Mediterranean Steps, Rock of Gibraltar - (IKS Gibraltar trip episode 7)

Mediterranean Steps, Rock of Gibraltar - (IKS Gibraltar trip episode 7)

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right up here then do you know where this goes  we the terranean steps and then   the caves are near there aren't they oh are they I hope oh wow that's why I hit my head cuz I  couldn't see oh wow the monkey gone up there I reckon there some monkeys folks going be wait a minute oh no I see people  up here when we were down there yeah [Applause] wow got the gun  there didn't even notice that how the H folks you got to go every  everywhere to try and find these bits and Bobs and now this is the Mediterranean steps or something hello oh Jesus ah that's sort of scared me that I  thought they're coming for me we   ain't got nothing you ambushed  this is that's what it is isn't it little Ambush he just did a little  and it fell down the side you doing Ambush got cut on his chest has he yeah oh yeah poor little baby hey they never look at it did they they camera shy you know that sound in your pockets hello hey got ity first you've been fighting  with the other monkeys a you I think   that's what the uh things happened  here that's mad isn't it oh Jesus rough that was funny they come out of [Music] nowhere did you see where the caves were oh really  work out like there's oar's battery so these are   the Mediterranean steps oh yeah they're going  down gate so it can't be where's the caves it say there so we need to go down or  do we cuz it joins back up I'll go   down these steps and then yeah this  and it's going to take us onto that   road and we're going to go to Jew's  gate all right and then take it from there can't really see him folks  right let's go did you see the   gun yeah yeah that's just yeah that was a super Ambush we get just keep going down I think we go  around the bottom of this the base this rock I   think that's the way I think the way to do this  folks is to look at the steps and not the camera lens wow it's prob intense this isn't it I didn't   think we was going to get here  today make sure you do yeah I am oh second can hello tunnel in there it's got  bricks and stuff in there can't really see   cuz it's Sun jeez je have a little look see  where the power cable goes up through the   through the rock oh yeah unfortunately  folks the sun is uh having a field day a cave what was that sound I don't know there just a a door on the uh steps quite mad these steps aren't they  yeah they are I don't I wouldn't   want to walk up then no not in this  heat seag gos can't get away from them watch there there loads of flies over something there what we're looking for folks is the we're  looking for the cave is it is it St what's it   called St Michael's cave St Michael's cave what  we're looking for look go down the Mediterranean   steps and uh yeah should be round this rock so  let's keep going watch it here hold the Rope there's your electricity cable again  for the battery this goes right down oh wow it actually is really  good search light position I reckon yeah just making  sure there's no wasps nests oh the shuts long onone but  right we going do is that [Applause] there I don't know might be a gun position  as well playing right oh got to move on folks see this Boulder yeah falling down from somewhere yeah je oh wow that'll be us soon that way so  that's like towards where oh yeah right still   on the uh Mediterranean steps folks I mean it's a  it's a journey from the top it's like don't might   be too bad with it and then halfway down sort of  uh starting to feel it it's the heat from the you   know from Africa over there look at that oh wow  it's a bit dodgy cuz all of these rocks are so   slippery they are they been worn down yeah but  luckily we've got some water we need to find a   shop that has more water by the big bottles  well this bag's not Soo bad keeps them keeps   them really dark but there's Africa again look  at that pretty intense let's keep going what   we're trying to find now is them caves Michael's  caves um yeah that's the idea not got so far the   side isn't it yeah I think right then folks here  we go looks like the thing I was in a minute ago actually wow this is a little base for for an engine  engine base see those big engines saw that   thing yeah would have been one on here yeah  tunnel bricked up another one two doors nice fuse wow that's a shame can't get in that  meant to be the cake something there oh night in 40 wow all right you ready honey bun we can  need a bench like this in ours Garden yeah not one it wow oh well H in we people paddle boarding yeah that's where we was up there that's the  battery position right at the top there that   aerial thing is I'm not a great fan of  this heat I like it a bit hot but you   know what I mean it's really hot it is yeah  but what we wanted it it was yeah came here   we wanted it to be really warm sunny and it  has been so we can't really anything no it's   hotter than you thought it was going  to be on the on the thing it is yeah right oh wow didn't expect that it's like a that's a range finder thing isn't it quite impressive that no look oh wow the original wooden frame down how was it I can  see it says middle England   at the end oh yeah that's pretty incredible right starting to open up more that isn't it yeah another base to  something there that's long on there's some steps there ni a base in it again  some sort of another engine [Music] base