Making £1000 per WEEK on UberEATS & Stuart Part 2

Making £1000 per WEEK on UberEATS & Stuart Part 2

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It's. Challenge guys it's. Happening I'm keeping, up and keeping the momentum we can do this. We. Rejoin, on day four of a week-long challenge, to make thousand, pounds during deliveries, so. Far I've made just over 420, pounds or as halfways they go for four days left to go whoa. What's. Up guys we're, on day four, of this, lovely. Isn't it just beautiful. Drama. Road. Rage drama notify us somewhat, hoping for a fight just for the video guys but you know violence. Ain't cool so I'm glad we didn't see any violence that, still. Pre entertain, and. I got a drop-offs all right here go. Find the right building, oh, here. It is. Just. Got myself some, some. Donuts and. I'm cracking. Cracking. Open some some caffeine for the first time on this adventure, - just give me the boost for the hopefully, busy, evening. Shift give. Me a little bit more awareness. When. I eat some food and then, or. Hopefully a delivery comes in. It. Was busy, so. Busy that inform any speaking updates that's, why you stuck watching this awesome montage, footage, of shots around central London I was. Halfway through the challenge and I'll slightly ahead of schedule, with. The hopefully, a busier weekend coming up I feel like nothing could stop me although it, did start dripping a bit of rain. Well. If. Fix is cool. We're. Loving that prick yes. Okay. How. Did you need this in Paris. Thank, you. All. Right guys, we have passed the halfway point we, made over 500, pounds I have, been racing, around I can't even kind. Of describe to you how fast, I'll be riding around steering, all these in, deliveries. Thank. God is known that it's use preoperative fulfilment, and then, someone's right there, we made it well, over hundred pounds today is leaving 10:00 p.m. yet we started a midday. Walking. Out of there Chappy's and. Yeah. Please please let me out work. You going to 1 a.m. today either no until the delivery stop right in what's, the point in stoppin if the deliveries are coming in just to wake up earlier tomorrow with no deliveries. But. Yeah. Feeling. Good. Where. The. Is. He picking up some ice cream from a storage, unit. Do. You see ice cream around here. Got. Those stairs. So. Search for the name of the restaurant nothing. No. Dessert shops around here I've, tried calling them as well they didn't answer so, might. Be a might have to cancel this might be a wasted, wasted, trip sucks, really just wasted a bunch of time I was in such a good flow as well, we. Can't find it so what we're gonna do I mean it. Doesn't have a proper address it, doesn't have a street. Number, just. A name, which, Google, doesn't even know and in. This. This. Unit.

Unit. Thingy have searched that nothing, comes up on Google so, whatever. Man. This, isn't the dessert. Shop on over. 5, c1 you change the name on over man I just spent time looking at this place for no reason it. Doesn't. Say desserts or does it just. Cool, in you know, yeah, well this is unit 99 which isn't very clear. Thank. You, giving. Him a very grief we go someone's ice cream we. Figured out in the end the poor student 99, is a door number, it, worse thing about that doesn't just cost me money, it. Cost me my my, my. Good mood well, I'm still gonna get moved you know I was in a really good mood we'll, be fine, well. This item stays cold which is pretty soon because it is pretty chilly out there although. Actually, we're. In shorts, and it's, a lot water cup warmer, warmer. Than last night remember. When I was just started complaining about my. Mood we, just want a double request and over. Before. We even unlock the bike just then so immediately. After this drop which is really really sure we've got a double loop uber, pickup. Is. This good stuff is really. Really good stuff guys. Ice. Cream delivery. Then. My rush came to a sudden halt a half, hour delay it, was the perfect opportunity for a long waited snack. Well, that, was an annoying, half-an-hour. Wait. I think, is now raining. Oh my. God I think we might be looking at luck in those terrain it's. Wet on the ground I. Don't. Feel any rain. Doors. Slowly, getting heavier and heavier this, challenge. Little, did I know but, a 30-minute, wait of the previous restaurant, was just training for the equally, long wait and a cramp McDonald's, the. Staff seemingly, ignored all the careers and decided, to take 20 minutes while it breaks just as we arrived. You're really grinding on me as it was late and I was intending for it to be a quick final delivery before heading home, screw. It I did, another one afterwards, anyway. So. We made it home day. 4 is done or over halfway we. Made a bunch of money so far and I, need to use this massive. Massive. Broccoli, steamed some broccoli and that's. How we keep, doing. These rides and some. Junk food let's, find out what my legs can keep doing this and. Make. My. Thousand, pounds, doing. With just a backpack, and a bicycle. Date. Five start with a string of deliveries, that took me to the Northeast, and almost into the countryside. I've. Discovered a lovely peaceful comfort connecting two areas and great some Molnar on pathways in the process. Begins. And fresher and the lungs and being in nature it gave me a welcome break from the central on the main yard the day before. Pick. Up number three done and. It. Is raining. Twelve. Hours of being wet, let's. Do it. All. Of there's a pot of gold in a bowl of that rainbow. Totaling, 1,000. Pounds. Let's. Find out as we continue, what a long takeoff. I. Understand. This big loop around. Like. North East London like, into the suburbs 30 pounds, to this loop it's pretty cool. Right. So we've done seven, deliveries, two of us six, wait, eight. Deliveries, a deliveries, in just. Under four hours and, the welcome to glamorous lifestyle, of Oh. Making. A thousand pounds a week on, a bicycle this is, this. Is my breakfast mmm, it's got a good feeling about today I feel like you, know we've been we've been keeping it local which. Is quite nice it's more relaxed can I try and eat this before my next delivery comes in and then. Keep. Doing deliveries until we make a thousand pounds. Look, we are in Stratford. Despite. The. Stewardess. Is about to get to 1.5 it says 6 pounds of minimum, delivery, is madness, I'm pre-show will have that burgers.

