this video of Mexico City, almost felt like I was there.

Gracias señorita!

Hi Nicki, a beautifully prepared vlog, you’ve taken us to some amazing sights! Particularly liked the Postal Palace, how unique! Thanks so much for sharing

Thank you! and I am glad you liked the video!

Just on Jacarandas Season, love CDMX!!

I wanted to know the name of those beautiful trees, thank you!

The music instrument played by the organilleros it's call organillo, originally made in Germany

This is nice and all, but why are you pretending to be a foreigner in your own country?

why are you projecting

Welcome to México. I hope that you like this country

Where are you from I wanna say United States but you somewhat have a bit of an accent so it's confusing lol. Also interesting video love it I wanna visit Mexico City some time soon

I ❤️ México

Buen video te ganaste un nuevo suscriptor, saludos

Seams like a nice city

Beautiful video very nice

Absolutely fantastic and fabulous vlog, I really love it. big thumbs up and have a great week ahead. new follower.

You have great videos too so I am grateful for your comment!!

Thank you Emmanuel. Mexico is beautiful and I am surely enjoying my stay!

Haha, I am from Texas, so perhaps a bit of a southern accent. I am glad you liked the video!

Huy si..mi pais..mamon

mexico is the capital of latinoamerica is beautiful


Muchas gracias, Jorge!

You're right, Mexico city is as mystical as it is beautiful.

And yeah, the zocalo, the National Palace and the city looks better at night.

You're wrong, Benito Juarez was a freemason and one of the worst presidents of Mexico. He didn't fight for the indigenas' rights, he was ashamed of being indigenous and just wanted money and power and with help of the American Masons, he ended up the Glorious Mexican Empire of Maximiliano (USA didn't want a powerfull empire nex to them). Juarez was a dictator and took Mexico to poverty and he murdered indigenous people.

Love you. Iam from Mexico and you describe México in an Amazing way. ...welcome

Thank you Rodolfo, I appreciate your comment!

Gracias por presentar lo mejor de mi ciudad, aunque faltó Chapultepec o Coyoacán, me encanta que gente de todo el mundo venga y se enamore. Thanks, amazing your video, people of the world come to México! You should be here.

+Hello Nicki Travels thanks, am in love with your YouTube channel, kisses and bless for you magic girl!

Thank you for the words Alberto. I agree, many more people should be visiting Mexico, not just Americans but people from Europe, Asia, etc. You have a wonderful country.

Hello Nicky!... I'm glad you visit my Beautiful Mexico City!... "Palacio de Bellas Artes and Palacio Postal" were built in the early 1900' during "Porfirio Diaz dictatorship" the arquitect was "Adamo Boari" a Italian that was in Love with Mexico, Mexico City was called "La Ciudad de los Palacios" ( City of Palaces) the music box in the streets is called "Organillero" was brought from Germany in the late 1800's to serenate the couples in Love!

Great video!. What a beautiful and vibrant city, so much diversity, experiences and off course delicious food!. Many museums and four world heritage sites within the city limits. Cheers Nicki!

Beautiful! Wish I was there, tamales, tacos, chile rellenos, fresh tortillas, pan de luce, and a cuisine designated by UNESCO along with Traditional French Cuisines as Cultural Treasures in 2010. Historic architecture, great museums, pristine beaches, gorgeous colonial towns, modern Mexico City and beautiful friendly Mexican people.❤

Your description is 100% accurate. One of my favorite cities in the world!

Nice trip.

Hello Jesus! The information you share is incredibly helpful and interesting! And I knew there was something very European about those music boxes, now I know why! Thank you!,

Hello Nicki Travels called Jacaranda. We have them here in Southern California

I enjoyed your video. I think one of the best I’ve seen (of the countless I’ve seen). You’re well-informed about the history of Mexico City. It’s very interesting, I’m planning to go this July.

Amazing video and quality. I will be visiting mexico city on May 26 for 1 week. I can't wait

Wonderful video! Here at Y&S FOOD! we love to notice this sort of contents. We produce Travel & Food shows as well, throughout the planet, and therefore we are often interested in inspirations and techniques. Thank You.

Thank you for the comment! And yes, there is nothing better than a culturally-rich and vibrant city with good food!

Thank you Memo, your comment means a lot to me! And you're gonna love the city!

+Hello Nicki Travels Thank you

Wooo, you're in for a treat! Enjoy your trip!

Great video! Yes the organillero plays what is called the crank organ (organo). The name in german is the drehorgel (turn organ) among many names. I believe that most of the organs being used in Mexico city are made in Berlin, Germany. Today, I think that these organs can only be found at the museums in Germany. For some strange reason, they're still playing these boxes in Mexico. I haven't seen them in any other country. Your video is informative! Did you know that an estimate of 700,000 Americans call Mexico City home? They are more than 2M Americans living all over Mexico in a permanent basis and during winter the number could go higher.

