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all right I don't know how well you guys can see  this but I just woke up to crank the heater on and   feed the kitties and start my day it's still dark  but it's snowing so exciting ah look there's some   accumulated on the van I looked out and I saw some  on the van and there's even some on the ground and   it's snowing pretty good right now I hope you can  see it well we were dreaming of a white Christmas   it looks like we're going to get it [Applause]  [Music] [Applause] [Music] first let's talk about   where we are we're on the alace wine route which  skirts along the eastern border of France right   alongside Germany the Alsace region has changed  hands many times throughout history and has   evolved into an amazing Fusion of History culture  architecture food and wine this route that we are   on is internationally known as the wine route  but to many Europeans it's also quite popular   as a route of Christmas Villages this small town  in the Middle Ages was a seat of the Lords of   riop Pierre hence the town being named raville  and I am sure I am saying those names horribly   wrong now today this area is nestled between  some of the most famed Vineyards of France and   these mountains you see right here behind us that  are covered with forests I believe they're called   The V mountains V oos GES but I know I'm saying  that wrong too these French words and accents are   really kicking my butt but back during the time  of the Lords there were three fortified castles   built on the mountain sides to defend the territ  teritory and we can see one of them right up there   there are hiking trails up to those castles but  there's way too much mud snow and ice for me to be   trying to hike up a mountain right now maybe if we  come back when the weather's better now this town   also hosts a Fiddlers Festival each year and that  is to celebrate the meeting of the Brotherhood of   Fiddlers who started Gathering here way back in  1481 in order to elect their King this Festival   is the oldest Festival in all of the alace region  and it's celebrated back in August or September I   can't quite remember but the spillover effect from  all of this Rich history is an authentic and an   immersive medieval Christmas Market a tradition  which only happens on Saturday and Sunday for   two weekends in December and spoiler alert guys  tomorrow is Saturday and just happens to be one   of those weekends and we are here to show you  how this town transforms into a medeval village   so you guys need to get prepared for a Christmas  Market like you would have never imagined but one   more bit of interesting history about this area  from more modern times back during World War II   American troops actually helped to Li liberate  this region from the Germans so just a little   interesting tidbit that ties it back to home just  a little bit I love when you see little pieces   like this because they're telling of the wildlife  and the nature around so you can see the birds the   squirrels that looks like a badger I'm guessing  and the deer and I've seen some of these birds but   that's awesome and I got to tell you this city is  just like out of a fairy tale it is just drop dead   stunning with these Timber homes and businesses  along here now I got to tell you if you're just   walking down the Main Street it all just kind  of looks like it's storefronts and shops but as   you walk through some of these narrow Pathways  back into you can clearly see their residences   and so above these businesses and Behind These  businesses people are actually living but this   is a true medieval town and you can just see in  houses sometimes the exposed beams that have been   weathered over time you can see some of the the  Rocks exposed where the stucco is peeled off and   guys I recognize that some of it is kind of window  dressing or maybe remodel or whatever I think some   of it's probably original but in any case it is  just absolutely gorgeous and I I got to tell you   if you're here on a wine tour through this region  you definitely want to stop in this town this is a   place I I I can't think of a place we've stopped  at where I would recommend more as you look off   every once in a while through the through the city  you can see up to the hills and you can see all   the Great Vines and today we were lucky enough to  have a dusting of snow and so it's just absolutely   stunning but as you as you come here you can see  where people drive through to deliver stuff and   people drive through to park their cars cuz they  live here so this is actually not just window   dressing this is a place where people live and I  I'm just stunned but whether you're coming here   to see the wine region if you get the opportunity  and I know it's something that a lot of you may   not have the opportunity but if you can get here  in the in the winter time and see these Christmas   Villages I can't wait for tonight this Village  is going to be special it's going to be special   in a different way than anything we've seen so far  and so I can't wait to experience and I certainly   can't describe it to you right now before I see it  with my own eyes hopefully the weather clears up a   little bit it'd be nice if it kind of stayed cold  so the snow sticks around but I think the snow's   already turning into rain which probably means  it's going to melt way I wanted to get out here   this morning and show you guys what we saw this  morning and there's a couple churches here and   there's definitely some stuff here I'm going to  save for when snow and I come out tonight when the   village gets alive and active but gosh this place  is just absolutely stunning and a must visit there   are two places I would say so far in