aa [music] [laughter] [music] [music] hello guy welcome back to my youtube2 and day first mein jo hai humane jo hai our ridge where i am standing right now this was covered at night time this cover and night ko jo We had covered how The Ridge looks like. Apart from this, we have covered Jacques Temple. We had also covered the train journey. So what are we going to do today in our day two? Today, first of all, we are going to take you. Hai Mall Road, this video will be about our Mall Road, what will be the Mall Road of Shimla, what will you get there, then do not skip the video at all, do watch it till the end. If you are new to the channel, then subscribe to the channel. Please press the bell icon and if you have not seen the previous parts then go and see them quickly.
Let us start exploring this which is our Mall Road. So friends, as you can see, this is our entire ridge and from there. This is our Mall Road route, we are about to go, now the Mall Road is waving our tricolor proudly, let me take you, apart from this, there is also a Rani Jhansi Park here which we will explore and show you, see this, Mall Road is written on this But let's go, from here our Mall Road is going to be there, let's go down as far as we go, there is a Mall Road and there is also a small corporation park here, I have shown you at night, now I will show you in the morning also how it is. There's going to be
a lot more here It is not special, there are trees here and apart from that, it is just a lot of rubbish, there is nothing here, it is our corporation called park, if it is maintained a little and makes it better then it is a good thing, see, this is all we have. Which is below, we will go ahead on the Mall Road, but let's go from here, the rest of the way is that if we come from there, we can go from there also, so now let's do one thing, when we come from here, then let's go from here. Our church is visible above, the church which I have taken it around yesterday , so it is going to be something like this and I will show you the view points made at various places. This brother does the sketch, what charges
does he take? 500, okay, so in 500. You can make your own sketches and get them made. Come on, I don't know where this Manish is, brother. And see here, there are benches placed at various places, so you can come and sit here. Let's move ahead and that. I will show the view point, I had shown it at night, Shimla is very amazing, the views here are very tremendous and amazing , you can also come up by taking stairs from there or you can go up by taking stays from here. Lakhar Bazaar and Ridge are ours and see this, let me first show you the view point, after that we will completely explore our mall road, we have come from there, we have come from above, we have completely explored the cafes etc. here. They are very well maintained and you will see such benches at many places all over the Mall Road in Shimla and see this is one of our view points built here and from here I will show you brother, what can you see from here in front.
You will get to see amazing views , look at these very beautiful children ready to shoot with guns and I think that is a mosque, maybe if it is located there then it is there, so that you will get to see such views from here, or see let's go. Further Let's go further and yes, here there are also Vash Rooms etc. Look, it is written here, ladies, you will see structures like this everywhere. First, let me take you around the Mal Road a bit, then I have to find my best friend Manish. Where is he left, he usually
remains behind me, I go ahead and he remains behind, so this is our Mall Road parking, sorry I am parking, this shop has started and see here, there are some cafes like this. are also maintained From there, you can go there and sit and enjoy the food along with the view. Look here, you will get to see all the popular brands. Let's move ahead, there are so many gift shops here. And mostly there is wooden material in it and let me tell you what time is this, it means the last day of September, today tomorrow October will start, today is 30th September, so here you can see how the bench is also made like this. There is a unique sign installed and in front of us there is Rani Jhansi Park. I will make a separate dedicated video for that. Right now I
am exploring my mall road. See this. Everywhere here, it is installed like this. Toilet 100 meters sign is like this. Boards have been put up, here you will get Himachal cap etc. Stalls etc. will be available in the morning , excuse me, how much is this Himachal cap, by the way, it is a clean cap, flower extra worth ₹ 2000000 will come, this is good, how much will the stalls etc. cost? What are these stoles? We have starting range from 250, 250 will come, 300 will come, 250, 300 means 200. It starts from Rs 250, how much does it cost? Will it come in the range of Rs 250? If you want it to be in the heavier range then this one will come for Rs 300. People are better off than this. This type of stuff comes here.
It comes in rabbit bull mix. How much is this, it is in the range of 450, it is good in the range of 450, what is your shop number, they show this card, right, if someone wants to come and do shopping, okay brother, thank you, please see this. Suits etc. sweaters are all there, pashmina shawls etc. are fine in fitted pashmina brother, thank you, apart from this you have to eat cake paste, here is the cake and pastry shop and there is Gyani too brother, this above is Rani Lakshmi Park, Lakshmibai Park, that's me later. Apart from this, as I showed you, the woolen items are available here and these are like this, brother, keyrings are worth four rupees and these ones are these. Those for hanging keys etc. and these gifts etc., this is fine brother, thank you and apart from this, see here, the price of these shawls etc. is written at Rs 450-350. You can see that
you will get some woolen suits of this type on everything and apart from this There is a lot of variety inside too, if you want, you can come and explore all our shops, this is located on our mall road, phones are also available, mobiles etc., take them. And look at this type of points brother, this place is full of garbage, this is a very good thing, there is a fine of Rs. If you can't find the garbage, then see it in this manner. Here too, there
are such view points at various places. Some of the paintings have been made in this style. Here it is, brother, I really liked it in this manner. Your tables are arranged here. Sit down, okay Manish, I found it, it's fine, otherwise I would have had to search for it , and you just keep going, keep exploring, first we will go up and then go down, Sher Punjab Woodland, everything is there, such sign boards are installed at many places.