You missed enter our beautiful Fine Art Palace where the curtain of the main stage, was made at Tiffany's New York and represents the landscape of our two volcanos the Iztacciuatl and Popocatepetl.

México city and all México its so beautiful❤

Nicky. You have to visit Los Pinos. It was the presidencial residence until Enrique Peña Nieto. It is free the admission.

Debido al tamaño de esta ciudad, la mayor parte del agua que se usa en la Ciudad de México es traída desde estados aledaños a través del sistema Cutzamala considerado como una de las 10 grandes obras de ingeniería hidráulica del mundo por la capacidad de enviar millones de litros continuamente para más de 20 millones de personas, sin ese sistema la ciudad colapsa en menos de una semana. Los pozos subterráneos solo son para algunos puntos de la ciudad, especialmente el oriente pero el problema del hundimiento de la ciudad viene desde la época colonial, muchos edificios históricos se han logrado salvar gracias a las inyecciones de concreto en las cimentaciones y los métodos de construcción antisismicos, así se logró salvar la Catedral Metropolitana o el Palacio de Bellas Artes.

Se llaman organilleros !!

Love your videos!

Love your videos. Great quality and very informative. You got a new subscriber. Bienvenida a Mexico. I guess the altitude is messing with you huh? Hope you get use to

I’m watching comments. On other videos Americans say. Mexico is a shit hole. But if this. Is a shit hole. With want more like this, I’m live on Los Angeles california. Hundreds of people campaign on the street. Trash everywhere. I love street food the best.

Los Pinos is the president's house, but as you say, the current president decided not to do it. National Palace is where the president works and where he shouts of independence in September. The excellent videos that I found by chance have a very interesting style. Congratulations, I hope to continue growing. And welcome to Mexico, you will fall more and more in love with my country.

i like your harry potter looks like :D

Haha, Thank you, Mauro! (I like your name!)



Love your videos, keep up with the good work and thank you for sharing about my country to the world and how great it is ...

Our first emperor was black.

Thanks for the suggestion, Ramon!

cool video!

Tienes la versión de los conservadores, pero la realidad es diferente, conocer la historia desde un punto neutral es mas objetivo.

The city of Tenochtitlán was built by the Aztecs on a lake, the Spaniards built Mexico City on top of the ruins of Tenochtitlán and as you can imagine since the city is built on top of a lake there’s no real solid rock under the city and as you mentioned the water being extracted from the underground makes it sink even more

Wrong Benito Juárez was not the only indigenous president, also Victoriano Huerta was it, but history and collective memory do not recognize him as that because he got the presidence of México by a state strike, killing to the elected president of México Francisco I. Madero

You should live stream on people do it alot now

eres muy bonita, nicki

wonderful colors!

You r really good to document. Cual es la camara que usas los vídeos tienen un muy buena resolución. Me he suscribido a tu canal y gracias por promocionar mi país en especial la ciudad donde yo nací

Downtown Ciudad de Mexico sinks 5 to 7 cm per year. In 60 years that would be 3 to 4.2 meters. Source:

You have a beautiful voice when you sing .

Gracias Mexico una ciudad muy hermosa

lady, you made an incredible video, very rich in information about the history of Mexico City. Incredibly, a lot of people do not know the history of these interesting buildings. Güerita Greetings

Hermosa tejanita yo trabajo en TX

By the way, I love your videos. We learn New things even We are from México. Blessings. Greetings from Anaheim, CA. Im from Cuernavaca, Morelos.

You seem to be gasping for breath. Probably from the height above the sea level. Don't worry, your kidneys Will send a message to your bones (Bone marrow) to start producing more red blood cells. In A week or so you Will be able to breath normal. This acording yo the lates estudies in body adaptation.

love the video

Greetings from El Paso texas. And please visit Castillo de Chapultepec


It was one of the best walks of my life

Welcome to Mexico!, I see you like art & architecture, I suggest to visit "Museo Casa Luis Barragan" and El nido de Quetzalcoatl" they're amazing

Thank you for the suggestion!

El subsuelo de la CDMX es crítico para las construcciones tanto en lo relativo a sismos como al hundimiento pero la extracción de agua agudiza el problema del hundimiento. El agua de pozos no es marginal para la ciudad, si así fuera ya se habrían clausurado. El sistema Cutzamala es fundamental para el abastecimiento de agua al Valle de México (incluyendo algunos municipios del Edomex) pero no provee la mayor parte del agua de la CDMX sino alrededor del 40%, el resto viene de aguas subterráneas del Lerma y de fuentes del Valle de México, incluyendo los pozos. La estructura de los suelos en buena parte del Valle de México es única, similar a un panal de abejas donde el agua ocuparía el hueco dentro de las celdas. Al poner sobre el suelo un gran peso o extraer el agua las celdas se colapsan y se produce el hundimiento. El problema se agrava porque los suelos no pueden recargarse con el agua de lluvia pues esta se va al drenaje.