France that  you absolutely have to visit and one is strawberg   and the second is this place right here wow so  it's Friday evening but this Christmas Market   is special and only runs two weekends during the  season now tomorrow starts one of those weekends   so we're here a little early but we're taking  a walk I know kurd already showed you through   here today A little bit but we're headed up to the  little grocery store to pick up a few things just   taking a sneak peek of some of the lights and  the up where they're starting to get ready for tomorrow for the medieval Christmas Market all  right it is Saturday we've been waiting on this   since we found out this Market was only open  on Saturday and Sunday and yesterday we showed   you the sneak peek where there was some people in  the streets but today this place is hopping with   people that have come to see this beautiful  little Christmas Village now this one has a   Medieval theme and we've already spotted a  few little added touches that you wouldn't   have seen at the other markets let's go check  this thing out guys oh and it's snowing what   is the name of this town I call it rville rille  I don't know how to say it we'll put it on the   screen and maybe we'll figure out how to say  it today it's R riverville I think but it is   definitely going to get medieval up in here guys  yeah I think they bring tour buses in from Kar   which is a larger sized tourist city with a  lot of hotels and stuff so I think a lot of   these people are coming in on the buses and uh  they're pouring in let's go a lot of them let's   go see this thing now as we've seen in this part  of France in medieval times there was a lots of   different kingdoms and F foms and all sorts of  villages and each of them had their own kind of   dress their own kind of foods their own kind of  traditions and I think as we stroll through this   Village we're going to see that we're going to  see the dress in the booths that serve the hot   wine and the hot chocolates and some of the  other things that we saw in some of the other   Villages but here it's definitely going to have  a medieval flare so I see what's going on here   so they have this giant wheel and they drop  the apples in there and it sort of pulverizes   the apples and then they carry them up over  here and dump them in the wooden buckets and   up on top there's a couple guys there with a  big old press a juice press and that's where   they're juicing uh and so you get really fresh  apple cider right there out of the press quality control so over here they're making apple cider  in different ways they have these different Old   Mills it's pretty cool and you can see  all the apples right here that they're   putting in these couple Contraptions and  juicing up and I think they're going to be   roasting a pig right here so it's a little  bit early things are just getting cranked up the bo head in handed with b and  [Music] rosemary and I pray my master [Music] [Music] be [Music] home the B head as I  understand is the rarest dish in all the land when thus be de with a  gay Garland let us in [Music] countyin [Music] our Steward has provided  this in honor of the king of which on this day to be served is in  pring name see all [Music] three great [Music] and roud [Music] is and we walked through here yesterday just  to kind of get sense of the place and uh it   was a bit hazy yesterday of course it snowed in  the morning but it's snowing now but the haze   is cleared and you can see down the road here  and up on the mountain is a castle a fortress   a fort of some sort and it just looks surreal as  a backdrop to all these beautiful buildings and   then I love this Christmas tree theyve made  out of tree bark here and of course we have   all the delicious Breads and pastries it's  interesting because St Nick is definitely a   different character than the Santa Claus we have  back in the US in France it's definitely a saint   and you can see here's the den of blie and still  another you can see the flags and the the uh and   the signages there which represent the different  Villages and here they have some kind of soup   and of course they all have like hot wine and  hot chocolate and other hot drinks what do you   think snow I love it I absolutely love it it's my  favorite Village and I told Kurt earlier I don't   know if it's because it's snowing or because  it's got the Medieval theme but um it's my favorite I got a big old dog it looks  tasty I thought I was getting in line   for pork it's so crazy out there  I got what they had is it good well it's good and I'm hungry well we're  even eating medieval style we got a big   old sandwich and we're just splitting it and  sharing it eating right out here in the middle   of the village it's so good it's also warm in our  hands yeah and our bellies yeah one more Vibe for me so this is the musician so you can  see he has all sorts of different pipes   drums tambourines and different types of musical [Music] instruments all the other markets that we've  been to have had the big fancy carnival rides   that they just decorated up with Christmas  stuff this one this one's a little different   what a really really cool Vibe they've got  going on in this town for this Christmas Market all right so we found a leather  Booth but it's not your typical purses   and wallets we've got wrist wraps I don't  know the official name sword holders really   cool hats hanging over our head  the giant corset belt things and masks really cool belts look at that tall hat up top I can tell tell yall it is a sea  of people and it is very easy to lose Kurt okay we've done it again for about  the 10th time today already there he [Music] is so what we're what we're learning is there is  one main street that runs