The dustbins here are also of a different level and you will not find garbage anywhere here, this is a good thing, if you see it spread somewhere, then understand that the people of Delhi have spread it like this here. Sleepers etc. will also be available . Look, there is no such thing. As far as my idea is concerned, bakery is enough. There are lots of things for shopping like tea etc. Look here brother, our Dhamak is telling, this is inside with Dhamak. See what is there in it , there is a sale like this on 800 sweaters, you will get everything you want, take whatever you want and leave from here. Toys etc. means something for everyone. There is something for everyone, be it big or small or our senior citizens, you will definitely get something here.
If I compare it with the Mal Road of Nani Tal, then brother, it is very big, it is not like that, there is also a good and big place. But here I like the variety more and these views of the mountains in front of you are charming and charming, wow, what a thing, these shawls are fine, three suits 1800, only three suits 1500 Only ok, which are those suits, the 1800 ones, you will show me, see, I will show you the 1500 suits, I will display just like this, 1500 will come like this, come like this, see, there is a lot of variety, there is a lot of variety, you can come and see. There is three of 1500 and then there is of 1800. 1800 has embroidery, it will come with party wear suits, it will come with party wears. Look, this work is done, it is pure cotton. Thank you. What is your shop number? I will show you the number board. I am okay, okay, okay
, I will show you where you are going to get it, so this is our shop, apart from the name House of Vag. You will get all this here like shawls etc. 250 300 350. There is also a wine shop. Brother, here [music] we are moving ahead and look at this very cute sweater, show me what is its price, sorry. This MRP is OK, it is 25, it is off at 10, you will get jewelery etc. This
is a very cute cuff, brother, I came in the morning, took a lot of photos, took a lot of videos, it is very amazing, I will show it to you. out there There is a yellow taxi kept and here you also get Domino's etc. and there are many hotels here which according to me their prices will be high but the views etc. are going to be very good from here. Hotel Samrat is in front and Further ahead there is a hotel, that too is a hotel and here also a hotel has been built, it is resto type, well, I am slightly visible to you, see , there is a cafe of this type, you can sit here and no, okay, no problem. walk up [Music] You have seen from inside, the views will be very lovely.
Come on, there is also a way for the trolley to go from here, I will show it to you. Here we have all these hotels that you are seeing. There are many premium hotels ahead. Brother, the sub structure is different, so as I told you, here you get to see all the popular brands, the vehicles are not that big, but here it means the ambulance carrying the heavy lifting or those who have the permit. You will get to see here, just see this langur wow brother wah langur with grapes and see this is the view point here, there is food, drinking, fun and singing, where you saw food and good, there is also a model there, I will show it later, if you ever know, my gimbal. Just like there
is something ahead too, we are moving ahead [music] Well, the hotel I was talking about has arrived, the restaurant and the Red Tape people have opened their showroom here too, brother Red Tap People will agree by submitting their rolls , see , these are all very good cafes and the cafe I was talking about is this cafe, Shimla time is written in front and here, they have put such times and it is written on it. Don't touch, see and let me show you the view here, brother, the view is very beautiful in the morning, so brother, we took a lot of photos here, made our videos , see what kind of chair it is, it is called a hanging swing, so you can sit here and enjoy the whole life. Shimla, you can't lose, let's move ahead [Music] These are the hotels in front and these are some of the views from here Hotel Prashant, look at this, it eats well, there is also an I-F store, brother, and look at this, this is how it looks from here, go here too You can , brother, Mal Road is very big, it means hours of video is required if you want to cover it, but you can just imagine, I will see and how far can I go further, the video is getting very long. Look, the model was kept behind like this. This hotel is Hotel Clarks. There are some hotels ahead, I will show them to you. Look, one second, one second, this is the model, this is how it is placed here, this is Hotel Clarks, this is the seating arrangement, look at the buildings above [music], all these hotels. And which is a very premium hotel and you will also find such restaurants here, here you get budget friendly pocket friendly food, just see this, I will not come further, that is the last view point there. But we will complete this video because the video is very
long , this hotel is also very cute, see it, I will show it to you and here we have made points at different places, here we complete our video, come. Brother, look at this, you get to see such views from here, okay, we will complete this part here, I think this will be the longest part till now and from here is the way to go up from somewhere where we will rofe. Pay To go there, I may have to go a little further, but I will not go further right now, I can see Shimla Club ahead, I will just complete my video here, anyway you keep roaming, come on Mal Road, there is a lot to visit here.
2025-01-24 17:33