what we got here folks but we can't go up there that looks cool though look  at them steps that go up to that top bit this looks cool as in nice and cool  and chilly yeah but I'm thinking maybe   on the map yeah the steps lead you to the  caves it doesn't that you can go through   it out the other side you have to around and  come back yeah do you know what I mean yeah yeah who be careful wow  that's nice bro The bral Rock is it really I got the cable I think charge it up so was B wire around that at some point at this that looks like a shutter or  something maybe one of the old windows [Music] it was open that's a bit of a shame  isn't it maybe that's part of the caves in   there that's right walk no we ain't it said the  bottom of them rocks it went onto the road and around not up the w we came  though surely Mediterranean   steps you want to about yeah nah to be out that's pretty cool that is it right down we go yeah must be some sort of accommodation  for like troops up here maybe that's a bit   far from there might be a gun position at  top there just can't see it accommodation   for that mad let's keep going look at this seen  that in the wild before folks Cactus absolutely   mad obviously got the old seag girls are  everywhere aren't they got to love them though it's looking look wow look at these caves wow huh this this where the Bears  hang out monkeys W be there toal dead end I'd say oh yeah I know I let's get here I think they  are mosquitoes going to get bit in the fork wow that really burns your eyes out today oh well that was much was it but you okay yeah it's like it's been painted goats hair twin caves excavated by  the Geral caving research group 1969   to 1970 H so they're not that old then I  thought they were just I thought they were   natural 1969 these were excavated  were they yeah I thought they were   natural is this St Michael no that's all  got a light show it's all open traction all right then let's back down the path well that's proper overhang is  it oh God these Mediterranean heat   folks Jesus never thought I'd say that a  Europa lighthouse in the distance there   folks don't know if we' seen that today  but certainly looks like we're going that way M's oh yeah it's quite hang isn't it  oh God we just saw this folks look that's   a tarantula funnel web sort of thing  God we're in them caves them cobwebs   thinking it was an old cave spider  oh God suddenly feel like my Skin's crawling all right so it seems we going back  up and around the uh the rock oh here we go folks that's you a lighthouse down there and uh  and all that there's loads of bits in there look   fortification walls look there's a battery there  gun battery right ahead of us Wow have Stadium   there H Stadium yeah that's mad so this is this  is the end of the island basically yeah is that's   it yeah tip the end of it right at the end it's  not actually J is not actually that big really   is it it's not now not at all no right then folks  let's carry on down this lovely path I think the   end is in sight nearly when you think about it  the cable car is really close to the airport and   we've walked from there all the way over here I  know that's I did sort of get at that when I was   looking at the maps didn't look far a tunnel down  there right at the center of the screen cars were   just going in there you got someone with landfill  with a digger and then Africa in the background mad Cactus is there folks with the old gun  battery there wonder if we can get to that   I'm sure we can it is we see cactus in  the desert it's what it feels like out   here cacti it's nice breeze lovely  Breeze isn't it there some bits of observation yeah it's too much yeah mine is oh a what oh yeah another view of that battery  there don't think you can get in   it folks sadly doesn't look like it just  found out there's trulers and all sorts   of stuff around here makes a bit more worry  about going in the bush doesn't it really wow can't get over that we  can see as look at that little for oh yeah that's Spain over there Africa  there mental that is mental let talk   talking about prisons early and that's  it it's got to be it look at the razor   wire and fence oh God yeah there's your  prison and Jala folks right on the end   where's their exercise yard is that it  with a green roof oh yeah it might be yeah right I think it's like an open air show where  they play um different animals like different   species like birds and monkeys and all sorts so  it makes you feel like they're all actually around   you a bit mad is it so that is not real you can  hear it's like a speaker you just heard it crackle   yeah crackle that it's mental I'm not sure what  the netting is for though listen oh soon I said it right bit more cooler through  here now we're getting around   the other side of the um the rock what's that that's so basic the next set up to catch the birs  for ringing purposes and that sound is for them to   to try and catch them and get them in there yeah  they're not hurt or anything in anyway that's mad might be a shop gate wa it's got a fence off here it's a bit weird this way is it so this is the Africa looking out point we got back up the mid steps we see what that  sign says going up there again darling no it   needs to follow the path on completely to  the it went up that way look the sign goes up it's not too far 500 M you ready [Music] [Music] he me [Music]

2024-12-03 01:52

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