Thank you! Saludos!

Hi! Thank you so much

NELVA GÓMEZ Yours ???? Hahaha. Don’t speak for me.

Thank you for sharing that, Tania. And you're right, everyday I spend in Mexico makes me want to stay here for longer!

Thank you for the kind words, Alberto.

Yo soy mexicano y amo mi país


Hola Nicky luv your videos,well prepare and informative plus with the most sweetest voice you have make me watch more of tus videos. You sound like a pro national geographic narrator with a cute voice.

So cool. Very nice job. So Mexico isn't a bunch of poor dusty villages like Hollywood insists in portrays in every movie.

Omg you are a walking wikipedia

The crank boxes are called "organilleros" is been since 800 hundres 65 was donated by germany after ww2

Hello werita nice to c you again.

Hola la ciudad de México es muy bonita, pero deberías conocer todos los estados para que te des una idea de lo multicultural que es nuestro país.

Tienes una forma tan honesta y clara de describir tu recorrido e impresiones de México, espero pases muchos días disfrutando las maravillas de este país. Saludos

Visita la basílica de guadaluoe..el bosque de chapultepec..y el barrio chino

I like your video, and you are such a nice person, but your need to double check your historical sources

8:18 Nosy at 3 o clock el metiche de las 3 en punto

thks to share at the world this video about Mexico city...beautiful!

Bienvenida a mi país

The musical instrument is called " organillero"

Looking pretty as always. Hermosa.

Hola, Nicki. Te mando un saludo y aprovecho para comentarte: 1.) Los "músicos" que te intrigaron son “organilleros” y las cajas que tocan son organillos, es decir órganos portátiles con melodías grabadas como en las pianolas. Tienen tubos a través de los cuales pasa el aire que los hace sonar, como los órganos. Llegaron de Alemania a partir de 1880. Muchos suenan desafinados porque hace décadas que dejaron de fabricarse y es casi imposible conseguir refacciones y repararlos. En la CDMX la única que les da servicio es una señora mayor y nadie sabe qué pasará cuando se retire. 2.) La fachada principal del Palacio de Bellas Artes es de mármol de Carrara. Su telón principal es de cristal, único en un teatro de ópera en el mundo. Muestra un paisaje de los volcanes del pintor mexicano Gerardo Murillo. Pesa 24 toneladas y está formado por más de un millón de piezas de cristal. Fue fabricado por Tiffany en Nueva York, donde se exhibió antes de ser enviado a México. 3.) La ciudad de México la fundaron los aztecas en medio de un sistema de lagos que con el tiempo se fueron desecando y se formó un subsuelo muy peculiar, con mucha agua y una arcilla muy fina que forman una estructura parecida a las celdas de un panal de abejas. Al poner una estructura muy pesada o extraer agua, las celdas se colapsan y se producen hundimientos. 4.) La Casa de los Azulejos es posterior a Hernán Cortés. Se sabe que eran dos mansiones del siglo XVI separadas por un callejón. En el s. XVII el Conde del Valle de Orizaba adquirió ambas y las mandó unir en un palacio que fue la casa principal de los condes por unos 250 años. En el s. XVIII la fachada se recubrió con azulejos de Talavera traídos de la ciudad de Puebla, donde aún se fabrica esa famosa cerámica. En el s. XIX tuvo varios dueños y en 1919 los hermanos Sanborn abrieron un restaurante y tienda departamental que en la actualidad es la sucursal más famosa de la cadena Sanborns. 5.) El templo junto a la Catedral Metropolitana es el Sagrario. Toda catedral cuenta con un Sagrario, o sea la parroquia donde se administran sacramentos, se lleva el censo de fieles y se guardan objetos sagrados. Suele ser un espacio dentro de las catedrales pero dadas las dimensiones y magnificencia de la Catedral de México, en 1749 se decidió que requería de un Sagrario que estuviera a su altura. Se construyó un templo anexo que bien podría ser una pequeña catedral. Nunca fue convento. Ojalá te dé tiempo de visitar muchos otros lugares en México y que disfrutes tu visita. Un abrazo

Muchas gracias, toda esta informacion muy buena! Now I know about the building next to the Cathedral. It's very interesting

Thanks for the clarification, J G!

+Hello Nicki Travels de nada ;) ;)



Thank you Alberto! I use the Fuji X-T3

You're too sweet, Julio

Thank you for the words, Jaime!

Thank you so much Cruz! And you're right, after a couple of days I got used to the altitude. By the way, Cuernavaca is an absolutely beautiful city and I will be sure to visit it sometime soon!

