Malaysia Is More Than Just Food

Malaysia Is More Than Just Food

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hello and welcome to iphone we are in ippo  we're about to show you today in this video   that this city is not only about food  it's about culture and subculture as well   so welcome and let's explore  together the wonderful city of ipoh this lane is a historical lane you would see  ladies here hiding in the houses because they   were the concubine could you imagine so many  ladies living here and offering their services to   the workers from the tin mines like that's quite  unbelievable now we have street food everywhere   you can buy a lot of souvenirs it's a lot of  different vibe than back then the old amsterdam   exactly how did you put it this is the concubine  lane and imagine back in the days on one side   you would have ladies of the night trying to  allure you to go inside and on the other side   you maybe have had some obvious where people  would do some shady business and this lane   would have been mysterious and alluring at the  same time but nowadays it kind of turned into a   squid game pikachu dragon ball themed  kind of a thing so you have only   food and colors everywhere but here in one  corner you have some interesting people hello   hello i love your t-shirts ramones  are one of my favorite bands yeah   yes that's so cool and you have jimi hendrix on  your t-shirt i'm having metallica wow so perfectly   supporting the place that's so nice welcome thank  you so much this is a rock bar or what is it we just finished oh i'm so sorry i cannot get  you what kind of music are you playing blues oh   blues is my favorite genre around 50 minutes  later 50 minutes later okay i'm coming back for   that for sure right because blues is my favorite  genre ever yes and uh eric clapton is my favorite   guitar player of all time so i have to listen to  you guys all right ippo is the capital city of   the malaysian state of perak it was initially a  village that was built in the 1880s people came   here because they discovered a lot of deposits  for tin and now there is no more thin extraction   but ippo is living out of uh the tourism income  they receive from local tourists and from foreign   tourists as well and this river is basically  dividing the ipo city into you have the old   part of the city here where we are right now and  you have the new part of the city on the other   side of the river where there was a fire back in  the day and this is how the city was divided the   old part of the city before the river was where  the fire started and then they started rebuilding   the city and then they expanded after the river so  that's why that one is called the new city i know   today i think maybe we're going to hang out most  of the time in the old part of the city because   it looks more interesting and more historical  so so far i kind of like the city it's a bit rustic so i like it look we have a  very nice mural over there depicting   the white coffee the one  that we had in the morning nothing better than a cup of black coffee in  the morning keeps you up right for me it can   be white coffee see it's like michael jackson  you don't even matter if it's black or white gg i found a very nice like car drawing like an  airbrush from malaysia club motorsports super crew   shout out to perakro cool so you have uh  a car scene also here apparently in uh   ippo oh not bad cool together with the mural of the old man drinking  the white coffee which is the symbol of the city   for some reason i don't know exactly why i wonder  though if they have new cars would they have also   old cars because this being an old mining city  you never know maybe we can find also some old   cars as well what do you think that would be  fantastic that would be fantastic really for sure   okay let's go apparently this place is called  old town white coffee let's go on this alley   and continue our way towards the deep and  inner side of the city now we are now in   info old town and uh we're actually gonna cross  through some some of the arches here that protect   you from the rain whenever it's raining i love the  local touch they they put a lot of vines here to   cover and some umbrellas they're over there see oh  yeah it's very colorful i like this kind of like   vegetable mix with old architecture it's  beautiful it's a natural shade from the sun so apparently i'm meeting a snowball in july  okay never thought it was possible but apparently   it is only in evo in our country we also  eat snowballs but not the yellow ones   yes you're not supposed to eat the  yellow snow now we are eating this   but now we're eating the yellow  snow so frank's up up i'm sorry okay enough of the touristy kind of things around  this concubine lane enough of the street food and   all the colorful pikachus it's time to listen to  some good music and try to eat time to enjoy some   quality performance so i  give to you ippo blues band i could oh nobody so thank you so much have a wonderful time thank  you thank you amazing people thank you so much right all right let's go  keyboard guys rock and roll everybody joining in the vibe here's jason we're here with him in his uh dessert  shop let's call it where they make taopufa one   of the beloved chinese desserts here in april the  process is very simple with five simple steps but   first of all we have to soak the beans then after  that we're going to grind by this polishing so   we're drying we'll proceed boiling the salmia and  for how long do you boil it about depends on the   size but usually it's less than 30 minutes less  than 20 minutes okay so it goes from that big bowl   when you're boiling it into a small bowl cleaning  yes pouring inside the vinegar and how long does   it have to stay like this it's about 20 minutes 20  minutes and after 20 minutes it's ready for eating   yes really quick okay i'm curious now to try it  because i never had to