Very. About triple follow 12. Delivery. Don't create great just eat thank. You. Quick. Time baby with the beats a good time I've got bad vibe for that place. That quick. I've. Found I'm. Having a hard time finding 16, to 10 now that's like 20. To 18 is. It like a weird alleyway. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Well I'm not the front of that not a roundabout huh, yeah. I just saw just saw it now. Okay. So soft. Bust em I, had. 600 pounds to my name, as. I saw the morning which. Means for last three days I need to average 133. Pounds. A day to hit the thousand, oh just. Gone new but hold on hold on guys live live, action here oh. It's. Franco its, pizza I don't I don't do I don't do Frank I'm anchorman it's. Too high quality the pizza. That. It's, too risky. Anyway. I think we've made 153, pounds then in, ten. In the bit ten and a half maybe. Ten. Hours 45 the. Pressures, kind of off in that, sense for today there's. A good Stewart boost 1.3. X until, midnight which is a. 5. Pound 20 minimum, a delivery we're, gonna head towards, home so he finished near home tonight so we can have an early night mid, finishing, at midnight and, no. Long commute home and oh. I. Need a buy junk food owner, you long for you tonight, that's been a good day been a good day, let's. See what happens on the way home the Huber, gauntlet. Okay. Guys remember like, two. Seconds, ago when I was telling you about how I was gonna buy junk food I was gonna fight so much junk food it was gonna be so delicious. I grabbed, some soupy I grabbed some similar, graphs and pasta I grabbed some onion. Ring crisps, oh I'll. Go to pay and I don't even broma haven't even put any, any. Money out of me I'm out here with no money I'm, making, money but I don't have money, looks. Like I'm just gonna be eating some scraps of rice and pasture, and all. The vegetables i cook last night. But. That's part of the challenge isn't it. So. You got pretty close to home and then someone decided they wanted, eight. Bottles of coke delivering, eight balls or to talk to someone and. Then we're going home maybe, unless, we get delivery for the nine balls of coke. Yet. Again my morning kicked off delivering, in the leafy suburbs, of East London fresh. Air filling my lungs in great, British pounds filling my pockets. Perfect. It's going back to Stratford this addresses, a bit, around. Them though isn't it okay. So we have a receipt, it, has the full address straight. Back so where we want to be all the restaurants, today is a smash, fest. Also. Also, lift is this, no. Mirror. Alright. Something a little bit different from the norm. Keys. Delivery, delivering. Some keys. Four, point five mile drop which is, how.

Many Kilometres is that about seven seven, a half kilometers let's, go we're gonna actually into pretty central London so that should be interesting. Here's. The drop-off oh. I'll. Just better show you that made uh, eight. Pound 84. That drop, plus the one pound fifty because there's a long pickup plus. One point three times X so I made like. Four. I only, like thirteen pounds that delivery as you can see now I'm going even further west so the, party, begins tonight. Swirl. Come, on. We. Were smashing, it for. Six. Hours I haven't, eaten anything today yeah just have one cup of tea today looking. To eat something soon but the builders keep coming in so I want to keep doing them because we've. Got a thousand, pounds to make. I'll. Just have a break. All. Right guys, this. Is pretty epic I just. Picked up my 100th. Show order, of the week come on a hundreds, two orders for the week I just. Take them on I'm on 75, uber. Orders for the week yeah, we basically going non-stop for the last, ten. Hours I've. Had a couple of mince pies for food a bit, of water for, the jobs coming in back to back to back to back I've, only done two overs, today and I think this is my 19th, Stewart and. Report, yourself stay online throw like midnight again just cause because I think we got this in the bag every, delivery I do today is one, less, delivery. I have to do tomorrow but I'm still gonna go hard tomorrow so I want to make sure I've really got this thousand, and yes, I'm, writing an on electric bike and with. One gear cars, it up guys you, don't need that electric stuff. Feel. Like. Yeah. You, know rest soon we. Were pretty far from home one of my dogs pick up two miles away I don't know research is dropping in. Mars, will try and get paid to go home and I also want to see her get to 100 balls again today and. We're kind of close I. Finished. And I offer a few final McDonald's, deliveries just south of the River Thames enough. To hit my 100-mile, target for the day dropping. In to fast food restaurants and the small house the night gave me a strong feeling of being in an ultra cycling race and in some respects I was, arriving. Home at 2:00 a.m. I felt proud I managed to stick to the challenge and I, only had one last day remaining, because. I put in such long days earlier, in the week to reach the 1000, pound goal I just needed to make a measly 82, pounds the following day, find. Out in the next episode, where. I'll give the breakdown of the full stats and results for a challenge maybe, even some screenshots for those who didn't believe it was physically possible. How. Much Astana feel stress. Especially. Because my phone cable azzam ride in each time a pedal, is. Ding-ding-ding-ding. Ding-ding-ding-ding.

2020-04-10 15:29

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