Have you been to San Miguel de Allende Guanajuato.? They have real mummies

El sistema Cutzamala es fundamental para abastecer de agua a la CDMX y algunos municipios del Edomex pero provee solo un 40% del agua de la ciudad. El resto proviene de fuentes como manantiales subterráneas del Lerma y del Valle de México. El agua extraída de pozos no es marginal y esto empeora el hundimiento. En donde había lagos se formó un subsuelo muy peculiar compuesto de mucha agua y una arcilla muy fina formando una estructura similar a las celdas de un panal de abejas. Al poner una estructura pesada o extraer agua, las celdas se colapsan y se producen hundimientos. El problema se agudiza pues el agua de lluvia se va al drenaje en vez de recargar los suelos.

Everything it's a shithole to americans expet América lol


Welcome to México


Only a clarification, the President does not live in the National Palace, before He lived in the residence called los Pinos, but from this six -years term He will not live anymore there, and now is open to the public as a museum.

Gobierno de cdmx ya urge una manita de tigre a esas calles y banquetas tan importantes para el centro histórico! Que rayos pasa con ellos que no ven que ya están desgastadas o con mala apariencia ????

I congratulate you for your excellent cultural level and especially for your excellent recording with 2 different cameras, the quality of the video is perfect in both cameras and the incredible stability, at first I thought you were using a 360 camera but I was surprised to read that you use 2 cameras

I love you

amo a mi país

I love your channel, and you are very beautiful girl


Hello, I'M Mexican, my country is too beautiful and you had better visit other historical buildings in other states of Mexico, you'll surprise

Oldest Church in all of AMERICA

hello i love mexico too the food its amazing what camera or cameras do you use ?

Very good video

ah no ma xdxd esta bien bonita la presentadora jsjsjs

the truth is the current president Lopez Obrador is working in "Palacio Nacional" every day, also he decided to give up living in "Los pinos" the place where the former presidents lived with great luxury and opulence

Nice video, but you missed the aztec ruins next to the cathedral. :(

That's just a small part, you could need more than a year to live the country its so big. You look nice gringa, welcome.

You have to visit the chapultepec castle, you will love it.

Visit the pyramids of Teotihuacan. You will love it. Greetings from a Mexican.

You can also visit the city of San Miguel de Allende, the city is very beautiful.

Benito Juarez did nothing for the indigenous people of Mexico he never return to his town, he became an ashole. Our best president were the general Lazaro Cárdenas.

Hello, visit the forest of Chapultepec, it has a royal castle. (Castillo de chapultepec)

I love you reaction about mexico city all US citizen must forget it the wrong idea like show you the movies about mexico like dunkey and cactus and deserts that its lie mexico es hermoso mexico su gente amable please share with all ... ah i suscriber too

El nombre del chico con la caja de música es: EL ORGANILLERO O EL CILINDRERO. The name of the GUY with the music box is: THE ORGANILLERO OR THE CYLINDER.

Gracias Oscar! Saludos!

Thank you so much! This comment means a lot to me

Haha, thank you Fernando!


Muchas gracias, Alejandra!

Gracias, Patron Chuchin

Hola, Nicki. Te mando un saludo y aprovecho para comentarte: 1.) Los "músicos" que te intrigaron son “organilleros” y las cajas son "organillos" (órganos pequeños) con melodías grabadas, como las pianolas. A través de unos tubos pasa el aire que los hace sonar, como los órganos. Llegaron de Alemania a partir de 1880. Muchos suenan desafinados porque ya no los fabrican desde hace décadas y es casi imposible conseguir refacciones y repararlos. En la CDMX la única que les da servicio es una señora mayor y nadie sabe qué pasará cuando se retire. 2.) La fachada principal del Palacio de Bellas Artes es de mármol de Carrara. Su telón principal es de cristal, único en un teatro de ópera en el mundo. Muestra un paisaje del pintor mexicano Gerardo Murillo. Pesa 24 toneladas y está formado por casi un millón de piezas de cristal. Fue fabricado por Tiffany en Nueva York, donde se exhibió antes de ser enviado a México. 3.) La ciudad de México la fundaron los aztecas en medio de un sistema de lagos que con el tiempo se fueron desecando y se formó un subsuelo muy peculiar, con mucha agua y una arcilla muy fina que forman una estructura parecida a las celdas de un panal de abejas. Al poner una estructura muy pesada o extraer agua, las celdas se colapsan y se producen hundimientos. 4.) La Casa de los Azulejos es posterior a Hernán Cortés. Eran dos mansiones separadas por un callejón. En el siglo XVII el Conde del Valle de Orizaba adquirió ambas y las mandó unir en un palacio que fue la casa principal de los condes por unos 250 años. En el s. XVIII la fachada se recubrió con azulejos de Talavera traídos de la ciudad de Puebla, donde aún se fabrica esa famosa cerámica. En el s. XIX tuvo varios dueños y en 1919 los hermanos Sanborn establecieron ahí un restaurante y tienda departamental que en la actualidad es la sucursal más famosa de la cadena Sanborns. 5.) El templo junto a la Catedral Metropolitana es el Sagrario. Toda catedral cuenta con un Sagrario, o sea la parroquia donde se administran sacramentos, se lleva el censo de fieles y se guardan objetos sagrados. Suele ser un espacio dentro de las catedrales pero dadas las dimensiones y magnificencia de la Catedral de México, en 1749 se decidió que requería de un Sagrario que estuviera a su altura. Se construyó un templo anexo que bien podría ser una pequeña catedral. Nunca fue convento. Ojalá te dé tiempo de visitar muchos otros lugares en México y que disfrutes tu visita. Un abrazo

