MALDIVES TRAVEL VLOG ️ Snorkeling, Diving, & Exploring Maldives with my Subscribers!

MALDIVES TRAVEL VLOG ️ Snorkeling, Diving, & Exploring Maldives with my Subscribers!

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foreign welcome back to my channel I am in the beautiful  Maldives right now and I am so excited to be here   so I was in the Maldives last year as well but  back then I was on a resort island which is a   very fancy and luxurious experience but I thought  this time I will explore a different side of the   Maldives so I'm on a local Island right now  this island is called dhara bandhu and it is   in the bar at all of Maldives so over the next  few days we're actually going to be doing a lot   of water activities snorkeling scuba diving  stuff like that another really special thing   about this trip is that I'm not traveling alone  this is actually a group trip that I'm organizing   it's my second ever group trip in case you  remember I did a group trip to Bali and some   of my subscribers joined me there so I'm doing the  same thing here and we have 14 people joining me   from different cities in India and we all got  to Maldives yesterday I flew in with a bunch   of people from Bengaluru so we took a flight from  Bengaluru to Mali and then a domestic flight from   Mali to dharavandu which was very cute it was  a tiny plane and one once we got to the airport   that the baggage claimed they were literally  just handing out everyone's luggage to them and   our hotel over here was literally a two-minute  walk from the airport I don't think I've ever   just gotten out of the airport and walked to  the hotel I'm very excited to be exploring a   completely different side of the Maldives with  local Islands obviously people live here so you   also get to see a bit of the local culture and  the people here are super friendly we kind of   took a walk around in the evening yesterday  and I'm already loving the vibe of this place today is officially the first day of our trip  and today we're going snorkeling so a lot of   people in the group are actually non-swimmers  and it's going to be their first time snorkeling   I'm very excited for them so we also have an  instructor with us there's going to be a lesson   we're visiting a sand bank and then two different  spots for snorkeling and in case I haven't already   mentioned this before the area we're in in the  Maldives is a UNESCO biosphere and the reefs   here are amazing the marine life I've heard is  wonderful so I'm really excited for everything   we're going to be seeing underwater today also  our hotel here looks really nice uh this is my   room and the interesting thing here is that rooms  don't really have numbers they have marine animal   names so I'm in the octopus room they also have  octopus themed chairs out there this one is the   Moray eel room and yeah each room has like a  different animal name to it I didn't get to see   the hotel yesterday because it was already dark  when we got here but it's just so vibrant lots of   pretty flowers gonna walk around and take a tour  later today but first let's go get some breakfast so this here is Tito putting  on a show for us hello Tito go outside take a little ride if you want to ask so here's the group meet everyone say hi excited  for snorkeling yes yes and it's going to be whose   first time snorkeling me are you scared or  excited more excited okay let's get going   so we're just walking up to our boat now and  this entire island is really small it's just   1.2 kilometers long and 600 meters wide so very  walkable and half of the island is actually just   the airport so it's quite a small island and I  think about 700 2000 people live here although   right now it kind of feels like a private  island because you can't see anyone it's   really hot outside so I'm guessing everyone's  just indoors so it's literally like a private   island just for us and look at the water so  many different shades of blue open windows so this is our boat for the day quite  a massive boat I wasn't expecting it to   be this big but we also have snacks  on board there's a restroom and an   upper deck so yeah the first stop is the sandbags I've been waiting for something new to happen so made it to the sandbank and it  is so beautiful the water here is   just incredible but we've just stopped  here so people who don't know swimming   which is most of the group uh can get  like some snorkeling lessons on how to   use those muscles put on your fins and  stuff like that so that's happening in   the back there and meanwhile the swimmers  were just chilling and enjoying the sandbag oh my God you want me to say something else caught up in my feelings when it happens when it happens back from a snorkeling trip and if you can't  tell from my face I am exhausted but it was   such an amazing trip both the spots we went to  were incredible and the Highlight I think was   swimming with the turtle uh I have never done  that before I've seen Turtles before in the   water but I've never like gone swimming with them  and this one was so up close it was just amazing   so how was your snorting experience amazing  amazing experience yeah what was the highlight so we've all just come for lunch some of us are   missing I feel like we've all  really earned our meals today   yes and from the quantity of food on our plates  you can see that we're very hungry foreign by we did the snorkeling trip had lunch um  showered and took a little bit of a power nap   and it's already 6 p.m um say I were out and  about on this island it's such a tiny Island   like I mentioned