ever so let's see how it is okay sprinkle sprinkles fingers bring it  down a little bit more a little bit more   a little bit more yeah okay and now the last  one are you blessed with me i'm accessing me yes now good sweet but good very good i'm not that  much of a sweet kind of guy so it's good i   like it the sesame seeds balance everything  properly the original style the old style and now each of us have a different  one i have the old traditional one the   brown one and chili has the soy milky one which   flower metal so you go yours i got mine  okay three two one okay it's competition caramelly nice i like it sweet but a  bit too sweet for me it tastes like   rice milk in my country this one too i cannot  distinguish between the beans and the rice kind   of flavor you know i like the jiggly part  but still all this sugary stuff excuse me   but it's very delicate it's very delicate  it's very smooth try mine and enjoy yours i think i like yours more i like mine okay   interesting i think the dessert  gods might have heard me and they gave me one which is not that sweet and  apparently i'm supposed to try it without a spoon   and slurp it in one go so let's see  if i can three two one bottoms up yep a bit sweet but okay not bad for  a dessert it's not that sweet as the   breakfast beforehand which is kind  of what i like so goes good with the   food that we had before okay no more food now we  can go and explore ippo without food you know guys   i'm a sucker for street art and in the newer part  of the city you have all this cool stuff on one   side you have the murals with sailor moon and with  the tourism and with some horses and some family   on the other side you have a guy who's throwing  a paper plane and on this side you have more of a   modern kind of thing with graffiti and with a  new school kind of a street art so perfect i   mean ippo is a multicultural city where old style  and new style and traditional kind of style and   urban kind of lifestyle on the other side can  all merge together into one multicultural pot   that's cool yo guys we found the friend while  walking around ippo we found some friends   can you guys see what dj is showing you all the  stylosaurus says this is this this is yes this is   a green stevanos hours this is a bowl of white one  a red one a blue one how much is for one adding   it for three sending it for three and four one  five four four four one okay i want one of course   we need also one which one to get  though i think i should get this one that one and the big one cool yes we have here thank you thank you  thank you thank you so much i know i will   have to figure a name out for it till the end  of the video oh thank you thanks thank you   okay or maybe we can make a poll for everyone  and ask everyone what the name should be   because marcelo the name is already taken  and i think maybe fatosaurus because he's fat   i don't know i'm still thinking  how do you call dumplings in malay tips and just like that night has arrived and  we are here at this wonderful establishment   at this hawker center which is called metro ipo   and we're looking for a place to eat  something something something for dinner   and i think i have an idea of what i'm going  to get let's see if we can find it here the eyes on this guy remorseless as  he looks into the eyes of the frog the frog doesn't know what's coming we're gonna get some frogs  hopefully they're going to be good   because i've heard a lot of good things  about the frogs so did you are you ready i was born ready for getting frogs so this evening  so now time to uh enjoy the frogs that were in the   box that the guy had apparently here we get  some forage to enjoy the frogs with one for gg   thank you and one bowl for me and we have two kinds of frogs we have  the gingery kind and the chili kind so   i think for you gg you should start  with the gingery guy i'm not very sure oh man this is hot uh let's go for frog   we have one piece here and chocolate  for me for holding the chopsticks wrong i wouldn't have noticed if  he didn't say anything and   frog is very good it's amazing i  love it a bit spicy i don't know guys with the chili oh yes very good   and the porridge is actually very good  what do you think about the froggy   it's good it's good the forage is amazing our  frog tastes like chicken it's a softer chicken   exactly that's why in romania  we have them also we call them   lake chicken or pawn chicken yeah but if you put  this piece of meat in my plate i'm not gonna eat   it this one yeah this one this just looks for  like from another animal okay but it's good okay   i've tried it's not my first time trying frog  but it's my first time trying croco malaysia   um this tastes better than the one i had in  romania yes this rock died for our sins so we   should enjoy it sure okay and now before we go we  have one more thing to do we have to figure a name   for this guy so in our live stream that was filmed  before this video yes miro nation was very nice to   give us a suggestion and we actually called his  suggestion so this is our new friend assam boy   or sammy for short he's gonna accomplish  accompany us throughout our journeys in the   couple of following days so say hello  to sami the new member of the family that being said it's time for us to continue with  the food so as you guys saw today in ipoh is not   only about the food you can find street art you  can find race cars you can find all cars you even   can find juice music which is so cool right right  so let's go to show you ippo is not only about   food it's about culture it's about diversity it's  about colors so thank you for watching our video   don't forget to subscribe like share do the  things that you do help us make more videos i hope i mentioned that properly  thank you for being our members   and thank you for being our super dojos goodbye

2022-08-18 11:30

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