El sistema Cutzamala es fundamental para abastecer de agua a la CDMX y algunos municipios del Edomex pero provee solo un 40% del agua de la ciudad. El resto proviene de fuentes como manantiales subterráneos del Lerma y del Valle de México. La cantidad de agua extraída de pozos no es marginal y empeora el hundimiento. En donde había lagos se formó un subsuelo muy peculiar compuesto de mucha agua y un tipo de arcilla muy fina formando una estructura similar a las celdas de un panal de abejas. Al poner una estructura muy pesada o extraer agua, las celdas se colapsan y se producen hundimientos. El problema se agudiza porque el agua de lluvia se va al drenaje en vez de recargar los suelos.

Megan Marie now 81!

There are more tourist places in the city like chapultepec and reforma, very nice places.


Hi Nicki. I ran into your channel by accident. This is the very first time I watch your videos. I like your style: its fresh and unpretentious. It's clear that you did some research about the sites shown in the video and that's something I appreciate as a viewer. Many times I have watched videos of other travel bloggers and sadly many of them do not make the effort to read about the history of Mexico City and of Mexico in general. So, kudos for that. In the name of accuracy I'd like to clarify a couple of points: most of the decoration used in the Postal Palace was brought from Italy, specifically from Florence. Secondly, the "Blue tiles Palace" was built in the 17th century and it was the home of a Spanish Earl whose name I don't remember right now. It was never owned by Hernan Cortes. Great work. Keep sharing more videos, please. Hasta luego

Que hermosa gringa que se interesa de mi México ,

you´re a beautiful person! I love that you talk such good things about my country!

I'll help you with the name. The exact name of those musical boxes in english is Organ Grinding box, or just " Organ Grinder", and the player can also be called Organ grinder. In Mexico city they are members of a Union of organ grinders, they are a Labor Union indeed, and the organs I believe are all originally German. The interesting thing is that they are all very old and the factory in Germany does not exist since decades ago, so they have become very ingenious to repair them making the parts themselves. Hope this helps you...

+Hello Nicki Travels Just to conclude this organ grinder talk, The one thing nobody knows, - even the organ grinders themselves -, is who brought this organs to Mexico from Germany, logically it had to be German people long long time ago. Early 1900's ...

Thank you for sharing that information. I find history fascinating, especially elements of multiculturalism.

Your production made me clic... Now I'm a follower of yours.

Thank you, Armando

Cilindreros is the name of the Music makers...

Mexicans are Hebrews

The musical instrument is called the "organillo" or "little organ" the person that plays it is called the "organillero" or "cilindrero".

The name of the music machine and the guy (yes they are known as one) is "cilindrero"

Puedo sentir tu emoción y alegría , tu respeto y amor hacía México ¡! Nicki keep enjoying our beautiful country and please , lleva siempre al pueblo mexicano en tu corazoncito ¡! Besos y abrazos ¡!

+Miguel Posada What an honor! Besos!

+Hello Nicki Travels That's for sure ! I haven't travelled around the world yet but you're a lucky Girl , you've traveled a lot ! And it's a blessing and a pleasure hear you talking in a beautiful way of Mexico! If you want you're a proud Mexican Lady since Right Now ! Cualquiera que ame a México , es mexicano ¡! Además siempre nacemos dónde nosotros queremos ¡! Jejejé #ChavelaVargas ... Besos Nicki Linda Noche ¡! Ya quiero otro video ¡!

Thank you for the kind words, Miguel. My relationship with Mexico is love at first sight

Muy chidos tus videos Nicki.saludos.

+Hello Nicki Travels

Gracias Alex

Live your life ;!!^&&

And suddenly you see the Kinetic Kennons recording a video on the background lol.

Looks more like an European city than what they show at Fox News.

La catedral no fue hecha con ruinas, tuvieron que destruir los palacios mexicas para construirla... Te faltó visitar el museo del templo mayor.

The president lives in the national palace.Before,the mexican presidents lived in a house called ''Los Pinos''(The Pines'').

Thanks for the clarification!

The musical boxes are called ''cilindros''.

