Mar Del Plata Beach Part 2

Mar Del Plata Beach Part 2

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guys they're telling me over there at around  six seven that's gonna be nice at a party you   get your drink on so you can pay with your  your um your debit card so we're gonna go   over there keep this party going and uh it's  gonna be a full beach party actually so we'll thank you my friend i'm loving the energy here  guys loving it i love it i love it all right   keep it moving all right okay okay hello  all right see my brother out here hustling   i ain't gonna stop his hustle get this also on  what's up my brother all right okay all right all right let's walk up okay and we heading up to  see what's going on here now if you saw the drone   guys there's a lot of pool parties in this area  right here so we're gonna go check out all that   energy as well and then you got the lifeguard  hanging out here making sure everybody's safe   okay how are you hello yeah i'm good me  primed me prepared in uh it's a player yeah beautiful day beautiful a lot a lot of beauty super nice yeah the people they're super   happy it's good you know that down  there is the brainy really warm and it's good energy here all right nice meeting  you i don't want to distract him too much   from his job so uh let's move forward but as  you can see everybody here got the tents on   living a best life all right making sure  my closure is clean everything all right   see if we can get to this pier area and uh  see exactly what's gonna happen before this   after uh beach of the thing they say they have  going on right now all right oh wait a minute   there's something they're selling here let's see  what's up what are they selling here all right looks like there's some water or  something here let's see what's going on   all right i also got another uh store over  there you can purchase themselves here is it pretty dope ah there's another liner behind it let's go  check guys see if we can go to the other side   looks a lot better all right okay this is the hotter side this  is the side with the sun all right chilling i wonder what time everybody  shows up for this energy um go ahead foreign oh my god i'm seeing some people i  met from last night uh i'm like a   local celebrity people think i look like  surge i use that to my advantage guys all right what i need to do is learn his  lyrics and i think i'd be really good i   started wrapping some of his songs i'll  be in sir did you see this man what's up   i think he's from panama all right all right  guys so they're making smoothies here right here   so you can get your banana  smoothie orange smoothie   uh peach even over there i see some peach  but i'm here for some a bottle of water one pretty much you can get yourself a some  milkshake or fruit drink here all right what's up man how you doing i am yeah my parents are haitian but i was born  in miami yeah yeah i'm a youtuber uh yeah   yeah where's your channel ace live in  instagram on youtube youtube yeah yeah   yeah i am so drinking yeah i know you've been  drinking man no problem that's my embarrassment   oh it's your birthday man yeah you want to say  what you want to tell people for your birthday uh needless to say a lot of people are getting  over the hangover from last night and that   guy was his birthday so you can tell he was a  little bit uh just trying to get things in order   but uh yeah we're in the area for  the after party right here so cool oh guys this is the most  important drink you need to drink   right now if you are coming out here make  sure you stay hydrated this is very important i feel so good i want to make a conscious  effort this year to drink more water than   i drink anything else i don't think last year  that was the case i think i drank more alcohol   all like beverages than water and soda and  juices and stuff like that i want to make sure   i hydrate myself a little bit better or maybe  i would was drinking like water but and maybe   it was the most but it wasn't enough when i was  drinking i should like increase my water intake all right let's go check out  the boardwalk a little bit miami florida in buenos okay i'm missing we missing everything come  on come on uh she was a little follower   uh we'll walk uh she'll be my  excuse to look at the yoga uh   situation they got going on  over there let's go all right oh okay hey guys this is uh very interesting  but i don't have uh the flexibility you have to have flexibility  yo no tango it's a flexibility more you're regressing okay where's this guy you're regressing okay what no you're  not saying that can't see they'll buy all right guys so now we're finally  going to see some of the bull walk   man i don't know if i can make this into one  video a lot of good parts see if i can make it   this into one video but if anything guys i would  like to remind you guys to hit that like button   let's make this video have a large amount of likes  that'll be a mission what's up man what's up uh i   don't think people have seen this beach in the the  magnitude i filmed it here so let's uh encourage   that type of energy and hit that like button i'm  gonna be trying to do this also in brazil too when   we started off here with it and that's how we fit  to do it we're gonna keep on moving all right so   hit the like button and uh thank  you guys really appreciate that okay   i actually bought this stick the stick i'm using  because i said i knew i was coming here and i just   wanted to give you guys a whole like different  experience coming in wow i remember you what   were you just doing you were doing yoga right now  i was like straight doing some stretch because i'm   so tired of too many nights hanging out oh  but you still partying right what are you   going to do where are you going now where are you  going to party next night in cuba