Marella Explorer 2021 Staycation Cruise - Day 3 - Champagne Breakfast and Smoker Cocktails

Marella Explorer 2021 Staycation Cruise - Day 3 - Champagne Breakfast and Smoker Cocktails

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hello there and welcome to day three  of our cruise with marella cruises!   today we are in the wonderful port of portland  in weymouth and just behind me you've got the   golden horizon ship. it's kind of like a  really nice sailboat kind of experience   i've just had a quick price up online two thousand  four hundred ninety nine pounds per person   for a ten night cruise on board  that. but then just behind her   you have queen elizabeth part of the cunard  fleet. so we just got a coffee and we're gonna  

sit down and enjoy these on the balcony as  we have something exciting coming very short try and think of the cartoon character  you had just like that one bit of fluff the idea of this was so you can see it  when our dan's just like focusing on it   so uh yeah you've got champagne breakfast um we  paid ordered this last night it was 66 pounds   in total we've got a bottle of champagne  some dipped strawberries some cereal we   went for frosty's orange juice teas and a  selection of pastries with jams and spread   and toast so i'm going to dig in because  i'm really hungry and also really thirsty what's up tea we're going to save  the champagne aren't we for later because   we're not really morning drinkers i just said  something disgusting down there i was like i'll   go get a singapore sling lego drink half of it  and then top up champagne he's like please don't   i'm gonna taste test a chocolate strawberry for  us now now i hate eating things on camera so i   was gonna talk whilst you were eating i'll  just cover my face a certain vlogger that   we think you're talking about there that  shows everything in their teeth as they eat   and i don't want to be that too late is that right is it nice it's a strawberry  chocolate two of the best things ever   yeah you can tell that you're not a big chocolate  fan because it's all about the type of chocolate   like is it nice chocolate is it cheap easter  egg chocolate chip cheap advent calendar um   i might have to try one one in a bit yeah  so i mean i can film you eating strawberry   absolutely not no because it will be flying out  everywhere and i'll have pips in my teeth yeah but   you've just done that so gracefully you're also  bringing like two tea bags each so we thought   let's make a strong cup of tea and leave  that to brew this is thrilling stuff you know   so it may seem like all we're doing on this  cruise is eating well that's because we are   we're back in latitude 53 for a spot of lunch i went with a gourmet beef burger done opted for a bacon avocado and egg  sandwich both were served with fries for dessert dan had chocolate hazelnut  pudding and i went for a coconut creme brulee we've just had our lunch in latitude 53. that's  down on the fifth floor so latitude is the fifth   and the sixth floor and there's also let's see  what floor we are now seven juice on the fifth   and the sixth floor at the rear of the ship  the after the ship and there's also vista   which is an italian but we haven't gone to  that i don't think we're planning on going   either um so we had our lunch we didn't go for  starters we just wanted to go straight to the main   course so i went for a gourmet beef burger which  had some lovely kind of rosemary and garlic fries   dan went for the avocado bacon and egg sandwich or  this roll both were really nice and very tasty and   then for dessert i went for the coconut creme  brulee and dan went for it was a chocolate and   hazelnut kind of sponge well i'm pretty sure on  the menu it said it was a moose but it wasn't   it was a sponge um so now we've come up to deck  seven at the after the ship in squid and anchor   got a couple of cocktails stan's gone for  non-alcoholic cocktail uh so mocktail which   is cranberry juice apple juice and some kind of  syrup and lemonade in there which is quite nice   and i've gone for a long island iced tea which  doesn't look like the most appetizing drink   but i think i like it i might as well do a  i'm gonna get a moustache from this aren't i haven't got the stash a little bit oh that's  quite nice well i think that's just cola at   the top and i think this is all the alcohol at the  bottom so it might get a bit full on in a minute we decided to walk off some of that  food with a wonder around the pool deck   i quickly zoned in on the mobile drinking  bar and loaded up with a vertical lemonade unfortunately that one drink didn't  last too long so we went to indigo located at the front of the ship on deck 12  indigo offers 180 degree views day and night   you can head here for a cheeky  gamble partake in the silent disco   or even order some smoky cocktails so about sail aways we've come to indigo which  is the forward of the ship and we were kind of   expecting it to be busy because it's caught six we  probably a few people in here we are literally the   only people in here um it's still queen elizabeth  it's right behind me looking pretty as ever   and uh yeah we're just waiting to leave the port  now thank you so our drinks have arrived these   are premiums at 2.50 each not too bad at all so  we've got a margarita and we've also got a smoked   negroni so these come in this like fun little  box you ready for me to lift the hatch down cool ready oh my god how  do i open this little latch okay that's pretty cool not