Best video ever

Welcome to mexico "werita" im recommend for you visit the museum "templo mayor" that is aztecs ruins of mexicco-tenochtitlan, receives a greeting from city queretaro!!!!

Thanks for the recommendation! Queretaro looks beautiful... I'd love to visit too!

Talking about the tiles, in Puebla make handcrafts using a technique known as "Talavera" and this tiles are made of this.

Thank you, that's interesting!

en la Alameda incluso esas bancas para sentarse a descansar tienen su historia

A lot of love and work must go into making these amazing videos! I really appreciate YouTubers who go out of their way and show us these beautiful details. Mexico City is amazing. It was almost like being there! Subscribed. ;)

Thank you Miguel, I very much appreciate your comment!

Thanks for clarifying!

Thank you for your words

Thank you kindly, Rodolfo

You're right! I want to go to Guadalajara so badly

Hello Nicki Travels ooh thats cool they are great cameras iam getting a gopro soon thanks

Hi! I use a Fuji X-T3 and GoPro 7. The rest of my gear is listed in the description


You're completely right!

There is nothing even close in beauty and monumental architecture in the United States that can even come close to the marvels of Mexico City. The city is a true historical and archaeological monument to the history of the Americas.

Great tour of the historic center of Mexico City. Thanks for this.

I'm impressed with this kind of information, just you didn't say any thing about the templo mayor which is between the cathedral and the national palace great work and i will start following you in all your videos CONGRATULATIONS

The person with the music box is call "el organillero" the box is call "el organillo"

Santa Fe is also worth a visit!

Me cae bien esta chamaca.

you said Casa de Azulejos was built in 1900s, and reference Hernan Cortez??

Hello Nicki, enjoy Mexico City!1

I love mexico, thx for the video. :D

Ladies and gentlemen.... My hometown


One of most beautiful places un the world!

Well, most presidents of Mexico have been mestizos. Benito Juárez was just more indigenous looking than others, but Porfirio Diaz had an indigenous mother too. Mexicans tend not to over obsess with race issues.

The name of the instrument is ORGANO The person who plays it it’s called ORGANILLERO

Se llaman organilleros los que encuentras tocando en las calles. Saludos

Hi! I would so love to visit Mexico City. Where is your accent from?

Y faltó el MUNAL y el Museo de Minería que están cerca del Palacio postal

It's really annoying when you trying to pronounce the names of the places in Spanish when you don't even speak Spanish, telling you as a Mexican, just saying


Is very beautiful

Yo have to visit the Oaxaca city

Organilleros los musicos

Beautiful video. The instrumet (little box) is called cilindro and the man that plays it is called cilindrero. They used to hsve a monkey alive that helped the player. Also the first cathedral built in lstin america is in Mérida Yucatán. You should come visit. Co gratulations on your video

+Hello Nicki Travels You're welcome!

Speack english you idiot

No, the music instrument is called "Organillo" and the guys who play them are called Organillero.

Te sugiero estudies previo comentar algo, encuentro varias imprecisiones. Visita Teotihuacán, te va a sorprender

Tthe mexicano president dont lives un palacio nacional, he lives un los pinos un chapultepec area

Después de la oficina postal te faltó el Munal, lugar donde hicieron la primera película de " the Librarian" y el caballito.

I am sure I passed by the first one when I was on a bus going to Queretaro, many years ago. I wished I could have gotten out and seen it it looked beautiful.

You my darling are the best example of a foreigner without a clue about a country trying to explain, history, architecture and culture from Wikipedia, Im from Belgium and I've been several times to Mexico City, I hope you don't think Im a hater, because Im not, but your knowledge of Mexico is non to zero, good luck in your next trip

Fuck u idiot

You have alot of knowledge

Estas muy hermosa, visita la avenida reforma, el ángel de la independencia o santa fe jeje o el castillo de chapultepec

in 1846 the US flag were there in the zocalo was such a good time i thought

spanish ppl didnt find ruins they destroyed everything then build what churches with the ruins that they made. because they thought that aztecs buildings were not too christian.


Gracias por hablar bien de Mexico, pero no sabes nada de su historia, todas tus referencias son erróneas. Thank you for speaking well of Mexico, but you do not know anything about its history, all your references are wrong.

Come to my house, I invite you to eat chilaquiles Güerita hermosa.


El edificio existe desde el siglo xvi no en 1900 Jajajajja

Daniel, I really appreciate the comment and all the helpful information you shared!

I couldn't find the minute where they come up on the video

Ramiro Ramirez. Es correcto... Tengo entendido que la catedral metropolitana de la Ciudad de México fue construida con piedras de pirámides y sobre los restos de la pirámide del templo mayor como muestra de la victoria de los españoles y para advertir a los nativos quienes son los que mandan ahora. La gran inundación de 1629 que duró mas de 5 años se encargó de que la catedral se derrumbara casi en su totalidad, por tanto lo que vemos ahora podríamos decir que no es la catedral original sino una reconstrucción que duró muchísimos años en concretarse, por eso el templo tiene varios estilos (Barroco, churrigueresco, neoclásico) ya que las diferentes etapas de re-construcción se vieron influenciadas por esos estilos. Saludos.