i work there   you work there you were there you saw me  yesterday oh that was you yeah yeah that was you   okay she works in cuba too wow okay wow no you  caught my attention when you was doing that   move i was like oh you break my heart okay so  what uh what are you doing now after party okay maybe we have some coffee you guys are  the hottest girls on the beach right now   oh we know it oh yeah that's oh my god   oh yeah driving me nuts right now okay so  you're partying tonight what's the best party did you see all the all the floors oh yeah  what's the best floor the top floor or the bottom are you streaming or ah yeah camera yeah  i'm a youtuber right you're a youtuber   yeah you're so youtube how many  subscribes similar than three it's uh right now is this um  i'm gonna cut it edit later from miami to the world is okay oh blue like the sky and a little  bit of like honey in the mirror you see that's what happened when you're so  super hot you know i know people come get closer   they say okay stop i only let you make me some  videos because i let you and i say okay if you   if you don't i say paparazzis get out of here oh  they're nice people i'm tired of them okay okay oh my god i like her haircut that's  very nice right here that's a lovely we're talking style i will follow you okay everywhere i will  follow you all the way home if you want me to   you guys live here we live  in buenos aires okay we're where i need to go don't know you'll necessarily  eat product made what do you want to eat is well um cheap i don't know if you see chili  chip is uh lavanderita express is the name for pasta okay oh pasta i went to manolo manolo  is so good it's good maybe sometimes there are too   many people like if you go go yeah there's a long  line long line where other places i should go now and it's like they tell you a story and it's  like automatic part iceland oh wow okay and   party the best party every day is what is it  okay oh wait cool we have three floors two   three three d shapes three djs and the  best women oh yeah it's the best women   oh yes we're so tired i mean it sounds  like it but we are hanging out since uh   24 days ago like every night and  like we're we're a little bit tired   you're young you can do it i'm gonna do a little  walking up this way and i'll come back they have   to talk to me later because the vip section is the  best one you have like a good chair so nice okay   okay the best the best sunset is the party  every day sunrise every day monday to monday   okay we didn't stop okay we're from  argentina you know okay more i'll be   back the the after party's gonna start in a  minute right yeah okay bye okay wow okay wow all right guys after constance countless  distractions we have finally made it to the   boardwalk let's see if i can walk around here  and show you some of the energy from this area okay all right guys okay shout out to the kids  they are super happy but they don't give your boy   a chance to feel so let me show you the boardwalk  and you can enjoy this some of this energy right   here okay all right boom we're right into it  and so this area right here is where you can uh   actually wind off oh they got surfboards as well  here so you can buy uh rent a surfboard and uh   yeah they got all these different cafes here  check some of this energy out right now at night   it's a whole different  story uh with this boardwalk   and then some of these places like we  mentioned earlier they have uh pools so   yeah this is like a cool area to just  hang out loud hamburger racer all right see something about this pool let's see all right i gotta go around that way  okay okay thank you all right do it okay guys hanging out enjoying the trip guys and i think  this is the area right here that i can go   to the pool let's see let's see  if we can get the information it's like a beach party right right here hello come on yo if you made a diy in uh platinum is all right and then so guys here we go this is  the the pool area right here and that's right okay so the most you'll be  paying here guys is six um   60 bucks or 30 bucks it pesos  if you play with pedestals hello how are you all right   okay guys we're back on the strip and  walk around showing you the energy okay   let's go beautiful day what's up what's up how  are you guys all right hello oh man no it's grande all right all right guys this is the artist right here basically guys uh my time here i don't know  how much hours i've been here so far but   i will say that um yeah it is worth coming here  yes yes i can see why people come here around   this particular time it is most definitely worth  coming here just the energy just the people want   to be around people for the most part you know  what i'm saying we i interviewed that one girl she   was telling me how she they wanted to be around a  beach that was more quieter but they wanted to be   in crowded clubs nah then you know you could use  it in reverse and some people just want to be in   somewhere feel alive sometimes you feel alive when  you're just around people that's just how it is   just feeling alive and just enjoying the energy  you know we're also individuals but like here   it's like we're just one organism here to enjoy  i want our time or our life you know what i mean   kids having a good time families friends  um sisters just enjoying the walk   it's a it's a it's a different thing yeah  so what's up what's up and you know the   thing what's so interesting about this whole  thing is you you see all different ages here   enjoying themselves so that's one of the cool  parts about here it's crazy how i was walking   through this area my first one of my first nights  here and this place was this close it looked it   looked weird i couldn't understand the concept of  how they had things set up here but now everything   seems way clear