gonna lie so dan has picked up the sweet and smoky margarita  which is tequila whiskey based fresh lime juice   and agave nectar i think that's how you pronounce  it and we've also got a smoked negroni which is   bombay sapphire gin campari and sweet vermouth i'm  not gonna lie i don't know how to pronounce that   it's either the mouth or the mouth or the mouth  look over murph me either way i'm gonna drink it   so how does it taste we'll give it a go the  moment of truth just touched it expecting it   to be hot cause obviously it came smokey and  it's not it's really weird did you want to   correct how you said that word by the way  i just have to google it again no for me okay let's let's just drink because we can debate  this we're going to debate this all night long now oh my god that's so strong oh it's not a bad  taste but it's just really strong there's a lot   of alcohol in there trying to try some no thank  you what did you say about the smoke as well   smoke when you opened it um when i opened  it i swore down it's gonna smell like   bonfire all night now because the amount  of like smoke that's coming out of there   so i'm not sure how that's made i'm guessing  something underneath it we can't see yeah   i think it's putting through that little hole  there yeah so it's pretty cool let's enjoy yes   we departed portland about half past six and  were met with a very calm english channel from the front of the ship we could take in   some amazing views and even spot  some out of action cruise ships from there we made our way through the marketplace  buffet located on deck 11 to the mediterranean   italian restaurant as we've just come into  the mediterranean italian restaurant it's   on deck number 11 off the top of my head and  it's got beautiful views out of the ocean so the waitress has come over to our table and  given us little trays of salad and some ketchup   bread i believe it's called it's got some kind  of garlic dressing on it which looks amazing   we've already got our drinks from we want  drinks inside uh the kind of mediterranean   bar area so i've gone for a sangria of course  and dan's just gone for a lemonade so this is   included with the all-inclusive you have to pay  extra for it you also don't have to book a table   here unlike the tapas restaurant which is just  across the way so just kind of walk up we were   here right for openings we've got an awesome  table awesome views and some awesome food okay so this restaurant has loads of  different kind of italian food options   but kind of your basics so your  pizza pepperoni pizza multiple   of art including vegetarian gluten free  options also calzones which i've gone for   but i've been a little bit greedy as  well we have choices of pasta spaghetti cream and um type nutella on the side which is  actually a lot bigger than i thought it's gonna be   but i'm gonna dig in and i'll let you  know how it is oh dan's also gone for a oh   oh dan he's gone for a vegetarian calzone  which actually is really nice it looks like   it's got spinach in there and a bit of corn  so we're going to dig in and get back to you   i can't wait to be on a transatlantic  cruise and have no signal   how rude the first time i picked up a phone  in like an hour how was your caszoni it was   really nice i don't think i've had a calzone  before you haven't no that was my very first   thanks partisan wreck i really liked it  the mozzarella was like so stringy like you went all orlando and decided to order two  meals it's an ihop thing for georgie yeah so i'm   very full right now i definitely recommend coming  here especially nice views and we're only going   slow but it's really nice up here it's acoustic  music going on the background too so hello   copyright let's go get some desserts in the buffet  the buffet the marketplace yeah let's go after   yet even more food we thought we'd better walk a  little to avoid becoming the characters from wally so we had a little wonder around  the upper decks starting here   at the after the ship on deck  12 we find the sports court we head up to deck 14 where  you can get some amazing views   here we look down on the mini golf course which  is on deck 12 and is free of charge to use still on deck 14 we found the hideout  a space for older kids and teens where   they can play on games consoles  air hockey or just to socialize there's also these rather random  astroturf covered chairs because   well why not and who's that handsome fellow back down to deck 12 we found the shack bar you know the people aim on the floor taking  selfies deck 12 features the jugging track you can   burn some additional calories as you jog around  the light blue track that we use around the deck on deck 11 the pool is split into two  with a stage in the center where the   entertainment team run their daily activities for moving forward there are a trio of world war baths the pool bar which is great for frozen cocktails if you fancy gelato why not check out scoops so we just found these bathtubs don't  know if they actually work like bikes the snack shack with its beach huts and  oversized deck chairs is a great place for   grab-and-go snacks and if you have a momentary  lapse of memory as you're swimming in a large   volume of water and you find speedos then do not  panic the big tv reminds you exactly where you are oh fancy seeing you here if you got me jokes i got  them um so we've come down to the pool bar it's   about half past seven now in the evening so it's  very quiet around here because obviously the