VIVA México

I loved your video! I was in Mexico City in early April as well and I felt so lucky to be in my country's capital exploring the streets, seeing the people, the monuments, the architecture and enjoying the delicious food. Thanks for sharing. You did a fantastic job. I shared on my Facebook for more people to discover the amazing Mexico City.

I really love my CDMX

The name of those guys is "Cilindrero"

Beautiful ❤️

Parece capital Europea que hermoso ciudad de México. Thanks Nice video.

All the world loves Mexico

Thank you for the video!!

Amazing video !!

Muy de acuerdo!!

With which camera do you record your videos?

It's cold a bottle Oregon

IN MINUT 13:13 YOU SAID.for the construction of the Cathedral they 3 centuries an finished in 1656,Impossible, the Spaniards arrived to this "city " in 1530..three centuries means 1830. Sorry you are wrong. HERNAN CORTES never lived in "Casa de los Azulejos".this building was constructed in early 1900's..Cortes came to "Mexico" in 1540.

Nicki, you are the best to talk about anything in Mexico, I love you!

Thank you so much, Luis!

She needs to visit the castle

What a good video

your stabilizer is great. What brand is it?

Outstanding,great video. Love your work.

Thank you! I appreciate your comment!

Thank you for your kind words and for sharing!

astonishing city

I was born in Leon Guanajuato Mexico

Gracias por mostrarme a mi país , yo ya visité CDMX pero el conocer más información respecto a estos lugares que no sabía , me hace amar más a esta ciudad. saludos desde el norte de Mexico . A 3 horas en avión y 2 días en autobús

Por cierto el instrumento de manivela que mencionas se llama Organillo y el que lo ejecuta se llama organillero y en efecto son de ese tiempo que comentas llegaron a México durante el mandato de Porfirio Díaz directamente de Alemania y en su gran mayoría son de la marca Wagner & Levien, además de lo hermosos que son pueden llegar a pesar más de 50 Kg. Y por lo antiguos sus piezas son muy costosas traerlas de Alemania así que en muchos casos tienen que fabricarlas aquí mismo con puro ingenio mexicano, de hecho algunos alemanes comentan que desconocen totalmente el origen de este instrumento pues algunos creen que es originario de aquí lo cual resulta muy gracioso, en fin no me imagino un día en el Zócalo o en mi Coyoacán sin los organilleros y su bella música por eso siempre que puedo les doy algo de $. Saludos Güerita!!!

Excelente video güerita, de verdad que tienes muy buen contenido y algo queme gusta mucho es que de verdad te informas muy bien, te felicito acá tienes un nuevo suscriptor!!!

Show us Tepito

Nicky estás hermosa dedicame un beso Xoxo

Beautiful..everything looks amazing..Hope to go one the little music in the background..takes you back in time.

Hello Nicky, I'm glad you visit my Beautiful Mexico City...did you know that the Beautiful "Cathedral Metropolitana took 300 yrs to build... because of the different wars in Mexico , the Zocalo is the 2nd largest square in the World ( Zocalo means monument base. in the 1800 after Mexico Independence ,the first government was going to put a monument celebrating the Independence, only was the base...People start to called just Zocalo, the name remains, the monument become a reality in 1910 , is the Beautiful "Angel" in Reforma ave, The House of Tiles" is from 1700's was built by a rich marquee, and the blue tiles are from Puebla,Mexico. The Artisan painted is called "Talavera" most white and blue, they made Pottery, Tiles, Glasses etc.

Hermosa ciudad de mex

It’s beautiful it looks like india

Honestly, I never liked Mexico City (studied there and worked for 6 years) but now that I live far away, now I see its interesting part. Thanks for sharing (worked just across the block from the Palacio de Bellas Artes) also viele Grüßen aus Deutschland

Sehr gerne c; zurück aus Deutschland. Excelente semana estimada

Thank you for sharing, Alan! Greetings from Texas!

Muchas gracias!

Fuji X-T3 with a GoPro 7. You can find more info about them in the description

Hi! I meant to say "it was built in 3 centuries" as the groundbreaking for the church started in 1573 (16th century), and the cathedral was finished in 1813 (19th century). As for Hernan Cortes living there, that was a complete mistake. I was told that his supporters sought refuge there but I remembered that wrong and said Cortes instead

Vicente Guerrero and Porfirio Díaz were Aldo presidente of México from indigenous origns

This is one of the best walks around CDMX videos I've seen! Maybe next year I can go back in during Jacaranda bloom season!