and now that the weather is  a little bit nicer and more pleasant we can   actually see tons of locals outside it feels  a little more alive this island and it's quite   nice the locals are very friendly and there are  cute little stores there's like a souvenir shop   here so you can see the ocean there this is the  road and on the side here they have these really   cute chairs very comfy swings and stuff and yeah  the silent is honestly just so cute so two people   on this trip were also with me on the Bali trip  so I'm so happy that they hear back again how's   your trip going so far so far very good happy to  meet Kiki again I'm happy to meet these two again made it to the beach and the sunset  oh my God it's just spectacular I've been waiting for something new to  happen so we're at this place called   the stingray Viewpoint usually after  Sunset you can spot stingrays sharks   a few different types of fishes here  so let's see what we end up seeing Oh my God I've been waiting for something new to happen that  Stingray Viewpoint was incredible definitely going   back again tomorrow and day after I have never  seen sharks I've seen baby sharks on the beach   but I've never seen like big nurse sharks just  swimming on the beach and I've never seen so many   sharks honestly in my life today we saw sharks  while snorkeling and then just on the beach they   were swimming at one point we saw like four sharks  swimming together and it was just incredible and   obviously lots of stingrays as well so amazing  experience but anyway for dinner we've come to   this place called honey bunny this island like  I said is super tiny but there are like a few   restaurants this one is the most popular one  so we're all like eating here tonight friends brought myself an audio shake  and I wasn't expecting it to   be this massive but it actually looks pretty good morning everyone it's day two in the Maldives and  today is a very exciting day because we are all   going scuba diving so I feel like at this point  I should just get my certification because this   is my I think sixth dive but for a lot of people  in the group it's going to be their first dive   and surprisingly today was actually an optional  day so there was an option to do a scuba dive   or visit a resort and to my surprise literally  everyone in the group has opted for scuba diving   so I'm very excited we're all going to be diving  together and we're just starting in a bit we have   a briefing and then like a child around at the  beach and then we'll be heading into the ocean to blow scatter the mile still finding my way to go so we're done with our briefing session which was  quite informative I feel I think we're all like   set now so we're gonna have a bit of a practice  session on the beach and then head into the ocean rest of our days no more losing sleep so we're  at the beach now and everyone's taking turns   to get like a one-on-one training on how  to breathe underwater with the equipment   and just get familiar with the equipment and I'm  really feeling like the mom of the group I'm so   proud of everyone for doing this because for some  people here it's literally their first time ever   on a beach and for them to be going scuba diving  I think is incredible so yeah very proud of this   group and while we're waiting the water looks so  inviting so I think I'm just gonna go for a swim we go so we're done with our lessons and I  think everyone sort of got the hang of   it so we're very prepared to go diving let's  head to the boat but actually everyone's like   gotten together here and finish in our group  is reading everyone's Palms so much money you make this feel like home excited foreign let's go how is it mind-blowing it was an interesting  experience and I'm like changed for like super   happy I would have regretted if I didn't yeah  really fantastic you know you made it for us   I saw one stop which I saw a stingray a huge one  I'm glad I did it all thanks to you again foreign and today was such a successful and amazing trip  every single person in the group and for the dive   a lot of people were scared and considering  backing out but somehow everyone did it and   everyone had such amazing time so I'm feeling very  happy I think we want to go back to the stingray   point and hopefully spot some more sharks and  stingrays today and also there are some souvenir   shops and stuff over here so since our evening  is free it's already like 6 PM actually we don't   really have much planned for the evening so we  thought we'll go check out some of these stores sleeping on bedroom floors bought some  coconut water at this cute little cafe go you'll make this so it's already our last day in the Maldives  I don't know how time just flew by but we   have an exciting day ahead of us today  as well yesterday I feel like I wasn't   able to Vlog as much but after we got back  we had dinner together and then we kind of   just walked around the whole island and it's  so beautiful and cute there's like a school   there's a court everything here and because  it's Ramadan time like everyone's out and   about in the evening playing cards and it  was just a very Lively atmosphere but the   plan for today is that we are visiting this  Farm Island called IDU Island which is nearby   so in the Maldives there are some islands which  are Resort Islands some are local islands where   people live and some are Farm islands and the  others are completely uninhabited so going to   be exploding a different side of the Maldives  today and seeing what a Farm Island looks like done with breakfast ready for