up and down the middle   of this town so you walk up you turn around  and walk back out but there are little side   alleys that all seem to have a different kind  of theme they're own little kingdoms and fight   them set up yeah it'd be cool if later they  had a war a fake one of course I think they   going to oh they might they might throughout the  village you'll just stumble up on either bonfire   type things or these big trees that they' just  put in places and lit on fire from the inside   and they're wonderful hand warming stations  and when we're vlogging we have to take off   our gloves so you may see me stop at more than  one of these and you can smell the burning wood   everywhere as you walk and some of it's from the  hand warmers and some of it's just from cooking   the food there's a lot of food being cooked on  Fires chestnuts roasting and all sorts of other   stuff so really kind of a full sensory experience  yeah with the smells of the food and the and the [Music] drinks [Laughter] for they've stopped for a little mini break for me  to rest and there are tons of people here and   we think something pretty bad for this little  town has happened we think the power's out oh   we know the power's out yeah the power's  out throughout most of the town at least   all that we can see um I was watching a little  Booth when the lights went out so I know there   was an on and off moment the music stopped we  really hope they can get it going back soon   not just for us to be able to enjoy everything  but I think this little town probably depends   a lot on the tourism that comes in today and  tomorrow and the restaurants well they can't   serve food right now some of the places that  are cooking over fire they're still doing a   little bit of business but no credit cards and  this place is packed shoulder toosh shoulder   all up and down this one walkway I mean it  is a sardine can yeah yeah there's a lot of   people still my favorite Village but I am  cheering for whoever's working behind the   scenes right now trying to get these lights to  come back on but it's like they blew the whole town [Music] ha down 3 [Music] [Music] what okay one so we're having two little tiny  glasses of wine and some ESC cargo we   are in France see how this turns  out we're in Wine Country little reasing oh there they are guys to all right Kurt's going in oh they're little tiny stamps am I going to like them  I love and what you got to do   is take a little bread like this and  you take the juice inside of it look   at that you put it right there on the  bread that's the secret sauce right here so good oh you don't dump the butter out  you got to dump it on the bread you can   dip it on the I did a fuxa I dumped out  the Special Sauce she doesn't know about   Asar go I don't I don't I think I've  had it once before I'm going to try again like all [Music] right  think you're looking [Music] good all right so we ordered a cup of  pork a cup of pork to go with our es   cargo they gave Kurt a little gift of  some sort of maybe snobs or r [Music] or [Laughter] [Music] slowly you said slowly thank you all right that pork looks delicious want to give it a try  while I got the pork out the camera out I think we have found the party  side street you can't have any if you   don't me c trying to try in on the  party and what a fantastic Christmas [Music] Village think you get one and get up there  and challenge her to a [Laughter] [Music] [Music] fight good news guys the lights and  the music are back on what are you doing here   Kurt well I'm thinking about getting some  of these potatoes they look pretty pretty   tasty he's been wanting potatoes for a week  potato cakes this is the happiest little side   street for sure earlier I called it the  party side street and I think I'm on to [Music] something all right here we go [Music] thank you think about us thank you all  right I got a hot chocolate and it comes   with the souvenir cup that says the name of  the village on the cup I have a question how   do you say the name of this town [Music] is  all right we learned from the nice lady it   is pronounced re got to put the accent on the  [Music] end we've been for almost 5 years in [Music] advance [Music] oh [Music] foreign speech fore [Music] wish [Music] 2 0:29:57.320,1193:02:47.295 [Music] for try to get on the way [Music] back much good morning we slap wore ourselves out yesterday  touring around what is 100% my favorite Christmas   Village of all that we've gone to this week I  hope you enjoyed as much as we did was it your   favorite curtain I loved it it snowed which was  beautiful and the Medieval theme was awesome and   made it interactive went here among all these  great fields and so it was just stunning yeah   it's a beautiful Village everyone was kind it was  crowded like crazy and I didn't even mind that's   how amazing it was but I hope you've enjoyed  spending uh some Christmas Market time with us   coming up on this holiday season and I hope  we've helped spread some Christmas cheer in   your house we are rolling right up on the actual  Christmas day um we do have one more very small   very beautiful Village we're going to take you  to and that should come out right at Christmas   time it's supposed to be the most beautiful  Village of all Kurt we'll see I don't know   how they do that but with that we're going to  wind down this special video release right here   and I see you I guess maybe tomorrow if you like  this video be sure to subscribe to our Channel   and hit that notification Bell so you guys know  when we put out new videos and don't forget you   can always follow us over on Instagram to see  what's going on in between videos cheers guys

2023-12-26 14:57

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