Thank you, Robert! And yes, I'd definitely suggest visiting around March-April to see those beautiful Jaracandas

Se llaman. " organilleros " and these musical instruments were made in Germany !!. Now all the spare parts are made in Mexico !!!

Marry me so we can explore Mexico for the rest of our life’s!

Thank you, Jesus! Those are interesting facts. I enjoy learning more and more about different cultures

Thank you Nicki, Mexico loves you!!

Yes, I walked that place when I was a kid, I took it from granted, not a big deal at those times, but I think I'm in love now, with the place but specially with you, you are beautiful, thank you.

Wow! You know a lot of our history. I hope you had a good time

great trip

Thank you so much, Luis!

Thank you for the lovely comment, Ramon

I visited all 1.- Fine Arts Palace.- i enjoyed the paint wall in one their floors, where many wall painters as Diego Rivera left a mark in there. 2.- House of Tiles.- I enjoyed the good food, as a good moment to read a book, in a place where keeps the original style from the Porfirio Diaz's era. 3.- Metropolitan Cathedral.- I went down to the bishops tombs 4.- Tha Postal Palace.- A remembrance of the times where Mexico, was proyecting it self to the modernity, by the hand of Porfirio Díaz. 5.- Zócalo o Constitution square.- Where early in the morning, or at 18:00 hours, you can see the flag's ceremony, or if you get in September you can celebrate the Independence day with the Cry of México on September 15 and or watch military parade the next day I leave you the links The night of the Cry of México The military parade.- The Kinetic Kennons made this video in one part of the city, but the military parade begin in Constitution square. 6.- National palace.- Where I enjoyed the paint walls inside, also there is a museum, dedicated to Benito Juarez one of the most notorious president of México in the XIX century, but in the 200 anniversary of Mexico's Independence day and the 100 years, Mexican Revolution, parts of National Palace, closed to the visitors, as the president's office , the meeting room, the president´s library, ambassador hall, where the president receives his guests and then go out to the crowd to make the mexican cry in the Mexican Independence celebration, all that was opened, I do not know if there's still open I don't think so. As a cultural fact, the mexican flag waving in the Zocalo square as in Mars camp or Campo Marte are made in the military industry, the fabrics are the same one used to manufacture the military men and women parachute and the eagle and the snake is painted by hand.

That's right bro, most mexicans (roughly 90%) are mestizos, that's why we don't care about race as much as people from other countries, we just identify ourselves as "mexican", whether we are more caucasian or more indigenous looking.

+Hello Nicki Travels You are welcome

Wow, this is all very informative and interesting. Thank you for sharing!

Unbelievable city

The streets and squares and churches are huge , because the Spanish , kept the original street layouts left by the Aztecs thousands of years ago and , simply tore down the temples , to make squares and Catholic churches, so you can imagine how huge those ancient temples were

Interesting to know. Thanks for sharing, Ron!

hello . I suscribed to ur channel , coz I wanna practice my English , my level is upper intermediate . I was living in playa del carmen and I have two months living in Mexico City. greetings

Hi Keanu. Thanks for subscribing! Have a nice weekend!

@Hello Nicki Travels You are welcome

@Hello Nicki Travels Just to conclude this organ grinder talk, The one thing nobody knows, - even the organ grinders themselves -, is who brought this organs to Mexico from Germany, logically it had to be German people long long time ago. Early 1900's ...

@Miguel Posada What an honor! Besos!

@Hello Nicki Travels That's for sure ! I haven't travelled around the world yet but you're a lucky Girl , you've traveled a lot ! And it's a blessing and a pleasure hear you talking in a beautiful way of Mexico! If you want you're a proud Mexican Lady since Right Now ! Cualquiera que ame a México , es mexicano ¡! Además siempre nacemos dónde nosotros queremos ¡! Jejejé #ChavelaVargas ... Besos Nicki Linda Noche ¡! Ya quiero otro video ¡!

@Hello Nicki Travels

@Hello Nicki Travels You're welcome!

By the way Nicki if you want to spend a Christmas season in Mexico there is a video

now thats a coo set up with the 4k and the overlay of the walking came what set up did you use for this looks amazing

Why, thank you, sir!

Organ grinder

You forgot the most important historic in the zocalo, that's the pyramid that they discover i think it was 30 years ago, and that's the ruin they build the cathedral with .

Visiting Mexico City next week

You're in for a treat!

I highly recommend to visit the José Luis Cuevas museum close to El Zócalo. Amazing museum full of post muralist mexican art.

Hello Nicki Travels alright! I can’t wait

What a badass video I just got back from mexico, Michoacán, jalisco and nayarit , i already want to go back. I want to visit CDMX so bad

I Love Mexico From Egypt, I have heard about Mexico and Mexican People before The Mexico are One of The Best Countries in The World

Awesome vid!!

The music tradicional your name Is Organillero

Best video by far of historic walk

I love mixico

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