yeah and then they have things  for everybody because look you don't have to pay   to get in one of these but it does work out if  you do because then you can get in the pool here   which is a little bit better than getting  into sea water but the sea water is not   that bad to be honest with you i like  to see water it's really good out here number one thing though that i do enjoy and i'm  not going to even play with it is these bathing   suits these girls are coming out here they're  going crazy they're trying to be the best they   can be with the bathing suits i ain't mad at  them i'm gonna let them do what they're gonna do i guess this is a local bathroom right here yeah we were superstars okay all right guys let's see  if we can go to this uh a party   and see what's up and my battery's gonna die let  me change the battery yeah i got you play boys okay okay all right all right guys all right  nice meeting you respect respect respect okay   nice meeting you all right like the desert mr rain  oh they gave me back to my south beach vibe that's   south beach 90 south beach early 1999 as they  were they're playing music i haven't heard in   a long time in miami i'm really excited about  this oh man you're the man you're the manager his best life with the new york hat that's  how y'all do new york there yeah oh my god so while we're waiting to go to this after party  let's check out this pier area right here okay all right guys so i'm going to attempt to walk  over this rock area right here i got my sandals   back on let's see all right all right super dope  wow look at you can see the whole beach area from   here how many people you think is out here guys a  lot of people got old school right here just this   reminiscent of life in air okay a lot of people  are coming here this is like a cool picnic area   to soak up the sun and just to see the  sun go down from this angle right here yeah you don't want to be here drinking   this is not the place to be drinking right here  guys this place right here right this camera   this place right here you bust your butt and we're  out guys if you come to the other end this is more   calmer look at this calm beaches is right here  as opposed to that side right there this is the   sign where you want to come and take pictures  like the girls are taking pictures over there man this is happening and i can see why all my  subscribers like get your butt to modern projects   oh my gosh you're killing me now i can't say why see if i can make it to the end right there  and show you i'll speed up the camera show you   how quick i can get there wow hopefully you can hear me guys it's  not too windy because it's windy right here yeah we made it to the edge  i'm not gonna go any further guys guess what i met a surfer here how's  surfing here huh english is better for me   for everybody all right so how's house life  surfing here um very good very good i love it   it's very very cold all the ways right here  not that bad actually coming from this way yeah   you get better waves in the south um but only  in summer is it a big surfing culture here   yeah because i've been to other places i've  been to uh puerto escondido in montenegro in   mexico yeah yeah yeah those are very  big waves isn't it those little ones   you like or yeah yeah definitely definitely  i wasn't in costa rica before uh before uh   yeah yeah yeah i was in hakko and in tamarindo as  well and now i arrived like uh two three weeks ago   but this is home for you or yeah this is home for  me okay he's home and he comes straight to the   right if you want to no no no no no no  don't surf but it's cool to see uh people   surfing right here i was gonna go walk over  there to see what uh people are doing but   it's it's really nice yeah yeah i put  this condito you've been there mr usa   he uh he's a very famous in this part of town  oh man these girls is killing me with this   they're killing me out here all right guys so  people are leaving at the moment as you can see   huge crowd of people walking but the party is  starting on this end over here it's gonna be okay all right but the party  over there is going to uh   be starting in a minute actually it's  a lot of people there at this area so   i'm gonna get me something else to eat  and then i'm gonna head that way yeah oh guys this place is super packed and this is  the club the guy was telling me in the first   night of my nightlife video to come to and i see  why there's so many different layers to this club   we got a bar over there biscuits bar  here in the area right here this is   the club that people probably come to uh  i might come to it tonight we'll see what on happens oh yeah yeah yeah it was crazy do  you like the club here or what's better here   on the cuba uh i used to like this when i was  younger but i think now like you feel about   the best there's too much people here that's  don't why i think it might be better in just   a few minutes like in half an hour when sun's  getting down i think it's better that time okay   we're enjoying it here we're dancing a lot oh yeah  i love it it's good so guys we have a subscriber   right here what's up my brother how you liking  here yeah i like it a lot i played in japan no hold on girl now wait just a minute i've got  something to say you should hear it oh i'm   happy to make time for your feelings but you have  to admit i already do let's just break it down   to you and me uptown dancing all  around till the disco ball pops don't hate me cause i get attention  don't turn me into what i'm not being and i ain't oh gonna stop come on listen to me i've tried so many times to tell you   this is as good as i can be why isn't  it enough to be faithful and also guys everybody's having a good time just a free party oh hey you

2022-03-01 20:11

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