pool   is closed and we've only just discovered we saw  this on the menu anyway poor books on the cruise   frozen drinks so i've got enough i've got a  frozen margarita i don't like margarita but   i have a strawberry daiquiri again all included  in the all-inclusive price um so we're just gonna   drink these now currently sat in barcelona as well  not technically that's what this roof is called after our cocktails we headed back to  grab some photos of the beautiful sunset so we've just come out of the buffet um we  had a couple of desserts they were actually   really nice um i was full earlier i'm even more  full now it's all kind of like sitting here so   if you're coming on a cruise or if you've been on  a cruise you'll know take larger clothes with you   because it's just painful after a while it's the  amount of food that you eat we've got a cup of tea   in the buffet as well and decided to take it with  us we walked around the promenade upstairs we've   just walked down the promenade downstairs as well  we're just going to quickly pop into the shops and   see what they have available and then we've got  the show tonight at half plus 10 i think it's half   past 10 anyway that's pretty much it for the rest  of the night so it's it's really upsetting that   this is the last night on board i wish it was like  a seven day cruise to get a full experience but um   just being at sea and this amazing view is just  so peaceful and so relaxing i absolutely love it it's so calm it's so like creepy tranquil  that's the word maybe not creepy a little   bit creepy because it's missed in the distance  we haven't actually seen the show yet we've just   come back for a quick refresher but we have some  information we've had our turn down service done   and they they do like an amazing job i feel yeah  i feel really bad yeah because we make such a   mess but we're like usually we don't go through  a lot of your keeping and stuff like that but   we didn't put the do not just turn things it's on  our room and it looks really nice and chocolates   on the pillow yeah well they were taught to eat  the last two nights worth of well one night's   worth of chocolates but inside the room we've  received a setup which is a really sad letter   but it tells everything you need to know about the  go and home procedure also we see some like tanks   um now downstairs earlier we came across like a  board that had the listings of like you showing it   yeah the departure times um depending on your type  color i believe they start at 8am and go to 9am   i may be wrong something like that um but what  i have found quite funny is it says on here   um you need to write your name and your cabin  number on your luggage tag and then leave   outside your door before you go to bed we have  black luggage tags i've only got a black pen   so i don't know how we're supposed to write a name  on it or a room number but i'm sure we'll find out   um but we're 8 30. 30 yeah there's like different  colors of different times yes so they start at   eight and they finish at nine and but they do  have breakfast times on there so the marketplace   is open from 6 30 to nine so you can go for  breakfast before your slot or latitude 53 is open   from seven to nine and we have it in there green  for breakfast there no because it was too busy so   we had to leave it's a half an hour late see but  i'm just wondering if everyone's leaving let's   say eight between eight of mine people might be up  early tomorrow to make advantage of it and kind of   go and eat breakfast before you leave yeah so  i don't really know how busy that's going to be   so you might check it out it might not yeah you'll  find out very shortly in fact otherwise well we'll   be either having breakfast or and we'll be in the  car and with or without our luggage we don't know   right should we go and check out this last show  yeah it's supposed to be really good let's go so what did you think of the show well the first  two so we had the um movies one and then we had   the elton john one last night really good really  good stories and the music was great the dance was   great tonight's one was a bit lackluster i don't  really know why the dancing was good the music   was good but there was no storyline and it was  really hard to follow so it was just kind of like   random songs every now and again so yeah so after  the show we went and picked up one final singapore   sling well i did dan didn't from the lounge  come up to the room and we've packed all of   our luggage away and we've chucked it outside the  door um it's kind of scary not knowing if you're   ever going to see your luggage again i assume we  will but we've had instances on planes and stuff   where someone's carried my luggage off and then we  have to kind of chase it down the gang we're like   not the gangway the air bridge um so i'm  hoping that doesn't happen it's like smooth   sailing tomorrow pardon the pun but yeah  our bags are sitting outside our room is   pretty much emptied apart from the stuff we're  gonna have on us um it's just a bit of a shame   because i like this room and i like this  [ __ ] but i kind of don't want to leave   thank you for watching our first ever cruise  vlog we hope you enjoyed it as much as we have   hopefully we'll be on another cruise at some point  in the near future if you like this video give us   a thumbs up and don't forget to that subscribe  button just down below and we'll see you later

2021-07-18 06:56

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