our trip while we're  waiting for everyone to assemble I thought I'll   give you a quick tour of the hotel so this is Blue  World look at all these Turtles very cute decor   hello say hello so we've got  Tito here very popular everyone's   favorite attraction and this is the common area   and all the rooms here like I mentioned have  like an animal theme to it such pretty flowers this is my room a themed decor all I said to go snorkeling nice and sunny day today my favorite place to be  is right here not thinking out what brings me down   my favorite way to be without fear isn't  it now I'm learning how fast life no thanks made it to the island we're visiting today that  in the back we're kind of away from it but that's   I do Island and uh we're stopping a little  bit outside to go snorkeling first so this   area is sort of like I think part of hanifaru  bay we saw it on the way as well and this place   is famous for mantels it's unfortunately not  only Manta season but let's see fingers crossed on my own fast life no thanks I like it better when I'm under the Sun so down snorkeling and honestly that was  one of the nicest snorkeling spots I've   been to we saw so many different  types of fish and the Highlight   was that I actually spotted a shark as  well but made it to either Island and the   water around this is just so insanely  blue and beautiful it looks stunning this island is honestly so beautiful  and there are so many nice photo spots   and it's just so green and vibrant  already loving it so much over here I like it better when I'm under the sun will tell me what I need to  know Let It Go go with the flow   Open Sky never on my own wild like  the flowers grow fast like no thanks enjoying my freedom so we're  all done with lunch and   literally everyone is in the mood to just sleep  these swings here on the beach are really nice so   we're just chilling here and probably gonna take  a nap I like it better when I'm under the Sun so we're back on our Island it's been such  a long and exhausting day but also very very   beautiful but anyway we kind of just rested a  bit in the evening then cycled around the town   and got here to this really amazing Sunset  Point so literally on the extreme tip of   the island on one side here is the airport and  over here is such an amazing view of the sunset foreign all out with the decor and  the food looks amazing too so it's almost 11 pm right now and we've all  come out because it's our last evening I don't   know if we're even gonna sleep tonight we're  heading to the beach but everything is just   so Lively at night over here because of Ramadan  and all the stores are open till like midnight   1am and stuff so some people are stopping here  by souvenirs and then we're gonna head to the   beach last night actually some of the people  in the group stayed up late and managed to   see some bioluminescence uh on the beach which  looked amazing so definitely feeling a lot of   fomo so hopefully tonight we'll get to see it  let's see but yeah I'm really loving the vibe   of this island it's like super super safe  and the locals have just been so friendly   and I've had some nice conversations with  them as well and the kids here are so cute never ever good morning everyone it's super early in the  morning right now the sunrise just happened   and the sky is looking so beautiful and  because it's our last morning year I was   like I have to wake up early and go sit on  the beach and make the most of my last few   hours here so half the group actually already  left like a little while ago uh their flight   was early in the morning and the other half is  still here we're all flying to Malay together   on the domestic flight but I feel so sad  when a trip comes to an end but anyway I'm   not really a morning person so because I'm up  early today I'm actually feeling pretty good   and I think I'm just gonna sit here enjoy  this View and probably meditate actually good our last breakfast together so this is our hotel and that over there  is the airport literally that close and I think this is the tiniest  airport I've built you I've been   to like a bunch of tiny airports  but this one really is the tiniest so we're done checking in our luggage and I  think that was the quickest uh check-in and   security check if students I've ever had and for  the first time ever I've checked in my stuff and   come out and we're going back to the hotel  now because it's really hot inside as well   and they don't really have too much seating so  you actually have the option here of going out   and coming back when boarding starts so we've got  like an hour to kill so we're heading back again   to our hotel now I don't think I've ever done  this before so blue I'm gonna hold on to you just waiting to board our flight but this group  trip has been amazing so firstly I think I'd   really enjoy it being on a local Island it's a  very different experience to being in a resort   island and secondly just posting this group  trip it was so nice I feel like with group   trips I'm constantly just trying to make sure  everyone's having a good time so I really hope   everyone enjoyed and hopefully I can plan more  such group trips in the future in fact I have   one plan to Egypt in September so I'm going  to leave a link to that in the description in   case you want to join my group trip be sure to  check that out uh but yeah that's all for this   video I hope you enjoyed watching and I'll  see you next time from a different place bye I'm gonna hold on to you

2023-04-27 12:36

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